Mad Doctor

Chapter 901: help you 1

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Chapter 906 Chapter 906: Help You

Ye Wutian avoided the pills and said with a sullen face, "I said, I don't want to make trouble with you."

After the first attack failed, Zhang Jing did not continue the second attack. She stopped and said, "The company's affairs have not been resolved?"

"The prince asked you to come?" Ye Wutian asked back: "Is he happy? I am like this, he should be very happy, right?"

"I'm glad, the prince asked me to tell you, this is just the beginning."

"I'll wait." Ye Wutian sneered, "Go back and tell that kid, sooner or later, I will beat him until he doesn't even know his mother."

Zhang Jing smiled for a while: "Wait until that day, I'm looking forward to that day, I hope you don't let me down."

In a bad mood, Ye Wutian was too lazy to say anything at the moment, bypassing Zhang Jing and preparing to leave.

After opening the door and getting in, the door on the other side was also opened, and Zhang Jing got in and sat there as if nothing had happened.

Ye Wutian was stunned, what did she mean? What is the reason for following up so stubbornly?

"Stinky 38, you call heaven there's no way to go, follow me, you're not afraid that I'll take care of you?"

Zhang Jing has no fear: "I know, you are very good at handling women, and you have experienced it."

Ye Wutian, who was blushing, said, "Then you still dare to come?"

"Isn't it good to accompany you? Anyway, I am also a beautiful woman. It should be your honor to have a beautiful woman like me to accompany you."

Ye Wutian stared at Zhang Jing and looked up and down for a long time, "You are a beautiful woman? Why didn't I see it? Look at your whole body, except that your **** are big enough, I really can't see anything about you like a woman."

Zhang Jing was so angry that she finally managed to hold back her anger, "Let's drive."

"Are you sure you want to follow me?" Ye Wutian raised his brows and asked, puzzled by this woman's behavior.

Zhang Jing said, "Are you going to drive me out of the car?"

Ye Wutian stopped talking at the moment, guessing in his heart what tricks the prince wanted to play, beauty tricks?

"There is good news and bad news to tell you, which one do you want to hear first?" Zhang Jing asked in the car.

"I don't want to hear it." Ye Wutian didn't believe that Zhang Jing could tell any good news.

"The good news is that I did you a big favor." Zhang Jing ignored Ye Wutian and only cared about her words.

Ye Wutian turned his head and asked, "What are you busy with?"

"Hehe, you'll know soon."

Seeing Zhang Jing selling off, Ye Wutian didn't ask any more, it was useless to ask, would he tell him?

"You have such a bad relationship with the Ma family. I helped you a little. You said, do you want to thank me?" Zhang Jing asked proudly.

Hearing the mention of the Ma family, Ye Wutian was faintly startled. These three or eight are not good people. If they did anything to the Ma family, it might be him who would suffer in the end.

Thinking of this, Ye Wutian suddenly slammed on the brakes hard, and then pinched Zhang Jing's white and tender neck at a lightning-fast speed.

Zhang Jing's forehead almost touched the front windshield, and she didn't wait to sit still under the fright, and found that her neck was pinched and it was difficult to breathe.

"What did you do?" Ye Wutian was really afraid that the prince would do something to the Ma family, and then put all the blame on him. Although it is clear that he is self-clearing, I am afraid it will cause a lot of trouble. This is Ye Wu. God worries.

Zhang Jing slapped Ye Wutian desperately, signaling him to let go.

Ye Wutian finally let go.

After regaining her free breathing, Zhang Jing coughed desperately and rubbed her neck with her small hands.

"Okay, don't play dead, tell me, what did you do to the Ma family?"

Zhang Jing sneered: "You care about them?"

"Do you have to hold on until you die?" Ye Wutian had murderous intentions. Although Zhang Jing was a beautiful woman, it didn't quite fit his bottom line. Under normal circumstances, he would not kill beautiful women.

Perhaps Zhang Jing felt Ye Wutian's killing intent, which made her shudder, "You want to kill me?"

"No?" Ye Wutian sneered.

Zhang Jing didn't speak for a long while, as if analyzing what Ye Wutian just said.

"Three-eight, you'd better not challenge my patience, or I can guarantee that you will be the one who regrets it." Ye Wutian raised his hand and prepared to take another shot.

"Okay, you won." Seeing that Ye Wutian didn't seem to be joking, Zhang Jing spoke quickly, and if he didn't cooperate, even if Ye Wutian didn't kill her, she would suffer a lot.

"I can only tell you that I didn't kill anyone, let alone put the blame on you. That's all I can say."

Ye Wutian was stunned, what kind of answer is this?

The anger that finally subsided surged up again, and squeezed Zhang Jing's neck again, "You are courting death, I need you to take care of me?"

Zhang Jing, who was pinched by his neck, stopped struggling, but slowly closed his eyes, looking like he was waiting to die.

Ye Wutian became stronger and stronger, and Zhang Jing's face became more and more frightening, first red and then purple.

At this time, as long as Ye Wutian exerts a little more force, Zhang Jing may have to say goodbye to this world. Many times people are so fragile.

Zhang Jing was getting harder and harder, but she still didn't struggle.

She looks like this, but Ye Wutian can't understand her. She knows that the two sides are in a hostile relationship, but she always runs over. This is what Ye Wutian does not understand.

"I don't care what you do, but there is one thing I want to warn you about, don't get involved with me, I'm afraid you won't be able to play." Ye Wutian finally couldn't calm down, and gently loosened Zhang Jing's neck.

Zhang Jing, who passed by the **** of death, opened her eyes, "What I want to do, no one can threaten me, including you."

"Get off." Ye Wutian was too lazy to say anything else, there was nothing to say between the two.

Zhang Jing sat still, as if he didn't hear what Ye Wutian just said.

Seeing this, Ye Wutian didn't rush the other party out of the car.

On the way to Guoan to pick up Ouyang Xingyue, Ouyang Xingyue called. She had already come out and he didn't need him to pick her up.

In desperation, Ye Wutian changed his schedule, and the DNA result should also come out, so Ye Wutian shunted the car to the hospital.

"Little brother, you came just in time, I have something to tell you." When he walked to the hospital gate, Ye Wutian met Gu Hezi and Ke Jiannan. The two were interesting. They were together wherever they went. People who didn't know thought they were Have a hobby for that.

"Two brothers, let's sit down and talk." Ye Wutian said with a smile, after finally meeting, he naturally knew that they had a lot of questions to ask him.

"Who is this?" Ke Jiannan looked at Zhang Jing next to Ye Wutian. He didn't know Zhang Jing, and he didn't know who she was.

Ye Wutian didn't know how to introduce Zhang Jing, and after thinking for a while, he said, "Don't pay attention to her, she's just a scumbag."

Gu Hezi and the two were so shocked that they could put down several eggs in their mouths, stinky three-eight?

What is the relationship between the two? Gu Hezi and the two made guesses.

"Aren't you leaving yet? Do you still want me to invite you to dinner?" Ye Wutian turned back angrily and roared at Zhang Jing, "Go back and tell your master, and then **** me, let him wash his ass."

Zhang Jingjiao groaned and pretended to be charming: "Death, shouldn't you invite me to dinner? I should give you money. You treated people like that last night, and now you're a different person. Is there anything like you?"

That anger in Ye Wutian's heart! I just discovered today that every woman has the potential to be a fairy.

Zhang Jing definitely did it on purpose, deliberately pretending to be like this in front of Gu Hezi and the others, so that they could misunderstand.

Sure enough, both Gu Hezi threw a smile at Ye Wutian, the kind of smile that men can understand.

Ye Wutian rolled his eyes when he saw it, these two old men, could it be possible that they are also the same people? Depend on!


Zhang Jing, who was standing well, suddenly fell to the ground, causing her to faint.

Seeing this, Gu Hezi and the two just wanted to step forward to help her up, but Ye Wutian stopped them, "Two brothers, let's go in and talk about business, don't worry about her."

Ye Wutian talked about this. No matter how stupid Gu Hezi was, they knew that this must be Ye Wutian's masterpiece, and they couldn't help but sweat. Treating a beautiful woman like this was a real sin.

On the ground, Zhang Jing, who was plotted against him, scolded, "Ye, you have the kind, my mother will definitely remember what you did to me today, you wait."

Ye Wutian turned around and stared at Zhang Jing: "Try again, believe it or not, I will strip your clothes off?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Jing was very honest in an instant. She believed that Ye Wutian really dared to do that, and he dared to ignore the demeanor of a man, but she couldn't be shameless.

Ye Wutian was very satisfied with the result. Seeing Zhang Jing shut up honestly, he didn't say anything more, "Two brothers, let's go into the office and talk."

"Little brother, do you really ignore her?" Ke Jiannan looked back at Zhang Jing and asked in a low voice.

Ye Wutian replied: "I have her number, do you want it? I can give it to you if you need it."

Ke Jiannan blushed and smiled bitterly: "Little brother, you know that's not what I meant."

The three of them returned to the office, and as soon as they sat down, Ye Wutian apologized to the two of Gu Hezi, and said about his resignation as a consultant. When the two of Gu Hezi agreed to come to Dongcheng to help, it was entirely because of the reason. His face is better now, but he himself slipped away first.

"Little brother, you are not authentic enough. You left us here, but you ran out in style." Ke Jiannan said.

"Two brothers, I am wrong, I am guilty, you adults have a lot, don't care about me." Ye Wutian cupped his hands, apologetic.

"What happened to your company? Did your resignation as a consultant have anything to do with this?" Gu Hezi asked Well, it can be said that there is. "

"Then what about the high-priced treatment you mentioned at the press conference? It's also the way you came up with it?"

Ye Wutian nodded again, "Two brothers, please believe me, this is completely forced, completely forced, if there is a way, I will not do it, my opponent is too strong."

"Do you need any help?" Gu Hezi understood.

"No, the two brothers have treated me well. I will always keep it in my heart. Don't get involved in my affairs. I really can't solve it when it arrives. I will ask you for help when that time comes."

Gu Hezi naturally knew that Ye Wutian was protecting them. Ye Wutian had just said that his enemy was not small.

The three were chatting. Outside, the door of the office was pushed open with a bang. Jiang Yu roared at Ye Wutian angrily: "You can't treat me like this." (m)

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