Mad Doctor

Chapter 904: This can be dragged

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Chapter 909 Chapter 909: This can be dragged

In front of everyone's eyes, the two women threw two pink fists at the same time, just when everyone thought they threw their fists to hit Ye Wutian.

Even when Ye Wutian thought that they were going to hit him, he didn't know that the two pink fists seemed to have an appointment. After they waved, they stopped there, and then people were shocked. Even more incredible things happened. The originally clenched pink fist changed, and when the wrist turned, the **** stood up.

They even raised the international **** towards Ye Wutian. At this moment, Ye Wutian was stunned by the thunder, and he couldn't come back to his senses for a while.

The reporters pressed the camera like a dog. It is not often that such a grand scene can happen. Ye Wutian was given the **** by two women, which is also an anecdote.

Ye Wutian, who couldn't laugh or cry, was covered in waterfall sweat, and he was just joking casually. Do they need to be so serious? He also gave the middle finger, don't forget that they are ladies, how can a lady just give the **** to others casually? Incomprehensible.

"What do I mean by you? Don't forget your identities." Ye Wutian said.

Jiang Yu sneered: "What's my identity? You're a good abacus, shameless, who do you think you are? Still fighting for favor? Are you worthy?"

"Hehe, don't be embarrassed, I know, you women are thin-skinned, don't worry, I won't spread the word everywhere, only you and I know about this."

Jiang Yu was speechless.

"Divine Doctor Ye, please help us, two angels, please help us." Someone shouted in the crowd, followed by others.

"Did you hear? Two angels, please help them." Ye Wutian said.

"Just play slowly by yourself." Zhang Jing smiled: "How? Are you satisfied with this scene?"

Ye Wutian's face sank: "It's really you." He felt strange, not many people knew that he came here, why so many people gathered here in such a short time.

Looking at Zhang Jing with hatred, this stinky 38 is always looking for trouble for him, **** it.

"Compared to the way you treated me just now, I'm already kind enough, you have to thank me." Zhang Jing's words also tacitly agreed that the matter had something to do with her.

"You are courting death." Ye Wutian, who was still in the sun just now, was like a March day, and he said that he would change, and he rushed to Zhang Jing with a stride.

Without waiting for Ye Wutian to rush, Zhang Jing took the lead: "What? Are you going to hit me? Are you going to hit me?"

Zhang Jing's words were so loud that most of the people present could hear them.

Ye Wutian smiled strangely: "I hit you? How could it be? I never hit a woman."

The body and Zhang Jing are close together, and they are extremely ambiguous. Standing in this posture, it is easy to make people think about it. If they say that the two have nothing to do with each other, I am afraid that not many people will believe it.

After hugging Zhang Jing lightly, Ye Wutian's left hand was not idle, and he felt Zhang Jing's **** buttocks and pinched it tightly, causing Zhang Jing to grin and gasp in pain.

It is estimated that Zhang Jing never dreamed that Ye Wutian would treat a woman like a woman, and she would come up with such tricks to deal with women. This kind of trick is usually only done by women. proficient.

Could it be that this guy really doesn't know what blush is? His face was also thicker.

"Laugh, smile." Ye Wutian pinched it, but his face was very proud, whispering in Zhang Jing's ear.

How can Zhang Jing laugh? Holding back the pain, she warned: "Do you want your little **** to say goodbye to you?"

The smile froze on Ye Wutian's face, and the whole person bounced like a spring. If Zhang Jingzhen did that, it wasn't a joke. She could even do things like raising her middle finger. Dare to do it.

Ye Wutian didn't dare to gamble, the only thing he could do was to keep Zhang Jing far away.

Jiang Yu could see the little thing between the two clearly, especially the salty pig hand that Ye Wutian stretched out to Zhang Jing in the dark was discovered by her.

Ye Wutian can block everyone's sight, but Jiang Yu can't block him. She knows what he does.

It's just that Uncle Ye is not afraid or cares that Jiang Yu can see it.

"Everyone, although Consultant Ye will no longer be a consultant, please believe that our hospital is absolutely capable of helping everyone." Li Chunwan said loudly that so many patients are stuck here, which has seriously affected the normal operation of the hospital. President, Li Chun knew that he had to stand up.

"President Li is right, everyone must believe, no matter what, I can't be a consultant again, please understand, and at the same time, I also say sorry to everyone." After speaking, Ye Wutian said to the present The man bent down deeply.

"What's the matter with your police? Why haven't you arrested him yet? Do you really have a nest with him? The police have a nest with criminals?" He couldn't save his face, and eager to find his way back, he could not wait to put Ye Wutian into the eighteenth hell.

"Shut up." A loud roar walked towards the reporter, but the person who yelled at him was not Ye Wutian, nor the policeman, but a patient standing near the reporter, staring at the reporter with a displeased expression. "Speak again, I will kill you, anyway, I have already done this, do you want to take a gamble?"

The poor reporter was stunned by shouting. He wanted to refute but didn't dare. As the patient said, he was a life-threatening death. Anyway, what about the crime? Sooner or later it is a dead word.

After some weighing, the reporter finally decided to shut up honestly.

"Ye Shenyi, I have money, I will give you money, 100 million US dollars, or half of my net worth, I promise, just ask you to help me heal." A female patient said excitedly, she is a private enterprise Boss, she is terminally ill and doesn't care about anything as long as she can survive.

Everyone looked at Ye Wutian, wanting to see how he would answer.

"Lady, don't get excited first, if you really need it, you can go to our company for boarding, and someone will contact you naturally." Ye Wutian said.

"Put the money out of your eyes." Jiang Yu looked down on people like Ye Wutian. As a doctor, he had no medical ethics at all, and looked at money completely.

Ye Wutian directly ignored Jiang Yu's sarcasm, and after saying a few words at will, he forcibly left. It was useless to stay there. If he stayed for a long time, he was afraid that he would become soft-hearted. help who? He only has one pair of hands.

After forcibly leaving, Ye Wutian got into the car, closed the door and looked at those helpless eyes, he was flustered for a while, and slapped the steering wheel heavily with both hands.

Ye Wutian had no choice but to make such a decision. If he hadn't been forced to this step, he would not have made such a decision anyway, nor would he have stopped the construction of the medical base.

In the office just now, he had asked the two of Gu Hezi, but both of them had clearly stated that if he quit, the two of them would not consider building a medical base and get involved, entirely because of Ye Wutian.

"What? Really?" In the car, Ye Wutian answered the phone after venting, and was surprised when he heard the content of the call.

Over there, it wasn't until Ye Wutian got into the car that several policemen came back to their senses and hurriedly walked towards Ye Wutian, but before they got there, Ye Wutian started the car and left, leaving only a puff of smoke for them.

"It's good, you're good." Watching Ye Wutian go away, the reporter who had been silent for a while finally broke out, pointing at a few policemen and scolding. "I want to sue you, I must sue you."

A few policemen didn't dare to do anything to him, but the patients standing nearby were different. Ye Wutian's departure made their irritable mood even more irritable, and their temper naturally increased. He walked up to the reporter and started beating people.

Divine Fist is invincible against all legs. Although the attackers are only patients, they are not something the reporter can resist.

The poor reporter is considered a bad luck for eight lifetimes today. First, he was spat on by Ye Wutian, and now he was beaten by a patient. They all say that only the doctor-patient relationship is tense, but the tense doctor-patient relationship does not mean that the reporter has a relationship with the patient. The relationship is tense, what do you beat him for?

injustice! The reporter felt that he was particularly wronged. Who did he provoke? Why do this to him?

Ye Wutian didn't know that his heartless departure allowed reporters to find a good topic. Many reporters wrote Ye Wutian as a heartless person, without sympathy, seeing money, and writing Ye Wutian as bad as possible. Bad.

Ye Wutian didn't know about the comments and news from the outside world. The guy who rushed back to the company couldn't wait to rush to Cheng Kexin's office, "Baby, is what you said just now true?"

Cheng Kexin was just signing a document, and was startled by Ye Wutian who suddenly broke in. When she was frightened, her little hand exerted force, and the last word Xin was signed wrong.

Cheng Kexin raised her head and said angrily, "You, you don't knock on the door?"

Ye Wutian knew that he was wrong, and he didn't explain or quibble. He just smiled, "I'm sorry, it's my fault, it's my fault, I'm guilty."

Seeing Ye Wutian's funny expression, Cheng Kexin couldn't get angry even if she wanted with a pouting smile, she couldn't get angry with Ye Wutian no matter what.

"You're like a big boy who doesn't grow up." Cheng Kexin smiled.

"Yes, I'm like a big boy, sister, I want grandma." Someone glanced at the plump **** of the beautiful lady Cheng, and her smug look made people want to go up and beat him.

In terms of being a rogue, how could Cheng Kexin be Ye Wutian's opponent? She was blushing and embarrassed at the moment, but fortunately there was no one else around, otherwise she was afraid that she would find a hole to burrow in.

"Hey, baby, you're so pretty."

Cheng Kexin's face was even redder, she was shy on the outside, but she was ecstatic inside. Ye Wutian praised her for her beauty, which was more important to her than anything else, making her as sweet as honey.

"Jing Hui is talking nonsense to make me happy." Cheng Kexin rolled her eyes at Ye Wutian: "Speaking of business, the sales license has been issued." Cheng Kexin picked up a document on the table and handed it to Ye Wutian: "At the same time, There is this."

Ye Wutian took the file and opened it in doubt, then closed the file after a while and said, "Don't worry about this." (m)

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