Mad Doctor

Chapter 895: go my own way

At least 100 million? Want dollars? How is this different from stealing money? What's more, Ye Wutian's madness is far more than that. There are different charges for different people, and the highest is more than half of his net worth.

At this moment, the reporters all have a thought, a question they want to ask Ye Wutian, is he crazy? Or was your brain kicked by a donkey? Start off abnormally? With such a high and outrageous price, would anyone agree?

He Ye Wutian is short of money?

On the stage, Ye Wutian sat there calmly. The reporters would have such a reaction, which he expected, so he was not worried at all.

"Ye Dong, do you think someone will find you like this?" Curious reporters couldn't wait to ask. This question is also a question that all reporters want to know.

All the eyes in the audience were staring at Ye Wutian, who would agree to such outrageous conditions? People's money is not picked up, 100 million US dollars is not bad, the condition of half of the net worth is really unacceptable.

"I haven't considered this issue, but now it's a society governed by the rule of law. No one can force you to disagree. I'm taking the attitude of letting nature take its course." Ye Wutian explained.

"Excuse me, Director Ye, what made you think this way?"

"There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world, and I have to do this as a last resort. At the same time, I would like to tell you that it is not too much for me to do this. For the super rich who are seriously ill and have money, how much money is there? Nothing is more important than physical health. Taking a step back, even if he is asked to give up half of his wealth, he still has the other half to enjoy and spend. If he dies, then nothing has anything to do with him, even if he is The richest man in the world can't take a point with him after he dies."

The reporters were silent. The truth is indeed that money is something that you don't bring with you in life and don't take with you in death. It is spent when you spend it. As Ye Wutian said, once a person dies, what about more money? You have to have a life to enjoy it, otherwise it will be in vain.

Uncle Zhao once said that the worst thing in life is that when people die, the money is not spent!

I am afraid that Ye Wutian grasped this point and dared to ask for such a sky-high price.

"Dong Ye, you charge such a high fee, what if you can't successfully save the patient?"

"Well, this is a question." Ye Wutian nodded: "If you don't ask, I will also say, for this question, I want to tell you that as long as the patient's condition improves, I will collect the money, and if the treatment plan is invalid, I will divide it. Don't accept." When speaking, Ye Wutian showed strong confidence.

Ye Wutian said this, it is indeed an attractive condition. You will only be charged if your situation improves. With such conditions, Ye Wutian is not afraid that no one will come to you.

"Director Ye, if a patient is looking for you, where are you going to be placed? Are you going to open a private hospital?"

"No, it's not possible for the time being, I will make it according to the needs of the customer. If the patient is inconvenient, I can go to the place where he is in person. Of course, the fee will be more expensive. As for the patient who comes to me, I will find a We will cooperate with other hospitals, and the specific matters will be notified later.”

"Your lowest price is $100 million. What about the patients who have no money? It's unfair to them."

Ye Wutian smiled: "There is no absolute fairness in this world, just as the company is being maliciously suppressed by some people, how can it be fair? Who else can help me? Is it fair? In other words, even if I am free for them now When I see a doctor, I have only one person, and I can’t help so many patients. If I can help one, I can’t help that. It’s also unfair to those who can’t get help.”

After the press conference, it immediately caused quite a stir. Ye Wutian was pushed to the top of the storm, which caused a lot of scolding. Some scolded Ye Wutian for losing money, scolding Ye Wutian for being black-hearted, scolding him for being inhumane, etc. , There are all kinds of scolding, Ye Wutian doesn't care about this, this guy doesn't take this matter to heart at all, since he did this, he was prepared early in the morning, ready to be scolded, his mouth is long On others, what can he do if others want to scold him?

Some people like to have worries, and Ye Wutian's decision also makes many people see hope, especially those rich people. Immediately after the press conference, someone called Tianxin Hongyan Group to inquire, and some people even decided to invite Ye Wutian on the spot. There is no day to treat them, time waits for no one.

For several days in a row, the incident has been roaring, not only did not subside, but instead became even more serious. The place of discussion is not only Dongcheng, but has already spread to all parts of the world.

As soon as the news came out, Wang Lin was under even more pressure. In the past few days, his gray hair had soared, and he was so worried that he didn't even think about eating and drinking.

"Xiaotian, you can find a way to help those patients outside." Wang Lin appeared in Ye Wutian's office, and Wang Fansi came with him.

"Secretary Wang, I'm really sorry! There's nothing I can do." Ye Wutian couldn't agree, even if he brought Wang Fansi as a lobbyist. In the words of our uncle Ye, she is not his wife, Wang Fansi, so she can use it. To give face?

Wang Lin's face was ashen, and hearing Ye Wutian's rejection personally made his heart sink to the bottom. Although he had been psychologically prepared before coming, this meeting was still unacceptable.

"What do you think? Doing this will only become the target of insults, don't you care?" Wang Fansi asked, people want face and skin, and Ye Wutian is also a person, and he is still a good person. Celebrities, there is no reason not to care about fame.

Ye Wutian smiled and said, "I care, but I can't control others."

"You know you will be scolded, but you still do this?" Wang Fansi asked.

"Miss Wang, then what do you want me to do? What do you want me to do? Just be a living Lei Feng? A good person? A man who can stand upright in the world?" Wang Fansi's words made Ye Wutian angry, and he also I don't know where the anger came from, but I couldn't help it.

Wang Fansi didn't expect Ye Wutian's reaction to be so big, and he was a little intimidated. Such a big reaction made Wang Fansi overwhelmed.

"Once, I had the same mentality as you. I wanted to be a good person and try my best to help those in need. In fact, I have already done that, but what do I get from doing that? Everything? I don’t get it, in the end, I’m also just a pitiful creature in the eyes of some people, I can pinch whatever I want, and I want to tell you that I, Ye Wutian, are not a pitiful worm, it’s not that you can pinch whatever you want.” Ye Wutian The more he talked, the more excited he became. The fact that the company was shut down again made him very unhappy and disgusted. If things could be repeated, he would definitely not save that person again, it's none of his business? What if that person has a very important role in the country? Have a half-money relationship with him, Ye Wutian?

"After all, there are still many good people." Wang Fansi whispered, Ye Wutian's attitude was a little extreme, and it was impossible for him to hear what he said now.

"I don't deny that there are many good people, but so what? Who am I offending? The fee is a little higher, but I didn't offend anyone else. Who is in the way? The fee is high, they can completely ignore me, and no one will force them."

"Xiaoye, I believe that there will be a solution for your company's affairs. You can wait patiently." When it comes to the upper management, Wang Lin, the first brother in Dongcheng, has no way to help.

"Let them do what they want, Secretary Wang, you don't have to persuade me any more, I won't change my mind, it's useless to persuade me." Ye Wutian said: "The weak will eat the strong, it will always be suitable."

Now, Ye Wutian began to understand why Lionhead wanted to sever the relationship with the old man Ma. From now on, the old man's character is really not very good.

The next day, Ye Wutian was called to the capital by a phone call, and Mr. Zhu called and asked him to come over. If it was someone else, Ye Wutian would ignore it, but Mr. Zhu's call, he had to go.

"Father, thank you for running around for me. I will keep your kindness to me in my heart." When meeting, Ye Wutian spoke first.

Mr. Zhu sighed slightly: "Sit down and talk."

After sitting down, Ye Wutian looked at the other side quietly and waited for the other side to speak. Zhu Longjun once said that the old man went to Ma's house and what happened to him, Ye Wutian didn't know, but judging from the expression on the old man's face at this time, it should not be. Too optimistic, but Ye Wutian had already made preparations before he came.

"Have you made a lot of noise in the past two days?" the old man asked.

Ye Wutian didn't deny it, just said: "Master, I don't think I did anything wrong. After all, I'm just a businessman."

"Hehe, you are also the first person in the ages."

Ye Wutian didn't know whether the old man praised him or hurt him, it sounded a bit strange.

"Even if some people are sorry for you, it is only a very small part, there are more good people, and all difficulties are only temporary." The old man comforted.

These words, Ye Wutian has heard too much these days, although the people who said this are not the same, but everyone came to comfort them like this, Ye Wutian was numb and didn't want to listen anymore.

"Master, I heard Uncle Zhu say that you have been to Ma's house."

The old man's smile gradually disappeared, "There will always be a way."

Ye Wutian nodded understandingly, the old man's words were enough to explain everything, and the rest of Ye Wutian didn't need to listen.

"Don't be too things are not as you imagined, there are already some eyebrows."

Ye Wutian sneered: "Their wishful thinking is good, and they want to take away my achievements with such a big move. However, how can my achievements be so easy for them to take? A joke."

After hearing Ye Wutian's words, Mr. Zhu was inexplicably relieved.

"Go to Ma's house when you have time and talk to them." The old man said: "Dou Qi can't solve the problem."

"No need." Ye Wutian refused directly: "You are not him, and he is not as good as you. If you call me, I will come. If he calls me, I will not come at all."

Mr. Zhu looked angry and indisputable, but he was still quite comfortable inside.

"Bullshit, will this solve the problem?"

Ye Wutian didn't say a word, what he thought in his mind was to continue to be indifferent, what if he had a high position and authority? What about the surname Ma? He, Ye Wutian, is not used to sticking his hot face to other people's cold ass. (m)

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