Mad Doctor

Chapter 880: war

Chapter 880 Battle

Ye Wutian's words are getting more and more mad, more and more arrogant, and less and less attention is paid to people. It is necessary to know that the person standing opposite him is not an ordinary person.

For some unknown reason, Chang Xiaomei admires someone and dares to speak to the old man like this, what kind of courage does it take? How dare people say that? Even if I lend him another guts, I'm afraid he wouldn't dare to do that.

Ordinary people will be nervous standing in front of the elderly. How important is the identity of the founding elders? That is the wealth of the country, the hero of the nation, how can people be ridiculed at will?

"Bold, Ye Wutian, who do you think you are? Dare to speak like that?" Yang Langzi roared.

Seeing this, Ye Wutian was even more angry, pointed at Yang Langzi and asked, "Who are you? Who the **** are you? When is your turn to speak here? What is your surname? Is your surname also Ma? The emperor is not in a hurry for the eunuch? "

Ye Wutian's tone was very serious, and he didn't intend to give Yang Langzi any face, "Where is the mad dog barking?"


Yang Langzi was so angry that the blue veins on his forehead bulged. He wanted to tear Ye Wutian alive, and he took the initiative to speak, but he wanted to win the favor of Grandpa Ma, but he did not expect Ye Wutian to be so mad and arrogant, and he was so angry when he opened his mouth. Enough.

"What am I? I'm wrong about you? Do you really think of yourself as a character? The old man didn't say anything, but you jumped out and made irresponsible remarks like a clown, but you really exist."

Old man Ma can't laugh or cry, Ye Wutian's sharp teeth and sharp mouth really make people dare not underestimate him.

"Master, I've finished speaking, may I go now?" Ye Wutian didn't want to stay any longer, he was tired, which made him feel very tired.

"Let your people stop." Old Man Ma waved his hand, indicating that Ye Wutian can leave.

Ye Wutian laughed at himself a few times. He still overestimated himself, or underestimated Yang Langzi. Old Man Ma still wanted to protect Yang Langzi.

You shouldn't have had expectations from the very beginning!

Yang Langzi showed a smug smile, the smile of victory, which disappeared in a flash.

Seeing the smile on Yang Langzi's face, Ye Wutian's heart couldn't help but feel angry, "You are so proud of yourself? Don't look at what the Yang Group has become now? Even if you stop now, you are afraid that you will lose a lot, right? ? And your Tenglong Gang, it's all like this, thank you for being able to laugh, shit! Yang Langzi, I have to admit, your iq spirit is really good, and you know how to comfort yourself."

In the next instant, Yang Langzi's face turned completely black, and the sense of victory he finally had disappeared in an instant.

"Daughter-in-law, let's go, it's boring." Ye Wutian reached out and took Chang Xiaomei's hand and left.

The blushing Chang Xiaomei wanted to scold someone, but found that the situation was not right, she swallowed all her dissatisfaction and let Ye Wutian hold her little hand.

Walking out of the gate of the military area, Ye Wutian, who was very depressed, raised his head and shouted, "Ah!"

Chang Xiaomei didn't scold anyone, she could feel the rogue's depression, and felt more sympathy for him.

"Daughter-in-law, what happened today taught us that people are separated from each other! Don't trust others too casually in the future."

"You are you, I am me, don't talk about me together."

Ye Wutian smiled bitterly: "Can't you comfort me? Didn't you see me hurt?"

"That's your business, what does it have to do with me?"

"Yang Langzi, huh, I really can't see it, the energy is strong enough to pull Old Man Ma out, it's getting more and more interesting. Old Man Ma is his last trump card, right?"

"You don't need to do this. It's because your expectations are too high. You have helped the old chief, but it doesn't mean that they have to help you." Chang Xiaomei said.

Ye Wutian sighed: "Yeah, that's right, no one owes anyone in this world at all, it's my expectations that are too high."

It turned out that Ye Wutian didn't expect Old Man Ma to help him, but he never expected Old Man Ma to harm him.

"Do you regret it?" Chang Xiaomei asked, "Do you regret helping him?"

Ye Wutian shook his head: "No, I never regret what I did. If it happens again, I will still do it. Old Man Ma is of great significance to the country."

Chang Xiaomei instantly raised Ye Wutian to a level, which only a broad-minded person can do.

"Do you admire me very much? Hey, if you want to worship, just worship. There is no way. A person as good as me will naturally be admired by the world." Ye Wutian said smugly.

"Little genius doctor." Ye Wutian was teasing Officer Chang Da, but the old lady came from the opposite side. She was being pushed by a young woman in a wheelchair, and there were several guards behind her.

Seeing the old woman, Ye Wutian put away his smile, "Grandma."

The old woman looked at Chang Xiaomei, "Girlfriend?"

Ye Wutian is funny, why are the old people so gossipy these days? As soon as they met, they asked if they were boyfriends, which made people speechless.

Chang Xiaomei was naturally made a big red face by this remark, and pushed all the mistakes to Ye Wutian, causing this misunderstanding, because Ye Wutian took advantage of her.

Officer Chang Da seems to have forgotten that she took the initiative to follow Ye Wutian, so it was also the misunderstanding she caused others, but now she has to blame others.

"Grandma, you go in, it's time for me to go too." Ye Wutian didn't want to talk to the old woman, the more he talked, the more confused and boring he would be.

"I'm sorry." After signaling the person pushing the cart to push the wheelchair in front of Ye Wutian, the old woman stretched out her hand to hold Ye Wutian's right hand and patted the back of Ye Wutian's hand lightly.

Here comes this trick again! This is always the case, the old woman and the old man Ma always divide the labor and cooperate, one sings the red face and the other sings the white face.

Withdrawing his hand, Ye Wutian calmed down: "Grandma, it's all over."

"Take care of yourself, this old woman knows that it's useless to say anything now, and I don't know how to explain it to you."

"No need to explain, no matter how much you say, it's better to see for yourself, grandma, go first, goodbye." Ye Wutian took Chang Xiaomei's hand and went around the old woman.

"Little genius doctor, sometimes seeing is not necessarily believing." The old woman shouted at Ye Wutian's back.

"You still don't let go?" Chang Xiaomei said only after walking a long way.

"Uh! Shake it again, the little hands are quite tender, daughter-in-law, why don't you hold a gun in the future, let's hold a pen, it's scary for a girl to hold a gun at every turn." Ye Wutian smiled cheekily.

Chang Xiao Mei angrily asked, "Do you really want me to be your daughter-in-law?"

"Hey, aren't you talking nonsense? Of course it's true, when have I lied to you?"

"Okay, you dump them, I'll be with you right away, be your woman right away, let me do whatever I want." Chang Xiaomei said this with a ruthless blow.

Ye Wutian swallowed his saliva, darling, it was unexpected that Chang Xiaomei could say such strong words, but, although her words were very tempting, Ye Wutian couldn't agree.

"What? Don't you dare?" Chang Xiaomei seemed to finally find a reason to clean up Ye Wutian, and asked Ye Wutian reluctantly.

"It's not that I don't dare, it's not necessary. Daughter-in-law, in your heart, I'm a careless person, but I don't think so. I'm actually a very single-minded person."

"You mean both fish and bear's paws?" Chang Xiaomei asked in a bad tone. It was the first time he had seen such a cheeky guy.

Ye Wutian asked weakly, "Is it okay?"

Although she knew Ye Wutian would not agree, Chang Xiaomei was still very angry, she stared at Ye Wutian and asked fiercely, "What do you think?"

"Okay, I know you don't agree, then let's change the subject and find a solution later."

Seeing this, Chang Xiaomei couldn't say anything else, she snorted coldly, expressing her extreme dissatisfaction.

Ye Wutian pretended not to hear, anyway, he wouldn't give up Ouyang Xingyue and the others, only a fool would do that, is he a fool? of course not.

The two of them went back to the city without a word. After sending Ye Wutian back to the gate of Tianxin Hongyan Group, Chang Xiaomei stepped on the accelerator and the car roared away without waiting for Uncle Ye to close the door tightly.

Looking at the passing car, Ye Wutian smiled bitterly, kissing and kissing was useless, he still couldn't settle the female tyrannosaurus, at this rate, when would he be able to settle her? Is it really necessary to force her overlord to bow? Ok! This is a problem.

As soon as Ye Wutian appeared at the door of the company, Ouyang Xingyue and the others knew.

"Master, what's the situation now?" Situ Wei asked, obviously being taken away by those who were punished by the army, and when he turned around, Ye Wutian appeared in front of everyone again.

"I don't know what's going on." Ye Wutian replied, in retrospect, he himself felt like a dream, being thrown into a prison, and then escaped, murdered, provoked, and every thing was a shocking cry.

"What did the Ma family say?" Situ Wei asked again.

"The relationship between Yang Langzi and the Ma family is not normal. Old Man Ma came here for Yang Langzi." Until now, Ye Wutian knew that Old Man Ma came to use it, not for Ma Feng's illness, but for the Yang family.

He is Old Man Ma's savior, and he is no better than Yang Langzi, which shows that the relationship between Yang Langzi and the Ma family is far more than the simple savior.


After listening to Ye Wutian's Situ Wei and Ouyang Xingyue both fell silent at the same time, Yang Langzi came out like the big backer of the Ma family, it can be seen that with the Ma family, anyone who wants to touch Yang Prodigal sons are not easy.

"It is indeed difficult to have the support of the Ma family." Ouyang Xingyue said lightly.

Situ Wei looked at Ye Wutian: "Master, what do you mean?"

Thinking of what Lionhead said, who is right or wrong, who is strong and who is weak, there should be a result.

The words of the lion's head appeared in his mind like a movie, Ye Wutian suddenly became arrogant, clenched his fists with both hands, "War."

"What if there is support from the Ma family? Even if I have the support of Tianwang Laozi, I will fight him. If he doesn't die, we will die." Ye Wutian continued, thinking in his heart, no matter how bad it is, the lion head will still be alive. Now, Old Man Ma will definitely give Lion Head a bit of a thin face. Judging from the way the two sides met today, Lion Head is not afraid of Old Man Ma.

Ye Wutian is gambling! Whether he can win, he doesn't know, he only remembers one sentence, life is like a gamble! &% Novel Network

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