Mad Doctor

Chapter 894: Means of collecting money (below)

After staying on the Hongyan for three days, Ye Wucai took Cheng Kexin and the others ashore. In the past three days, several people have had a good time, playing various gambling methods, watching the sea, watching the sunrise in the morning, watching the sunset in the evening. Watching the sunset, I feel very comfortable and very relaxed.

For a few days, the three girls have been enjoying themselves, and the subtle feelings between them have become more intimate.

Ye Wutian is also happy, but for this fellow, it is still a little bit worse. In fact, he still has a small wish in his heart, hoping to sleep with them at the same time. Unfortunately, this small wish has never been realized. Let our uncle Ye feel a little lost.

After returning to the shore, several people separated to go to their own affairs, while Ye Wutian and Cheng Kexin returned to the company.

The products produced are not allowed to be sold. The result is that customers are extremely dissatisfied, but there is news from nowhere that Hongyan Group does not allow sales because it offends the upper management, so the angry customers began to protest and began to demand The top executives immediately allowed Hongyan Group to sell normally.

The company was banned from selling. Ye Wutian was not the most anxious. There were people who were more anxious than him. Countless customers were definitely more anxious than Ye Wutian. They finally managed to buy the product, which rekindled hope in their desperate life. , at this time someone suppressed their rekindled hope again? Will they give up?

The products of Hongyan Group are their only hope, and it is their life-saving straw, they cannot and will not miss it.

Therefore, Hongyan Group is never alone, and there are many helpers who will help, which is why Ye Wutian is calm.

"Mr. Wu, why are you here?" As soon as he returned to the door of the company, Wu Qunsheng just arrived.

As for Wu Qunsheng's intentions, Ye Wutian can somewhat guess, at this time he can only pretend to be confused.

"Little brother, why do you want to resign as a consultant?" Wu Qunsheng was very impatient. Ye Wutian's extraordinary medical skills were beyond Wu Qunsheng's reach. It was precisely because of this that he hoped that Ye Wutian could carry forward medicine. , can make the treasure left by the ancestors famous for the world.

After inviting Wu Qunsheng to the office, Ye Wutian poured a cup of tea for Wu Qunsheng himself, "Mr. Wu, are you here for this?"

Wu Qunsheng asked, "Isn't this big enough?"

"I don't think this is a big deal." Ye Wutian said.

"Have you really thought about it?" Wu Qunsheng didn't come today to talk nonsense with Ye Wutian, he came to find out the real reason.

"Well, think about it."

"What's the reason?" Wu Qunsheng asked, "You must have a reason, right?"

Ye Wutian smiled and said: "There is no reason or reason, if I have to say one reason, it is that I don't think I am suitable to be a consultant. You must have seen Mr. Wu. During this period of time, a lot of things happened in our company. As a director I don't have the time and energy to juggle other things."

Wu Qunsheng couldn't refute this question that Ye Wutian said. Indeed, he has heard about the Hongyan Group. As the chairman of Ye Wutian, he has too many things to do. What is the mood for consultants.

Wu Qunsheng knew a little about what happened in the Hongyan Group. In a sense, Ye Wutian was actually fighting some people.

"Mr. Wu, I won't go back for the consultant, so don't persuade me. Many people have persuaded me."

"It's a pity, Xiao Ye, your medical skills are so good that you can help many people." Wu Qunsheng looked regretful and sad, Ye Wutian's medical skills were so outstanding, it would be a pity to give up.

"Hehe, it's nothing but a pity, there are many people who are more powerful than me in medicine."

Wu Qunsheng didn't say anything else, knowing that if he goes on, this kid won't change his mind.

With a sigh, Wu Qunsheng, who put down the teacup, left, and Ye Wutian sent him downstairs.

Throughout the morning, Ye Wutian had several groups of people, and the news of those people was really well-informed. As soon as he came back, those people already knew.

Busy until the end, Ye Wutian stretched his waist with a wry smile, went out to eat something, and had a press conference this afternoon.

After eating something outside, it was already after three o'clock in the afternoon. Li Feifei came in and told Ye Wutian that the press conference was ready.

Ye Wutian nodded and brought Li Feifei to the large conference room of the group. Inside, there were already many reporters sitting. As soon as he appeared, the long guns and short guns of the reporters gathered firepower on him.

Ye Wutian sat down and glanced at the reporters under the stage from left to right. Ye Wutian raised his hands and pressed down on the stage, signaling the reporters under the stage to calm down.

"Friends from the press, I have a few things to tell you about this press conference today. First of all, about the unqualified products of the company, as we all know, Hongyan Group's product quality has always been strictly controlled, and nothing will happen. For things of substandard quality, I can guarantee this with my personality."

There was a roar in the audience, Ye Wutian dared to let out such mad words, does that mean that he was framed? Being deliberately embarrassed by some people above?

"I can only express regret when this happened. At the same time, I would like to take this opportunity to say sorry to all the customers of the company! Please wait patiently for a while, but I can't guarantee the time. I don't know when the production will be resumed. It has been decided by the above, if any impatient customers want to refund, Hongyan Group can guarantee a full refund."

"The second question is about my resignation as a consultant. This is not a problem at all. With so many things happening in the company, I can't be a consultant anymore. As the chairman, I have too many things to do, so please understand."

"The third question, I have no choice but to stop the construction of the medical base. I also have my own difficulties. I have invested so much money in the early stage. If I stop now, my losses will be huge." After a pause, Ye Wutian continued. Dao: "Some people may ask, since so much money has been invested, why stop? In this regard, I can only say that I don't understand politics, and I don't want to comment."

The reporters in the audience were stunned. How could it be related to politics? Does it really have any secrets?

The reporters who came back to their senses pressed their cameras wildly. Ye Wutian's press conferences never disappoint, they were always so awesome.

"Reporters can ask any questions if they have any questions." Ye Wutian said.

The reporters raised their hands one after another. Ye Wutian pointed to a woman in red and said, "This reporter, may I ask you."

"Ye Dong, is someone framing you and your company?" The other party stood up and asked, but the question asked was a stab at the point, straight to the point.

There was silence under the stage, nearly a hundred pairs of eyes looked at Ye Wutian, waiting for his answer.

"Hehe, I really can't answer this question, whether it was framed or not, and who framed it. To be honest, I don't know either. It will be clear after the investigation. It will always be in the hands of a few.”

Another inexplicable sentence, what does Ye Wutian mean by this sentence? Is there another meaning?

"Excuse me, Director Ye, what does this sentence mean? What do you want to express?" Another reporter asked.

"It's a very common sentence, I just want to tell you that even if the Hongyan Group is framed, it is only a few people who frame the Hongyan Group, and the vast majority of people are still good."

The reporters could tell that Ye Wutian's subconscious meant that he was framed by others. What does it mean that the truth is always in the hands of a few people? It's not obvious that he was framed? At one point he said that the safety of his products was absolutely fine, and at another point he said that the truth will always be in the hands of only a few people, and there is only one purpose in saying it, that is, being framed by others, and turning such a big detour, most people don’t want to listen to it. I really don't understand.

"When will the medical base start working again?" A reporter asked.

Ye Wutian replied: "I also can't answer this question for you. It's not me who decides when to reopen."

The reporters found it out. After asking so many questions for so long, Ye Wutian was stunned and didn't answer a single question directly.

"Resigning as a consultant, may I ask Ye Dong, is this considered irresponsible to the patients?" Another reporter asked: "As far as we know, the vast majority of patients are coming for you, and you suddenly throw your hands away. Come on, isn't it a little irresponsible?"

"Hehe, the reporter said it's serious, not so much. According to what this reporter friend said, then let me ask you a question, has the Hongyan Group made a great contribution to the society?"

"I can pat my chest and say proudly to everyone, the Hongyan Group has made a great contribution to society, and even to the world, so, those who framed my Hongyan Group and made the group stop work, are they just for the sake of So they have become sinners through the ages? How many people are waiting for the products of Hongyan Group to save and help? Those people can be said to be indirect murderers for their own selfishness. Do you have any thoughts about this? Pass?"

"Dong Ye, do you already have a suspect? Do you know who is framing you?" A reporter asked This question has already been asked. I don't know. If I knew, I would have called the police. Ye Wutian smiled and did not directly answer the reporter's question: "Now, I have one last thing to announce to the public. Starting today, I will use my private name to treat patients, no matter what kind of incurable diseases. come to me. "

The reporters were a little dazed by another important question from Ye Wutian. Since they wanted to treat patients, why did they resign as consultants?

Ye Wutian waited for the reporters to digest it, and said again: "I know you have many questions to ask, I can tell you now, my method may be different next, please let me take action, the cost is a bit high, the lowest 100 million US dollars, there is no specific standard for this, it depends on the person of the patient and how much he contributes to the society, the highest, I will charge more than half of the patient’s private property for consultation fees and medical expenses.”

Offstage, the reporters were so shocked that they couldn't even press the camera. They couldn't find any words to describe Ye Wutian, saying he was greedy? He also has to look at it according to people, it is not unified. If people have a net worth of 30 billion, and give half, why not give 15 billion?

This is crazy! (m)

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