Mad Doctor

Chapter 896: The situation is delicate

Ye Wutian has gone to the end with one heart, and no one can pull him back. What Mr. Ren Zhu said, this kid is stunned and does not agree, it is an ox.

Dinner was eaten at Zhu's house, and Zhu Jian also rushed back from outside. He didn't say anything when he walked to Ye Wutian, just raised his fist and gave Ye Wutian a fist in the arm, and everything was silent.

After dinner, Mr. Zhu asked Zhu Jian to greet Ye Wutian, and he himself went back to the study. Although he retired, there was still a lot of work waiting for him to deal with every day.

"Young Master Ye, what did my grandfather say?" After Mr. Zhu left, that boy Zhu Jian seemed to be a different person, much more lively than before.

"Nothing to say, just let me wait patiently."

Zhu Jian scolded and felt injustice for Ye Wutian: "Those guys are really not things, what's the difference between them and bandits?"

"Forget it, don't mention those people, it's boring, let's go, find a place to play." Ye Wutian didn't want to mention those things again, it was boring.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements." Zhu Jian nodded and took Ye Wutian to a clubhouse. After sitting down, Zhu Jian called Zhang Shao and the others.

"What? Not free? I said what the **** is going on with you all? When you need you, you say you are not free?" On the phone, Zhu Jian cursed.

Ye Wutian frowned slightly, Zhu Jian had made several calls in a row, but both Zhang Shao and Liu Shao said they were not available.

"What happened to those two boys?" Zhu Jian, who hung up the phone, muttered to himself, "Young Master Ye, don't take it to heart, maybe they really don't have time."

Ye Wutian looked calm, smiled and said: "Haha, it's okay."

Zhu Jian called Li Shao again. Fortunately, the other party did not refuse, but the phone was turned off.

Ye Wutian picked up the cup and took a sip. After a long time, he saw people's hearts, and Lu Yao knew horsepower. This is people's hearts, life, and cruel reality.

Everyone has the right to choose. It's not their fault, nor anyone else's. In this respect, Ye Wutian thinks that he is quite generous.

Ye Wutian, who has a good hearing, listened to all the content of Zhu Jian and Zhang Shao's conversation just now. Zhang Shao and the others on the other side of the phone squeaked, which is very clear.

In his current situation, Zhang Shao and the others made that choice.

"Come on, let's drink together." Ye Wutian said.

Zhu Jian also picked up the wine and touched Ye Wutian, "Always brothers."

Ye Wutian knew what Zhu Jian meant, "I know."

"Are you looking for some girls over here?" Zhu Jian asked after drinking a cup.

"No, I'm not in the mood." Ye Wutian shook his head.

Zhu Jian smiled: "That's right, I don't want it anymore, so as not to be seen by your sister-in-law, I won't be able to explain it at that time."

"My sister-in-law? Are you drunk?"

Zhu Jian said, "I'm not drunk, and I won't recognize the wrong person. Isn't Xu Shishi your sister-in-law?"

"Have you seen Xu Shishi?" Ye Wutian ignored the second half of the sentence.

"I often see her here for a drink. I met her here yesterday, and I don't seem to be in a good mood."

Ye Wutian was shocked, would Xu Shishi come here? Will she still come now? Thinking of this, I couldn't help but look around, but unfortunately I didn't find her figure.

I tried to call her several times, but couldn't summon the courage.

"Young Master Ye, you are really fierce. You made such a big noise, especially about your charges. It's a riot, and it's exciting just to hear it."

Ye Wutian said with a smile, "A lot of people say I'm losing money, right?"

Zhu Jian laughed, "This is already a good one, and there are more ugly ones, do you want to listen to it?"

Ye Wutian, who smiled bitterly, shook his head: "Forget it, listening to it will only make him more angry."

"I'm very curious, do you think someone will seek medical treatment from you? It's so expensive, and people who have money will definitely give it." Zhu Jian was very curious, Ye Wutian is not the only one who knows medical skills, there are thousands of people in the world. Doctors, even those with superb medical skills, are not rare, but there is absolutely only one person like Ye Wutian who dares to speak out.

"Of course there is, and now dozens of patients from all over the world have asked me to see a doctor for them."

"Really?" Zhu Jian widened his eyes: "Damn it! What kind of company would you start like that? This income alone can make you enter the ranks of the world's super rich."

One is at least 100 million US dollars, and some are more than that. How much money do you have to make in a year? It's definitely a number in the sky. Thinking of this, Zhu Jian can't help but look at the sky, it's so **** incredible.

"Would you like to study medicine with me?" Ye Wutian asked with a smile. "With your intelligence and my level, it won't take long. It only takes more than ten years to make you a famous doctor."

When Zhu Jian heard that it would take more than ten years of hard work to become a famous doctor, his mood dropped to the bottom. He couldn't accept it for such a long time.

"Forget it. I don't dare to think about a famous doctor. Now I am very satisfied. It is also a joy to be friends with a famous doctor like you."

The two looked at each other, and then burst out laughing.

"Let's not say anything else, I wish you success and victory." Zhu Jian raised his glass.

After drinking, Zhu Jian asked again, "Young Master Ye, do you have any plans? Besides planning to see a doctor for others, why do I feel like you have other plans?"

Ye Wutian laughed secretly, of course he had plans, but it was not suitable to say it now, and he didn't say anything, so that it would be scary to say it.

"What else can I plan? Day by day."

Zhu Jian didn't speak, but turned his eyes to Ye Wutian's back, and motioned to Ye Wutian for a while, "Come on."

Ye Wutian turned back, and sure enough, seeing Xu Shishi, he was already a little drunk, walking seemed frivolous, and his tender white face was flushed, and he must have drunk a lot.

"Do you want to say hello to her? Ask her what's going on, a girl came over to get drunk."

Zhu Jian's words made Ye Wutian's heart aches, and the little girl hasn't been able to get out of that incident yet?

"Miss Xu, you're drunk, I'll help you." A young boy with a greasy face and a pink face walked up to Xu Shishi and reached out to help her.

Xu Shishi waved his hand in disgust, "No need."

The oily and pink-faced boy did not give up, let alone leave, and reached out his hand again to prepare for Rush Shishi.

"That kid's surname is Wang, and the old man is a minister." Zhu Jian explained to Ye Wutian in a low voice: "I heard that this kid likes your sister-in-law, Ye Shao, don't let your sister-in-law fall into the hands of this kid, no? A good bird."

Ye Wutian didn't listen to Zhu Jian's words, because he had already stood up and walked towards Xu Shishi, "She told you to go away, you don't understand human language?"

The oily and pink-faced son was about to take the next step, but a cold shout came from the side, which made him very upset, and looked up and followed the voice.

Maybe it was because of drinking a little wine, and maybe it was because he couldn't save face, the other party also shouted at Ye Wutian with color: "Who are you? What the **** are you yelling here?"

Xu Shishi saw Ye Wutian's arrival, she stood there for a long time, she probably did not expect to meet Ye Wutian here.

"Go away!" Ye Wutian glanced at Xu Shishi quickly, and then fixed his eyes on the young master again, "I count to three, go away immediately."

When the other party heard the words, he suddenly became angry, and just wanted to rush up to slap Ye Wutian in the face, but he felt a pain in his cheek in the next moment.

After taking a slap, Ye Wutian was not relieved, he stepped forward again and grabbed the clothes on the opponent's chest, opened his bows left and right, and slapped the opponent more than ten times in a row, and hit the opponent into a pig's head. fall to the ground.

After being pumped for more than ten bars in a row, the other party couldn't even stand firm. After Ye Wutian let go of him, he suddenly fell to the ground staggeringly. Now all he can see are stars.

"Remember to Lao Tzu, if you dare to harass her in the future, don't blame me for being rude." After beating someone, Ye Wutian was in a much better mood.

The boy who was beaten dared not to speak out. He was even more ruthless than him, and his fighting strength was not as good as others. He could only hold back and endure it.

"Shi Shi." Ye Wutian wanted to say a thousand words to Xu Shishi, but he couldn't open his mouth when the words reached his lips. At this time, Ye Wutian wanted to slap himself.

Xu Shishi seemed to be struggling in pain, and her face that was blushing just now turned pale, which was very scary.

"Are you okay?" Ye Wutian asked again.

"How do you know I'm here? Do you care about me? No, I'm fine, you don't need to care."

Ye Wutian smiled bitterly, Xu Shishi's coldness of refusing people thousands of miles away made Ye Wutian very unaccustomed, thinking that at the beginning, when she first saw her, she would still speak to flirt with him, but now, the two have nothing to say when they meet. Say.

"It just happened to happen." Ye Wutian replied.

Hearing this, Xu Shishi's face became even more ugly, she turned around and left, not knowing what she meant.

Seeing this, Ye Wutian quickly stretched out his hand to hold Xu Shishi, thinking that he should have said nothing wrong, why did she leave without saying a word? Do you still hate him?

Thinking about it, she should have hated him, she has done something inferior to the beasts, she is sorry for her, and she deserves to be hated.

"Let go of me." Xu Shishi turned back and stared at Ye Wutian coldly.

" Can't we just sit down and have a good talk?" Ye Wutian didn't want to continue to maintain this relationship with Xu Shishi, even if it couldn't be done, he hoped to be friends with her.

Ye Wutian did not dare to expect Xu Shishi to forgive him after doing so many things that were sorry for her. Until now, the dazzling plum blossoms on the sheets are still deeply in his mind.

"There's nothing to talk about, you are you, I am me." After leaving this sentence, Xu Shishi forcibly left Ye Wutian and left alone, walking very decisively.

Ye Wutian didn't catch up anymore, just watched Xu Shishi leave with a wry smile.

"The situation isn't right, Young Master Ye, you won't have adultery with her, right? They say that my sister-in-law is half of my brother-in-law's butt, hehe." Behind him, Zhu Jian walked up with a smile.

"You think everyone is like you? Evil, how can I know a friend like you?"

Zhu Jian laughed, and did not take Ye Wutian's sarcasm and helplessness to heart.

Ye Wutian took out the ringing mobile phone, and when he saw the caller ID, he raised his brows, hesitating to answer the phone after a small meeting. (m)

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