Mad Doctor

Chapter 907: mantis car

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Chapter 912 Chapter 912

Ye Wutian didn't take General Li's arrival to heart, this guy quickly forgot, but a day later, I don't know who spread it first, saying that Ye Wutian deliberately delayed the order of the military because he was with the horse Family vindictiveness, including product price increases, is also for fighting against the Ma family.

Ye Wutian didn't know where the news came from in the first place. When he heard this, he smiled bitterly and helplessly. Where did the news come from? Few people know that he is not on the right track with the Ma family, even if he is not on the right track with the Ma family now, he has not fallen out. At least Ye Wutian is still quite polite to the Ma family on the surface.

It is widely rumored that his move is a man's arm to stop the car. It is impossible. It cannot be the opponent of the Ma family. What family is the Ma family? The difference between the authentic red family and other red families is that, at least, the old man Ma still exists. That is to say, with this, Ma Feng can become the number one young man in the capital.

Mr. Ma came out of that war-torn era, and he is the only old man who survived. Such a person is not only of great importance to the Ma family, but also of extraordinary importance to the whole country. Therefore, Ye Wutian wants to fight against such a family. In the grand scheme of things, he is against the whole country.

It is undeniable that Ye Wutian's strength is very strong, and the development of Tianxin Hongyan Group is also booming. They just want to fight against the Ma family. The difference between the strengths is not that much.

The vast majority of people are not optimistic about Ye Wutian, they don't think highly of his behavior, and they think that what he does is completely suicidal. If nothing else, how many disciples of the Ma family are there? Just those people can't be eaten by Ye Wutian.

"It's almost the same after playing with it." Cheng Kexin worried about what kind of family the Ma family was. She knew very well. In fact, from the very beginning, she didn't want to make such a decision. If you can't mess with that family, try not to mess with it. Not very authentic.

Cheng Kexin thought that Ye Wutian was blocking the car, let alone someone else?

"Baby, what are you worried about? Are you worried that they will catch me and go to jail? Or are you worried that they will find a reason to stop our company again?" Ye Wutian asked, he was impulsive and vengeful, it did not mean that he was stupid, and he dared to do so, but also through layers of analysis , Old Man Ma is supreme in power, but Ye Wutian is not afraid, there is a lion head behind him, Old Man Ma dare not do anything too much.

If there is no lion head, as early as the last time, old man Ma put him in that kind of dark prison, how could he be so condoned?

"The problem is that doing this will not benefit us at all, but will result in a lot of losses. From a businessman's point of view, I disagree." Cheng Kexin expressed his opinion.

Ye Wutian chuckled: "Don't worry, nothing will happen. Who am I, your husband? The person who can deal with me has not yet been born."

Cheng Kexin rolled his eyes helplessly, this scoundrel is really a character who fell down as a quilt cover, and is not afraid of the sky and the earth, I really don't know how to say goodbye to him.

"What are you going to do with Yu's house? They have already fulfilled your conditions." Cheng Kexin asked, the company's ability to obtain a sales license so quickly has a lot to do with Yu's family.

Ye Wutian said: "Help, of course we have to help, we are people who keep promises." At first, Ye Wutian just said it casually, deliberately making it difficult for the family, but he didn't expect that it was really done by the Yu family, I don't know if it was the Yu family Luck is still the strength of the family.

"Wait two more days, I have to go to Ouyang's house." Ye Wutian sighed, until now, he has not told Ouyang Xingyue the test report, for fear that she will not be able to bear the blow.

Cheng Kexin had read the report, and Ouyang Xingyue was the last person to be kept in the dark.

"How can you think of a way yourself, I can't help you with this." After explaining a few words, Cheng Kexin walked out of the office, while Ye Wutian fell into contemplation.

In the afternoon, Ye Wutian went to Ouyang's house to have a good talk with Ouyang Xingyue's mother, but when he went to Ouyang's house, he accidentally found that Ouyang Xingyue was also there.

Although she has been proven innocent, and Ouyang Rengen's car was hacked has nothing to do with her, but she is still an unpopular figure in the Ouyang family, and everyone in the Ouyang family is full of hostility towards her.

Ouyang Xingyue ignored everyone's hatred and walked directly to Ouyang Gonggen: "I want to talk to you."

"If you have something to talk about here, it's all a family." Ouyang Gonggen had a heartbroken and very sad expression.

Ouyang Xingyue asked, "Do you want to make a fool of yourself in front of everyone?"

"What do you want to say? Don't forget that I'm your father. Did you talk to your father like this?" Ouyang Gonggen jumped up as if his tail had been stepped on, with blue veins on his forehead.

"Father?" Ouyang Xingyue looked painful, struggling inwardly, "Father."

Ouyang Gonggen was vaguely uneasy, especially when he saw Ouyang Xingyue's expression, he was even more worried.

"Do I still have a father?" Ouyang Xingyue muttered to himself.

"What do you mean? It's ridiculous." Ouyang Gonggen was furious.

No matter how you look at it, I feel that he is using this anger to cover up something.

Ouyang Xingyue didn't say any more after seeing this, and directly waved a document bag at Ouyang Rengen.


"Don't you dare to look at it?" Ouyang Xingyue sneered.

Ouyang Gonggen finally took the file bag and opened it. When he saw the contents clearly, Ouyang Gonggen was horrified as if struck by lightning.

"You must have worked hard to hide it all these years?" Ouyang Xingyue said, but there was murder in her plain words.

"Yes, I endured so hard, so what? You tell me, what should I do? As a man, should I go around promoting my own scandal? You tell me what to do?"

"Since you have to endure, why don't you just endure it all the time? Why reveal your secrets?" Ouyang Xingyue suppressed her anger: "From the very beginning, you wanted to design me? You wanted me to kill each other with him, so you can relieve your anger. Even if it's not your own, you've called you Dad for so many years, and you've never softened your heart at all? What's wrong with my elders, what's wrong with me? You want to treat me like this."

There was a trace of guilt and shame in Ouyang Gonggen's eyes, which was fleeting and returned to coldness. "This is just your unilateral guess. What evidence is there to prove me?"

Ouyang Xingyue shook his head gently: "I don't need to prove it, someone will investigate."

Ouyang Gonggen just wanted to ask what he meant, but when he saw several people coming in outside the door, he walked directly to him, "Mr. Ouyang Gonggen, we suspect that you have something to do with a murder case, please come back with us."

Ouyang Gonggen's face was pale, and he took a step back to guard against the people in front of him, "Who are you? Do you know what you are talking about? Do you know who I am?"

"Take it away." The brawny man in front was too lazy to talk nonsense with Ouyang Gonggen, and waved directly to his subordinates to take Ouyang Gonggen away.

"Wait, who are you?" Ouyang Zhengren, who had not spoken, stood up, "No matter who you are, you always have an identity, right?"

The other party took out a document towards Ouyang Zhengren and passed it in a flash.

National Security?

Ouyang Zhengren saw the document clearly. These people are from Guoan? No, those people in Dongcheng Guoan know all, but these people are unfamiliar.

"You are not from Dongcheng Guoan, which region?" Ouyang Zhengren asked.

"The General Administration of Beijing." The other party replied.

Ouyang Zhengren secretly gasped, the Beijing General Administration? No matter how long Ouyang Zhengren's hands were, he couldn't reach the capital.

"You suspect he murdered, but what evidence do you have?"

"Whether it is him, we will naturally find out."

Ouyang Zhengren wanted to say something, but the other party didn't give him a chance and forced Ouyang Gonggen to leave.

Beside him, Ouyang Hao stood there, very nervous and afraid.

"Xingyue, do you suspect that he killed Rengen?" Ouyang Zhengren asked Ouyang Xingyue again.

"Yes, the National Security Council will find out."

Ouyang Zhengren was shocked, "How could this happen? They are all brothers."

"He has implemented this plan for more than 20 years, what's impossible?" Ye Wutian walked in.

Ye Wutian's appearance made the members of the Ouyang family very upset. They did not welcome Ye Wutian's arrival, but when did the Ouyang family become Ye Wutian's back garden? Think about it, you can go if you want to go?

"You already know." Ye Wutian walked to Ouyang Xingyue.

Ouyang Xingyue didn't say a word, just glanced at Uncle Ye, bypassed him and left, this made Uncle Ye depressed for a while, damn! What's the matter with this woman? So rude.

"Ouyang Zhengren, as the eldest brother, you are a failure. If Mr. Ouyang knew what happened at home, what do you think he would think? What face do you have to see him?" Ye Wutian did not follow Ouyang Xingyue.

"Why do I need you to take care of my affairs? Who do you think you are?" Ouyang Zhengren blushed, and he couldn't bear to be questioned like this by a young junior.

"Do you think I want to care? If it wasn't for Xingyue being involved, I wouldn't be bothered at all." Ye Wutian was disdainful.


In the inner hall, there was a sudden scream, and the person who made the sound was Ouyang Xingyue.

Hearing Ouyang Xingyue's scream Ye Wutian and the others rushed in immediately, worried about what happened to Ouyang Xingyue, especially Ye Wutian, there was a sense of tension on his face.

Ye Wutian rushed to Ouyang Xingyue first, "What happened? What happened?"

Ouyang Xingyue didn't answer Ye Wutian, she didn't even look at Ye Wutian, she was still staring straight ahead, two lines of silent tears slipped gently on her face, I still felt pity, Looking heartache.

Seeing that Ouyang Xingyue was fine, Ye Wutian was relieved and turned his head to look at Ouyang Xingyue, that is, only now did he realize that there was one lying on the sofa in front of him with his eyes tightly closed.

The man on the sofa was lifeless, dead for at least an hour.

Gently stretched his arms around Ouyang Xingyue's shoulders, Ye Wutian didn't know how to comfort him, maybe it wasn't important what he said at this time, the important thing was to look at Ouyang Xingyue himself.

After Ouyang Zhengren and others came in, they were all shocked when they saw this situation. Ouyang Zhengren clenched his fists and closed his eyes weakly, or, this is the best ending! (m)

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