Mad Doctor

Chapter 873: Uncle Ye's anger

Chapter 873 Uncle Ye's Anger

The more Ye Wutian said, the more angry he was, the tiger's poison does not eat his children, Ouyang Xingyue was not his own son, Ouyang Zhengren, but he was also a relative, blood was thicker than water, but Ouyang Zhengren and his son were desperate to save him, which made Ye Wutian Wutian is very unaccustomed to seeing, and being vicious to such a field, what is the difference between it and an animal?

Ouyang Zhengren's father and son were ridiculed until their old faces were blushing, and they felt uncomfortable. Ye Wutian's mouth was notoriously poisonous. ?

"You... you are talking nonsense, nothing, Ye Wutian, don't spit your blood." Ouyang Zhengren trembled.

Ye Wutian didn't know why today, and suddenly burst out with inexplicable anger. In other words, he wouldn't be so impulsive, but now, he doesn't want to endure it.

He rushed up with a single stride and kicked Ouyang Zhengren in the stomach, causing Ouyang Zhengren to step back again and again.

This leg made Ouyang Zhengren suffer, Ye Wutian kicked in anger, and naturally he would not be polite to Ouyang Zhengren.

Thinking of himself being misunderstood by Fairy Feng, his face-turning with the Ma family, and the bits and pieces between him and Yang Langzi, Ye Wutian felt that he was going to explode, and it was uncomfortable to hold back.

In Ye Wutian's heart, a person like Ouyang Zhengren would be beaten if he was beaten, and there was nothing to be sympathetic to.

Ye Wutian's sudden action surprised both Ouyang Xingyue and Ouyang Hao and his son, why did he do it without saying a word?

In the blink of an eye, Ouyang Zhengren was kicked down, but Ye Wutian didn't intend to give up, and rushed up to kick Ouyang Zhengren a few times, "I **** kick you to death."

Ouyang Hao finally came back to his senses, rushed to Ye Wutian and wanted to push Ye Wutian away, but he was not Ye Wutian's opponent at all.

"Ouyang Hao, I've been wanting to clean you up for a long time. Today, the mother took the initiative to bring you here, so don't blame me." Ye Wutian also kicked Ouyang Hao a few times.

Uncle Ye seems to want to vent all his grievances. At first, Ouyang Hao wanted to fight with him for Cheng Kexin, which made Uncle Ye worry for a long time. Today, this guy is obviously avenging his personal revenge. He beat people without any good reason.

"Stop, Ye, what qualifications do you have to hit me?" Ouyang Hao, who was kicked several times in a row, was furious. He was beaten for no reason, which made it difficult for him to accept. The dignified Ouyang family was beaten like this, and no one else could accept it. .

"I'm the one who beat you, what's the matter? I still beat him and I'm not convinced? What if I'm not convinced? What about hitting you? What the **** can you do to me?"

In order to vent his anger, Ye Wutian also specifically kicked Ouyang Hao's face, kicking Ouyang Hao until his nose was blue and his face was swollen.

"Ye Wutian, this is not over today." Ouyang Zhengren, who woke up from the pain, gritted his teeth and shouted, trying to get up, but the pain from his abdomen made him unable to get up.

"Grass, it's not over? I'm still **** with you." After speaking, Uncle Ye kicked again, and in the next instant, Ouyang Zhengren screamed.

What's interesting is that Ouyang Xingyue on the hospital bed did not say a word, and her expression seemed to outsiders to be acquiescing to Ye Wutian's behavior.

Ye Wutian then kicked Ouyang and his son violently for a while before stopping. He never thought of hitting Ouyang Hao and his son, but now that he did, Ye Wutian didn't regret it. Humans are no different from stepping on an ant, although Ouyang Zhengren's status is far from what ants can match.

After beating people, Ye Wutian felt extremely relieved, pointed to Ouyang Zhengren and his son on the ground and asked, "Do you know why you are beating?"

Ouyang Zhengren and his son, who had been beaten with bruises and swollen faces, were full of anger, "Xiaoyue, do you have nothing to say?"

Ouyang Xingyue was unmoved, as if the matter in front of her had nothing to do with her.

"It's useless for you to yell at anyone. I want to beat you two **** for a long time. I can't help you scumbags who are not as good as beasts. I can't even save my own people, but you really have them." In heaven's words, Ouyang Zhengren's father and son have long been known to be bad, but I didn't expect them to be so bad. This kind of beast, if you dig out their hearts, I'm afraid they will all be black.

"You are talking nonsense, what evidence do you have?" Ouyang Xingyue got up and said, "Ye Wutian, you'd better give me an explanation today, otherwise I won't finish it with you."

"What's the matter? You want to beat me too? Or should I let you beat me too?" Ye Wutian's tone was full of contempt and disdain.

After Ouyang Hao got up, the first thing he did was not to call the police, but to call the bodyguards. More than a dozen bodyguards pushed in the door, how could Ouyang Hao, whose face was swollen like a pig's head, care so much? Pointing at Ye Wutian and yelling at his bodyguards: "What are you still doing? Hit me, I will be responsible if I die."

"Go out!" Ouyang Xingyue finally spoke, but she had no good words to say. She didn't tell Ye Wutian or Ouyang Hao what she said, but said those bodyguards to you.

"Can't you hear me? Let me go out." Ouyang Xingyue's voice was cold, but she exuded a sense of anger and self-control, and for a while, the bodyguards who rushed in were really frightened.

"You don't need to listen to her, beat people." Ouyang Hao was already crazy, at this time, he was afraid that even the cows wouldn't be able to turn back, and he was beaten by Ye Wutian inexplicably.

Those bodyguards are in a dilemma, whether to enter or not to retreat.

"The last time, go out." Ouyang Xingyue said, this time, she was louder.

The bodyguards who rushed in looked at each other, and the last leader turned around and left, ignoring Ouyang Hao's orders.

Ye Wutian was very happy, such a scene is really rare, Ouyang Hao's bodyguard didn't listen to Ouyang Hao's command, which is so **** funny.

It can be seen that Ouyang Hao has failed in his life. If such a person puts him in an important position, he is afraid that the mud will not be able to support him.

"Ouyang Xingyue, what do you want to do?" Ouyang Hao rushed in front of Ouyang Xingyue, his finger almost pointing to Ouyang Xingyue's forehead.

"Retreat." Ouyang Xingyue roared, "If you don't retreat, you will be at your own risk."

Ye Wutian, who was afraid that the world would not be in chaos, added: "Ouyang Hao, after all, you are also an international student. Don't you know this? My family, Xingyueming, is clearly helping me."

Ouyang Hao was so angry at this sentence that he wanted to rush up to fight Ye Wutian desperately, but he finally held back. There was only one result of rushing up, and that was being beaten by Ye Wutian.

"Uncle, you disappoint me." Ouyang Xingyue said.

The guilty Ouyang Zhengren said, "Xingyue, why are you disappointed? I was disappointed. You didn't help me when I was beaten. We are relatives. How can you be so cold-blooded."

"Family?" Ouyang Xingyue was full of ridicule, "So you still know that we are relatives, or cold-blooded, uncle, I was threatened, you knew this and didn't help, are we still relatives? Why? Why is this happening? What's wrong with me, Ouyang Xingyue, over the years? Can't you see that I have paid so much for the company and Ouyang's family? Have I ever been a little selfish when it comes to family matters? The dividends that belong to you are even more so I don’t give you a cent, what do I owe you? I owe nothing, why do you treat me like this?”

Ouyang Xingyue spoke louder and louder, and in the end, she almost lost control. This made it difficult for her to accept. The uncle knew that she was taken away but refused to help. What is this? accomplice! What is the difference between an uncle and an accomplice?

Ouyang Xingyue had always been at odds with these people before, but after all, she was in the family, fighting within the company. Ouyang Xingyue never cared much. She always held the belief that she was always a family. If grandpa was here, would he not She would like to see the Ouyang family disperse, so she endured it all the time.

Now, she found out that she was wrong. It was outrageously wrong. Uncle and the others didn't treat her as a family before, and they don't now. Moreover, they were cold-blooded, and they dared to do things like death.

At this moment, Ouyang Xingyue was completely disappointed, even desperate!

"Xingyue, we really don't know, don't listen to other people's side words." When Ouyang Zhengren spoke, he looked at Ye Wutian, which meant it was too obvious.

"Uncle, you can quit the board of directors. You can continue to pay dividends, or you can sell your shares to the company at one time." Ouyang Xingyue made a decision, which was a difficult decision for her.

"No." Ouyang Zhengren ignored the pain, "Xiaoyue, you have no right to do that."

"I'll convince the board."

"I disagree."

Ouyang Xingyue didn't speak, her expression had already said everything, she had already decided on this matter and would not change it again.

"Dad, I said you're welcome, do you see? People are starting to do it." Ouyang Hao stepped forward, his tone was contempt or contempt, thinking that Ouyang Xingyue was playing Ouyang Group's idea and wanted to take the company as his own. .

When Ye Wutian saw this, he immediately rushed to Ouyang Hao and waved his leg. This fellow kicked and scolded: "numb, make you cheap, let you talk, let you talk."

"Husband, what are you doing?" Ye Wutian was having a good time playing. Cheng Kexin walked in from the door and saw Ye Wutian kicking Ouyang Hao wildly. This scene made her unable to recover. Which one is this? The two are not on the right track. It was known a long time ago, but it was the first time that a Quanwu Xing was staged like today.

After pulling Ye Wutian away, Cheng Kexin stepped forward and helped Ouyang Hao up again, "Senior brother, are you alright?"

Ouyang Hao's face was flushed. Today is a shame, and Cheng Kexin has to see it. At this moment, Ouyang Hao wants to kill.

Cheng Kexin rolled her eyes at Ye thought that Ye Wutian beat people because of her.

"Hey, baby, why are you looking at me like this? Did you find that I'm handsome again?" Ye Wutian is very thick-skinned, and he is quite clear about the intention of Cheng Kexin's hygienic eyes.

The doctor and nurse came soon. It happened to be a hospital here, which was convenient. The doctor bandaged Ouyang Zhengren and his son.

In addition to the doctor, the police also came, and the person who came was an old acquaintance of Ye Wutian.

"Come with me." Chang Xiaomei said.

"You also come for this kind of trivial matter?" Ye Wutian was funny, and when he hit someone, Chang Xiaomei came. Could it be that the police are so idle now?

"A trivial matter? Who is Ouyang Zhengren? It's a trivial matter for you to hit him?" Chang Xiaomei couldn't help laughing and crying.

"Is he a big shot? Why didn't I know?"

"Ye Wutian." At this time, outside the door, several big men in strong suits walked in, "You have been arrested." While speaking, the other party also took out guns. (m)

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