Mad Doctor

Chapter 878: convention

Chapter 878

Lionhead fell into contemplation, with a smile on his face, and looked up at the already gray sky: "Time flies so fast, decades have passed in the blink of an eye."

Ye Wutian stood silently by the side, without interrupting the memories of Lion Head.

"Decades ago, he was the head of my team. Back then, we fought devils together, participated in countless battles together, chased girls together, drank together, and talked about the world." Speaking of this, the lion's head began to pull down, revealing regret and Helpless: "Unfortunately, the past will eventually pass."

There was Lion Head telling his past events, but Ye Wutian was already stunned. Lion Head and Ma Guosheng were not brothers, but their relationship was even closer than that of brothers.

Ma Guosheng is now the number one person in the army, but back then he was still a regiment commander under the Lion's Head. What was the position of the Lion's Head back then? Not to mention, it is also above the brigade commander.

Ye Wutian really wanted to know what happened back then, why was the lion head brought to that prison? Otherwise, with the strength of Lion Head, which round would he be able to match Ma Guosheng today?


With a sigh, Ye Wutian looked at the lion head, he could stay in that prison for decades, what happened?

Ye Wutian's heart is as uncomfortable as a cat scratching, and he can't wait to know what happened right away.

"Do you want to ask what happened back then?" Lionhead saw through Ye Wutian's thoughts.

Ye Wutian nodded madly.

Lionhead sighed: "Now is not the time, when it's time to tell you, it will naturally tell you."

Ye Wutian was speechless, almost couldn't resist the urge to press the lion's head to the ground and beat him wildly. Of course, on the premise that he could beat the lion's head, he rushed up now. It's not that he beats others, but others beat him.

The lion head didn't say anything, Ye Wutian was embarrassed to ask again, "Master, thank you."

"Remember, to become my apprentice, you have to give Lao Tzu domineering. If you dared to be so useless in front of Lao Tzu decades ago, Lao Tzu would definitely shoot you without a word."

That sweat in Uncle Ye's heart! Xindao Lionhead is worthy of being a soldier. Even though he has been detained for decades, he is still very domineering.

"I know, I won't let you down, Master." Ye Wutian admired the lion head in his heart. He was locked in that place, but he came and went freely, and he knew everything that happened outside.

Ye Wutian realized that he had such an awesome master, and he really had **** luck. Apart from thanking God for being good to him, Uncle Ye didn't know what to say.

"Master, since you've come out, there's no need to go back there. I'll help you find a good place to live. What do you think?" Ye Wutian suggested.

"If you have this heart, you will be satisfied as a teacher. After decades, you are used to it."

"Want to go back?" Ye Wutian really didn't know what Lionhead was thinking, what's so good about that prison? Some people will take the initiative to ask to go back. It's a strange thing that happens every year, especially this year.

"When you're done, you should go back."

"Master, you've been suffering for decades, why are you still insisting on it? Just let the disciples do their best to be filial, okay?" Ye Wutian really didn't want the lion's head to go back to that prison, if he could take the lion's head out Stay, in the future, someone will dare to come to look for ballast. If Ye Wutian can't win by himself, he directly pushes the lion's head out to see who else dares to provoke him. Even Old Man Ma is not afraid, who else will he be afraid of?

"You kid, don't think that I don't know what your intentions are." Lionhead scolded with a smile, laughing slyly,

When Xiao Si was seen through, Ye Wutian's old face was flushed, and he smiled embarrassingly: "Hehe, Master, I just want to do my best to be filial."

"Okay, Master knows, you don't have to say anything, no matter what, Master has to go back, you don't need to persuade, this is an agreement, I have to go back." Lionhead has made up his mind.

"Agreement?" Ye Wutian wondered: "What agreement? Master, what is the agreement?"

"If Ma Guo is alive or not, I won't come out."

Ye Wutian was stunned, what kind of agreement is this motherfucker? What happened between the two? From brothers to what they are now, what happened in the middle?

"It's simple, I'll find someone to kill Old Man Ma secretly, right?" Ye Wutian said complacently, he doesn't have a good impression of Old Man Ma now.

"Nonsense." Lion head coldly said: "You don't need to take care of my affairs, take care of your own affairs first."

"What can I do? As you said, Master, what should come will still come. I will face it calmly."

"Facing it calmly?" Lionhead sneered, seeming disdain, "Can you dodge a gun, can you dodge a dark arrow?"

Ye Wutian was dumbfounded by the question, unable to answer.

"If I didn't show up this time, would you still be alive? Do you think you'd still be able to get out of that prison?"

Ye Wutian was questioned again, and he couldn't answer any of these questions from Lionhead. Thinking about it, it seemed like that. Without Lionhead's help, this time he wanted to get out of the prison, which was easier said than done? Old Man Ma made a desperate attempt to kill him, but who would dare to refuse? Who dares to stop it?

"Think about it." The lion head patted Ye Wutian on the shoulder, "If you really want to honor me, just send me a few boxes of good wine, so that the teacher knows that you are not short of that amount of money."

Ye Wutian didn't have time to answer, the lion head had already left, and Ye Wutian in desperation could only shout at the back of the lion head: "Master, don't worry, the apprentice understands."

After being repeatedly mentioned by Lion Head, Ye Wutian suddenly became enlightened and domineering. Lion Head reminded him that he was not domineering enough in dealing with others, killing him!

"Who's there? Come out." Ye Wutian turned his head to look to the right, there was an abnormal noise there.

Chang Xiaomei walked out from behind a big tree, "Stinky hooligan, are you okay?"

Ye Wutian laughed and asked: "Daughter-in-law? Do you want me to die?"

Chang Xiaomei blushed, "It's better if you die, so you don't get angry."

Ye Wutian laughed and walked towards Chang Xiaomei, "Daughter-in-law, do you know what I like most about you?"

"Do you need to like it? Go away." Chang Xiaomei, who blushed and scolded.

Ye Wutian smiled but didn't answer, but he was inexplicably moved in his heart. The mother Tyrannosaurus followed him here and entered the military camp, which was a capital crime.

On weekdays, this female Tyrannosaurus always scolds him, or looks unhappy with him, but she still cares about him in her heart, but the way she cares is somewhat different.

"My favorite is your duplicitous way of caring. It's very unique and interesting." Ye Wutian said with a smile.

"Who, who cares about you? Shameless, don't talk about yourself like a saint, who cares about you? Can you not put money on your face?"

Ye Wutian didn't bother to argue with the other party, "Daughter-in-law, I want to kiss you."

Chang Xiaomei was so frightened that she stepped back. She realized that she had to step back, but unfortunately it was too late. Ye Wutian, who had just finished speaking, rushed up to hug Chang Xiaomei. He just kissed her **** little mouth.

After being kissed, Chang Xiaomei was dumbfounded, her eyes widened, as if it was hard to believe that she was being kissed.

Whether she believed it or not, she was kissed and forcibly kissed by Ye Wutian. This was an iron-clad fact.

Ye Wutian rejoiced in the dark, looking for an opportunity to stick his tongue out, looking for the little pink tongue of Captain Chang.

With Chang Xiaomei so wispy, kissing her, smelling the fragrance from her body, Ye Wutian has an unprecedented satisfaction, this feeling is really good.

The mouth was not idle, and the hands were not idle either, Ye Wutian attacked from top to bottom, from Chang Xiaomei's buttocks, waist, and even up, directly to eighteen touches.

"Ah!" Ye Wutian, who was feeling good, suddenly felt a pain, the slightest smell hit him, and he was bitten.

Chang Xiaomei's bite was quite strong and merciless.

Being bitten suddenly, Ye Wutian was even more energetic, not only did not let go, but instead became even more serious.

Kissing and kissing, Chang Xiaomei's resistance became weaker and weaker, from the struggle at the beginning to the hammering at the back.

Until the footsteps sounded next to him, Ye Wutian, who had been kissing deeply, stopped reluctantly, and gave the person a very dissatisfied look, blaming the other party for disturbing him.

"Don't fight, didn't you see any outsiders?" Ye Wutian held Chang Xiaomei's right hand, "Let others see, what is the etiquette?"

"Bastard, I'll kill you." Chang Xiaomei, who was full of grievances, had only one thought, to kill Ye Wutian, who cut a thousand knives.

Ye Wutian didn't care, sticking out his tongue and licking his injured lips, "Daughter-in-law, can you take it easy next time? It's really painful, it's disfigured, a handsome person like me is disgraced, and it's a shame to spread it out. , let me meet people."

Chang Xiaomei couldn't help but laughed, "It doesn't hurt, you bastard."

Being taken advantage of by Ye Wutian for no reason, Chang Xiaomei felt uncomfortable and wanted to kick Ye Wutian into a ball directly into outer space.

"Don't make trouble, someone is here." Ye Wutian said: "At most I will let you kiss back."

Hearing this, Chang Xiaomei became even more angry, she reached out her hand and wanted to draw a gun. To deal with this kind of hooligan, only killing him would be the most realistic.

"Don't make trouble." Ye Wutian didn't dare to anger her too much when he saw that Chang Xiaomei was going to be serious, "The account between us will be settled later, and I will suffer at the most."

"Mr. the old chief has an invitation." The visitor finally spoke.

"Hehe, Master is right, what should come will always come." Ye Wutian sneered: "Daughter-in-law, go back first."

Ye Wutian wanted to know what the old man Ma was looking for, and would he still be thrown into prison? It's better not to be like that, people's patience is limited.

"I'll go with you." Chang Xiaomei blurted out, and after saying this, she couldn't help but start to blush again, what's wrong with her? Why do you want to go in with him?

"Okay." Ye Wutian stretched out his hand to hold Chang Xiaomei's hand, the latter wanted to struggle away, but Ye Wutian not only did not let go, but held it even tighter, "I have already kissed, what does it matter if I hold my hand? ?"

The anger in Chang Xiaomei's heart, she told herself over and over again that she had to bear it, the business matter was the most important thing, and she couldn't be as knowledgeable as this bastard.

Stepping into the gate of the military area again, Ye Wutian was stopped by a person. When he saw the other party, Ye Wutian was stunned for a moment, then laughed, and the other party also laughed.

"Where in life do we never meet, I really didn't expect that we would meet here." Ye Wutian said. (m)

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