Mad Doctor

Chapter 893: Means of accumulating money (middle)

Chapter 893 The Means of Collecting Wealth (Part 2)

Ye Wutian resigned as a consultant in Dongcheng People's Hospital and several major hospitals. At the same time, a notice was issued on the official website of Tianxin Hongyan Group, and the medical base that was originally planned to be built also began to stop.

This is another big news. The medical base has already started construction and has already started construction. At this time, it is announced that the construction will be suspended? This is how the same thing?

Everyone knows that the work stoppage at this time, the loss is not a little bit, Ye Wutian doesn't know?

There is no doubt that Ye Wutian must know, so under this situation, he still insists on stopping work. What does Ye Wutian have in mind?

Two major events in a row have aroused people's nerves, and Ye Wutian has once again become the focus of the world.

Ye Wutian refuses to do it. It is not only a matter of himself, but also a matter of tens of millions of people, and even more important, it is also related to the country. As we all know, all the various patients who gather in Dongcheng now They are all coming for Ye Wutian. He, the main character, quits, doesn't it mean that he ignores the lives of many people?

The first to make troubles were those patients. When they knew and confirmed that Ye Wutian had resigned as a consultant, their first reaction was to make trouble, that is, to ask for an explanation. They began to protest to the hospital and the government.

With so many patients, many of them from abroad, and so many people gathered to make trouble, one can imagine how serious the consequences are.

As a party, Ye Wutian didn't know about this, and what happened in Dongcheng, since the announcement of Tianxin Hongyan Group was sent out, that guy disappeared, and even Cheng Kexin and the others disappeared together.

No one could be found, and the phone could not get through. Wang Lin, the first brother in Dongcheng, was about to go crazy. The patient blocked the government gate. one bears.

"Xiao Si, can't you find him either?" In desperation, Wang Lin could only turn to his daughter, hoping that her daughter could help him find Ye Wutian.

Wang Fansi shook his head: "Dad, I can't find it either. His phone is off. I can't help it."

"He should still have a private phone? You don't know?" Wang Lin asked unwillingly.

Wang Fansi, who was dumbfounded, replied, "I'm not someone like him, how would I know his private number? Besides, as far as I know, that guy can't possibly have any other private number."

"What can I do? Where did it go?" Wang Linchou turned his head white, he couldn't find Ye Wutian, and he couldn't find a solution. He would really be beaten by it.

"It's useless to find him. No one should make him change his mind about what he decides." Wang Fansi knew that guy too well, he was just a donkey, "Dad, you better think of a way to comfort those patients."

"I've thought about it for a long time, so why don't I have to wait until now?" Wang Lin said in frustration. Others are the secretary, but he is the secretary. Why is it so difficult for him to be a secretary?

Wang Lin was not the only one looking for Ye Wutian. Many people were looking for him, but no one could find him.

"Blackjack, I won again." Ye Wutian threw out his cards with a smile on the high seas gambling boat, and looked at the three girls with a smug smile.

The three girls all looked helpless, Ye Wutian had already opened a few blackjacks in a row, I'm afraid that the world's **** of gamblers is just like that, right?

With a depressed face, Cheng Kexin looked at the cards on the table. She thought that she could win this game because she was 20 points. With such a big card, the chances of winning were very large, but Ye Wutian was still like a zhongxie. A hand of blackjack was opened again.

"You didn't cheat, did you?" Cheng Kexin asked.

Ye Wutian is madly sweating, he can't lie to anyone who can lie to them.

Just wanted to explain, but Situ Wei gave her a head start. She was also suspicious, "Yes, the young lady is right, sir, have you cheated?"

At this moment, Ye Wutian had the urge to hit the wall. Could it be that his character is so bad? Shouldn't it? He always thought he was good, why didn't these women believe him?

He didn't answer, but looked at Ouyang Xingyue, "What about you? Are you suspicious?"

Ye Wutian didn't need to ask this question to know, the expression on Ouyang Xingyue's face already explained everything well, she was just suspicious.

"If I said I didn't cheat, you must not believe it, but I still want to tell you that I really didn't cheat, whether you believe it or not."

"If you want us to believe, you have to show evidence." Situ Wei added such a sentence, fearing that the world would not be in chaos.

"Okay, in the next few rounds, in order to show my innocence, I won't move the cards, and you will open the cards for me, right?"

The three women quickly glanced at each other and agreed with each other tacitly. Ye Wutian was very helpless about this.

After the croupier finished dealing the cards, Ye Wutian stayed away as he did, and handed over his cards to Cheng Kexin to open.

"Blackjack again?" When Cheng Kexin played the cards, she shouted in disbelief, Ye Wutian's card was blackjack again.

Looking at the card, the three girls didn't know what to say, and they were extremely speechless. Just now, they suspected Ye Wutian of cheating, and there was a good reason. Now, what is the reason?

Maybe it's really lucky to say, luck comes, and the city wall can't stop it.

Seeing that he opened blackjack again, Ye Wutian didn't mention how proud he was, "How? Can you Aiqing admit defeat?"

It was originally a joke, but after the words were spoken, Ye Wutian knew that it was not suitable to say.

Sure enough, Ouyang Xingyue and the others were all blushing, wishing to kick Ye Wutian directly into the high seas to see if he could still be proud.

"I don't believe in evil, and in another round, I don't believe that I will lose this round." Cheng Kexin said.

"Okay, in order to convince you of losing, come again, if you lose this time, don't blame me, it can only be said that it is your luck." Ye Wutian smiled.

"You can still play blackjack in this hand, I have nothing to say." Cheng Kexin motioned for the dealer to start dealing cards.

Ye Wutian sat there smiling and said nothing, just after the dealer's cards were handed out, Hu Shi knocked on the door and walked in, whispering a few words in Ye Wutian's ear.

Ye Wutian, who was still smiling at first, couldn't smile anymore after hearing Hu Shi's report. He didn't expect to find this place.

"The Zhu family is here." Ye Wutian said to the three daughters.

When Zhu Longjun came, a few people lost their interest in playing cards. Without seeing Zhu Longjun, everyone guessed the other party's intention to some extent.

As the head of the general staff, Zhu Longjun came in person, which was considered to give Zu Ye Wutian face.

"I'm going to meet him." Ye Wutian stood up, "You guys can play."

After Ye Wutian left, Cheng Kexin subconsciously reached out to open Ye Wutian's pile of cards, but when she opened it, she found that it was blackjack again.

"It's really evil." Cheng Kexin finally believed in luck, and it was blackjack for several consecutive games. That bad guy's luck can no longer be described in good terms. I just hope he can have such good luck in other aspects.

"Uncle Zhu, why are you here?" Ye Wutian appeared in front of Zhu Longjun with a smile, "If you have anything to do, give me a call and let me come over."

Zhu Longjun almost didn't scold his mother, did he make a phone call? Can you get through on your kid's phone? It's been turned off all day, and you're too embarrassed to make a phone call?

"Xiaoye, you're in a good mood, hide here and play."

"Hehe, I'm an idler now. I'm too busy, so I'm just here to play."

Although Ye Wutian smiled, Zhu Longjun could still hear the resentment in Ye Wutian's tone.

"I do admire you a little bit. You can still sit still at this time, but you really have you." Zhu Longjun laughed.

"Look at what you said, Uncle Zhu, I was forced to, the company was banned for no reason, and I naturally became an idler. Besides, it was useless to be anxious. The more anxious I was, the happier others would be. If that's the case, why should I be anxious? "

"It's a matter of fact, why did you suddenly quit the consultant in the hospital when you were so good?"

"I'm tired, I want to have a good rest." Ye Wutian gave such an answer.

Of course Zhu Longjun didn't believe Ye Wutian's words: "You can rest when you are tired, do you need to quit?"

"Uncle Zhu, don't say those unhappy words, come and play two games?" Ye Wutian opened the topic.

Zhu Longjun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Are you trying to trick me into committing a crime on purpose?"

Ye Wutian patted his head and suddenly realized: "Oh, I forgot your identity, but no one should know about your little play."

"Okay, don't give me sloppy eyes, kid, I just ask what you plan to do now."

Ye Wutian said: "There is nothing to deal with, just deal with it like that. I don't think I am suitable for the position of consultant. Besides, the company has been closed, and I have to find other ways to make money to support my family. Naturally, I can't continue to be a free laborer like a consultant. Work."

Zhu Longjun heard it, Ye Wutian was mainly because of the company.

Think about it too, whoever encounters this kind of thing will be depressed.

Zhu Longjun didn't know what to say next, and he couldn't do anything about the Hongyan Group for the time being, and he didn't know how to deal with it.

"Uncle Zhu, I know your kindness, but you really don't need to say more, I have already decided, thank you for your kindness."

"It's okay for you to hide here. It's already in chaos outside. It's all because of you."

"That's only Ye Wutian said: "This world will not stop because of no one, and it will go round the same if no one is missing. "

"The old man has already gone to Ma's house." Zhu Longjun said something inexplicable.

The grateful Ye Wutian can only say thank you, the Zhu family father and son reminded him of a few words, the world is public, compared to some people, the Zhu family father and son can be considered great.

"Thank you old man for me, Uncle Zhu, no matter what, Xiaojian and I will always be good friends."

Zhu Longjun smiled: "What are you going to do? Staying like this all the time?"

"No, let's play for a few more days, just take it as a vacation, it's rare to come out and relax." Ye Wutian replied.

Zhu Longjun faintly felt that Ye Wutian already had a plan, but this kid didn't talk about it, and, despite his calmness and ease, based on his character, this matter could never be counted as such.

God knows what's going to happen to him? Thinking about it, Zhu Longjun is really a little scared. If things get too big and don't end well, everyone won't end well. (m)

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