Mad Doctor

Chapter 905: original price sale

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Chapter 910 Chapter 910: Original Price Sale

"Drag?" Cheng Kexin raised her brows, but the result seemed to be different from what she thought. She thought that Ye Wutian would be very happy to see this document, but he had such an expression.

Cheng Kexin thought that she had heard it wrong, but soon she knew that she had not heard it wrong, because Ye Wutian nodded again.

"Yes, don't worry about this, drag it first." Putting down the document in his hand, Ye Wutian was not too happy.

"Why?" Cheng Kexin asked.

Ye Wutian replied, "Because I'm not happy."

Cheng Kexin was stunned, is this a reason? accurate? Is it okay to be unhappy? To know that this is a big order, can he just be upset?

"In addition to dragging, you tell them that due to the rising production cost, there is no longer a discount in terms of price, and the original price is sold." Ye Wutian seemed to be afraid that Cheng Kexin was not surprised enough, and once again said a heavy sentence.

"Why?" Cheng Kexin really didn't know what else to say besides asking this sentence. This villain never plays cards according to common sense, and he can rarely guess his true intentions.

The military sent such a large order, but he threatened to delay it.

"Because I'm not happy." Ye Wutian said this again, as if there was nothing else to say besides this sentence.

Cheng Kexin wanted to tell him that he was a businessman and a businessman. How could there be a businessman like him? He is trying to fight money.

In the end, this sentence was not spoken, and intuition told Cheng Kexin that it was the same, it is better not to say it.

"Just do as I say, tell them that our production costs have increased, and that the company has decided to invest heavily in upgrading the production process out of a responsible attitude to consumers."

At this time, Cheng Kexin finally heard that the scoundrel dared to fight with those people, the cost of production? Investing huge sums of money to upgrade the production process? What about a liar? Didn't invest a dime in it, so that's a huge amount of money?

Speechless, but Cheng Kexin had to admit that this matter really gave the company a good excuse. Don't you say that the product is substandard? Then I change it, I can't upgrade it? If you want to do this, you naturally have to invest money. As for how much you need to invest, of course, it is a trade secret, how can it be disclosed to the public?

"Will this not be very good?" Cheng Kexin always felt that it was not very good. The other party was the military, and being able to cooperate with the army was the dream of many people and enterprises. Now it is good, Ye Wutian dragged it straight.

"There's nothing wrong, it's settled." Ye Wutian will not change his mind, people must pay the price for their wrong behavior, even if he is the emperor.

Cheng Kexin shook his head lightly, this man is really not grown up, he does everything casually, without considering the consequences, he will do whatever he is happy with, and people don't know how to say goodbye to him.

How could Ye Wutian know what Cheng Kexin was thinking? He dared to do this because he had such qualifications and conditions. Ordinary companies would definitely not dare to refuse the military department in this way. I am afraid that he would have followed with his tail like a pug.

"Uncle, my dear uncle, do you do this business? Do you know what you are doing?" Situ Wei soon knew Ye Wutian's decision, and she came to the office in person to find out.

"Is it not good?"

"What's good? You don't know the seriousness of the matter, right?" Situ Wei twisted Xiaoman's waist and stepped forward, sitting directly on Ye Wutian's thigh in a comfortable position.

This goblin is getting more and more presumptuous, and is not worried about outsiders coming in at all.

The nephrite jade is full, coupled with the intoxicating fragrance, Ye Wutian is very satisfied, he moved his nose to the neck of the Situ Fairy and took a light breath, how is life, what more can I ask for!

"Once we lose the relationship with the military, we may become rats crossing the street, and many competitors will take the opportunity to stand up and shout and kill."

"I thought of this for a long time." Ye Wutian didn't care, "If you lose it, you will lose it. Anyway, I have to increase the price, and I will tell everyone that I, Ye Wutian, are not soft-shelled insects. my bottom line."

Situ Wei's good-looking eyes looked at Ye Wutian with watery eyes, and the beautiful waves circulated, staring at Ye Wutian for a long time.

"What are you looking at? I'm handsome again?" Ye Wutian was seen very uncomfortable, even if the other party was a beautiful woman.

"Master, do you know? My concubine loves you so much, it's too domineering, and it's fascinated me." Situ Wei muttered to herself, and finally added: "Master, people are wet."

Ye Wutian is dumbfounded, is this okay? With doubts in her eyes, she wondered if the goblin was panicking, but she didn't seem to be panicking.

"I want it." Situ Wei winked, panting squeamishly.

Uncle Ye can't bear the enthusiasm of this goblin. Now he is in the office. What if someone comes in?

"It's not suitable now." Ye Wutian smiled bitterly, why is this goblin so emotional?

"I don't care, you have to be responsible." Situ Wei's temperament came up, and she refused to forgive.

"Didn't bother you?" Ye Wutian was hesitating whether to help her with his hand, but unfortunately, just when the idea came up, Ouyang Xingyue knocked on the door and came in.

Sure enough, it makes people smashed, Ye Wutian's embarrassment! The person who came was Ouyang Xingyue, that girl always had a cold face, but now it's better, not to mention, you can tell by looking at her dark face.

"Will I come back later?" Ouyang Xingyue asked.

Situ Wei got up from Ye Wutian's arms, and calmly and naturally pulled her clothes in front of Ouyang Xingyue, "Second young mistress is here, of course I don't dare to be presumptuous as a child."

Ye Wutian didn't dare to look at Ouyang Xingyue, he felt guilty, he really had a guilty conscience, but the Situ Fairy who had molested him ruthlessly walked out of the office, twisting his waist.

"Xingyue, what's the matter with me?" Ye Wutian took the initiative to speak, trying to pull away the current embarrassment.

"Have you compared DNA?" Ouyang Xingyue asked directly.

Ye Wutian was startled: "How do you know?"


She was still angry, and yes, which woman can stand her man with other women? No, the Situ Fairy seems to be able to do it, but how many Situ Weis are there in this world?

"Baby, shall we talk about it tonight? Have dinner together to celebrate your exoneration."

"Result." Ouyang Xingyue directly filtered out Ye Wutian's proposal and pressed for the result again.

Ye Wutian said: "I am your man, can you listen to me?"

"Wishful thinking." Ouyang Xingyue struck mercilessly.

Ye Wutian was defeated, this woman is too **** character.

"If you don't eat with me, I won't tell you any results." Ye Wutian threatened, hoping to make Ouyang Xingyue submit.

Hearing that, Ouyang Xingyue turned around and left without saying a word, and left Ye Wutian in the office for a long time, but he couldn't come back to his senses, damn! what does she mean? gone?

Uncle Ye, who was so angry with itchy teeth, thought that he had to revive his husband's gang. Is this okay in the long run?

Seeing Ouyang Xingyue leave, Ye Wutian didn't stop him and didn't show the result to Ouyang Xingyue because he was afraid that she would not be able to accept it, and he didn't think of how to tell her.

How long can it be delayed? That's the only thing in sight.

As Ye Wutian had guessed, the people from the military came soon, and the person who came was still a big man, a major general, who came to negotiate with Ye Wutian on behalf of the military.

The sudden and unilateral upgrade of Tianxin Hongyan Group was unacceptable to the military, let alone the price increase.

The major general's surname is Li, and he sits there like an Amitabha Buddha. Ye Wutian suspects that the other party is the major general who is the least like the major general. In Ye Wutian's understanding, the major general is already a senior general, and he exudes a sense of anger wherever he goes. Ziwei's momentum, but this one in front of him has no momentum at all. He has a faint smile on his face from beginning to end. No matter how he looks, he looks like an old fox, which is different from other black faces.

Can such a person become a general? The general of the army is also very good, right? Ye Wutian was puzzled and couldn't believe it.

"General Li, hello, you are welcome to visit our company." Ye Wutian smiled and stretched out his hand, the military sent such an old fox-type person over, presumably also had their thoughts.

The other party stretched out his hand with a smile and held Ye Wutian together: "Young and promising! When I see you, I will remember what I was doing when I was as young as you, it's really more popular than the dead, compare goods. Gotta throw it away."

Being praised like this, Ye Wutian is not too high, the higher the other party holds you up, the more careful you must be. "Where, let General Li laugh, a small business and a small business are far from being compared with General Li. No matter how big my business is, I am just an ordinary businessman, how can I be like General Li? Silently giving everything to protect the security of the country."

General Li's smile was even stronger. It was the first time he had dealt with Ye Wutian, and he already had a preliminary understanding. Despite his young age, he was also a little fox, so it was difficult to deal with.

After some thought, General Li decided to change the method. The method set before coming here may not be decided to go straight to the point.

"Hehe, Xiaoye, I'm a few years older than you, can I call you that?"

"Of course." Ye Wutian nodded again and again, but he despised it in his heart, how old is this? A handful of old people can't speak a word, they should be said to be decades older, not a few years old.

"Well, I won't go around in circles. You must know my purpose. That's right, I just want to find out why your company unilaterally increased the price? You have to add such an outrageous price."

The topic is here! Ye Wutian had already prepared the draft, licked his lips, and said the remarks he had prepared a long time ago. In order to make the performance more realistic, this fellow still had a bitter face, as if he was telling others to do this. , he was also very helpless and forced.

General Li is an experienced soldier, so naturally he won't believe Ye Wutian's statement, he said with a smile: "Little Ye, why don't we stick to the previous price, what do you think?"

"No, General Li, I can give it to you, I will definitely not embarrass you, but there is really no way, you don't know the price of firewood, you don't know our difficulties, everything is expensive now, and you have to raise the price, there is no way, really no way." (m)

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