Mad Doctor

Chapter 874: Accompanying the king is like accompanying the tiger

Chapter 874

Ye Wutian turned to look at Chang Xiaomei, "Aren't they yours?"

Chang Xiaomei shook her head, she didn't know what these people came from, she knew they were not ordinary people at a glance, so she began to worry about Ye Wutian, these people took out guns as soon as they appeared, they must have a lot of background.

"I'm Chang Xiaomei, the captain of Dongcheng Criminal Police. Who are you?"

"Military punishment." A man replied.

Ye Wutian frowned, military punishment? What the **** is this? Thinking about it now, there are quite a few mysterious departments, and from time to time some departments that even he has never heard of appear.

"Are you from the army?" Ye Wutian asked.

"Let's go, don't force me to be rough." The big man didn't answer Ye Wutian's question directly.

The feeling of being threatened is really uncomfortable, Ye Wutian sneered: "What if I don't go with you?"

"There is an order above, if you dare to disobey, you don't care if you kill." When the other party said this, he was full of murderous aura.

"Yo, come prepared." At first Ye Wutian thought that these people were brought by Ouyang Zhengren, but now it seems that it should not be.

"Why do you arrest people?" Ouyang Xingyue limped off the bed and walked to Ye Wutian's side, "I don't care who you are, you need a reason to arrest people, otherwise I will definitely spend it with you, You will pay the price."

Ye Wutian is very happy in his heart, worthy of being his Ye Wutian's woman, she speaks with unprecedented domineering, if someone is not here, Ye Wutian really wants to hold Ouyang Xingyue and have a good meal, eat Chinese food and Western food together .

"I'm sorry, we're just following orders." The big man replied.

Ouyang Xingyue wanted to say something, but was stopped by Ye Wutian: "Don't say it anymore, I'll go with them, don't worry, it's alright."

"I'll go with you." Ouyang Xingyue said after hesitating for a while.

"No, you stay at home. If I need any help, I can help." Ye Wutian knew very well that these people would not let Ouyang Xingyue follow him.

Seeing this, Ouyang Xingyue stopped insisting. According to Ye Wutian's opinion, she herself knew that it was impossible to follow these people. She knew it was impossible, but she still had to say it. It was just her attitude. This tells these people that it is not easy to move Ye Wutian.

"Captain Chang, I'm sorry, I'll cooperate with your investigation next time." Before leaving, Ye Wutian and Chang Xiaomei said something.

Chang Xiaomei is speechless, what time is it? This hooligan was still in the mood to make this joke, and he really convinced him.

In the end, Ye Wutian was taken away, no one knew where he was taken, even Ye Wutian himself didn't know where he was going to be taken.

After sitting in the car for a few hours, the car stopped. When he got out of the car, he saw that there were barren mountains and ridges all around, and no people were seen. However, this special large building in front of him was very eye-catching. High walls were blocked, and there were several observation towers around the building, which were held by soldiers with live ammunition.

Seeing this, Ye Wutian, no matter how stupid, knows where this place is, the prison.

The situation in front of him made Ye Wutian smile bitterly. These people brought him here, which has already explained the problem, and they are afraid that they will throw him directly into the prison.

"Everyone, are you going too far?" Ye Wutian stood still, but he couldn't hide his anger. Even if he was guilty, he would have to pass a trial before he could be brought to this prison. It's better now. They didn't do that at all, they just took him to jail.

Several big men drew their guns and pointed at Ye Wutian at the same time, "Go in."

Being pointed at by so many guns at the same time, Ye Wutian didn't dare to mess around, this is not a joke, "Everyone, I have no choice at all, there is something I want to ask you, who asked you to do this? "

"Ye Wutian, we are just following orders. We don't know many things, so don't make it difficult for us," said a big man.

Ye Wutian thinks about it and it seems like that, these are just small roles, they can't know about the above things, thinking of this, Ye Wutian will not embarrass them.

"Okay, collect your guns." Ye Wutian didn't ask any more. Today's battle was obviously settled after the fall, and Ye Wutian was somewhat confident about this.

After the fall, it may be the case, hehe, things are getting more and more interesting.

It seems that he still underestimates the Yang family and his enemies. Once they exert their strength, it will not be easy.

After being escorted in, after nearly ten doors, Ye Wutian was finally escorted into a room, surrounded by copper walls and iron walls, and no sunlight.

Being brought here, Ye Wutian was not too worried. Ouyang Xingyue knew that he was taken away, and she believed that she would definitely find a way. Besides, the other party just brought him here and did not kill him immediately, which explained the problem.

If he didn't kill him immediately, it means that the other party is also worried about the opponent's counterattack.

Looking around, Ye Wutian found a clean place to sit down. This room was many times better than the dirty and smelly room last time. At least it was much cleaner.

"How long will you stay this time?" Ye Wutian who sat down muttered to himself.

This fellow sat here calmly and muttered to himself, but it was chaos outside, and the news that he was taken away by military punishment soon spread.

Many people expressed surprise that Ye Wutian was punished and taken away by the military. Based on his cooperation with Ye Wutian and the military, he was very pleased with the army's interviews. Now it seems that it is not monolithic. The relationship was not as good as outsiders had guessed.

"Military punishment." Situ Wei read these words, her brows showed concern, those departments were not under her control, and the strength of the Situ family also had some strength in the army, but it was far from the point of interfering with military punishment. .

"The strength that should be used has been used up, there is no news, I don't know where it was taken." Ouyang Xingyue said that she had used all her strength, but she did not bring back any good news, even where Ye Wutian was taken. Didn't figure it out.

"Then what should I do?" Cheng Kexin was in a hurry. Among the women, she was the weakest. Even Ouyang Xingyue and the others couldn't do anything, let alone her, she could only be in a hurry.

At this moment, Cheng Kexin suddenly felt that she was useless, and she couldn't help Ye Wutian at all.

"Don't worry, young lady, there will always be a way." Situ Wei comforted: "Although we can't find him temporarily, I believe that the other party will not dare to do anything to our uncle, so at least for now, we The uncle is safe."

With Situ Wei's comfort, Cheng Kexin felt a little relieved.

"What's going on with Yang Langzi?" Cheng Kexin asked.

"He's the only one left." Situ Wei replied.

"So fast? Haven't the medical experts found a solution yet?" Cheng Kexin was shocked, this is too strange, there are hundreds of people there, and now there is only one Yang Langzi, what is the concept? Incredible.

"I don't think so. Even if a countermeasure is found, it will be useless. According to preliminary confirmation, the mysterious plague will not spread to the outside world. So far, apart from those from the Tenglong Gang, including medical staff, there is no one else. Infected with that mysterious virus."

"Do you think this has something to do with Yang Langzi?" Cheng Kexin asked.

Ouyang Xingyue said: "If it is simply what Yang Langzi did, that's fine, I'm afraid there will be other opponents."

"Mr. Cheng, someone called Yu Qicheng said he wanted to see you outside." The secretary knocked on the door and came in and said to Cheng Kexin.

"Yu Qicheng? I have nothing to do with him, how could he want to see me?" Cheng Kexin said.

"He came for our uncle. Don't forget Yu Qicheng's father's illness."

After being reminded by Situ Wei, Cheng Kexin understood in an instant. Knowing the intention of Yu Qicheng's visit, he quickly said to the secretary, "Please come in."

Yu Qicheng was soon invited in. When he came to the office and saw Ouyang Xingyue and Situ Wei, he couldn't help but be stunned. He was envious of Ye Wutian in his heart. Everyone was a man, but they were with Ye Wutian. The gap between them is not a little bit. Looking at Ye Wutian, he can make his women sit together and discuss countermeasures calmly. Few people can do this kind of skill.

After greeting Ouyang Xingyue and the others, Yu Qicheng went straight to the topic: "Three, I'm here for Young Master Ye's business."

"What do you know about Yu Shao?" Cheng Kexin asked.

"Haha, to be honest, Miss Cheng, I want to help Young Master Ye this time."

The three daughters are like mirrors in their hearts, knowing that the family still needs Ye Wutian to please them so much.

"I will thank Yu Shao on behalf of him first. Let's get down to business first. Since you are here today, Shao Yu, there must be something you want to tell us."

Yu Qicheng smiled but didn't answer, "Some people want Ye Shao to die."

As soon as these words came out, the three women were shocked.

Yu Qicheng continued: "Three, this time the opponent's strength is not simple, I hope you will not be careless."

"Yu Shao, what else do you need to tell us, just say it all at once. Since you want to help him, then we are friends."

"Miss Cheng, if you want Young Master Ye to come out safely, only he can solve it." Yu Qicheng took two steps forward, picked up a tea cup on the coffee table, poured out the water in the cup, and put his fingers on the table after wetting the water. wrote a word.

When the three girls saw the words written by Yu, the simple word made the three girls twinkle.

Yu Qicheng erased the word, "Hehe, three, I'll go first, please let me know if you need any help, I will definitely help if you can."

Until Yu Qicheng left, Cheng Kexin's daughters still couldn't come back to their senses. They had guessed many people, but they didn't guess him.

Companion is like a tiger!

One thing is very surprising. After the news of Ye Wutian's arrest came out, Tianxin Hongyan Group's product sales increased instead of falling, which made people surprised. Many customers even preferred to pay higher prices. The only requirement is to Getting the product right away is puzzling.

In the prison, Ye Wutian didn't know what was going on outside. He stayed here for a day. Except for the meal, he was given away, and no one else paid attention to him. If this continued, Ye Wutian was afraid that he would be suffocated to death.

He kicked the iron gate fiercely, "Is there anyone? Give me one for my mother."

After venting, Ye Wutian was about to turn around and go back to the corner to sleep, but as soon as he turned around, the thick door rang. (m)

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