Mad Doctor

Chapter 882: Press people with money (below)

Chapter 882 Pressing People With Money (2)

Yang Langzi recovered from the shock and astonishment, slowly raised his head to look at Ye Wutian, and waved a few security guards to go out.

With a simple wave of his hand, he could see the powerlessness of Yang Langzi at this time.

Others in the conference room were very curious about the contents of the document in Yang Langzi's hand, which made Yang Langzi agree with Ye Wutian to sit here for the meeting.

"Everyone, I'm very happy to join the big family of the Yang Group. As a shareholder of the Yang Group, I, like everyone, hope that the company can make money and make big money." Ye Wutian said.

Hearing this, no matter how stupid everyone is, they still know what's going on. Dare to love him, Ye Wutian became a shareholder of Yang's Group without everyone noticing. This incident was too sudden and unexpected.

Yang Langzi's eyes were like needles, and he swept to the shareholders on his right. Those few people seemed to notice Yang Langzi's blade-like eyes, and they all lowered their heads. I don't know if they were guilty or afraid, and they dared not look at Yang Langzi's eyes. .

Ye Wutian became a shareholder of Yang Group, what happened?

"Very good." Yang Langzi stared at the shareholders and said something inexplicable, which many people couldn't understand, but the shareholders could understand.

Obviously the opponent and enemy of the Yang Group, but in a blink of an eye, he became a shareholder of the Yang Group. Everyone realized that the storm was coming.

"Let's have a meeting, let's have a meeting, just now I heard outside the door that our company wants to cooperate with the military? This is a good thing." Ye Wutian gave Yang Langzi a thumbs up: "As a member of the company, I am very happy, It is not difficult to imagine that our Yang Group will definitely be brilliant in the near future."

Everyone saw Ye Wutian spitting out saliva and spitting, but for some reason, they always felt that what this fellow said was very false, not like the truth.

Yang Langzi didn't know what to do, but Ye Wutian's appearance completely disrupted his plan, and it was impossible to drive Ye Wutian out. Leap becomes a shareholder of the company and is also eligible to participate in company meetings.

"Dong Yang, as a shareholder of the company, I have the right to know what the cooperation between the company and the military will be?"

"Ye Wutian, you are really good." Yang Langzi still finds it difficult to accept the fact that Ye Wutian has become a shareholder of the company.

"Thank you, admit it, you're not bad, you can get the support of the military, I also underestimate you." Ye Wutian sneered, "Hidden so deeply, but there really is you, Yang Langzi, besides the Ma family, what else do you have? Backers? Pull them out together, use them to shock me, I will be very scared."

How could Yang Langzi not hear that Ye Wutian was mocking him? But there is no way to take Ye Wutian at all, and can only stare at Ye Wutian through gnashing of teeth.

"Your grandfather Ma is really good to you, he can put me to death for you, Yang Langzi, you are so powerful that you almost capsized me in the gutter." Ye Wutian gave Yang Langzi a thumbs up again.

"What do you want?" Yang Langzi said, Ye Wutian has the shares of Yang's Group in his hands, and no one can do anything with him, and he believes that Ye Wutian's private acquisition of the shares of Yang's Group will definitely Another picture.

Even if Yang Langzi was killed, he didn't believe that Ye Wutian would sincerely be good for the Yang Group.

Looking at the dialogue between Yang Langzi and Ye Wutian, everyone seemed to be looking at flowers in the fog, but everyone could hear it, and the dialogue between the two had a strong smell of gunpowder.

"What do I want?" Ye Wutian asked with a smile: "Isn't it obvious? Yang Dong, you should know what I want."

"Make a price and give me the shares in your hand." Yang Langzi answered the question.

Ye Wutian was startled: "Do you want to buy my shares?"

"Can't you?" Yang Langzi asked coldly.

Ye Wutian was amused, "What do you think? Do you think it's okay? Yang Langzi, did I say that you have eaten too much and your brain is starting to lose its strength?"

"Shares have no effect in your hands."

"What's the meaning of this? It can also make money for me, and I can also use it to do many things. For example, I can use these shares in my hands to make Yang Group make money. Of course, in turn, I can also use it. Let the Yang Group go bankrupt."

None of the people present did not change their faces, Ye Wutian spent such a large price in order to make the Yang Group go bankrupt? What theory is this? Even if Ye Wutian succeeded in the end, it would be a lose-lose situation, and doing so would be of no benefit at all.

"Hehe, don't be nervous, I'm just joking, don't worry, I usually don't do that." Ye Wutian smiled.

Everyone is sweating, usually? What if it was a special case? What will be the result?

Yang Langzi even decided to buy back those shares in Ye Wutian's hands, at all costs, even if he spent double the money, he had to buy them back.

Others dare not, Ye Wutian dares, this person never plays cards according to common sense, he dares to fight the shares in his hands to destroy the Yang Group, which Ye Wutian dares to do.

"Yang Dong, let's have a meeting, don't discuss some useless topics." Ye Wutian put on an expression of worrying about the country and the people, looking at him like that, he can't wait to save the Yang Group from the fire.

"The meeting is dismissed." Yang Langzi has long been in no mood for another meeting. Today, this will make him extremely angry, which is very different from what he imagined before the meeting.

Before the official meeting was held, it was announced that the meeting was dismissed. This was also the first time for the Yang Group in many years.

Yang Langzi stood up, picked up a cane in his hand and prepared to leave, while other senior executives of the company also collected their documents and prepared to leave.

Only Ye Wutian sat still and looked at everyone with a smile, when Yang Langzi walked to the door of the conference room and was about to leave the conference room, Ye Wutian said: "Everyone, don't rush to leave, I There is more to say."

Everyone including Yang Langzi stopped and looked at Ye Wutian doubtfully.

"Yang Dong, please sit down too, I have something to say." Ye Wutian looked at Yang Langzi.

Seeing Yang Langzi standing there and not speaking, Ye Wutian said again: "What? You are in a hurry? Well, you can go first if you have something. Actually, it doesn't matter whether you are here or not."

When Ye Wutian said this, Yang Langzi didn't know what to do, whether to leave or stay.

After some hesitation, Yang Langzi finally sat down. In his opinion, Ye Wutian was aggressive and wanted to anger him away on purpose. Yang Langzi thought that he could not be deceived.

"Everyone, it's not really important, I just want to chat with you about some personal matters." When everyone returned to their seats, Ye Wutian showed his unique way of being flat, which made people want to go forward. Beat him up.

How can you be so shameless? Since there is nothing wrong, why leave them behind? Everyone here, although there is no important person in the country, but their time is extremely precious, and it is not tolerated to waste time like this.

"Leaving everyone, there is only one thing I want to discuss with you. I am sure you are not unfamiliar with me, and you are more aware of the grievances and grievances between me and the Yang Group. Yes, I also have a little misunderstanding with you, Yang Dong, And these misunderstandings doomed me and him to be impossible to become friends again, in other words, there will be a battle between me and him sooner or later."

Ye Wutian was excited to talk, but the listeners were horrified, guessing what Ye Wutian wanted to do, they had already talked for a long time, but they didn't mention the theme.

Everyone secretly looked at Yang Langzi, Ye Wutian said these words in front of Yang Langzi, as a party, Yang Langzi must be uncomfortable.

From the beginning to the end, Yang Langzi had a dark face, he wanted to see what trick Ye Wutian was playing.

"There will be a battle between me and you Yang Dong sooner or later, but I am a kind person and will never hurt innocent people. Do you understand me?" Ye Wutian still said brazenly: "So, today I am Take this opportunity to discuss one thing with everyone, hehe, who is willing to sell the shares in your hands to me?"

After talking for a long time, Ye Wutian wanted to buy shares.

Yang Langzi finally understands Yang Langzi's wolf ambition, Ye Wutian's ultimate goal is for the shares of Yang's Group.

"How? Are you willing to sell me your shares?" Ye Wutian looked at everyone.

Everyone didn't know what to say. Of course, even if they had ideas, they didn't dare to publish them. Yang Langzi was still here.

No one knew what Yang Langzi was thinking, but judging from his face, even a fool could tell that Yang Langzi was definitely in a bad mood.

"I said just now that my biggest advantage is that I don't want to hurt innocent people. Think about it, if I fall out with you Yang Dong in the future, who will suffer? You will definitely be implicated. In that case, You probably don't want it to happen, do you?"

Ye Wutian found that he had the potential of a big wolf, and tempted the bunch of little sheep in front of him, but would this group of little sheep take the bait?

With Yang Langzi here, it is naturally impossible to achieve his wish smoothly, but Ye Wutian is not anxious.

"In case I'm in a bad mood one day and accidentally cause the company's stock price to plummet, everyone, what should you do when you say it? I don't want to misunderstand everyone." Ye Wutian said, seemingly reminding, but in fact threatened.

Everyone present was turned over by Ye Wutian's thunderous words and thunderous words, but no one dared to laugh, because everyone knew that he dared to do this, and dared to make the company's stock price fall with the mentality of losing money. There is no such guy in the world. Things that can't be done.

"How? Everyone? Can you think about it?" Ye Wutian asked.

Yang Langzi laughed, laughed at Ye Wutian's ignorance, laughed at Ye Wutian's arrogance, "Do you think you can succeed?"

In the face of Yang Langzi's laughter, Ye Wutian didn't care, and said calmly: "It's not you who has the final say, it's not me who has the final say."

"Oh, what do you mean? Who has the final say?" Yang Langzi became interested and was curious about Ye Wutian's question.

"Money, money has the final say." Ye Wutian replied with a proud smile.

Yang Langzi was stunned, then his face sank, "What do you mean?"

"Haha, Yang Langzi, you are so smart, there is no reason to not know what I want to say." Ye Wutian ignored Yang Langzi, turned his head and said to him: "Everyone, as long as you are willing to sell your shares to me, money is not a problem. , As we all know, I like to make friends, so as long as everyone is happy, even if I pay more money, it is not a problem."

How could Yang Langzi still be unclear about Ye Wutian's intentions? Totally want to throw money at it.

"Yang Langzi, if you use power to oppress me, I will oppress you with money to see who can have the last laugh." (m)

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