Mad Doctor

Chapter 906: Not a fuel efficient light

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Chapter 911 Chapter 911: Neither is a fuel-efficient lamp

General Li raised his brows, and he has already said that for this sake. Logically, Ye Wutian should give some face to him, but this kid is not on the road, and a dignified general came here specially, and he will not give this little face?

The other party frowned, but Ye Wutian showed a bright smile, "General Li, please drink tea."

General Li wants to scold, when are you still drinking **** now? Still drinking tea?

"Hehe, Xiaoye, I hope you can reduce it appropriately. You also know that our troops don't generate much income, and we don't have much money to spend on this."

"Apply for funding." Ye Wutian said, as the saying goes, those who don't know are fearless, you General Li want to pretend, I can also accompany you to pretend to see who can have the last laugh.

"Applying for funding? It's easier said than done? The state controls military spending very strictly. I'm afraid you don't know this. Every penny must go through a lot of scrutiny."

"Well, I can understand that the country is so big and there are a lot of places to spend money."

General Li's old face showed a fox-like smile again: "Thank you, Xiaoye, for your understanding! Long live your understanding."

"Of course I understand your difficulties, General Li, and I also hope that you, General Li, can understand my difficulties."

Although General Li, who heard the words, still had a smile on his face, it was just that his smile made people feel hypocritical no matter how he looked at it.

After going around for a long time, Ye Wutian refused to make any concessions at all.

"That's not good. I'm here today. Xiaoye, you have to help me no matter what, or else I won't be able to go back and do business."

Ye Wutian is dark and sweaty, this old boy dares to start to be shameless?

"General Li, aren't you embarrassing me?" Ye Wutian forced a bitter face, a look of embarrassment.

"For the sake of the country, for the sake of so many soldiers in our country, I know it's embarrassing for you, I will do it again, Xiaoye, I will first thank you for the thousands of soldiers in our country."

It has to be said that this hat is big enough. With such a big hat covered, you can't do anything if you don't give in. However, he met Ye Wutian, a guy who never played cards according to common sense.

"Okay, General Li, you will talk about this for the sake of it. If I don't know each other again, it will be too boring. In this way, let's not discuss this issue with any of us. We will give each other a step. On the basis of the original price, I will pay for each grain. Decrease ten yuan, this is my bottom line, and I really can't do it any more."

General Li had the urge to scold his mother, and after spending a long time, he would reduce the ten dollars? Stinky boy, do you want to eat soft or hard? Is it good to take ten bucks off?

In the end, he held back his anger. General Li knew that he couldn't be angry no matter what, he couldn't fall out with Ye Wutian, at least not now.

"Xiaoye, aren't you? What's the point of ten dollars? Don't be like a bitch, you should contribute to the country, the country will remember you, and thousands of soldiers will remember you too. you."

Another big hat!

This old fox is so cunning, one after another is covered with big hats, making you embarrassed for not lowering the price.

"Is ten dollars less? I'm a businessman, and businessmen can't be as generous as your soldiers. As a businessman and a chairman, I have to be careful in everything I do, and I have to think about the company and the employees below. Therefore, General Li, although our occupations are different, in a certain way, we actually have the same starting point. You have to do your best to think about the soldiers below, and I also have to think about the staff below me, too. Giving you more is equivalent to taking money from them and donating it to the army. I don't care, I'm afraid they won't agree. Every family has a hard scripture to read. Even if I am the chairman, I can't force them to take it. It’s better to donate the commission and salary to the country, this kind of thing is still voluntary, do you think so?” Ye Wutian said with a serious face, you General Li can talk, I Ye Wutian can do the same, you can do it I have a deep sense of righteousness. It can be related to defending the family and the country, and I can also refer to the family.

General Li saw that Ye Wutian was completely digressing, and the further he went, he couldn't help but feel a little helpless.

"Ye Dong, here is a document, please take a look at it." At this time, secretary Li Feifei knocked on the door with a document and came in.

Seeing this, General Li had to give up temporarily, ready to wait for Ye Wutian to sign the document.

Ye Wutian, who took over the file, opened it and was stunned. In addition to the file, there was a blank piece of paper in the folder, with only one sentence written on it, "Master, adapt accordingly."

Seeing this sentence, Ye Wutian wanted to laugh. That goblin really had a good heart. He really wanted to hug her and kiss her, too smart and too tacit.

He quietly took the white paper away, looked down at the document, and instantly understood the Situ Fairy's intention. I have to say that this document came at the right time.

Putting down the document, Ye Wutian said helplessly: "General Li, I won't lower the price. You must think I'm trying to embarrass you on purpose, but it's not. Look at this. Although this is also a trade secret, I believe in you, General Li."

Ye Wutian directly handed the document handed over by the secretary to General Li, "Please take a look."

General Li, who looked puzzled, took the document and opened it. It was full of prices, all of which were the prices of medicinal materials.

Although he saw the price, General Li didn't understand. He didn't know the price of rice when eating wheat. The price above was normal to him. It was just a number, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Ye Wutian saw General Li's puzzled expression, and he knew that he was a bit of a chicken and duck.

"Well, let me explain, General Li, the price you are seeing now is five times that of not long ago, that is to say, the material that used to be purchased for only one yuan, now costs five yuan, which is the production cost, presumably General Li You should understand, right?"

Listening to Ye Wutian's explanation in this way, General Li certainly understands that the question is whether he should believe it or not.

Ye Wutian seemed to know that the other party would not believe it, so he opened the drawer and searched for a while, and sure enough, he found what he wanted, it was also a document, Ye Wutian handed it to the other party again: "This is the previous document. "

General Li, who took the document, looked down and saw that the price above was relatively low. By comparison, it was found that the truth was several times worse. In fact, there were some materials that were more than ten times different. This kind of price was very scary, and General Li did not know what to do. What to say, even embarrassed to ask Ye Wutian to reduce the price.

The document just now may still be false, and it should be impossible for the document in hand to be false. In this way, Ye Wutian did not deceive anyone.

"General Li, we actually have a lot of difficulties." Ye Wutian said.

"Well, you can reduce it a little bit to the best of your ability, isn't it a problem?" said General Li, who put down the document.

Ye Wutian cursed secretly, it's already this time, he still won't give up? Still thinking of letting him drop the price? How can you be so shameless?

"There's really no way around the price, there's not much profit margin, and one more thing, General Li, the batch of goods that the military needs will probably be delayed for a while."

"What's going on here?" The other party was unhappy at first, and even more unhappy after hearing what Ye Wutian said, "Little Ye, shouldn't this be right?"

"Hehe, it's not that I want to spit bitterness, the production capacity is limited, the company has been stopped for so long, and there are too many backlogs of orders, so this is also no way."

General Li thought for a while, Ye Wutian was right. The company had stopped for so long, and the backlog of orders was normal, but the army's orders could not be delayed. Many soldiers on the front line desperately needed Qingchengwan's help.

"You have to think of a way about the output, and no matter what, you can't delay it for too long."

Ye Wutian nodded understandingly: "Well, I understand this, it won't be too long, I promise you, General Li, at most two or three months."

General Li jumped up instantly, two or three months? This time is simply unacceptable, it is too long, "Xiaoye, this time is too long."

"I can't do anything about it. Unless this is the case, the military wants me to give priority to producing your orders, and you have to pay the liquidated damages for me. This is the best way I can think of. This liquidated damages is not a small sum, I hope you can understand."

Those who are mentally ill will think about paying liquidated damages, let alone a small amount? Of course not.

The door of the office was pushed open again, and Cheng Kexin came in, "There is something that needs to be figured out, but there is a problem with the quality of the materials."

"What?" Ye Wutian stood up, nervous, "What's the situation?"

"The laboratory personnel detected sulfur in the material." Cheng Kexin replied.

"Bastard." Ye Wutian punched the desk heavily, "It's a bastard."

General Li is not good, is there going to be another trouble?

Sure enough, Ye Wutian said calmly: "General Li, it seems that the production has to be rescheduled."

"If the materials are not enough, buy them again. The production thing really can't be delayed any longer." General Li had already forgotten the purpose of his visit at this time.

Ye Wutian smiled bitterly: "It's easier said than done?"

"What materials are needed? Maybe I can think of a way."

"I would like to thank General Li first. In this way, I will ask someone to issue a list for you later. You can find a way to help me purchase a few herbs, and I will try to speed up the production here."

General Li can only think about it like So, after Ye Wutian opened a few herbs to the other party, it was convenient to leave.

In the office, Ye Wutian seemed to have changed his personality, took a sip of tea leisurely, how could he still have the nervous expression just now?

"Husband, is this not good?" Cheng Kexin worried.

Putting down the teacup, Ye Wutian smiled: "Baby, your acting skills are good, you can take the golden statuette."

Cheng Kexin always felt that this was not good, and she was afraid that some people above would have ideas.

"Don't worry, I just want to do this, to tell some people, don't be too much, and at the same time have to pay for the mistakes you make.

Downstairs, General Zhang turned to look at the Hongyan Company before stepping forward. He still had to tie the bell to untie the bell. This kid is a tough guy, and his acting skills are not bad. The play just now made him find the stairs.

Today's trip, the purpose was not achieved, but it was not for nothing. Thinking of the conversation and contest just now, General Li couldn't help but smile. (m)

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