Mad Doctor

Chapter 892: Means of accumulating money (Part 1)

Chapter 892 The Means of Collecting Wealth (Part 1)

"What negotiation? It's already been decided, what's the point of negotiating? It's all on your own." Ouyang Xingyue slandered inwardly.

"If you want to achieve your goal, you must first meet three conditions. First, the place is too small, not too big, and it is impossible to make such a big place. Second, financial resources. With the current financial resources, it is not enough to deal with. Third, relationships, various relationships, equipment, and even weapons and some high-tech things." Cheng Kexin analyzed.

"After all, it's because of money." Situ Wei said, "What are you going to do with it?"

"Hehe, money is indeed a problem. If we want to achieve our plan, it is not something that can be achieved in one day. It is just a plan." Ye Wutian also knew that it could not be achieved so easily. Even so, he still had to persevere and follow Those people are intriguing, he is already tired and tired, and finally reincarnates, his only wish is to make money and live a comfortable life, not to fight infighting all day long.

"Yo, it looks like you already have a plan."

Ye Wutian smiled but didn't answer, looking at the three women, "In this way, you can first see where there is a place or a small island to buy, it can't be too far, and the climate is also a problem."

"Master, I know there is one place I don't know, it should be able to satisfy you." Situ Wei said.

Ye Wutian didn't expect the news so soon, he was so excited that he almost couldn't hold back and kissed Situ Wei, "Where?"

"Heavenly Palace, isn't that a good place?"

Uncle Ye's face instantly collapsed, knowing that he had been tricked.

"I'm serious." Ye Wutian gritted his teeth with hatred.

"We're looking for a place, what are you doing? Do you want to be the shopkeeper again?" It was Ouyang Xingyue who asked the question, thinking that Ye Wutian wanted to talk again, and then leave everything to them.

Ye Wutian could feel Ouyang Xingyue's dissatisfaction, and in this regard, he could only play to his strengths, pretending to be mad and foolish, pretending not to hear.

Cheng Kexin was very angry and funny when she saw this, but she was still sour in her heart when she saw Ye Wutian like this, and she felt a little bit heartbroken, "Let's think of a way to restore the company's sales first, if things can't be sold, how can we make money? There is no money. , everything is a fantasy.”

"Well, what's the situation now?" Ye Wutian also knew that Cheng Kexin was telling the truth. If the company did not resume normal production, it would mean that there was no income. Under such circumstances, what else would we talk about building a city?

"No news for now."

"Have you counted all the things they took away?" Ye Wutian asked.

"Those things that were taken away will not cause any loss to us, they are all materials on the second set of plans."

Ye Wutian nodded, and after getting Situ Wei's answer, he felt more at ease, that was the best.

"Master, after you have built the city, are you planning to get seventy-two concubines in three palaces and six courtyards?" Situ Wei suddenly said.

Shushu looked at Ye Wutian with two eyes, even without looking, Ye Wutian could feel the eyes of Cheng Kexin and Ouyang Xingyue.

He couldn't admit this question to death. Although he had thought about it like that, he couldn't say it honestly, otherwise violence would be very likely to happen.

"What are you thinking? I'm not that kind of person." Ye Wutian threw his sleeves away, "If you think of a way to restore the company's sales, I also want to make money. Also, Qingcheng Pill cancels the discount on the supply of the army. at the original price."

Cheng Kexin was very anxious after hearing this: "That will offend a lot of people."

Ye Wutian stopped and turned to look at the three women: "Are there still few people we offend? There are so many people waiting to kill us. It's not so easy for good people these days."

"I still don't think it's good." What Cheng Kexin thought was that, if that's the case, the troops will inevitably reduce purchases. Therefore, many front-line soldiers will die because they cannot be treated in time.

"I want to say, that's their business. Master said that the truth is always in the hands of a few people. They can ignore the life and death of soldiers. What else do we care about? I'm not a politician, just an ordinary businessman, and Businessmen are based on interests, and what I pursue is interests.”

Cheng Kexin didn't say anything else. This villain never plays cards according to common sense. Once he decides something, no one can make him change his mind. In ancient times, such a person would definitely be a tyrant.

After leaving the company, Ye Wutian muttered to himself: "Actually, I don't want to, you forced me."

"Ye, when will you let me go?" After being detained for a few days, Zhang Jing couldn't stay there for a long time. She was about to go mad when she was under house arrest. After finally waiting for Ye Wutian's arrival, Zhang Jing couldn't wait. 's mouth asked.

Ye Wutian glanced at the pile of food on the table and said, "No wonder you are in such a good shape and eat so little, so you don't need to lose weight."

"When will you let me go?" Zhang Jing was not in the mood to flirt with Ye Wutian.


"Really?" Zhang Jing thought that Ye Wutian would refuse, but they agreed. To her surprise, her first reaction was not to believe it.

Ye Wutian was too lazy to talk nonsense with the other party, opened the bag he brought with him, took out a set of clothes from it and walked in front of Zhang Jing, and dressed for Zhang Jing gently.

Zhang Jing didn't move, she wanted to resist and finally let Ye Wutian manipulate her, her face was red and she was shy!

This time, Ye Wutian didn't take advantage of Zhang Jing, Zhang Jing still couldn't believe it, thought that he was no longer attractive? How could this **** not take advantage of her? Not his style.

"What do you want to do?" Gritting his teeth secretly, it hurts, Zhang Jing knows this is not a dream, everything is real, but how is this possible?

"Let you go." Ye Wutian continued to put on Zhang Jing's clothes, first underwear, panties, coats, one by one for her, with extremely gentle movements.

"Do you really want to let me go?" Zhang Jing still didn't believe it. It all happened so fast that it was difficult for Zhang Jing to accept it.

Ye Wutian who stopped and asked with a smile: "You don't want to go?"

Zhang Jing hesitated to speak, always felt that it was not normal, it shouldn't be like this, how could Ye Wutian be so good at talking? Not normal, definitely not normal.

"Let's go, Zhang Jing, I don't want to embarrass you, let's go. If you can, the hatred between us will be clear. What do you think?"

"Don't think about it." Zhang Jing sneered: "I said, as long as there is a chance, I will definitely kill you."

"Whatever you want." Ye Wutian didn't expect Zhang Jing to forgive him, he took out a pill and handed it to Zhang Jing's mouth, but Zhang Jing twisted his little head with great personality.

Ye Wutian didn't care when he saw this, he smiled and put the pill in front of Zhang Jing: "This is the antidote, eating it will restore your strength."

After explaining this sentence, Ye Wutian turned around and left, leaving Zhang Jing there alone.

Seeing Ye Wutian leave, Zhang Jing hesitated for a while, then laboriously picked up the pill and put it in her mouth. As soon as the pill was in, Zhang Jing knew that Ye Wutian didn't lie to her. This was the antidote, and the long-lost strength finally returned. .

After tidying up her clothes a little, Zhang Jing also followed her out. Until now, she had to believe that everything was real and she was really free.

Not caring about the tears, Zhang Jing quickly rushed to the car driven by Ye Wutian, pulled out the passenger cab and got in.

Ye Wutian, who had just started the car, was stunned when he saw this: "Want to kill me?"

"Kill you? You must die, but this is not the way to die. I won't let you die so easily, and I won't let you down."

Ye Wutian is funny: "Then what do you want to do now?" Ye Wutian asked jokingly, "You don't want me?"

"If you want to make the enemy suffer, you can only do better by understanding his weaknesses."

"Do you mean to follow me?" Ye Wutian felt that he didn't understand women at all. It was really a needle in the bottom of women's hearts. No one could figure out their thoughts. That kind of chaotic thinking logic was very frustrating and helpless.

Seeing that Zhang Jing didn't answer, Ye Wutian didn't bother to say anything, and walked towards Dongcheng Hospital with Zhang Jing.

The two didn't say a word along the way, but Zhang Jing had a lot of questions to ask, especially how could Ye Wutian let her go without any reason, and let her go without any conditions. Why?

"What? You want to resign?" In the dean's office, Li Chunwan was shocked. Ye Wutian was going to resign as a consultant. This was a big deal, a big deal.

Ye Wutian said: "President Li, thank you for your care during this time. I have made up my mind. President Li, you don't have to say it again. Whether you agree or not, I will not come to work again."

Li Chunwan didn't give up. After thinking about it, he said: "Consultant Ye, it's too sudden. Don't say it's me, I'm afraid everyone won't accept it. Why don't you think about it for a while?"

Ye Wutian shook his head and refused: "No, I have already thought clearly and know what I am doing, President Li, thank you for your kindness."

"But, but you're gone, what about those patients?" Li Chunwan realized that Ye Wutian resigned as a consultant, and he might not be able to stay as a dean for a long time.

"Hehe, there are so many excellent doctors, there will always be a way. President Li, I'm not an immortal. Don't forget that I'm also a mortal, and I'm just like an ordinary person, nothing special."

"Would you like to think about it again? Consultant Ye, I know that a lot of things have happened in your company these days. Would you like to finish your company's affairs and come back to work?" Li Chunwan tried everything possible to keep Ye Wu. sky.

Ye Wutian refused again, he had already made up his mind to go, and he had made up his mind.

After coming out of the dean's office, Ye Wutian walked towards Wu Qunsheng's office again. If he was about to leave, he had to say something to Wu Qunsheng.

"Are you alright?" Zhang Jing, who has been following him, asked, everything Ye Wutian did today was so unexpected, so confusing, so weird, first let her go, and now he resigned as a consultant, What does he want to do?

Ye Wutian ignored Zhang Jing and pushed Wu Qunsheng's office away, but the other party was not in the office.

Unable to find Wu Qunsheng, Ye Wutian did not forget to say hello to Wang Qiang and the others. Wang Qiang and Xu Shuangren were both surprised at Ye Wutian's sudden departure.

Ye Wutian didn't tell them the real reason, he just asked their respective masters to come over when he had time. He had something to discuss with Gu Hezi and the others.

The news of Consul Ye's resignation spread quickly. As soon as the news came out, it immediately caused a shock. What happened? Why did Ye Wutian, who is so good, resign?

At the same time, a notice was also posted on the official website of Tianxin Hongyan Group, and this notice also shocked the world. (m)

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