Mad Doctor

Chapter 886: silence

Chapter 886

Ye Wutian smiled and walked towards the inside. On the sofa, the other two stood up one after another when they saw Ye Wutian coming in, and nodded slightly to Ye Wutian to say hello.

"Three, please take a seat." Ye Wutian greeted the other three and sat on the opposite sofa first.

The three of them faced each other and sat down one after another.

"Three, I'm very happy to meet you. I know that you are all smart people. You should know how to choose." Ye Wutian was in a good mood. These three people came to the door so quickly. Unexpectedly.

The three of them looked at each other again, showing a bitter smile, and being forced to this point, they had no choice but to be forced.

I have some regrets in my heart, but unfortunately many things are useless to regret, and it can be solved without regret. If they knew this, they would never have done that at the beginning, and they would not have transferred the shares out.

After all, money is at fault, but they never thought that those shares would fall into Ye Wutian's hands. At that time, they saw the stock price of Yang's Group plummet, which made them anxious, and they fell like this. , when is the end? At that time, someone came to the door and could go out to Gauge to buy their shares.

In fact, they didn't know it was normal at the time. The stock price of Yang's Group fell sharply, and there were people who bought their shares at a high price. There must be a demon when the incident happened.

Knowing it was abnormal, they didn't think much about it.

If they had known that the shares would fall into Ye Wutian's hands, they would not have sold the shares, but could they blame them?

They think they are right. As a businessman and a shareholder, they must first consider their own interests. This is only right.

"Three, opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. I know that you are all smart people. Since you are here today, it means that you have already figured it out." Ye Wutian said: "Don't worry, I will definitely let you in on the price. You are satisfied."

The other three seemed to be hesitating. After a while, the man surnamed Chen who was sitting in the middle said, "Ye Dong, we have another request."

Ye Wutian smiled and leaned his back on the sofa, seeking a comfortable posture. Today, Ye Wutian is a winner, and this time he also talks with the attitude of a winner.

The three people on the opposite side have nowhere to go, and the Yang Group has no place for them. With Yang Langzi as a person, he will not let the three people in front of him go too far.

"Let's hear it." After finding a comfortable position, Ye Wutian said.

The man surnamed Chen said, "It's fine for you to sell the shares to Ye Dong, but we hope you can protect our safety, Ye Dong."

Ye Wutian laughed secretly, and he really guessed by himself, these three guys are afraid that they have already received some rumors, knowing that they are in a bad situation, they will make an extra request.

After making the request, the three surnamed Chen looked at Ye Wutian with nervousness and fear, for fear that Ye Wutian would not agree. They received the news and knew that Yang Langzi would probably deal with them.

Although the Tenglong Gang is not as good as before, no one dares to underestimate it. The rotten boat still has three pounds of nails.

"Three, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to agree to this request." Ye Wutian pretended to be embarrassed and thought, "How about you change the conditions?"

"This is our common condition and the only condition, Ye Dong, if you want us to sell our shares to you, you must agree to this condition."

"Hehe, actually you don't need to worry, maybe it's not as you think, because you are too nervous?" Ye Wutian laughed.

The man surnamed Chen was unmoved, "Ye Dong, we have our channels."

"Oh, don't say it, the conditions you mentioned are very difficult for me to do, and I don't know what to do."

"I hope Ye Dong can agree."

Ye Wutian thought for a while, "Three, I wonder if you have thought about it, what price do you plan to charge for those shares in your hands?"

The three people on the opposite side glanced at each other quickly, and it was estimated that they had already negotiated, "Three times the current price."

Ye Wutian almost couldn't help rushing over and punching these three guys, grandma, how can you be so shameless? Three times at a time? Do you really think I got my money back? Even picking it up requires effort and time.

"This price is very high!" Ye Wutian said: "To be honest, I can't accept it."

The other party seemed to think that Ye Wutian would not accept it, so the man surnamed Chen said: "Two and a half times, this is our bottom line."

"Well, the price is still too high." Ye Wutian still couldn't accept it, the other party was shameless, and he could be shameless, what did he say? Repay him in his own way.

Seeing that Ye Wutian didn't agree, it was a little different from what he said in the conference room that day. The man surnamed Chen began to worry. Ye Wutian said it very nicely that day, saying that he likes to make friends, and he doesn't care about money or how high he is. The price is acceptable, and it changes so quickly, without any articulation and credit.

They are not stupid, they know why Ye Wutian changed his mind so quickly, he must see that they want to rush to sell the shares of the Yang Group, so he is not in a hurry.

Knowing that Ye Wutian was intentionally embarrassing, they had nothing to do with Ye Wutian. They could only hold back all the depression and ask others for help, so they had to bow their heads.

"Director Ye, what price do you think is reasonable?" Unable to pinpoint Ye Wutian's reserve price, they could only push the initiative to Ye Wutian's hands to see what price he would offer, and hope that Ye Wutian would say goodbye Too much.

"This, the shares are yours, let's you open it. I don't want to be told that they will fall into trouble and make ill-gotten wealth." Ye Wutian thought about it for a while and still did not offer any conditions.

The three men surnamed Chen had the urge to hit people, Ye Wutian clearly wanted to be a **** and wanted to set up an archway, obviously he wanted to lower the price, but he had to pretend to show pity for the world.

"Double." The man surnamed Chen gave in again and continued to offer.

Facing the offer from the man surnamed Chen, Ye Wutian just sat there smiling, since he didn't nod or shake his head.

Seeing Ye Wutian sitting still, the man surnamed Chen asked: "Ye Dong, what about this price? It's already extremely low, and we can't accept it any lower."

Ye Wutian said: "It's very low. If you don't put forward that condition, the price is really not high."

"You mean to go even lower?"

"If it can be the best." Ye Wutian did not deny it: "Of course, the initiative is in your hands, I just hope."

"Impossible, Ye Dong, we can't give in any more."

Ye Wutian, who shrugged, expressed his understanding: "Well, I can understand, there is a saying that is good, business is not righteous, three, no one has ever dared to force you to do this kind of thing."

Knowing that Ye Wutian could not give up the shares in their hands, they could not help but get nervous, afraid that Ye Wutian would leave.

"Well, I'm a straightforward person. I'll pay twice as much as you said, but I won't protect you."

"No, if we want our shares, we must protect our safety. This is our bottom line."

Ye Wutian smiled bitterly: "Three, you make me very embarrassed."

"Please help us Mr. Ye." The three of them knew very well that only Ye Wutian could help them, and only Ye Wutian could restrain Yang Langzi.

"It's not fair. First of all, I have no obligation to help you. Second, my and your prices are not cheap. I paid a high price to buy the shares in your hands, and then I have to protect you. No matter how I look at it, I will feel like a fool, sorry. I don't do this kind of thing, and I believe no one will do it."

Ye Wutian interrupted the other party to speak, and then said: "I know what you want to say, yes, I said that the price is easy to discuss, but I didn't promise to protect you?"

"Ye Dong, as long as you can protect us, the price can be negotiated." The men surnamed Chen knew that in order to survive, they had no other way, let alone another way to go.

"Otherwise, you go to others to see if you can cooperate?"

The man surnamed Chen looked helpless, except Ye Wutian, who would dare to take over their shares?

"Ye Dong, come and make an offer. In any case, we must ensure our safety."

"Three, do you look down on me too much? Why do you think I can protect you?"

"Intuition, and we have sight," said another.

"Well, since you trust me so much, I will be hypocritical if I am hypocritical, so let's take a step back, I can protect your safety, and you have to make a little concession, I don't ask too much, just for now It's half the market price."

If eyes can kill people, Ye Wutian has already died more than many times, he really dares to open his mouth, the current market price is half price? If you really want that, you might as well just give it to him Ye Wutian.

"What, do you think this price is reasonable? If you can't accept it, you can negotiate again. It's business, that's all, it's all about everyone's satisfaction."

The three surnamed Chen wanted to greet all eighteen generations of Ye Wutian's ancestors, focusing on women. Of course, they would not agree to such an unreasonable request.

"No..." The man surnamed Chen started, and before he could say the last word, a bang bang bang sounded in his ears.


The sound of gunshots actually sounded, and the three of them were shocked. At this time, the sound of gunshots sounded, was it coming for them?

This guess and doubt was soon confirmed because bullets whizzed past them, no matter how stupid they were, they knew that the bullets were targeting the three of them.

The excited man surnamed Chen hurriedly hid on the back of the sofa to avoid being hit by bullets.

Ye Wutian also hid in the corner, "Three, you have to be careful."

It's okay not to say that, the three men surnamed Chen are even more afraid. Those people outside must be people from Yang Langzi, and only Yang Langzi dares to be so arrogant.

"Hurry up and make a decision." Ye Wutian reminded again kindly.

"At the original price, the condition is that you must protect our absolute safety." The man surnamed Chen gritted his teeth and said to Ye Wutian in the corner.

"Sorry! I'm not interested." Ye Wutian refused. "Yang Langzi is so ruthless, he just wanted to silence him, alas! You have to be careful."

"Bang Bang!" After a few gunshots, the door of the room was violently slammed open, and several big men rushed in with guns in their hands. (m)

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