Mad Doctor

Chapter 876: forcibly

Chapter 876

Ye Wutian really regretted it. If it had been a little earlier, the result might have been different now. Unfortunately, he missed this opportunity and wanted to kill Yang Langzi in the future.

"Master, you have taught me a lesson." Ye Wutian had nothing to say, but he was not tough enough sometimes. In the final analysis, it was because he had too many worries, worried about one thing and another, and shied away from doing things.

"Some people, if you don't face them, nothing will happen. Some things will happen if you don't face them." Lionhead said.

Yang Langzi is immortal, and there will be endless troubles. If there was still a little bit of wiggle room between Yang Langzi and Yang Langzi in the past, now, there is not even a trace left, and what the two sides have is just hatred.

The master and apprentice went downstairs. Outside the building, there were densely packed people, including policemen and soldiers.

Chang Xiaomei was also in the crowd. When she saw Ye Wutian coming out, she watched Ye Wutian closely. Not long ago, she saw Ye Wutian being taken away by the people who were punished by the army. standing here.

Sometimes even Chang Xiaomei sighs that Ye Wutian is lucky, so he can be fine, what is the military punishment department? Taken away by those people, you will have to peel off the skin even if you don't die.

Ye Wutian not only came out, but was still intact. Such a gap made Chang Xiaomei very uncomfortable. It wasn't that she hoped that Ye Wutian would be injured, but she just felt puzzled. How strong is Ye Wutian? How tough is his backstage? Every time a bad situation can be turned into a good one, that is not something ordinary people can do.

"Daughter-in-law, what a coincidence." Ye Wutian said jokingly.

Chang Xiaomei's cheeks flushed: "What did you do just now?"

"Murder." Ye Wutian didn't hide it, but unfortunately he didn't kill him, he ran away.

"Go back, please go back." At this time, seeing Ye Wutian and the two coming out, a colonel yelled at them, accompanied by the sound of bullets being loaded.

Ye Wutian stopped and stared at the colonel indifferently, "Why?"

"There is a mysterious virus inside, and no one is allowed to come out without permission," the colonel said.

"Fuck off." Ye Wutian scolded: "I'm a doctor, I know better than you whether there is a virus in it, why do you need to make irresponsible remarks here? Go aside."

The colonel's face was flushed red by Ye Wutian's training, and his ruthlessness also came up. He said to Ye Wutian with a livid face: "I will say it again, if you don't go back, I will give the order to shoot."

Seeing this, Wu Qunsheng quickly persuaded: "Little brother, you should go back first."

"Mr. Wu, you don't believe in my medical skills?" Ye Wutian asked.

Wu Qunsheng smiled bitterly: "I believe it's useless, it's only useful if people believe it."

"Leave it to me, I haven't moved my bones for many years, so it's time to move." The lion head twisted his neck and made a burst of noises, making Wu Qunsheng not far away horrified.

Just now, Wu Qunsheng had seen the power of the lion's head. It was like those heroes in ancient times who came and went without a trace. He was very skilled. Once the two sides started to fight, it was still unknown who would win and who would lose.

"Master." Ye Wutian was really afraid that the lion would make a killing move. These soldiers won't die because of their crimes, so there's no need to embarrass them too much.

"I have my own measure." Lionhead stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, revealing a cruel and playful smile.

"Daughter-in-law, tell your people not to move." Ye Wutian hurriedly said to Chang Xiaomei, he didn't want Chang Xiaomei to be hurt.

Chang Xiaomei couldn't hear it. Just when she was at a loss, she saw that the lion's head moved, and the movement was so fast that people couldn't understand at all.

A gust of wind passed by, over there, the lion's head had stopped, and there was a large group of people lying on the ground, including the colonel.

This is the master!

Ye Wutian has long known that the lion's head is powerful, but now he is still frightened by the powerful strength of the lion, darling, this kind of strength, I am afraid that Chen Yang is not an opponent, right?

Chen Yang is known as the number one expert in the army. When facing the lion's head, can Chen Yang win the lion's head? I'm afraid it's difficult.

Chang Xiaomei would know why Ye Wutian told her not to move. She moved, and she was afraid that she would also be lying on the ground at this time.

When the lion's head was exposed, no one dared to stop Ye Wutian and the two, and could only watch them leave.

Chang Xiaomei stood there for a while, and after hesitating for a while, she decided to follow,

The fact that Ye Wutian appeared at the headquarters of the Tenglong Gang quickly spread to Ouyang Xingyue's daughters, who were surprised by Ye Wutian's sudden appearance. come out.

In addition to being surprised, Ouyang Xingyue and the girls were more happy, and found out the phone to call Ye Wutian one by one, but the phone was always unanswered, which made the girls very anxious.

It is said that there is a man with disheveled hair next to Ye Wutian. Ouyang Xingyue and the others all know who it is. It is precisely because of this that they are worried. Ye Wutian once told them that the lion head was a very powerful person. , how did he come out? Didn't Ye Wutian say that his master was in prison? Why did you come out?

Two people who are not afraid of the sky and the earth are together, and they don't know what earth-shattering things will happen.

"Hurry up and think of a solution." Situ Wei was really anxious this time, and the immediate urgency was to find Ye Wutian, and dare to go to kill Yang Langzi in an upright manner. I really don't know what else he would not dare to do next.

"Don't be idle, let your third uncle help, there are many others." Ouyang Xingyue reminded.

Situ Wei patted her forehead and scolded herself for being stupid, why didn't she think of it? She quickly took out her phone and called her third uncle and asked him to help find someone.

Situ Chu also just found out about Ye Wutian's coming out. He knew that Ye Wutian took a gun and ran to Tenglong Gang headquarters to kill Yang Langzi. Fortunately, Yang Langzi ran fast. kill.

He dared to take a gun and run to kill Yang Langzi in broad daylight. Ye Wutian was really courageous. If it was replaced by Situ Chu himself, he would not dare to do that anyway. Yang Langzi was no ordinary person.

Just after receiving the report from his subordinates, Situ Chu was so frightened that he couldn't sit still, his legs were soft and he sat on the sofa, and then he sighed again, it's a pity, it was a pity that Yang Langzi could not be killed.

"Pass my order, look for Ye Wutian immediately, and report any news about him immediately." Situ Chu said: "Also, be careful of all the movements of the Tenglong Gang."

When Yang Langzi came out, Situ Chu did not dare to be careless. Yang Langzi was a difficult opponent. He had suffered so much bird anger these days, and the opponent would definitely fight back, which was what Situ Chu was worried about.

Now, Situ Chu hopes to find Ye Wutian earlier, of course, more importantly, to find a way to make Ye Wutian find Yang Langzi earlier, that is the most important thing.

Ye Wutian was taken by Lion Head to a place that Uncle Ye didn't want to come to, Dongcheng Military Region, he did not understand why Lion Head brought him here, no matter how he looked at it, he felt a little self-inflicted. He came to the military area of ​​others, and what was it that he didn't throw himself into the net?

I thought that Uncle Ye was smart for a lifetime, but I didn't expect that there would be times of stupidity today. Now, no matter how you look at it, it's not very wise. Are you coming to the military area and wanting to die?

"Master, is it bad to come here?" Ye Wutian finally couldn't help but ask.

The lion turned his head, "What? Are you afraid?"

Ye Wutian smiled bitterly: "To be honest, I'm really scared to break into the military region like this."

Uncle Ye can still guess what the Lion Head brought him to do, and he doesn't know if the old man from the Ma family has left.

"Stop, this is a military restricted area, leave immediately." A soldier with a live ammunition ordered, and the gun was also aimed at Ye Wutian and the others.

"Go in and tell Ma Guosheng, that his old friend is here, let him get out and meet me." Lionhead said.

That sweat in Ye Wutian's heart! Master really is not an ordinary tough, calling Ma Guosheng by name, and asking people to get out to see him.

"There is no Ma Guosheng here, please leave immediately, or we will shoot." The soldier roared.

The lion head naturally wouldn't leave, the old **** stood there comfortably, "I'll say it again, let Ma Guosheng get out."

The lion's head was answered by the sound of soldiers loading bullets.

Ye Wutian was shocked, Master shouldn't be tough, right? Don't forget that it is a society under the rule of law now, and it is a capital crime to forcefully break into the military restricted area.

"Boy, come on, I'll take care of something." The lion head looked at Ye Wutian.

Ye Wutian is speechless, thinking that you are a smart old man, are you worried? The question is whether your old man can bear it, not if you want to bear it. If you can't bear it, you will die.

To be honest, Ye Wutian didn't have much confidence and didn't think the lion head could bear it.

"Can't you hear it? Let you go, can't you hear it?" Lion Head was extremely dissatisfied with Ye Wutian's hesitant appearance.

"No." Behind, Chang Xiaomei caught up from behind, "Ye Wutian, if you can do that, it's a death penalty."

Ye Wutian didn't expect Chang Xiaomei to catch up, "Daughter-in-law, you're here just in time, hurry up and call Master."

Chang Xiaomei blushed and glared at Ye Wutian, of course it was impossible to shout with Ye Wutian, she was not really Ye Wutian's daughter-in-law.

The lion head lost When he walked behind Ye Wutian, he directly kicked Ye Wutian's butt, making the unsuspecting Ye Wutian almost fall, and finally stabilized his body, people But it has also rushed to the front of the two soldiers.

The two soldiers guarding the gate saw that Ye Wutian dared to rush over, and their first reaction was to pull the trigger and shoot at Ye Wutian.

Ye Wutian was so frightened that he was so scared that he tried his best to avoid bullets. Now, Ye Wutian knew that he had no choice at all. The crime of breaking into the military region was convicted. Take down two soldiers.

The lion head was very satisfied with Ye Wutian's masterpiece, with a smile on his face: "Stinky boy, I'm not lazy."

Chang Xiaomei rolled her eyes when she heard it, how could such a master push her apprentice into the fire pit.

Looking at the two soldiers who were knocked out on the ground, Ye Wutian could not laugh or cry, what should I do now?

Lion Head ignored Ye Wutian and walked towards the camp alone. Ye Wutian had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow up, but before entering, he turned around and said to Chang Xiaomei: "Daughter-in-law, go back, Don't come and mix in this turbid water." (m)

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