Mad Doctor

Chapter 881: Pressing people with money (Part 1)

Chapter 881 Pressing People With Money (Part 1)

Situ Wei's daughters were also infected by Ye Wutian's arrogance. Most importantly, they believed that Ye Wutian's analysis was reasonable. If Yang Langzi didn't die, only the Hongyan Group would die.

"What's the current situation in our company? Has production and sales been affected?" Ye Wutian asked in the office.

Cheng Kexin replied: "No, after you were taken away by military punishment, orders surged."

Ye Wutian said stunned: "Is there still this matter?"

"We don't know what's going on." Until now, Cheng Kexin was like a dream and couldn't figure out the reason.

Ye Wutian is funny, this thing is quite interesting, "And this thing? Then I'm not afraid of being arrested a few more times, hehe."

Cheng Kexin rolled her eyes when she heard it, not afraid to catch a few more times? What's wrong with this bastard's brain? How many more catches? I really don't know what he is thinking, how worried he is?

"Are you worried that the Ma family will attack our company?" Cheng Kexin thought of this.

"Baby, do you think they dare?" Ye Wutian asked back.

Cheng Kexin was asked, thinking about it, they seemed to dare to do that.

"Don't worry, even if they dare, we don't let them squeeze as much as they want, even if their power is sky-high." Ye Wutian comforted.

Whether it is Qingcheng Pill or Breast Enhancement Pill, both have very special properties. Even if the Ma family wants to do something about the company, they have to weigh it. If the Ma family dares to do that, I am afraid it will easily become the public enemy of the world.

Ye Wutian is gambling, and he doesn't know what the result will be. It may not be very impressive, but no matter what, Ye Wutian knows that he has no way to retreat, and all he can do is to rush forward.

Putting down the document in his hand, Ye Wutian showed an evil smile, "Baby, I didn't expect you to get so many shares in the Yang Group."

"It was your second young mistress and the others." Cheng Kexin said sourly, accepting this fact in his heart, but still a little uncomfortable.

Ye Wutian felt uncomfortable, didn't know how to answer, so he could only chuckle twice.

Cheng Kexin was angry and funny when she saw this. She didn't say anything at the moment. Now, she knew that it was impossible to change, and the only thing she could do was accept it.

A few days passed peacefully. This morning, Ye Wutian got up early because he had something very important to do today.

After washing up, a burst of aroma came from the dining room, making Uncle Ye's stomach growl.

Walking into the dining room, Cheng Kexin was walking out of the kitchen, wearing a big white shirt with nothing on her lower body. The length of the white shirt could barely cover her **** pink buttocks.

Ye Ye, who was swallowing continuously, stared at Cheng Kexin's pair of straight and slender cocks, itching in his heart, and wanted to rush over to hold the perfect pair of **** and have a good time.

Thinking that he broke out in Cheng Kexin's **** little mouth last night, Ye Wutian couldn't help but feel happy for a while, Cheng Baobao really had nothing to say to him, and could really give everything for him.

When can I go to bed with his baby Cheng? This matter makes our uncle Ye very depressed, can't let baby Cheng use his mouth every time?


"Wake up? Come over for breakfast." Cheng Kexin saw Ye Wutian slapping her, and he was secretly happy and a little lonely at the same time.

Ye Wutian walked over and hugged Cheng Kexin from behind, "Baby, I want to eat you."

Cheng Kexin smiled and scolded: "You are slick, eat breakfast quickly."

"I want you to feed me."

Cheng Kexin didn't object, picked up a fried egg and bit it with his mouth, then turned around and handed it to Ye Wutian's mouth.

Ye Wutian hurriedly opened his mouth and bit the fried egg in one bite. At the same time, this fellow played a prank and stuck his tongue into Cheng Kexin's mouth.

Cheng Kexin struggled a few times at first, but seeing that Ye Wutian didn't mean to let go, she didn't resist any more, and let Ye Wutian hold her and kiss her warmly.

This passionate kiss lasted for a few minutes before it stopped, Cheng Kexin was almost breathless by Ye Wutian's domineering kiss, her plump **** were undulating, and her expression was so seductive that Ye Wutian was so heartbroken. Big move.

Satisfied and disappointed, Cheng Kexin snuggled in Ye Wutian's arms.

"Baby, we will definitely find a way, don't worry, I will compensate you well then, will you be full every day?" Ye Wutian comforted.

Cheng Kexin blushed like a burning cloud in the sky, how could anyone be so comforting like this villain? Eat enough every day? Why is his mind so evil?

"Take me as a female satyr?" Cheng Kexin, who was out of breath, slapped Ye Wutian on Ye Wutian's chest with a pink fist, "Bastard."

Ye Wutian in a good mood laughed, "I believe that day will come soon."

With Ye Wutian's comfort, Cheng Kexin felt a lot more comfortable, and threw out the sadness. As a woman, she couldn't carry out the obligations of a woman. After a long time, she was afraid that Ye Wutian would have an opinion on her.

I love this man so much that I can't help myself!

After eating breakfast, Ye Wutian went downstairs with Cheng Kexin, and then went back to the company with her.

In the Yang Group, Yang Langzi walked into the conference room with a cane in his hand, and behind him, a man and a woman followed on the left and right, all of whom seemed to be shrewd and capable.

Before Yang Langzi came in, the conference room was already full of people, and these people were almost the core members of the Yang Group.

After Yang Langzi came in, he went directly to the chairman's seat and sat down. Perhaps because too many things happened during this time, everyone present was not in a good mood, but he had to cheer up and participate in this meeting.

"Everyone, the meeting begins." After Yang Langzi sat down, he first glanced around and said, "I think everyone knows that during this period of time, our company has experienced too many things and encountered many difficulties, but today I want to Let me tell everyone that the Yang Group has not collapsed and will not collapse, and for this, I also thank everyone for their dedication to the company."

"There are difficulties, but they will always pass. Before the meeting, I have good news to tell you. Next, our Yang Group will cooperate with the military."

Yang Langzi's words still played a role. When the people in the conference room heard that the Yang Group could cooperate with the military, they immediately became interested. One advantage is that it is difficult to express a position in words.

"I also want to tell you that our cooperation with the military is not only a simple cooperation, the Yang Group will carry out in-depth cooperation with the military in many aspects, so everyone, you will have the opportunity to busy."

Yang Langzi knew that if he wanted to bring the company back to life, he had to let these people and shareholders have confidence in the company. Only in this way can the Yang Group get out of the current predicament.

Sure enough, when I heard that it was possible to not only cooperate with the military, but also to cooperate in various aspects, I was even more excited, which was a great good thing.

Yang Langzi saw the reactions of everyone in the conference room. Just as he was secretly complacent, the door of the conference room was slammed open.

The extremely dissatisfied Yang Langzi turned his head to look, just about to scold which ignorant guy was, he pushed the door and entered without even knocking on the door.

Others in the conference room also looked around, all attracted by the person who came, wondering who the person was.

"Everyone, I'm sorry, I'm late." After the door of the conference room was pushed open, Ye Wutian's sassy bag appeared in everyone's sight.

The appearance of Ye Wutian surprised everyone in the conference room, including Yang Langzi, who did not expect Ye Wutian to appear at all.

"You guys are really rude, you don't notify me when you have a meeting, it's ridiculous, I have to criticize you." Ye Wutian ignored everyone's astonished expressions, and walked to the empty seat with his pretty secretary, pulled out a chair and sat down .

Ye Wutian's words made everyone sweat wildly, where is this going? Yang Group's meeting, need to inform him Ye Wutian?

Ye Wutian is the enemy to all the staff of the Yang Group, although he Ye Wutian is in the limelight, he is a celebrity and a person.

"Let's have a meeting, continue the meeting." After sitting down, Ye Wutian couldn't help laughing when he saw that everyone was still looking at him with that kind of doubtful eyes.

No one made a sound, although they were curious about Ye Wutian's sudden appearance, but Yang Langzi didn't speak.

"Are you sure you didn't go to the wrong place?" Yang Langzi said with a sullen face, he couldn't figure out Ye Wutian's intention, and he didn't need such a low-level trick if he wanted to make trouble?

"Hehe, Dong Yang, it seems that your subordinates are not doing their jobs, otherwise why would you not know what happened?"

Yang Langzi's heart froze, and a bad premonition came to his mind. Seeing Ye Wutian's calm and relaxed appearance, he came prepared. In this case, what was he doing?

"Go out." Yang Langzi was in a very bad mood. This is his home court, and Ye Wutian came to make trouble. This is what Yang Langzi did not allow. "Do you want to go out by yourself or let the security drag you out?"

"Tsk tsk, Yang You are wrong, I am here to attend the meeting, not to insult you, understand?" Ye Wutian did not take Yang Langzi's strictness in his eyes at all. .

Several strong security guards walked into the conference room and surrounded Ye Wutian. One of the security guards said with a dark face, "This gentleman, please come out with us."

Ye Wutian touched his nose helplessly, shook his head and sighed, with a slight wave of his right hand, the secretary next to him handed a document bag to Ye Wutian.

Uncle Ye who took the document bag directly threw the document bag in his hand towards Yang Langzi, "Let's take a look first, and then see if it's suitable to drive me out."

Full of doubts, Yang Langzi hesitated for a while, and finally opened the file bag. After he saw the files inside, Yang Langzi froze on the spot as if struck by lightning, and his hands were shaking while holding the file. Forget where you are.

This document can no longer be described as a blow to Yang Langzi. With a blank mind, he has absolutely no idea what to say.

"What? Yang Dong, are you going to kick me out now?" Ye Wutian showed a smug smile on his face, and was very satisfied with the result. (m)

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