Mad Doctor

Chapter 899: Mystery of life experience (below)

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Chapter 904 Chapter 904: The Mystery of Life Experience (Part 2)

"I may not be his biological son." Ouyang Xingyue said again.

"Yeah." Ye Wutian, who didn't care at first, took a while to react, and was suddenly shocked: "What did you say?"

Ouyang Xingyue's words were undoubtedly like a bolt from the blue. It came so suddenly that Ye Wutian had to be surprised, "Are you serious?"

Staring at Ouyang Xingyue for a long time, seeing her doesn't seem like a joke, which makes Ye Wutian even more puzzled, who would joke about this kind of thing? Let alone at this time, it is even more impossible.

"You think I'm joking?"

When asked by Ouyang Xingyue, Ye Wutian couldn't help blushing, "Be clear, what's going on?"

Ouyang Xingyue spent a few minutes talking about the matter, but this time Ye Wutian listened very carefully and did not interrupt Ouyang Xingyue's narration.

"You mean that you are most likely not born of Ouyang Gonggen?" Ye Wutian asked: "Can you confirm it?"

If Ouyang Xingyue is not Ouyang Gonggen's biological daughter, then it can explain why Ouyang Gonggen treats her so badly and never treats her as her biological daughter.

"There is no substantive evidence for now."

"Then what happened to Ouyang Rengen?" Ye Wutian asked again.

"His car was manipulated and a wrench with my finger print was found at the scene of the accident."

"Hehe, who could have come up with this kind of frame-up method? However, it is undeniable that although this kind of conspiracy is not very good, it has been tried and tested, and the simpler it is, the more successful it will be.

"Don't worry, with me, I will protect you." Uncle Ye said and put on a superhuman pose.

Ouyang Xingyue was instantly amused, and her sadness disappeared a bit. After all, Ouyang Rengen was her relative, so she felt a little sad.

After comforting Ouyang Xingyue for a while, Ye Wutian forcibly gave him a kiss. No matter how Ouyang Xingyue objected, this fellow would not let him go.

In the words of Uncle Ye, not everyone can have the honor to try the kiss of Uncle Ben.

"Director Zheng, you have to work harder in this case. My woman is in it. Don't let her be wronged, or I will go mad."

Zheng Zhongren was dumbfounded, what does this kid mean? Playing threats? Even a fool could hear the faint threat in Ye Wutian's words.

"Brother, don't worry, I will never wrong a good person, let alone a bad person." Zheng Zhongren said with a smile.

"That's good, I hope you can solve the case soon."

Zheng Zhongren grabbed Ye Wutian who was about to leave, glanced left and right, and when he saw that there was no one around, he whispered in Ye Wutian's ear: "Brother, how many good sisters do you have?"

Ye Wutian was startled and asked jokingly: "Why do you care about this? Do you have a sister?"

"Go, go, go, even if you have a sister, I can't introduce it to you. Isn't that pushing my sister into the fire pit?"

Ye Wutian, who rolled his eyes when he heard it, laughed: "Then what do you mean?"

"Hey, it doesn't make any sense. As a man, I just envy your strength."

"Want to worship me as a teacher?" Ye Wutian refused on the spot: "I'm sorry, I don't accept apprentices, and you don't meet my criteria for accepting apprentices. You're neither handsome nor rich, what do you think people want?"

Zheng Zhongren was so choked by Ye Wutian that he wanted to kill Ye Wutian with gnashing teeth. He was not handsome and had no money? Is not this nonsensical? If he was handsome and rich, would he still need to ask him Ye Wutian?

After teasing Zheng Zhongren fiercely, Ye Wutian hummed a tune and left.

In the Ouyang family, except for Ouyang Rengen and Ouyang Xingyue, all the direct members of the Ouyang family are here, and everyone has a faint sad expression on their faces.

"I knew it, I knew she wouldn't be polite." Ouyang Zhengren was furious, trembling all over, his right hand clenched into a fist kept slapping the table top, making a popping sound.

Ouyang Gonggen, who was sitting next to him, looked ashamed: "Brother, I'm sorry, it's my goddaughter who has no way."

"You're wrong about this, and you're so wrong. That's our brother, our own brother. It's normal for us to be noisy at ordinary times. Now that we kill someone, what should we do? What do you say?" Ouyang Zhengren became more and more excited. ,lost control.

Ouyang Gonggen lowered his head like a child who did something wrong.

"Dad, this kind of person must make her pay." Ouyang Hao took the opportunity to propose.

"We are brothers! After a hundred years, what face will you give us to meet our ancestors?" Ouyang Zhengren was heartbroken, with a few tears flashing from the corners of his eyes.

"What else are you doing here? Go away, you are not welcome here." At the door, Ouyang Jie yelled, and his roar also attracted the attention of others in the hall.

Ouyang Zhengren followed his gaze and saw Ye Wutian walking in from outside.

Seeing Ye Wutian coming in, Ouyang Zhengren and others also stood up, "What are you doing here? You are not welcome here."

Ye Wutian ignored Ouyang Jie and looked at Ouyang Zhengren: "I'm here to find out the reason, not to quarrel with you."

"Let you go, can't you hear?" Ouyang Jie roared again when he saw that Ye Wutian regarded him as transparent, even more angry.

Ye Wutian couldn't bear Ouyang Jie's arrogance, he just lifted his leg and kicked Ouyang Jie to the ground.

"Remember, if I ignore you, it doesn't mean that I can bear with you." After kicking someone, Ye Wutian didn't forget to teach him a few words.

Ouyang Jie, who was kicked to the ground, took a long time to stand up. He would not give up after losing his face. This is Ouyang's home, and it is his home court. How could he bear this kind of treatment? If he doesn't find his way back, how can he mess around in the future?

"Come here, hit me, kill me." Ouyang Jie was like a mad dog. At this moment, he only had one thought to beat Ye Wutian to the ground.

As soon as Ouyang Jie's voice fell, an incomparably sharp samurai sword hung on Ouyang Jie's neck. Such a sudden change made many people unable to react, and they were all stunned.

Ouyang Jie was the one who was most frightened. The icy samurai sword was in such close contact with the skin on his neck, exuding a cold light, as if telling others that it was sharp.

With the samurai sword hanging from his neck like this, Ouyang Jie, who was still very arrogant, didn't even dare to let go of his fart, and was so dumb that he didn't dare to move.

"Ye Wutian, what do you want to do?" Ouyang Zhengren reacted, and immediately rushed up to pull the **** cherry, but the one hanging by the knife was his son.

As soon as he took a step, the samurai sword swung towards Ouyang Zhengren, so scared that Ouyang Zhengren did not dare to mess around.

"I don't want to cause trouble, I just want to tell you today that Ouyang Rengen's death has nothing to do with Xingyue." Ye Wutian said: "In addition, I have one more thing to trouble Ouyang Gonggen, ask him to cut some hair for me. "

Ouyang Gonggen asked, "What do you want my hair for?"

This question also attracted other people, including Ouyang Zhengren, who temporarily forgot that his son was threatened by others, but was just curious about Ye Wutian's problem.

"I have always been very curious about whether Xingyue is your daughter." Ye Wutian said.

They have already said it so clearly. If everyone doesn't understand, it will be too stupid. Ye Wutian suspects that Ouyang Xingyue is not Ouyang Gonggen's biological daughter.

Ouyang Gonggen, whose face changed greatly, blushed: "What nonsense are you talking about? How could she not be my daughter?"

Ye Wutian smiled and said: "It's your daughter, it's not you who has the final say, and it's not me who has the final say. I will find a way to verify this question."

"Nonsense, Ye Wutian, don't go too far. What time is it? My Ouyang family doesn't have time to accompany you crazy."

"Afraid? Are you guilty?"

"What am I guilty of?"

"What are you worried about if you're not guilty? How can I see worry on your face?"

Ouyang Gonggen sneered: "Ye Wutian, you are so good, you came here to make trouble at this time, and your intention is to cause trouble for our Ouyang family, right?"

"Okay, don't say it, it's useless to say anything else, no one can change what I've decided to do."

"Don't worry, I won't promise you, I don't have time to be crazy with you."

Ye Wutian didn't care, just smiled.

Ouyang Gonggen was waiting for the strange Ye Wutian to be able to laugh at this time. Seeing the calm expression of the other party, Ouyang Gonggen felt nervous for no reason, and subconsciously took two steps back.

Suddenly, Ouyang Gonggen only felt a flower in front of him, accompanied by a cool breeze passing over his head.

At this moment, Ouyang Gonggen felt that death was so close to him, and closed his eyes subconsciously.

After a while after the cold, Ouyang Gonggen still found that he could still breathe, so he quickly opened his eyes and saw that he was still alive, he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Looking up at Ye Wutian, he has a transparent side bag in his hand, and there is a strand of hair on the surface of the bag.

Ouyang Gonggen reached out and touched it, and understood why the cold air was generated just now.

He couldn't even imagine it, what would happen if the knife was cut by another centimeter just I'm afraid it wasn't his hair that was cut, but his head.

The more he thought about it, the more afraid he became. Ouyang Gonggen was fortunate that this woman was good at swordsmanship.

"The first thing is to settle it." Ye Wutian, who put away the transparent plastic bag, said: "Ouyang Zhengren, I don't like you, please use your brain to think about it, Xingyue killed Ouyang Rengen, what did she do to her? The benefits? She is already the chairman of Ouyang Group, who else can do anything to her? Why did she kill people? "

"Who knows this? Only she knows it. It's very likely that Rengen discovered some of her shameful things, so she thought about killing her."

Ye Wutian sneered, really wanted to rush up and slap Ouyang Zhengren a few times, he was paralyzed, is that all that's brains? He's so **** speechless, he's a member of a big family, can't he be smarter?

Of course, Ye Wutian also knows that even people from big families, no one stipulates that people must be smart, and people can be stupid. Ouyang Zhengren is a good example.

"Before answering your question, please answer me a question first, is Xingyue a woman or a man?" Ye Wutian asked, showing a look of contempt. (m)

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