Mad Doctor

Chapter 875: The power of the lion's head

Chapter 875 The power of the lion head

The sound of the iron gate immediately made Ye Wutian's eyes light up, and he turned to look in an instant. No matter who came, Ye Wutian hoped that someone would appear, at least that way, he could talk to him and not make him bored.

"Master... Master?" Ye Wutian never dreamed that the person who came would be a lion head.

He couldn't believe it. He glanced a few times, and saw that he was not dazzled, it was the lion's head standing in front of him.

"What? Not welcome?" Lionhead asked with a smile.

Ye Wutian, who came back to his senses, smiled and said, "Master, how could it be you?"

"Don't want to see me?"

Ye Wutian shook his head again and again: "No, no, I'm just surprised, hehe."

After not seeing Lion Head for a long time, Ye Wutian suddenly realized that he missed him a lot, "Master, I miss you."

The lion head took a step back with a strange expression, and looked up and down Ye Wutian for a long time, "Do you know what's wrong?"

This question made Ye Wutian inexplicable. As soon as the lion head came, he asked him if he knew anything wrong, and where did the mistake come from? Even Ye Wutian himself does not know.

"I'm asking if you're right?" Lionhead roared fiercely.

"What's wrong with me? Where did the mistake come from?" Ye Wutian asked boldly.

Ye Wutian thought that Lion Head asked him if he was right because of Yang Langzi, and wondered if even Lion Head was helping Yang Langzi?

Thinking of this, Ye Wutian couldn't help his heart sink. Damn, if that's the case, things would be difficult to handle. There is a lion head to stand up for Yang Langzi, but what should I do?

"I really regret it now. How could I accept such a useless apprentice as you. If I knew this, I would never accept you as an apprentice anyway."

The more Ye Wutian listened, the more confused he became, but he heard one thing, the lion head didn't seem to be here for Yang Langzi.

Glancing at the back of the lion's head, no one followed him except him. How did the lion's head come to be? Ye Wutian is very curious, shouldn't it be hard hitting?

"Master, I don't understand." Ye Wutian's mind was a mess, he seemed to understand but not understand.

"I ask you, when others bully you, do you allow others to bully you?" There was a questioning in the lion's head, and there was also a kind of domineering.

Ye Wutian was stupid, listened to the meaning of the lion's head, could it be possible to let him fight back? Depend on! The lion's head has been imprisoned for decades, and his character is still so hot!

"A little Yang Langzi made you so embarrassed. I really have no eyes. If he provokes you, you cut him off." The more he said, the more angry he became.

Ye Wutian swallowed his saliva and looked at the lion's head as if he had discovered a new continent. The old man's words became more and more incomprehensible, "Master, he is from the Yang family."

"So what? There is only a Yang family, how can you handle it? You can't handle it, and I will help you, afraid of a ball."

In addition to being surprised, Ye Wutian also wanted to go up and touch the forehead of Lionhead to see if he had a fever, so he was talking nonsense.

"Let people get it here casually, you really have the kind of kid, you will lose my face."

The sweat in Ye Wutian's heart, he thought that your old man was too outspoken, and I don't know who was imprisoned for decades, and now he has the right to speak of others? Really shameless.

Of course, Ye Wutian didn't dare to say this, and could only silently despise the lion head in his heart.

"Go out with me and slaughter that boy from the Yang family." Lionhead said again in shock.

Ye Wutian almost dropped his chin to the ground, "Master, are you serious?"

"Nonsense, of course serious, go out with me now, after killing Yang Langzi, I will take you to another place, but I have to see how much the outside world has changed if I haven't come out for decades."

Ye Wutian didn't know what to say, he kept sighing, and it was over. Lionhead was afraid that his brain was abnormal. How could a normal person say such a thing?

"Master, how did you know I was here?" Ye Wutian was very curious.

"I'm not deaf or dumb. Being locked in that place doesn't mean I don't know anything."

"Do you really want to go out?" Ye Wutian asked after changing the subject.

The lion head asked back, "You don't want to go out?"

Ye Wutian didn't know how to answer for a while, he faintly felt that there was resentment in the lion's head, but the anger was even greater.

"Don't make ink marks, come with me." Lionhead urged again.

Ye Wutian thought about it for a while, but decided to go out with Lion Head. He is not a good bird. Even if he stays here, those people will not let him go. In that case, he doesn't need to be polite.

The most important thing is that, after looking at Lion Head seriously for a long time, I saw that he didn't look like that kind of abnormal person.

Stepping out of the room, Ye Wutian saw that there were soldiers all around on the ground, all of them lay there motionless, unable to see whether they were alive or dead.

The lion head did not explain the meaning, and walked quickly ahead.

Seeing this, Ye Wutian could only bite the bullet and keep up. He had always thought that he was crazy enough, but today, compared to Lionhead, his madness can only be regarded as the level of a primary school student.

He walked out of the prison all the time, but no one stopped him. Even the four soldiers from the high watchtower were killed by the lion's head. How can this kind of strength be described as terrifying?

In this way, Ye Wutian was taken out of the prison by Lion Head in a confused way, and he didn't know where Lion Head got the car, so he drove it himself.

Step on the clutch, shift into gear, release the clutch, and refuel.

Lionhead stepped on the accelerator too hard, and the rear wheel turned in a large circle of 360 degrees before rushing out like an arrow.

I have to admit that the lion head is domineering and handsome at the same time. A few decades ago, there were many women who were fascinated by him, right?

The car drove to the city and stopped at the gate of the Tenglong Gang headquarters. Lionhead braked suddenly, turned his head to Ye Wutian and said, "Get off the car."

"Master, do you really want to kill Yang Langzi?"

"You don't want to kill him?" Lionhead asked.

Ye Wutian wanted to kill Yang Langzi, so he wanted to kill Yang Langzi now.

"Do what you want, I will help you with anything, and I haven't come out for decades. Some people are afraid that I will be forgotten." Lionhead fell into memory.

"Little brother, why are you here?" As soon as Ye Wutian appeared, Wu Qunsheng saw Ye Wutian. As a member of the medical expert team, Wu Qunsheng was here most of the time.

The mystery of that mysterious virus has not been solved yet, and every member of the expert group feels uncomfortable, including those foreign experts.

"Look for Yang Langzi."

Wu Qunsheng was shocked: "You want to go in? Can't go in, little brother, leave quickly."

"Get out of the way." Lionhead roared at Wu Qunsheng.

Suddenly, Wu Qunsheng was frightened by a loud roar from the head of the lion, and took two steps back.

"Master, Mr. Wu is good to me, don't scare him." Ye Wutian said.

The lion head ignored Ye Wutian's words at all, touched it, took out the pistol and handed it to Ye Wutian.

Seeing that it was a pistol, Wu Qunsheng's expression changed greatly, "Little brother, are you going to kill Yang Langzi?"

Ye Wutian smiled bitterly: "I'm afraid that is the case."

"No, absolutely not. Murder is against the law, little brother, you must not be confused." Wu Qunsheng persuaded him. At this time, he seemed to think of something, "Little brother, weren't you punished and taken away by the military? How did you appear here? ?"

Ye Wutian didn't know how to explain this question, and after thinking about it, he could only say: "This matter is difficult to describe."

Wu Qunsheng glanced at the lion head next to him, guessing the origin of the other party, and he was murderous, afraid that he was not a simple person.

When a policeman saw that Ye Wutian had a gun in his hand, he was very nervous, and they took out their guns and pointed at Ye Wutian, "Who are you? Put down the gun immediately."

Ye Wutian, who was holding a gun, was about to speak, but the lion's head moved, his figure flashed, and his movements rushed towards the police like lightning.

The dazzled crowd only heard the sound of bang bang bang, and then saw all the policemen who were still standing fall to the ground.

Ye Wutian secretly praised the strength of the lion's head, today he was forced to catch up, and was forced to have no choice.

"Go in." After dealing with the police, Lion Head said to Ye Wutian coldly.

Ye Wutian, who was aroused with pride, said loudly: "Okay, it's time to resolve the grudge with Yang Langzi."

"You can't go in, little brother, be careful of the virus." Seeing that Ye Wutian was going in, Wu Qunsheng was very anxious and wanted to stop Ye Wutian.

Ye Wutian walked into the building, the current Tenglong Gang was empty, and so many people died, it was like a ghost town, and those who were more timid would have been frightened and fainted long ago.

Ye Wutianyi, who was holding a gun, was bold. After walking into the building, he guessed that Yang Langzi was likely to be on the top floor, so he lifted the elevator directly to the top floor.

After the elevator door opened, Ye Wutian walked out. The surroundings were quiet and empty, and he didn't know if it was a psychological effect or what. Ye Wutian could feel a yin wind from time to time, which made the hair stand on end.

After looking around for a while, I was stunned that I didn't see Yang Langzi's figure. Where did the boy go? Even his office has been searched, but still can't find Yang Langzi.

Could it be that Yang Langzi is not on the top floor?

Ye Wutian quickly vetoed this idea, it is impossible, Yang Langzi cannot go down, the only possibility is to go up, such a big thing happened here, no matter how daring Yang Langzi is, he is afraid it is inevitable Heart hair, can not help but fear.

After thinking about this, Ye Wutian began to walk towards the rooftop, gently pushed open the small door on the top of the rooftop, and before anyone went out, he heard a strange noise.

Ye Wutian secretly said that it was not good, and rushed Sure enough, I saw a small helicopter starting right in front of him.

"Bang bang bang!"

Ye Wutian fired several shots at the helicopter in a row, but Yang Langzi, who was sitting inside, did nothing at all. It wasn't that Ye Wutian's marksmanship was bad, but that the windshield of the helicopter was bulletproof glass.

Yang Langzi also found Ye Wutian, sitting in the helicopter, he grinned at Ye Wutian, and made Ye Wutian too much.

The helicopter took off, Ye Wutian wanted to rush past it was too late at this time, and in depression, he shot at the helicopter again. The bullet hit the helicopter and sparked bursts of sparks.

"Damn, what kind of bulletproof glass is there?" Ye Wutian, who was depressed and bad, scolded a few words, but he had no choice but to watch others leave.

The helicopter driven by Yang Langzi quickly disappeared in front of Ye Wutian, and the frustrated Ye Wutian muttered to the sky: "Yang Langzi, I see where you can go."

"The weeds can't be blown out, and the spring breeze blows again. Today is telling you that there is always only one way to deal with the enemy, kill!" (m)

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