Mad Doctor

Chapter 877: Iron gall

Chapter 877

Chang Xiaomei standing there is neither standing nor walking. She naturally knows what crime it is to break into the military camp. It is precisely because of this that she is in a dilemma, and she does not know what to do next.

Suddenly, Chang Xiaomei began to worry about Ye Wutian, can that stinky hooligan break in like this? The soldiers inside could shoot him and his master at any time.

After hesitating for a long time, Chang Xiaomei finally didn't dare to follow. Standing in the same place, she took out her phones and dialed them one by one, hoping to help Ye Wutian.

As soon as Ye Wutian's master and apprentice stepped into the gate of the military camp, they were pointed at by dozens of guns, so that the two did not dare to act rashly.

"Who are you?" A colonel walked out of the crowd and stared at Ye Wutian and the two of them alertly.

"Let the horse country be born." Lionhead's face was calm, even though he was pointed at by so many guns, he didn't move, and he didn't seem to put these guns in his eyes at all.

Ye Wutian finally found out that compared to Master, his courage is still a long way off.

"What are you doing with the old chief?" Hearing Ma Guosheng's name, the colonel suddenly became nervous: "Who the **** are you?"

Few people knew about the arrival of the old chief. How would these two outsiders know? What is the purpose of coming to the military camp today?

The more the colonel thought about it, the more frightened it became, and in the end, he almost dared not think about it, for fear that the two were here to assassinate the old chief.

"Come here, tie them up." The colonel acted decisively, regardless of the background of the other party. He dared to break into the barracks and committed a crime. This alone is enough to tie them up, not to mention that the other party mentioned the name of the old chief. , and his tone is not good, and he is definitely not the friend of the old chief.

"Bang Bang Bang!" Lionhead snorted coldly, and in the next instant, soldiers kept falling to the ground.

Ye Wutian knew that it was impossible to be okay today, and it was a big mess. I hope that the lion head can really bear it, otherwise it will be **** funny.

"Who else is going to tie me up?" The lion head was domineering, standing there and roaring like a **** of war, he really roared the soldiers around him, and no one dared to rush up for a while.

"Do you dare to resist?" The Colonel who came back to his senses snorted coldly, "Shoot, shoot me."

"Stop." Just as the colonel's order came out, a majestic voice sounded behind him.

The colonel followed the voice, but he gasped for a moment, and the domineering just now disappeared without a trace.

It was Ma Guosheng who came. He waved to the colonel and motioned him to step aside. Then Ma Guosheng looked at the lion head.

Ma Guosheng looked at the lion head, and the lion head also looked at Ma Guosheng.

"Big brother, long time no see." Finally, Ma Guosheng spoke first, but his big brother immediately overwhelmed all the people present, especially Ma Feng and Ye Wutian, who couldn't believe it.

Lion head is Ma Guosheng's eldest brother? Depend on! What the **** is this all about?

Ye Wutian felt a little confused, no wonder Lionhead dared to be so arrogant, saying that he was worried about something, and with this relationship, he really dared to do that.

Lionhead snorted, not seeming to buy Ma Guosheng's account very much.

What's going on here? It shouldn't be, if Lion Head is really the big brother Ma Guosheng, how can he stay in that prison without the light of day? Ma Guosheng's status, what does Lion Head want? Why do you need to be locked in that prison without the sun?

Certainly not as simple as it seems!

"Brother, when are you coming out?" Ma Guosheng took two steps forward: "Why didn't you tell me, so I can pick you up."

The lion head still had a cold face, and he didn't take Ma Guosheng's flattery in his eyes at all. Instead, he pointed at Ye Wutian and asked Ma Guosheng, "Do you know him?"

Ma Guosheng didn't know what the lion's head was doing, but he nodded, "I know."

"Then do you know who he is?" Lionhead asked again.

This time, Ma Guosheng began to wonder, the elder brother's tone was not good, he must have something to do with Ye Wutian, but what is the relationship between the two?

"He is my apprentice, Lao Tzu's apprentice." Lionhead said domineeringly.

Hearing this, Ma Guosheng began to slowly understand. After a long time of trouble, Lion Head was planning to come to Xing Shi to ask for guilt, so he could understand why he had a bad face as soon as he appeared.

"Ma Guosheng, for so many years, are you afraid that you have forgotten me? You have a high position and think I'm not important? Can you just omit me?" Lionhead asked.

Ma Guosheng smiled: "Big brother, where did you say you went? My life was saved by big brother, of course I remember you."

"Really remember?"


Lionhead snorted again, looking at Ye Wutian, "Boy, do you know who threw you into that prison?"

Ye Wutian, who was amazed, suddenly heard the words of the lion head, and immediately looked at Ma Guosheng. No matter how stupid people are, they should understand now and know who the lion head refers to.

After guessing countless times, from Yang Langzi to Yu's family, even Ouyang Zhengren and the others, but he didn't expect to suspect Ma Guosheng. Of course, he also thought about Ma Feng, and the hatred between him and Ma Feng was a bit deep, but Ma Feng Seems like it shouldn't have that much energy.

Why is it Ma Guosheng? I can't imagine that it will be Ma Guosheng. No matter what, I still have the grace to save his life, but it is Ma Guosheng.

How could this be? Ye Wutian was unbelievable, Ma Guosheng wanted to kill him, even if it was Ma Feng, Ye Wutian would feel better, how could Ma Guosheng be?

"Old man, is it really you?" Ye Wutian asked incredulously. Until now, there is still a voice in his heart telling him that it's impossible, it's definitely not true, it can't be old man Ma. Not to mention that he saved Old Man Ma's life, Old Man Ma should not be that kind of person. He is not the kind of person who likes to fall into trouble and settle accounts after the fall. After all, Old Man Ma is not a simple person who has been baptized by countless blood and fire.

Ma Guosheng did not answer, and it seemed that he did not intend to answer Ye Wutian's question.

"Answer me." Ye Wutian began to lose patience and roared at Old Man Ma.

"Bold, you dare to yell at the old chief." Brushing the ground, more than a dozen black guns pointed at Ye Wutian.

"Haha..." Ye Wutian couldn't stop laughing. Old Man Ma's silence could explain everything. His silence represented an acknowledgement. At this moment, Ye Wutian couldn't stop laughing and suddenly found that the world has changed and people's hearts are unpredictable. .

"Master, I really didn't expect it!" Ye Wutian's words were full of self-deprecation, and he didn't know whether he was laughing at himself or at others.

"Looking away!" Ye Wutian said again.

Ma Guosheng looked gloomy and said, "Brother, what do you mean?"

Lionhead said solemnly, "Ma Guosheng, I just want you to remember that he is my apprentice."

Ma Guosheng smiled bitterly. He was threatened and warned. Lion Head came with Ye Wutian today, and the intention was clear.

"Master, let's go." The physically and mentally exhausted Ye Wutian didn't want to stay any longer. He was upset and felt betrayed by others. It is Ma Guosheng.

"Stop, you broke into the barracks, how dare you leave? Come and take it." A senior general standing beside Ma Guosheng issued an order.

Ye Wutian, who originally wanted to leave, heard the other party's words, and for some reason, his anger surged up, and he forgot where he was.

Ye Wutian suddenly rushed in front of the high-ranking general, and then slapped the opponent several times in a row, each time showing no mercy. At this time, Ye Wutian seemed to be stubborn and forgot his slap. Is a senior general.

Things happened too fast, and Ma Guosheng was here again. Even if a soldier reacted, no one dared to shoot. In case of accidentally hurting the old chief, who could afford this responsibility?

After slapped the opponent a few times, Ye Wutian didn't give up, and kicked the opponent's abdomen heavily, kicking the opponent to the ground a few meters away.

"Why do you care about the affairs of Lao Tzu?" Ye Wutian, who had beaten someone, cursed with a fierce look in his eyes. "General Ma, I hit your man."

After beating people, Ye Wutian not to be outdone, looked at Ma Guosheng, this was Chi Guoguo's challenge and demonstration.

It wasn't Ye Wutian's impulsive act to hit someone, he didn't regret doing it, and he felt extremely comfortable with this shot.

"Okay, as expected of my apprentice." Only the lion head, who was not in chaos, clapped his hands, "Boy, you have to remember, whoever dares to bully you, you will just rush up and kill him."

"Brother, what's the trouble with you?" Ma Guosheng waved his hand, signaling his subordinates to put down their guns.

The lion head snorted coldly, tore off a piece of clothing and threw it into the air, with a wave of his hand, the fabric became two pieces, "You and me friendship, that's it."

Ma Guosheng staggered and almost lost his footing. Fortunately, the person next to him supported him, "Big brother."

Lionhead waved his hand to stop Ma Guosheng from continuing, "No need to say any more, I only have one question to ask now, can we go?"

"Yes, of course." Ma Guosheng nodded.

Lion Head said: "Boy, let's go.",

Ye Wutian glanced at Ma Guosheng with a complicated expression: "Master, take care of you."

"Old He can't go." The senior general who finally got up from the ground was anxious. He was a senior general and was beaten for no reason. If he couldn't find justice, how would he meet anyone in the future? ? How to convince people?

Ma Guosheng stared at the senior award recipient without saying a word, staring straight at the other person's hair, swallowing all his dissatisfaction back into his stomach. In front of the old chief, he really couldn't get mad.

Ye Wutian followed Lion Head out of the barracks, making such a big commotion, Lion Head just wanted to tell Ma Guosheng that he was his apprentice, how domineering is this?

Looking at the back of the lion head, Ye Wutian was inexplicably moved, who was right and who was wrong, who was good and who was bad, at a glance.

"Kid, remember, in life, you must live your life in a dashing manner, and you don't need to care about other people's eyes." Lionhead suddenly turned his head and said to Ye Wutian: "Domineering, make full use of your domineering just now."

Ye Wutian was dark and sweaty, and wanted to ask Lion Head, he has stayed in that prison for decades, is this also what he calls dashing?

In the end, I didn't dare to ask, "Master, what is the relationship between you and that old man? He called you big brother, are you two brothers?" (m)

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