Mad Doctor

Chapter 911: what are they nervous about

The phone kept ringing, but Ye Wutian didn't answer it, but let the phone ring.

Situ Chu was very curious about why Ye Wutian didn't answer the phone, but he didn't ask, and just looked at Ye Wutian like that.

Ye Wutian muted the phone, did not turn it off, and put the muted phone back in his pocket.

After coming out of the bar in Situ Chu, Ye Wutian rushed directly to the company. On the way back to the company, Ye Wutian thought a lot, what should he do next?

"Where is the person?" After returning to the company, Ye Wutian walked to Cheng Kexin's office.

Cheng Kexin replied, "Meeting room, do you want to see them?"

"Of course I want to meet." Ye Wutian smiled: "People come here from thousands of miles away, of course I want to meet them, don't forget that we are a country of etiquette."

Cheng Kexin doesn't believe Ye Wutian's nonsense, she even believes that Ye Wutian is making some crooked ideas. From the smile on his face, it can be seen that there must be a plan.

The phone rang again, and when he took it out, it was the same number just now. This time, Ye Wutian still didn't answer the phone, and he canceled the ringing according to the law, but the phone never hung up.

"Why didn't you pick it up?" Cheng Kexin was curious. Situ Chu didn't dare to ask, but she dared to ask.

"It will only make me more annoying." Ye Wutian said.

Cheng Kexin didn't understand what this meant. Seeing that Ye Wutian no longer explained, she didn't know whether to ask or not, so she could only stare blankly.

"The number of the capital." Ye Wutian explained.

Cheng Kexin was stunned, and instantly understood what Ye Wutian meant. Could it be a coincidence that the capital called at this time?

"Let's go, I'll meet them." Ye Wutian put his arms around Cheng Kexin's waist and was about to walk outside the office.

Cheng Kexin, whose face was flushed, said in a soft voice, "In the company."

Ye Wutian smirked: "What are you afraid of? This is my company, who dares to say anything? Besides, you are my righteous wife, and no one dares to say anything about you."

Cheng Kexin rolled her eyes when she heard it, what reason is this? It's just nonsense, and your company doesn't need to pay attention to its image? In your own company, you should pay more attention to the image, otherwise how will the staff below comment?

Seeing that Cheng Kexin insisted on pushing his hand away, Ye Wutian didn't care, just smiled and gave up.

After entering the conference room, Ye Wutian saw that there were already four foreigners sitting inside.

After the two sides greeted each other, Ye Wutian said: "Everyone, welcome to Hongyan Group, what's the matter with you coming all the way to our company?"

"Mr. Ye, we are here today because we sincerely want to invite you and your company to develop in the United States." A woman named Linda said, with a professional smile on her face, light makeup, and a black frame Glasses, full of strong woman dress up.

I have to admit that this girl has a hot body. It seems that it is not unreasonable to say that foreign women are **** and wild.

He looked at the other side up and down, considering that Cheng Kexin was still beside him, Ye Wutian could only give up. He didn't dare to go too far. He glanced at the bottomless ditch in front of Linda's chest for a while before giving up. .

Isn't Linda supposed to be so **** on purpose? Want to use the beauty meter?


Ye Wutian suddenly felt pain, bursts of severe pain came from his thigh, and he didn't need to look at it to know that it was Cheng Kexin's masterpiece.

Cheng Kexin also had a smile on his face, but his right hand gave a dead hand, pinching Ye Wutian's right leg and turning it 180 degrees to the left, then 180 degrees again, almost missing the piece of meat on Ye Wutian's thigh. to tear it off.

Ye Wutian was so sore that he almost sweated, this girl really dared to do it.

"What's wrong with Mr. Ye?" Linda, who was sitting opposite, asked curiously and with concern.

Poor Uncle Ye showed a smile that was even uglier than crying, "It's okay, just surprised, Miss Linda is so beautiful, it shocked me."

Linda was startled, curious about this man, his behavior seemed a little weird.

"Thank you for the compliment, Miss Cheng is more beautiful." Linda looked at Cheng Kexin, "Miss Cheng is an oriental beauty, and even I am a woman and I am moved."

"Miss Linda has won the award, but Miss Linda is still sexy." Cheng Kexin said.

Ye Wutian madly sweats, what is this all about? It's really unbearable for women to be hypocritical.

"Mr. Ye, I wonder if I can ask you a question? Which one do you think is beautiful between me and Miss Cheng?" Linda asked with a smile.

Ye Wutian was a little stunned, and couldn't help but scold, "Damn it!" This little girl is really interesting. Can you ask this kind of question casually? What are you kidding?

You don't need to look, you know that the two women are looking at him, "Haha, Miss Linda is too far away, let's talk about business."

"Don't dare to answer? Or are you unable to answer?" It wasn't Linda who asked this, but Cheng Kexin, who could see that she should be dissatisfied.

Ye Wutian smiled bitterly, woman! This is a woman, an incredible woman!

"How could it be? Baby, in my mind, of course you are important. You are more important than anyone else, and you must be beautiful. I don't want to say it, I just don't want to hit people. You know a lot of things, and I don't need to be serious."

Cheng Kexin smiled, even though he knew that his words were exaggerated, he was still very happy, as if he had eaten a few catties of honey.

"Oh, I can see that Mr. Ye really likes you, Miss Cheng, I envy you." Linda said.

Cheng Kexin smiled: "Thank you, Miss Linda, you are so beautiful, you should also have a handsome boyfriend."

"I don't have a boyfriend." Linda said, "Without your luck, Miss Cheng, I could find a young, handsome and capable boyfriend."

The more Ye Wutian listened, the more outrageous he felt.

"Miss Linda, let's get down to business." Cheng Kexin said, after the conversation just now, her favorability for Linda increased significantly.

Ye Wutian thought to himself, do you still know to talk about business? Thought you forgot.

"Mr. Ye, Miss Cheng, we are very sincere and sincerely hope to invite you to develop in our country. I can assure you that moving Tianxin Hongyan Group to our country will only benefit your company." Linda said.

"Miss Linda, before answering your question, may I ask you a question, do you represent the official or your personal?"

"It can represent me personally, and at the same time, I can also represent the official." Linda replied, "Mr. Ye, Miss Cheng, I am very sincere."

The fact that Linda can say this shows that she has an official background.

"Excuse me, Miss Linda, you always say that it would be better for my company to move to your country. I want to know what your reasons are. At least you have to convince me?"

"The simplest reason is freedom. Presumably both of you know that my country is a relatively more open and democratic country. Things like unprovoked forcible entry into a company for inspection will never happen in my country."

Ye Wutian knew that he underestimated the other party, and they obviously came prepared. You know exactly what happened some time ago.

After scolding, Linda only said that her country is good. It is undeniable that her country is better than China in many aspects, but it is not the same in all aspects. There are many unreasonable places.

"There will be misunderstandings everywhere. I believe Miss Linda understands this, even if it is your country, it's good to pass, just explain it clearly." Cheng Kexin smiled.

"Ms. Cheng is right, but the two of them must be very clear in their hearts and understand what is more suitable for your company."

Ye Wutian interrupted Linda's speech with a smile, such a non-substantial conversation, it really doesn't make sense to talk too much, don't give anything, just want to impress others? People are not fools, how can they be persuaded so easily? "Miss Linda, if that's the case, I don't think you need to say anything else."

Linda thought for a while, and said to Ye Wutian, "As long as Mr. Ye can consider moving the company to my country, we can give you the greatest discount and directly reduce your company's tax for ten years."

The other party's suggestion really moved Ye Wutian. Ten years of taxation is an astronomical sum. Especially for a company like Tianxin Hongyan Group, which is making a lot of money every day, it is exempt from taxation for ten years. What a terrible scene. ? How big will it be?

"In addition, we can also find a place for your company as the headquarters, which is guaranteed to be bigger than where you are now." Linda added.

Ye Wutian said: "It doesn't matter how big the place is. The most important thing is safety. If it's not safe, it doesn't matter how big the place is."

"Mr. Ye, you can rest assured that our country is definitely the safest country." Linda said, full of confidence.

Ye Wutian couldn't help but despise for a while, the safest? It seems that the most unsafe and most terrorist attacked country is that country. How dare you say it is safe now?

But forget it, since she has a hot figure and a decent face, I don't care too much about her, who makes us a big man? Still a very personable man.

Then again, if you have such a foreign girlfriend, it would be nice to think about it, right? At least it would be wild and exotic in bed, hehe!

"In addition to the above, we can also promise to help you build a building as your company's headquarters for free. All expenses will be covered by our country." Linda continued to put forward her conditions.

Ye Wutian is It seems that Linda her country can be considered to be willing to go out and do anything to achieve the goal.

Just waiting to answer and test, and want to see what conditions Linda would put forward, secretary Li Feifei knocked on the door and whispered to Ye Wutian: "Chairman, there is a call from the capital to find you."

Ye Wutian asked: "Did he say who he is?" If he didn't answer, he called the company, which was interesting.

"He said his surname was Zhu and asked you to answer the phone." Li Feifei said.

Ye Wutian stood up, said sorry to Linda, and left the conference room. He had to answer the call from the Zhu family.

Linda and her friends looked at each other for a while, and said to Cheng Kexin, "Miss Cheng, we also need to make a phone call."

Cheng Kexin smiled and stood up and nodded: "Yes, you can find me if you need anything."

Cheng Kexin turned around and walked out, but she was secretly cold. The big bad guy went out to answer the phone. Just now, Cheng Kexin clearly noticed the nervous expressions of Linda and the others. (m)

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