Mad Doctor

Chapter 887: Subtotal

Chapter 887

The three men surnamed Chen curled up on the back of the sofa didn't even dare to breathe. Even though the autumn was high and the weather was not hot, the three of them were so nervous that they were sweating.

Feeling that several big men are getting closer and closer to them, the breath of death is getting stronger and stronger. Those big men will definitely find them after a few steps. Will they dare to shoot at that time?

There is no doubt that those people dare to shoot, and there is no doubt that their bodies cannot stop the bullets.

The three of them all knew that, until now, they had no choice. The only thing they could do was to submit to Ye Wutian, so they quickly gestured towards Ye Wutian, indicating that they agreed to Ye Wutian's request.

If they don't agree again, what awaits them will be death. Compared with life, money is naturally more important.

Ye Wutian grinned, gave a thumbs up, and then mouthed to the three of them, "Don't worry, look at me, no one can hurt you when I'm here."

With Ye Wutian's assurance, the three men surnamed Chen were relieved, and they were still very confident in Ye Wutian's strength.

Ye Wutian quietly took out some medicinal powder and buckled it in his hand. When he was about to find an opportunity to sneak attack, he heard one of the big men indignantly scolding: "Damn, one step late, they ran away."

The whole body of the three surnamed Chen was trembling slightly, trying to control their breathing.

"Brother, what should I do now?" another voice asked.

"Let's go and look around."

After the conversation between the two, a messy footstep sounded, and the big men walked out of the room.

The departure of the other party surprised both Ye Wutian and the man surnamed Chen, so they left? what happened? They're all in. At least search the whole room, right? But they didn't. They just stood in the hall for a while, and even if they took a few steps forward, they could find the target hiding behind the sofa.

Weird, so weird.

However, at this time, the three surnamed Chen were not in the mood to think about those things. They had already been stunned to the ground, and they could only gasp for breath. The tension made them collapse.

"Three, you are temporarily safe." After putting away the powder again, Ye Wutian walked out from the corner.

The other party looked at Ye Wutian, and more regretted it. If they knew this, they would not have promised Ye Wutian so early.

Now I don't know if they are lucky or Ye Wutian is lucky.

"Three, what are your expressions? Don't you want to regret it?" Ye Wutian asked curiously when he saw the other three staring at him closely.

"Ye Dong, don't you think you are too much?" said the man surnamed Chen.

Ye Wutian scolded when he heard the words: "Damn! Your grandma, do you really want to regret it? Don't forget that I saved your life just now, do you want to regret it so soon?"

"Ye Dong, you are also a person of status. You can't speak too far. You didn't help us in the scene just now. If you insist, I think we are lucky, not you."

Ye Wutian sneered, the more he listened, the more unpleasant he felt: "What's the matter? Listening to your tone, I really want to go back on it? Yes, I didn't help much just now, but you can't help but admit that it is because of my existence that you can So calm and idle, the three of you, it's not that I underestimate you, if I'm not here, I'm afraid the three of you will open the window and jump down immediately."

The man surnamed Chen wanted to punch Ye Wutian directly, and smashed Ye Wutian's disgusting face, "Still calm? Obviously they are scared to death, this kid can really say."

"I don't care. Anyway, I helped you just now. You should see that if those people dare to take another two steps forward, I will immediately kill them. They are lucky to go faster, and then go slower, I promise. They can't see the sun tomorrow." Ye Wutian patted his chest.

The three surnamed Chen were speechless to the extreme. They were completely defeated by Ye Wutian's brazenness. They even used rogue moves. He Ye Wutian was a famous person after all. Makes people cry.

"Three, go back and sign the contract with me." Ye Wutian was not in the mood to play with them.

The man surnamed Chen said with a gloomy expression: "Ye Dong, I'm sorry, we can't accept such a low price."

The other two also echoed and agreed.

"Damn it! I finally let Lao Tzu find out that there are people who are more shameless than me. You have the seeds."

The man surnamed Chen has a sense of revenge, thinking that only you will be a rogue in the future? We will too.

"Okay, I wish you good luck." After Ye Wutian finished speaking, he strode out.

gone like this? Just when the three men surnamed Chen were puzzled, Ye Wutian, who had already walked out of the room, shouted, "Hey, brothers, they are here."

The man surnamed Chen was almost fainted by Ye Wutian, who did he call? Could it be those big guys just now? Back and forth?

"The person you're looking for is inside, don't look at me like that, I'm not your target." Ye Wutian said with a smile, after speaking, this fellow pointed to the inside of the room.

Now, the three men surnamed Chen are stupid, **** it! What is this all about? Ye Wutian was extremely hateful and sold them in an instant.

After a burst of rapid footsteps, a few big men appeared at the door again, and it was the big men who had just left and returned.

Looking at the big man who came in, in addition to being afraid, the three men surnamed Chen also understood why Yang Langzi would be disgraced by Ye Wutian. How could ordinary people deal with such unreasonable players?

The eighteenth generation of Ye Wutian's ancestors wanted to scold Ye Wutian, but they couldn't open their mouths. They were never masters.

"Damn, I almost made you run away." The big man at the head sneered, slowly raising his gun and pointing at the three men surnamed Chen.

Several companions next to the big man also pointed their guns at the three.

"Don't, don't shoot." The man surnamed Chen's legs were like vibrators. Except for fear, he was afraid. Of course money was important, but life was more important. "Ye Dong, help us, I promise you, half the market price."

Ye Wutian standing at the door sneered, full of disdain: "I can't believe you, you guys talk like singing, I know which sentence is true and which is false? You promised me just now, but Didn't you regret it later?"

"It's true this time, Ye Dong, please believe us." Although blood was dripping in his heart, he had no choice but to grit his teeth and endure the pain for the sake of his life.

"Sign it." Ye Wutian took out three documents and handed them to the man surnamed Chen like a conjuration.

The three of them gritted their teeth and quickly signed the document.

Looking at the signed document, Ye Wutian smiled, and after putting away the document, he turned around and said to the big men: "Everyone, give me some noodles, from now on, they are the objects of my protection, please leave. "

"Are you Ye Wutian?" the other party asked.

"It's down."

"Put down the gun." The other party put down the gun first: "Mr. Ye, I'll give you this face today, but next time I meet them, I won't let them go."

"Thank you, let's drink tea together when you have time." Ye Wutian smiled.

In the blink of an eye, a few big men left, as the saying goes, come and go faster.

"Three, you are safe for the time being. Let's do the rest of your work next. Happy cooperation."

"You want to leave?" The man surnamed Chen was impatient: "Ye Dong, you are gone, what should we do if we are in danger?"

"Hehe, don't worry, we are in a cooperative relationship now, and we won't die, but you have to complete all the formalities quickly before I can send someone over."

"We'll do it right away, please send someone over immediately."

"This is not a problem." Ye Wutian agreed, "I'll go first, call me if you have anything."

There were only three men surnamed Chen left in the room. The man surnamed Chen said, "What should we do? We have no way out."

"What else can we do? Up to now, we can only keep going."

Another, thinner, said: "I always felt like something was wrong today."

"Which side are you referring to?"

"Everything, things are too weird today."

Just as the man surnamed Chen was about to ask again, his phone rang. He took it out and saw that the caller ID was Dong Yang.

The other two men turned their heads when they saw that the faces and expressions of the men surnamed Chen were not quite right. They were also frightened by the caller.

what to do? The phone kept ringing, they dared not answer, and they didn't know what to say when they answered.

Gritting his teeth, the man surnamed Chen said, "You two, we have nowhere to go."

The three walked out of the hotel carefully, and after every few steps, they had to confirm that there was no danger before they continued to walk.

"Wait, you see." The man surnamed Chen stopped and stared at the car on the right. The other two looked at it for a moment. The next moment, their faces changed greatly. All three knew that they really drop trap.

"Boss, please come to us if you have such a good job in the future." In front of the car, the young man wearing sunglasses took out stacks of money and handed it to the other party.

"The acting is good, and I will definitely find you in the future when I need it." The man in sunglasses said props.

"Thank you The man who took the money thanked him again and again and was very grateful. "Boss, don't worry about acting, we will be preparing to take the golden man in the future. "

Ye Wutian was amused, and when he was in a good mood, he took out a stack of money from the car and handed it over, "Here, take it for tea, remember to sign it for me when you really get the golden statuette in the future."

"Hey, thank you boss, as long as you need something, don't say anything, even if we let us sign a car for you, we are willing." The man who took the money was in a good mood, "Liu San, put away the props, Director Wang is calling, let's return the props to the crew immediately."

Seeing this scene, the three men surnamed Chen were full of anger and quickly walked towards the man with sunglasses. They needed an explanation.

The three rushed towards the man in sunglasses, but at this time, opposite them, there were also several young people walking towards them with a bad expression.

The man surnamed Chen despised in his heart, glanced at the young man opposite him, and said in his heart that he was really good at acting, and he was able to act murderous, but this time they would not be afraid, jump into traps, or act like fools. Let others play the same. (m)

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