Mad Doctor

Chapter 900: do i need to tell you

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Chapter 905 Chapter 905: Do you need me to tell you

Ouyang Zhengren didn't understand Ye Wutian's ultimate intention, so naturally he couldn't answer this question.

"Do you think she can use that kind of wrench as a woman?" Ye Wutian said: "Can you go and do something with a car?"

"Women are human too." Ouyang Zhengren had thought about this question before, and had also suspected it, but now he was questioned by Ye Wutian, which made him very unhappy.

"Aside from the fact that Xingyue doesn't have the strength to do anything to a car, she can't do it herself. To put it another way, if you want to kill someone, based on your status, will you go there in person? ?"

Ouyang Zhengren was asked again, and of course he understood the reason, "Then what about the fingerprints on the wrench? Don't tell me it was just she accidentally got it."

"Very good, you can ask this question to prove that you are not stupid, you answer me first, Xing Yuecong is not smart?" Ye Wutian asked.

Ouyang Zhengren became dumb again, Xingyue was of course smart, and could even be said to be a rare talent in the Ouyang family.

"What? Can't answer? Very smart, right? Such a smart person, do you think she will throw the murderer near the crime scene at will, if it was you, would you throw it at will? Do you want the police to find you soon?"

"Everything is possible." Ouyang Zhengren couldn't answer, he could only bite the bullet and said, "If you want to prove her innocence, you have to find newer and more favorable evidence. We believe it is useless, and the police must believe it."

"Don't worry, I will find the evidence soon." Speaking of this, Ye Wutian paused for a while: "I'm going to talk about the ugly today, if you let me know which of you **** framed my family Xingyue, Don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless, I killed him immediately."

"Find out the evidence first. These days, it's not uncommon for thieves to call to catch thieves."

Ye Wutian sneered and turned to leave. After just a few steps, he suddenly turned his head: "Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you, I also got some Ouyang Rengen's DNA."

Ouyang Zhengren was nothing, but Ouyang Gonggen almost didn't sit still, and looked at Ye Wutian in surprise, he felt that Ye Wutian was speaking to him.

The death of Ouyang Rengen caused a great sensation. First of all, it caused the stock price of Ouyang Group to plummet. As an important shareholder of Ouyang Rengen, his death naturally stirred the nerves of many people.

There is another reason for the drop in the stock price. Many people in the outside world are speculating that it was the chairman of Ouyang Group, Ouyang Xingyue, who killed Ouyang Rengen.

For two consecutive days, there was no progress in the case, Ouyang Xingyue was still kept at Guoan, but fortunately, she did not suffer much except for her movement restrictions.

Ye Wutian has had a very frustrating two days, Ouyang Xingyue has not made any progress, the company's affairs have also not progressed, the sales license is still stuck, and Ye Wutian does not know when the sales will resume.

Don't look at Uncle Ye's apparent lack of urgency, but he's still very anxious in his heart. One day's delay in selling means less money to be made. This is something Ye Wutian doesn't want to see and cannot tolerate.

It is precisely because of this that he is quite disgusted with the Ma family. One more day of delay, and one more day of disgust towards the Ma family.

Of course, it is not without good news. So far, more than 50 patients from all over the world have expressed their desire to ask Ye Wutian to help them treat their diseases. As for the price, it can be negotiated.

"Brother, haha, good news." Outside the door, a burst of hearty laughter came: "This time you have to invite me to dinner."

Under the leadership of the secretary, Zheng Zhongren appeared in front of Ye Wutian.

Zheng Zhongren came here at this time, and he smiled so happily, most likely because there was some good news, "Eating is not a problem, as long as your news can make me happy, Director Zheng."

"Brother, you are still so realistic. It's not easy to take advantage of you." Zheng Zhongren smiled.

Ye Wutian was not in the mood to talk to Zheng Zhongren and asked, "What good news?"

"There are clues in the case, and it can be initially confirmed that it has nothing to do with Ouyang Xingyue."

Ye Wutian's eyes lit up when he heard it: "You mean you can exclude Xingyue?"

"Yes, how? Is this good news?"

"Haha, that's really good news." Zheng Zhongren's news came at the right time, and the depressed Uncle Ye's mood instantly improved.

"Should you invite me to dinner?"

"Please, of course you have to please, it's unreasonable not to please." Ye Wutian smiled, "When will you let her go?"

"She can come back today."

Ye Wutian said: "Don't do it today, go now, I'll go with you, pick her up, and then invite you to dinner?"

Zheng Zhongren didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "You mean you are willing to invite me to dinner when you see her?"

"Hehe, it doesn't mean that, Director Zheng, don't get me wrong, we've known each other for a long time, you should know that I'm not that kind of person." Ye Wutian said with a cheeky face.

Zheng Zhongren secretly despised, whether others are that kind of person, he doesn't know, Ye Wutian is definitely that kind of person, this kid is completely unprofitable and doesn't get up early. Disaster!

"Not yet, brother, don't worry, we have our procedures, so we can't hurry."

"I don't care, it's noon today."

"Isn't it difficult for you to be strong?"

Ye Wutian has stood up from the executive chair, walked around the desk to Zheng Zhongren, stretched out his hand and then Zheng Zhongren walked outside the office door: "Why is it difficult? outside."

The sweat in Zheng Zhongren's heart! In terms of thick skin, I am afraid that there are not many people in the world like this guy, which is really good enough.

Ye Wutian couldn't help but drag Zheng Zhongren downstairs and walked downstairs. The actions and behaviors were very intimate, which made Zheng Zhongren very unaccustomed. He wondered when Ye Wutian had been so polite to him? Now that's a bit unaccustomed to.

As soon as the two walked to the company gate, they saw Yang Langzi's car parked at the company gate.

Seeing Yang Langzi, Ye Wutian immediately smiled and said yin and yang strangely: "Yo, isn't this Yang Langzi? Why did you come here? You didn't go to the wrong place, right?"

Yang Langzi glanced at Zheng Zhongren and said to Ye Wutian, "Brother Ye, are you free? I want to talk to you."

"No time." Ye Wutian refused.

"It won't take up much of your time."

"There's no time to talk, you don't understand?" Ye Wutian said: "You shouldn't come to me, you should go to your grandpa Ma."

Yang Langzi blushed, how could he not hear Ye Wutian's sarcasm? However, he endured.

"You guys talk, we'll get in touch later." Zheng Zhongren left without waiting for Ye Wutian to agree with him. He intuitively told him to leave early.

Ye Wutian didn't stop him, and after Zheng Zhongren left, he said, "Yang Langzi, you should be in the research room these days, why would you run out to chat with me?"

Yang Langzi said, "I don't know what you mean."

"Hehe, everyone is smart, it's not good to pretend to be confused. Your grandfather Ma did not hesitate to destroy his own reputation and status and took so many things from here for you, but you didn't study it well? Don't tell me you don't know anything. knowledge."

Although Yang Langzi's expression was as usual, his eyes did not dare to look at Ye Wutian, and he felt guilty.

Seeing this, Ye Wutian was even more sure that Yang Langzi knew about this matter. No matter how superb his acting skills were, his eyes couldn't deceive anyone.

The things that were taken away really fell into Yang Langzi's hands. From the very beginning, Ye Wutian had suspected Yang Langzi, and now it seems that his suspicions are correct.

"Brother Ye, I don't know what you are talking about, what materials are you talking about."

What Ye Wutian despises most is this kind of person, what kind of thing? Dare to do it or not?

Whether Yang Langzi admits it or not, that is his business, no matter how he explains it, it doesn't matter, Ye Wutian will not believe it.

"Put your set aside, you came to me today, is it because the research has no results? Or should I tell you the formula directly?"

In the face of Ye Wutian's aggressiveness, Yang Langzi couldn't refute at all, and he also knew that even if he said anything, Ye Wutian wouldn't listen.

"Tell me, do you need me to tell you the formula? Without the formula, you can't research it. How can my stuff be counterfeited so easily?"

"Brother Ye, you misunderstood, I didn't mean that."

"Okay, you don't have to use that set. Hurry up and tell me, do you need my formula? Or I can let you go to the production workshop again, as you choose."

"Don't make a sound? Then I will treat you as you don't need it. I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Since it is an enemy, why show the other party's face?

"I really can't tell, you have such a profound skill in sarcasm others." Zhang Jing came out of nowhere.

Ye Wutian glanced at the other party: "Sanba, don't you know that Laozi's bed skills are deeper, you haven't experienced it?"

Zhang Jing giggled and laughed, and the branches trembled with laughter, "To be honest, I really didn't feel that much before."

Ye Wutian almost fell down without being angry, didn't you realize it? what does she mean? Could it be that he has a silver wax head gun? Is it not useful? Depend on! A scholar can be killed but not humiliated, a dignified man, to be looked down upon by a woman's family, what kind of decency?

"Do you want to try again?" Ye Wutian is extremely dissatisfied, and being questioned by a woman is not good in that respect, it is undoubtedly stepping on a man's bottom line, which is absolutely not allowed.

"Do you dare? I'm covered in poison, you know, if you dare, I won't care." Zhang Jing's words were full of provocation.

Ye Wutian was depressed for a while, he really dared not, the last time he was poisoned was still fresh in his Now I can't figure out whether Zhang Jing was poisoned or not, how could he dare to mess around? ? There is only one little life, and there is only one little brother, so there are no more little brothers to waste.

"What are you doing? I'm not in the mood to make trouble with you."

"Let's see how you make money." Zhang Jing said: "Don't say it, the idea you put forward is quite good, at least 100 million US dollars. If this continues, it will be easy to make a fortune."

Ye Wutian said disdainfully, "You can do that too."

"I'm not interested in money."

Ye Wutian was curious, "Then what are you interested in?"

"I'm interested in you." Zhang Jing seemed to realize that she was wrong, so she continued: "Don't get me wrong, I'm just interested in how you make money."

Ye Wutian patted his chest exaggeratedly: "It scared me to death, I thought you liked me, you must know that it is impossible for me to like you."

"Looking for death." Zhang Jing, who didn't agree with one word, suddenly started, and a few pills hurriedly bounced towards Ye Wutian. (m)

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