Mad Doctor

Chapter 897: very disrespectful

→ Chapter 897

"Which one?" Ye Wutian who answered the phone pretended not to know and asked.

"Little genius doctor, it's me." The old woman's voice came from the phone.

Of course, Ye Wutian knew that this call was one of the calls from the Ma family. Ye Wutian had answered several times and used this number to call him, so how could he not know? Pretending not to know is just pretending to be crazy.

"Old grandmother, hello." Ye Wutian sighed that his face was not thick enough, or just a little bit, the other party was so polite, Ye Wutian couldn't be shameless.

"Hehe, I heard that you came to the capital, why didn't you come to sit at home?" The old woman on the phone asked with a smile.

"Next time, I have something to do in the capital this time, maybe I don't have time to go, next time I have time to visit the old grandma." Ye Wutian made an excuse.

"Little genius doctor, are you angry?" The old woman suddenly asked, and Ye Wutian didn't know how to answer.

"You came to the capital for the company's business?" the old woman asked.

Ye Wutian was also unable to answer, once again stunned, such a direct question came out of the old woman's mouth, which somewhat surprised Ye Wutian.

With the status of the old woman, she would not know why he came to the capital, how could such a thing be hidden from the Ma family?

"Little genius doctor, it's still early, why don't you come and sit at home?"

Ye Wutian thought for a while and replied, "No, next time."

I don't want to go to the Ma family anymore, I don't want to see those people in the Ma family, so what if I see them? What if you go? Also expect the Ma family to know their mistakes and correct them? how can that be?

"Little genius doctor, if you can, I still want to invite you over here. The old man is not feeling well these days. I really can't trust others, so I trust you." The old woman said: "I know, please come over now, some It's far-fetched, and it's a bit difficult, but I still hope you can come over."

Ye Wutian did not change his position because of the old woman's tone: "Grandma, you are joking, there are so many doctors around the old man, you don't have to worry, it will be fine, it's just a common cold, no big problem."

No positive rejection, but it is already equal to a positive rejection!

The old woman on the other side of the phone sighed a few times, and it seemed difficult to accept Ye Wutian's rejection. Seeing that Ye Wutian's attitude was firm, she did not insist on Ye Wutian coming over.

After a few chats, the two ended the call, and Ye Wutian, who put away the phone, raised his head and took a gulp.

"Why don't you go take a look?" Zhu Jian thinks that Ye Wutian should go there, maybe things will turn around.

Putting down the wine glass, Ye Wutian said solemnly with a swipe of the corner of his mouth: "The dignity I have is not what others want to squeeze."

Zhu Jian would like to say that for now, it is not good to fight with the Ma family. The product cannot be sold, and the loss is still himself. Sometimes, in the face of reality, you have to bow your head. This is life.

Ye Wutian didn't regret rejecting the old lady's kindness. If he did it again, he would still do it and refuse.

"Don't talk about those, come, have a drink." Ye Wutian poured a glass of wine for Zhu Jian, "Don't talk about those unhappy things tonight."

Seeing this, Zhu Jian could only shut his mouth. It could be seen that Ye Wutian was in a bad mood. Even if he sacrificed his life to accompany the gentleman tonight, he would have to accompany him.

After a few glasses of wine, Ye Wutian said, "Find two beauties here."

Zhu Jian, who had just picked up the cup, was stunned and looked at Ye Wutian stupidly. The first reaction was that Ye Wutian was drunk.

"What are you looking at? What's all the fuss about? Isn't it a woman?" Under Zhu Jian's strange and doubtful eyes, Ye Wutian couldn't resist.

"Yes, yes, of course there is nothing abnormal, very normal, very normal, hehe." Zhu Jian smiled when he came back to his senses.

Just when Zhu Jian was about to reach out and call a few beauties to come in, Ye Wutian said again, "Wait, forget it."

Zhu Jian was speechless on the spot and forced a bitter face: "Brother, can you stop playing with me? I'm going to collapse."

Ye Wutian blushed, "Forget it, let's drink, I'm a very dedicated person."

Zhu Jian said with contempt in his heart: "I'm just a fart, and there are so many confidantes around me, how dare I say that I'm single? How can a person be so shameless?"

Of course, Zhu Jian didn't dare to say these words no matter what, for fear that he would be despised.

After staying in the clubhouse for about two hours, Ye Wutian proposed to leave and returned to the hotel under the **** of Zhu Jian.

The next morning, Ye Wutian went to Zhu's house again. As soon as he entered the door, he was called into the study by Mr. Zhu: "You rejected Mrs. Ma's invitation?"

Ye Wutian naturally knew that this was Zhu Jian's masterpiece, so he didn't deny it, and said, "I'm not a puppet, let alone a servant, and it's not that anyone can call me and go around, sorry, my realm is still there. It hasn't gotten to that point."

Mr. Zhu laughed: "I can't tell, you guys are very temperamental."

"This has nothing to do with character, I'm just telling the truth." Ye Wutian didn't think he was wrong, "Whoever treats me like me, I will treat whoever, it is only natural."

"Try not to be too stiff."

"I know how to do it, thank you for your concern."

"Yu Zhengyu will come over later." Master Zhu changed the subject and looked at Ye Wutian quietly after speaking.

Of course Ye Wutian knew what Yu Zhengyu was here to do, and it was estimated that the Yu family couldn't wait.

"Do you have anything to say? Any requests?"

Ye Wutian said: "Old man, I'm going to say something ugly, let me help them. They have to pay a certain price. There is no free lunch in this world. Besides, I'm not familiar with them."

Mr. Zhu seemed to be in anticipation of Ye Wutian's answer, and said with a smile, "Of course."

The two were chatting when the old man's secretary pushed in the door and told Yu Zhengyu that he had arrived.

The faster it arrives, the more it shows the anxiety of the family. The more the other party is like this, the better the price will be.

Ye Wutian accompanied Mr. Zhu out of the study, and sure enough, in the living room, Yu Zhengyu and his son were already sitting there.

After saying hello, Mr. Zhu smiled and let the father and son of the Yu family sit down. At first, the two sides only talked about trivial matters and did not talk about the main topic. Later, Mr. Zhu saw that the timing was about the same, turned his head to Ye Wutian and said: "Xiao Ye, do you think less than Is the situation serious?"

The main topic is coming, the father and son of the Yu family are very nervous, especially Yu Taitao, who failed to get Ye Wutian to take action last time. He is very worried about the result this time. For the family, Ye Wutian is like a A lion is a lion that can speak loudly. However, even if others speak loudly, it is reasonable. Yu Taitao knows his own situation, and if it is someone else, he is afraid that he is not even qualified to speak loudly.

"Little Ye, I'm sorry to bother you." Yu Zhengyu said, with his status, to be able to do this to Ye Wutian, it can be said to put down his body, as for Tai Tao, let alone look at Ye Wutian pitifully , I wish Ye Wutian could immediately agree to help him.

"Vice Chairman Yu, I have already said what I should say last time. To be honest, General Yu's situation is quite serious. Even if I don't say it, you should know that if it is simple, you will not come to me. So I won't say much, if you want to help him, it's not impossible, it depends on what conditions you can offer."

"Xiaoye, we really don't know what conditions you need to agree." Yu Zhengyu asked.

Ye Wutian has long thought about what he wants to say, and he has long thought about the conditions, "My conditions are difficult to say, and easy to say, both of you must know that our company has encountered some problems during this period of time. trouble."

Yu Zhengyu, an old man, immediately heard Ye Wutian's intention, "Do you want me to help you restore the company's sales qualifications?"

Ye Wutian did not deny it: "It's not difficult, you should also know that my product has no problems at all."

Yu Zhengyu smiled bitterly, is this not difficult? If that's not a problem, what is?

"This is my condition. If my condition is met, let's talk."

Yu Taitao's heart sank to the bottom of the valley. Ye Wutian's condition made him despair. The affairs of Tianxin Hongyan Group, Yu Taitao knew, was not as simple as it seemed.

"Can I change one?" Yu Taitao asked.

This was just a random sentence, and I thought that Ye Wutian would refuse, but Ye Wutian agreed: "Yes, I will also consider handing over half of your family's property."

This is another unbearable condition. As soon as you open your mouth, you will have half of Yu's property and half of Yu's property, which is a huge amount.

"You can only choose one of the two, and I will not open the third condition." Ye Wutian didn't think that he opened his mouth. This is a fair deal. If the Yu family wants to save Yu Taitao's life, they have to pay accordingly price, which is fair.

"I'm sorry, from the moment my company was in trouble, I told myself that I would no longer help anyone for free." Ye Wutian said.

Mr. Zhu shook his head secretly, this incident hit Ye Wutian a lot, and it also changed Ye Wutian's personality.

Now, Mr. Zhu doesn't know whether those people are right or wrong in treating Ye to Hongyan Group.

"Otherwise, you can help me first, and we'll figure out a solution for your affairs? You can rest assured that we will do our best." Yu Taitao said that his situation could not allow it to drag on, the sooner the better.

Ye Wutian refused ruthlessly again, "I'm sorry! I can't fulfill your request. Before the company's affairs are resolved, I'm not in the mood to do anything."

"Xiaoye, you can't be in a hurry, but mine can't be delayed. Can you be accommodating?"

"No." Ye Wutian refused again.

Yu Taitao almost pointed at Ye Wutian and scolded him. He was so impersonal, thinking of him as a general, so low-pitched, it was enough face, but Ye Wutian still didn't appreciate it.

"This is my request and my bottom line." Ye Wutian didn't back down: "To be honest, today I only let you choose one for the sake of Mr. Zhu, and it's impossible for you to replace it with someone else. There are options."

The father and son of the Yu family were dumbfounded, and Ye Wutian's reasoning was not difficult to understand. (m)

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