Mad Doctor

Chapter 908: Messenger of Flowers

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Chapter 913 Chapter 913: The Messenger of Flowers

Ouyang Xingyue's mother died, lying quietly on the sofa, she left this world quietly, no longer nostalgic for this world, perhaps, she had long wanted to leave this way.

Ouyang Xingyue slowly stepped forward and squatted down, stretched out her trembling little hand to gently stroke a few strands of hair on her mother's forehead, tears bursting again.

At this moment, silence is better than sound. Ouyang Xingyue didn't cry or shout, but shed tears silently, but everyone present could feel her sadness and pain.

After getting her mother's hair done, Ouyang Xingyue gently stroked her mother's face again.

"Mom, you know, I don't blame you, no matter what happened back then, I don't blame you." A sentence contains thousands of words, too much, understanding and tolerance.

Ye Wutian looked around and saw a piece of paper on the coffee table. He walked over and picked up the piece of paper. There were only a few words on it, "Xingyue, my good daughter, Mom I'm sorry for you."

There were tears everywhere on the white paper, as if telling others that the owner had been crying when he wrote this.

"Daughter, it's your mother's fault, it's your mother who's sorry for you and made you suffer too many grievances, let's end it, let it end here, live well, love well, as long as you can live well and live happily, mother will It's worth dying."

"Sorry baby!" was the last word on the paper, and then nothing more.

Ye Wutian handed the paper to Ouyang Xingyue. After she took it and read it, she calmly put the paper away, stretched her head and kissed the woman's cold forehead, "Mom."

When this happened, Ye Wutian naturally had to stay, and Ouyang Zhengren and the others did not chase him away, they all acquiesced to him to stay here to help.

They couldn't be together in life, but they should be able to fulfill their wishes after death. I hope they can be happy in another world. Intuition tells Ye Wutian that Ouyang Xingyue's mother should not love Ouyang Gonggen. What she really loves is Ouyang Ren. root.

It's a pity, good luck makes people!

For two consecutive days, Ye Wutian accompanied Ouyang Xingyue and helped her with many things, although the conversation between the two of them for the past two days did not exceed ten sentences.

Ouyang Xingyue has been relieved a lot, and Ye Wutian is very distressed. This woman hides all her thoughts in her heart and does not say anything, and bears all the suffering by herself. I have never seen such a stupid woman as her.

The next afternoon, the Xu family came, and sister Xu Ying came.

"Thank you for your hard work." Xu Ying came to Ye Wutian and said with her cherry lips lightly opened.

Ye Wutian said: "It should be." When speaking, Ye Wutian was also puzzled, why did Xu Ying also reduce a lot? Is it possible that weight loss is popular now? Shouldn't it?

Seeing that Xu Ying lost a lot of weight, Ye Wutian didn't ask.

Xu Ying glanced at Ye Wutian with slightly resentful eyes, then turned to greet Ouyang's family.

"Shi Shi." After Xu Ying left, Ye Wutian shouted in an inaudible voice.

Xu Shishi stopped her body, but did not turn her head to look at Ye Wutian, but just stopped for a while and followed her sister away.

Ye Wutian smiled bitterly, it seems that this girl still hasn't come out of that incident.

The Xu family's sisters were here, Ye Wutian felt uncomfortable all over, and after a few words with Ouyang Xingyue, he walked out of Ouyang's house. The atmosphere there was too oppressive, and Ye Wutian didn't like that kind of atmosphere.

Leaving Ouyang's house, Ye Wutian drove back home. When he walked into the community, he accidentally saw Che Huishan, whom he hadn't seen in a long time. Sister Yu was even more beautiful. Every move was full of infinite style, so charming that she could drip water.

"Sister Shan." Ye Wutian shouted loudly.

Che Huishan, who was about to get into the car, turned her head to look at Ye Wutian, and when she saw Ye Wutian, she immediately smiled: "It's Xiaotian."

"Sister Shan, long time no see." For some reason, Ye Wutian was so excited and uneasy.

Thinking of him for so long, why was he so uneasy as he is now? But, now he is nervous.

Che Huishan smiled charmingly: "How are you doing?"

Ye Wutian was almost lost in Che Huishan's smile, what happened to him? It's not like I haven't seen beautiful women before, why don't you have any resistance at all?

"It's okay, how about you, how are you doing?" Ye Wutian asked.

"Very good." Che Huishan nodded lightly: "Thank you for your concern."

"Sister Shan, where are you going?" Ye Wutian couldn't help asking when he saw Che Huishan dressed in a professional suit.

Cha Huishan said, "Go for an interview."

"Interview?" Ye Wutian was stunned: "You didn't do it in the club?"

"No, I just resigned last month."

"Why don't you do it?" Even Ye Wutian didn't think of it himself, he was very anxious at this time, for fear that Che Huishan would suddenly disappear from him, and he didn't want to see such a thing.

"Hehe, I've been working for too long, and I always want to change a job. I don't have any other intentions, I just want to change a job where I work during the day."

Che Huishan explained that, Ye Wutian could accept it. Back then, her job was often working night shifts and working hard. As a woman, she naturally wanted to live a normal life, which is understandable.

At first, Ye Wutian thought that Ouyang Xingyue was not good to Che Huishan, but now it's a bit ridiculous to think about it, how could he not believe Ouyang Xingyue?

"Sister Shan, I don't have anything to do anyway, I'll go with you." Ye Wutian could not help but open the passenger seat.

"You accompany me?" Che Huishan thought she had heard it wrong. She was looking for a job, not a blind date, so why would she need someone to accompany her? What's more, even if you go on a blind date, you won't find such a man, right?

"Is there any problem?" Ye Wutian smiled: "You heard it right, I will accompany you, if it is successful, you will invite me to dinner."

"Are you sure you want to accompany me?" Che Huishan was still puzzled, thinking she heard it wrong.

Ye Wutian didn't speak anymore, but told Che Huishan with practical actions, and walked to Che Huishan and stretched out her little hand.

Che Huishan didn't expect that Ye Wutian would come to hold her little hand, she couldn't help but blushed and struggled a few times, but she couldn't struggle away. She was very helpless about this.

"Get in the car and get in the car, in a hurry, it will be bad if you make others wait." He pulled Che Huishan to the side of the co-pilot, pushed her directly and got in the car.

Che Huishan had some thoughts of being chased by ducks. Of course, she is not a duck, she is a beauty, a great beauty.

"Xiaotian, I'll go by myself, I don't need to trouble you." Che Huishan said after being pushed into the car.

"It's okay, I'm free anyway, I'm mainly worried that you will suffer, Sister Shan. What if a beautiful woman like you encounters a pervert? So I have to protect you, as you know, there are many perverts outside these days. Yes." Ye Wutian said with a serious face.

Che Huishan couldn't help laughing, how could it be so exaggerated? But seeing this guy's face is serious, she finally accepted his kindness.

Under the guidance of Che Huishan, Ye Wutian took Che Huishan to a commercial building. In the car just now, Ye Wutian had already asked that Che Huishan was applying for the position of the Personnel Director.

"Xiaotian, you can just wait for me here." After arriving at the destination, Che Huishan said.

"Then how? I've come here, I must go up, but don't worry, Sister Shan, I promise I won't disturb you. If I don't go up to take a look, I'm not worried."

Che Huishan burst out laughing, she is not a child, does she need to be so exaggerated? However, seeing this kid so enthusiastic, she couldn't bear to refuse. In fact, it was good to be cared about so much.

So, accompanied by Ye Wutian, the two went to the company on the ninth floor of the commercial building to prepare for an interview. When the two went up, there were already several people sitting inside, all dressed as elites.

In fact, Ye Wutian wanted to ask Che Huishan not to go to the interview several times, and went directly to Hongyan Group to get it. She could choose whatever job Che Huishan wanted.

After hesitating a few times, Ye Wutian didn't dare to say it in the end. He had a hunch that if he really said it, this bubbling beautiful royal sister would definitely refuse, so Ye Wutian simply didn't say it and acted according to chance.

When Ye Wutian stepped into the company, the elites who were already sitting in their seats all looked over with curiosity, guessing the relationship between the two, and would they still have to accompany them in the interview?

However, those elites were more attracted by Che Huishan's beauty.

Ye Wutian ignored the gazes of those people. After entering the company, he also dutifully looked around. Seeing that the company in front of him didn't look like a leather bag company, he slowly felt relieved.

"Xiaotian, why don't you go first? I don't know how long you'll have to wait. I'll be here alone." After sitting down, Che Huishan whispered, on the one hand she was afraid of missing Ye Wutian's work, on the other hand , always feels weird.

"It's okay, I'll sit with you."

Seeing this, Che Huishan wanted to persuade again, but she swallowed her words when she said it, so she could only shake her head helplessly.

Ye Wutian was talking with Che Huishan, and from time to time he said a sentence or two to make Che Huishan laugh.

Che Huishan didn't want to laugh very much, but someone always tried to make her laugh, and she couldn't help it. As a result, the whispers of the two attracted people to watch and keep joking on such occasions. Not many people dare to do this, at least they have a bad impression. What would they think if they were seen by the top executives of the company?

The few elites next to him look down on people like Ye Judging from Ye Wutian's clothes, this kind of person is very likely to be a white face. I really don't know what he is good for. A beautiful woman with excellent temperament or appearance is attracted by such a young boy. Looking around, among the elites, any one of them is better than him.

"Sister Shan, you have to do what you say. If you don't succeed in the interview today, you have to go to work in our company." Ye Wutian reiterated the old story.

Che Huishan smiled: "Looking at you, it seems that you can't ask for it. I failed to apply for the job. I can declare in advance that you can't sabotage it, otherwise I won't be able to spare you."

"Of course, I'm not that kind of person, don't worry, you can play freely." Ye Wutian assured: "But sister Shan, why don't you go to work in a big company? With your strength, the world's top 500 companies will follow suit. You choose."

Che Huishan smiled: "That's why you said me so well. I'm not as capable as you said. A big company has its advantages and disadvantages."

Ye Wutian couldn't understand the woman's mind. If he didn't go to a big company, he had to come to a small company. Although the company in front of him didn't seem too small, it was still not large enough. (m)

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