Mad Doctor

Chapter 903: do you want to fight for favor

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Chapter 908 Chapter 908: Do you want to compete for favor?

Ye Wutian's scalp was numb from the large crowd of people in front of him. Looking around, there were at least hundreds of people, and there were still a steady stream of people coming in outside the hospital gate.

After these people came in, they didn't make a big noise, they just stood quietly in the same place, standing in front of him Ye Wutian.

Ye Wutian didn't know how to deal with this matter. From the eyes of those patients, it could be seen that they all had the desire to survive.

Jiang Yu, who was next to her, was also shocked by these people, and she felt sympathy while gloating at the misfortune. She is a doctor, and her lifelong wish is to help some patients in need.

Ye Wutian, who was standing there, was inexplicably moved. All of these people came towards him. In front of him, there were all kinds of skin tones. They all came here out of trust in him.

His throat was a little blocked, Ye Wutian didn't know what to say. At this time, he wished that he was an immortal. With a wave of his hand, he could help these people and make them a healthy person in an instant. Unfortunately, he didn't have that ability.

The gathering of so many patients here quickly attracted the attention of the hospital's top management, and even attracted the attention of many reporters and media, and a large number of all-pervasive reporters came in within a short period of time.

"Aren't you going to say a word?" Jiang Yu reminded in a low voice.

Ye Wutian grinned bitterly, he also wanted to say, but what should he say? His head was blank, and he was so articulate that he didn't know what to say. He was completely stupid, and sometimes he was moved.

"Ye Yishen, what do you want to say to everyone?" Some reporter Fei Boss squeezed into the crowd and asked Ye Wutian.

Ye Wutian looked at the reporter, then looked at the other people, and after clarifying his thoughts, he began to say: "Everyone, first of all, I thank everyone for their trust in me. Here, I am very grateful."

"These people just want you to help them. They need your help. Can you change your original decision? Continue to be a consultant in the hospital?" The reporter asked again.

Ye Wutian shook his head: "The consultant will not do it again."

"Then Mr. Ye intends to abandon so many poor people and ignore them?" The reporter's question was very tricky.

"I can't talk about disregarding, first of all, my own ability is limited, even if I want to help everyone, I am powerless. Everyone has their own choices, and I also have my own work. Of course, there is something I want to tell everyone, The country and the government will not ignore you, there are many doctors with superb medical skills, as long as everyone maintains the ** to survive, there will be a great chance of recovery."

The reporter asked again: "Mr. Ye, can I think that you have left the vast majority of poor patients and then made money from the rich patients? Don't you think doing this will make your conscience uneasy?"

Ye Wutian glanced at the other party thoughtfully, the reporter was not good.

"This reporter friend, I'm going to open a newspaper office in a while. Come and work in my newspaper office. I'll give you a monthly salary of 100 yuan. Would you like to come?"

No one knew what Ye Wutian wanted to express, and they were all attracted by his questions.

Ye Wutian said again: "Is it unacceptable? You can't accept this salary? Since you were such a good person and advertised yourself as so great, you must belong to the kind of good person who is selfless and dedicated to the world, then come on. My newspaper office is just right, and the newspaper office I want to open will not be afraid of power or any evil forces."

Until now, no one knew what Ye Wutian wanted to say, except for being curious.

"Aren't you sure? You think the salary is low?" Ye Wutian said with contempt, "You're so **** embarrassed to be a reporter? What does a reporter stand for? Do you know? From the day you became a reporter, you should have You know your mission, right? But have you done it? Asking me these questions, what do you want from me? The first thing you say is exciting, is it interesting? , I also want to eat, and there are so many people waiting for my salary below me, can't you see? You don't know? I don't want to make money, what about the staff below me? Starve them to death?" At the end, The more Ye Wutian said, the more excited he became, and what was even more interesting was that in order to have fun, this fellow stepped forward and walked in front of the reporter.

Being scolded repeatedly by Ye Wutian, the old face of the other party was a little unbearable, changing, and he wanted to refute, but he didn't know how to answer.

"No matter who invited you, now, please get out of the way, don't make trouble for me here, irritate me, I will let you not even get a hundred yuan salary." Ye Wutian was in chaos again. spray.

The other party took a step back and wiped the saliva from his face with his hands. The nausea made him want to vomit.

"You threatened me?" After wiping his face, "I can sue you based on your words."

How could Ye Wutian be afraid of such a person? Directly to the other person's face is a mouthful of saliva.

This is good, it was just a 'drizzle' just now, and now it's a downpour.

The reporter was stupid, and the people around were also stupid, and once again learned Ye Wutian's arrogance.

If the spittle sprayed on his face just now was just an unintentional act, then it is definitely intentional now, and it is the provocation of Chi Guoguo, don't you want to sue me? I'll just be direct and let you sue.

Jiang Yu rolled her eyes when she saw Ye Wutian's behavior, what kind of freak is this? He never played cards according to common sense, so in such a large audience, he was not afraid of what impact it would bring to himself?

Ye Wutian's madness caused an uproar among the people present. Whether it was the patients or the reporters, they were all amazed, and the reporters pressed their cameras wildly.

Is Ye Wutian too much?

Many people thought of this, but no one dared to ask, fearing that they would be the next person to be spat on.

"Sue me." After spitting Ye Wutian -<>-, he didn't pay any attention to the other party.

"" The other party was very angry, his flushed old face was very ugly like a monkey's butt. How could he bear being insulted in front of so many people?

"My friends, I don't want to be aggressive, but it's a different matter for those who have ulterior motives. Whoever dares to come to me in trouble, please first of all weigh his own weight, whether there is the capital to provoke me." Ye Wutian Said clamorously, with an expression like Laozi's number one in the world.

In front of so many people being humiliated, the reporter naturally would not give up. He called the police on the spot, and the police came very quickly. After the investigation was clear, the few policemen who came did not know what to do. This was not a big case, even a small one. The case doesn't count, the most important thing is that Ye Wutian is not an ordinary person. Although there is a problem in the Hongyan Group, who dares to underestimate him?

"Several, please wait, let me settle this matter before going back with you." Ye Wutian said to the policemen.

Several policemen on the other side expressed their permission in silence, taking Ye Wutian away on this occasion, fearing that none of these patients would agree.

"What are you going to do?" Jiang Yu asked in a low voice.

Ye Wutian glanced at Jiang Yu: "This is why I want you to stay in the hospital, now you understand?"

"They're coming for you."

"But my ability is limited, so I need your help." Ye Wutian said, "How can I handle so many people alone?"

Jiang Yu didn't speak, but agreed with Ye Wutian's statement.

"They have no choice, so they will naturally agree to let other doctors help them. Time waits for no one."

"My friends, please believe in the level of doctors, whether it is the hermit or the southern school, or the doctors in their own hospitals, their medical skills are quite good. In this regard, some of you should feel that your situation has improved, many At times, it takes time for a situation like yours, please give them some time, as long as your condition can be controlled, it will be a good start."

"Although I will not continue to be a consultant, please rest assured that I will assist them with air conditioning and do my best to help you."

"Ye Shenyi, please help us." Someone shouted in the crowd. It was a foreigner who spoke to Ye Wutian in blunt Chinese.

At the same time of being moved, Ye Wutian looked helpless again, and dared to feel that what he said just now was vernacular, and it didn't play any role at all, which made Uncle Ye speechless.

"People don't eat your way." Next to her, Zhang Jing emerged from the crowd with a smile on her face. No matter how you look at it, her smile was a schadenfreude smile.

"Your masterpiece?" Seeing the smile on Zhang Jing's face made Ye Wutian think a lot.

"Who is she?" Zhang Jing didn't answer Ye Wutian's question, objecting to Jiang Yu's curiosity.

Ye Wutian was very surprised: "What? You didn't investigate clearly? I don't know who she is? You shouldn't, you should investigate my every move, otherwise you will be dereliction of duty."

"My name is Jiang Yu." Jiang Yu stretched out her hand and introduced herself to Zhang Jing.

Jiang Yu's hand was stretched out, but Zhang Jing didn't eat this set, and didn't mean to stretch out his hand at all.

Jiang Yu, who had stretched out her hand for a long time, was displeased and retracted her hand angrily, "It's rude."

"Do you like him?" Zhang Jing spoke again.

The sullen Jiang Yu didn't know what Zhang Jing meant, thinking that Zhang Jing had a good impression of Ye Wutian, so she replied: "So what?"

Ye Wutian's mouth is opened into an O word, rely on! What are these two crazy women doing?

"I'll give you a piece of advice, leave him He's not suitable for you." Zhang Jing said coldly.

Not to be outdone, Jiang Yu also replied: "I also give you a piece of advice, if you don't like him yet, please leave, he is not suitable for you either."

The more Ye Wutian listens, the more unpleasant it is, where does this come from? I feel like a commodity, being robbed and robbed, I don't know how to describe that feeling, but, let's not say, I'm a little excited inside, even though I know they're just acting.

"Okay, just shut up for me." Ye Wutian exuded the arrogance: "I said what happened to you? Can't you get along well? You have to make trouble like this? What trouble? Does it make sense? You can fight for favor. Use another method."

The two women were choked and speechless, especially Jiang Yu, who wanted to say a few words to Dian Ye Wutian and scolded him a few shameless words, but just thought of that, wouldn't she admit defeat to Zhang Jing? So under this kind of ghost, she just swallowed what she wanted to say.

"If you want to win favor, it's very simple, show your skills, you are all doctors, and now I announce that whoever of you has great medical skills and can cure more people, I will admit who of you is my girlfriend."

In the next instant, both women raised their fists! (m)

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