Mad Doctor

Chapter 902: relationship is a bit messy

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Chapter 907 Chapter 907: The relationship is a little messy

When Jiang Yu came in, Ye Wutian was stunned. The first thought was that he almost forgot her and forgot that Jiang Yu was already working in Dongcheng People's Hospital.

"Miss Jiang Yu, what is your attitude? Don't forget your identity, what qualifications do you have to yell at me like this? Don't you know how to write politeness?" Ye Wutian scolded mercilessly With Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu blushed when asked, she forgot to knock on the door just now in a hurry, she just wanted to settle accounts with Ye Wutian and forgot to knock on the door.

"You can't treat me like this." Jiang Yu held back her red face and stared at Ye Wutian.

Ye Wutian looked at Gu Hezi with a helpless expression, "You two brothers, I'm sorry to make you laugh, there's nothing you can do if you look handsome, there are always women who won't let go, especially if you're handsome like me. Rich people are even more sought-after.”

Ke Jiannan and Gu Hezi looked at each other and smiled bitterly, this little brother's face can no longer be described with ordinary words.

For Jiang Yu, Gu Hezi and the others still know. They are more sympathetic to such a poor girl who was framed by someone. However, they pretended not to know that Jiang Yu was designed. First of all, tell them about it. It has nothing to do with half a dime, and secondly, Jiang Yu's medical skills are quite powerful. With a master like her as a free helper, this is something everyone is happy to see.

"Why did I treat you? I'm taking care of you, and I'm sorry for you?"

Jiang Yu said: "I don't care, you are not here, and I will not continue to work here."

"What? Can't bear me?" Ye Wutian laughed.

"Ye Wutian, be serious with you, please take it seriously." Jiang Yu was completely irritated by Ye Wutian's hippie smile.

Ye Wutian is funny: "I am also serious, what point do you see that I am not serious?"

Jiang Yu directly ignored Ye Wutian, stretched out two white jade-like green onion fingers and shook it in front of Ye Wutian: "You have three choices, one, agree with me to leave here, if you want me to continue working here, you must also work here. , two, let me follow you, three, agree to let me go back to China."

Ye Wutian said: "Is there a fourth condition? How do I think you are taking advantage? Isn't it fair to me?"

"There is nothing fair in this world."

Shrugging Ye Wutian sighed: "Okay, what do you want? What are your thoughts?"

"All three conditions are fine, it's up to you to choose."

"Miss Jiang Yu, please sit down and talk." Gu Hezi said with a smile.

Facing Gu Hezi, Jiang Yu's pretty face with a cold air softened a little, "Thank you."

"It's impossible for me to stay here and work. As for what choice you have to make, that's up to you. I don't care, as long as you like it. Even if you go back to China now, I won't say anything. Your country is like that anyway. , never keep your word."

Jiang Yu was furious again, seeing how she wanted to eat people, "Please don't insult my motherland, you are not worthy, I will do it if I promise you."

Seeing the angry Jiang Yu leave, Gu Hezi and Ke Jiannan both thought that Ye Wutian's methods were too cruel. How could he bear to treat a beautiful woman like this?

"Two brothers, what are your expressions? Do you also want to pity Xiangxiyu? Hey, it's okay, you go, I don't mind, these days, both men and women like old cows to eat tender grass."

In the face of Ye Wutian's sarcasm, the two old men were quite helpless and could only shut up wisely.

"Two brothers, let's get down to business. You have a good relationship. If you know where there is a small island for sale, please tell me. I also want to buy one to play with."

Gu Hezi asked, "What? Do you still want to be your own king?"

"It's not that exaggerated, I have nothing to do, buy it for fun, and just go on vacation."

"Looks like we're still getting old." Gu Hezi couldn't understand Ye Wutian's thoughts, the young people's thoughts were different, buy a small island for vacation? No matter how much money you have, it's not a waste of money, right?

"No domestic ones." Ye Wutian said again.

That is to say, this sentence made Gu Hezi and Gu Hezi grasp something at the same time, but they did not fully grasp it.

"I want to get the medical base on the island, what do you think? Build the world's largest medical city." Ye Wutian said.

"Bring your company to the island as well?" Ke Jiannan asked.

Ye Wutian nodded lightly, answering Ke Jiannan's question.

Sure enough, whether it was Ke Jiannan or Gu Hezi, they were both mature and sophisticated, and they immediately guessed Ye Wutian's intentions, and this kid wanted to stand on his own.

I have to admit, this is a great and crazy idea, and first and foremost, how much money does it require? The Tianhongyan Group alone would be very difficult to bear such expenses. If nothing else, the shipping cost alone would be astronomical.

Gu Hezi and the two also thought that Ye Wutian would have such an idea, and it should be related to what happened recently. He also said just now that his enemy is very powerful, so powerful that even he can't help it. I'm afraid it's just because Thus, the idea of ​​moving out came into being.

"Have you thought about it?" To achieve this hope, in addition to having money, you must also use various means and diplomatic relations. Of course, you can do whatever you want in places like the Arctic, but it's useless if you do it. Can people live there?

"This idea has been considered for a long time. In life, there must be one or two major events."

Gu Hezi was madly sweating, which thing he did Ye Wutian was not earth-shattering? Either one is pretty scary.

"It's good for you to know about it, don't spread it out for the time being."

"We know." Of course Gu Hezi knew the importance of the matter, and if he spread it out, he was afraid that it would bring Ye Wutian a lot of trouble.

"Little brother, you are too crazy." Ke Jiannan said, in his heart, he was not very optimistic about Ye Wutian's move. To achieve this wish, it is not possible to have money.

"It's up to people." Ye Wutian himself knew that it was difficult, and it was difficult to choose a location, not too close, not too far.

Gu Hezi thought that Ye Wutian had to be vaccinated, "Little brother, you have to be mentally prepared."

"Of course I know this, don't worry, I know what I'm doing."

After learning Ye Wutian's true intentions, Ke Jiannan and the two who originally planned to persuade Ye Wutian gave up the idea. Ye Wutian is not the kind of person who changes his decision at will, and it is useless to persuade him.

After chatting for a while, both Ke Jiannan said that they would continue to send their disciples to stay at Dongcheng People's Hospital, unless there were no patients willing to receive their treatment, then it would be another matter.

After walking out of Gu Hezi's office, Ye Wutian ran up to the sixth floor to get the test report.

The document bag in his hand was heavy, and Ye Wutian couldn't summon the courage to open the bag. If Ouyang Xingyue was not Ouyang Gonggen's biological daughter, it would be a big blow to Ouyang Xingyue.

What should come will still come. After Ye Wutian calmed down, he started to open the file bag, took out the report inside and read it.

When he pulled out the report in the bag and read it clearly, he immediately smiled bitterly. As expected, Ouyang Xingyue was not Ouyang Gonggen's biological daughter.

He read the report back and forth three times, and after confirming that it was correct, Ye Wutian took out another one. After he saw the contents, he smiled bitterly again, paralyzed, and can only be described in one word, chaos. !

Ouyang Xingyue is not the daughter of Ouyang Gonggen, but the daughter of the second child, Ouyang Rengen. What the **** is this?

Rao is a smart uncle Ye, and this meeting is a bit difficult. Ouyang Xingyue is not Ouyang Gonggen's daughter, but her mother is Ouyang Gonggen's current wife. That is to say, Ouyang Gonggen's wife spent one night with Ouyang Rengen. Daughter born after Huan.

Holding this report in his hand, Ye Wutian didn't know what to do. Once it got out, it would definitely cause chaos, and it would also cause chaos in Ouyang Group's stock price.

More importantly, can Ouyang Xingyue accept such a report?


Ouyang Rengen was dead, and the report made Ye Wutian suspicious. He guessed that Ouyang Gonggen knew the inside story of the year and knew that his daughter was not his own.

Knowing that his daughter is not his own, he can still endure it all the time. I have to admit that Ouyang Gonggen's endurance is very scary.

Does Ouyang Rengen's death have anything to do with Ouyang Gonggen? After so many years, will he direct such a human tragedy in which his biological daughter kills her father?

It's just not right, Ouyang Rengen didn't necessarily treat Ouyang Xingyue very well when he was alive, that's impossible. If he knew that Ouyang Xingyue was his biological daughter, he would have unknowingly favored her.

The only explanation is that even Ouyang Rengen did not know that Ouyang Xingyue was his daughter. Only Ouyang Gonggen and his wife knew about it. Gritting his teeth, he buried this secret in his heart for more than 20 years.

If I want to completely solve this mystery, I am afraid that it is only Ouyang Gonggen's wife.

"What are you looking at?" Ye Wutian was fascinated by his thoughts, and Jiang Yu's voice suddenly sounded in his ears, which startled Ye Wutian.

Quickly put away the report, and stared at Jiang Yu extremely dissatisfied: "You belong to a dog? There is no sound when walking."

Jiang Yu was so angry that he smashed his backpack at Ye Wutian at will. This guy's words were so irritating that even Jiang Yu, who always thought of himself as a lady, couldn't help but want to hit someone.

After blocking Jiang Yu's weapon, Ye Wutian discovered that Jiang Yu was abnormal: "What are you doing with your luggage? Miss Jiang Yu, do you want to run away with me?"

Jiang Yu wanted to do it again, but Ye Wutian seemed to know that she wanted to do it, so he stepped back a few steps and kept a certain distance from Jiang Yu.

"I'm your assistant, not a doctor in the hospital, what do you think I'm going to do?" Jiang Yu said.

Ye Wutian smiled: "You mean you want to follow me?"

"Don't worry, I won't bother you. I'll leave as soon as the time is up."

"You don't pay wages?" Ye Wutian asked I have money. "This sentence almost popped out from Jiang Yu's teeth, Ye Wutian is simply too deceiving.

"I don't even have food and shelter." Ye Wutian, who was too big, said again.

"I have money." Jiang Yu yelled, louder this time, her trembling body was telling others that she was very angry.

Ye Wutian snapped his fingers, "Zhong, Miss Jiang Yu, you are so sincere, I can't take your face away, okay, just follow if you like. My biggest advantage is that I'm too soft-hearted."

Jiang Yu is very sensible and no longer pays attention to Ye Wutian. The more she chats with him, the more angry she will be.

The proud Ye Wutian hummed a little tune as he prepared to leave the hospital. With such a beautiful assistant following him, he seemed very majestic and happy.

When Ye Wutian walked to the hospital gate, the scene in front of him made him stupid. I don't know when there was a large crowd of people sitting quietly outside the hospital gate. Divine Physician save us." (m)

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