Mad Doctor

Chapter 912: 1 apology missing

Ye Wutian who returned to the office picked up the phone on the table and put it to his ear: "Which one?"

"It's me." On the phone, Mr. Zhu's voice came.

Ye Wutian secretly laughed, and as he guessed, Mr. Zhu personally made the call.

"Old man, do you have something to do with me?" Although there was a phone call, Ye Wutian still kept his attitude straight.

Mr. Zhu on the other side of the phone seemed to be in a bad mood, "Did you mean it, kid?"

Ye Wutian shouted injustice, "Old man, what happened? You said this to me as soon as you came up, I'm injustice!"

"Don't pretend to be there, why don't you answer the phone?"

"Have you called me? Heaven and earth conscience, old man, I don't know about this, I have been seeing guests just now, so I didn't bring my mobile phone with me." Ye Wutian explained.

Of course, Mr. Zhu didn't believe it, but he couldn't do anything about Ye Wutian for a while.

"Are the guests you're talking about come from the United States?"

Ye Wutian was slightly startled: "How do you know?"

"Don't be sloppy, what do you think?"

"Old man, do you want to hear the truth or the lie?" Ye Wutian also put away his jokes and looked serious.

Maybe Mr. Zhu also felt the change in Ye Wutian's tone, and his tone when talking to Ye Wutian was no longer so aggressive, "The truth."

Ye Wutian was no longer polite when he heard the words, and said to the phone: "The truth is that I have no way to refuse."

Since Mr. Zhu has all called, it means that he must know the purpose of Linda and the others. Although Ye Wutian does not know why Mr. Zhu knows the identities of Linda and others so quickly, these are not important. Da's purpose was known from above.

Mr. Zhu on the other side of the phone was silent for a while, and then he said, "What conditions did they offer?"

"As long as I go there, they will help me arrange everything else. In addition, they also promise to exempt the company from tax for ten years." Ye Wutian said Linda's conditions: "As a businessman, I really can't refuse."

"You want to send sheep into the tiger's mouth? Why did they offer you such generous conditions? Have you thought about this? Also, will it be safe if you go there?"

"Father, say something you might not like to hear. I'm not very safe here. Isn't it possible that people can do whatever they want with me?"

The old man Zhu was silent again, and he knew that there would be such consequences. This kid has never been a fuel-efficient lamp, and he never knew how to write the word polite.

He still owes an apology!

Mr. Zhu realized that Ye Wutian's move was equivalent to declaring war on some people and threatening some people.

"What are your real thoughts?" Mr. Zhu knew very well that Linda and the others were not important, but Ye Wutian's thoughts.

"To be honest, I haven't thought about it yet. When I was talking about it, you called. The other party should have low cards. I have to look at the specifics." These words are not Ye Wutian's. Angrily, he was really disappointed with this place and some people.

"Don't forget who you are."

"Hehe, I always remember, but old man, in addition to being a Chinese, I am also a businessman, businessmen seek profits, and it is only natural, I don't think there is anything wrong, not to mention that the country does not encourage businessmen to go abroad now? Do business go all over the world."

Mr. Zhu secretly scolded, this kid is really capable, "I see."

Ye Wutian didn't understand what the old man Zhu said he knew. When he wanted to ask further questions, the old man on the other side of the phone had already hung up.

Putting down the phone with a wry smile, Ye Wutian is actually very clear that with his current status, it is extremely difficult to move the company abroad, and the above will never agree.

Linda's arrival can be said to have helped Ye Wutian. He always held his breath for the incident some time ago. Although the company has returned to normal now, Ye Wutian has never been able to let go. Why? Whether your company's products are qualified or not, can it be done by someone else's word? Ye Wutian could not accept such a result.

Moving the company abroad is also not ideal. As Mr. Zhu said on the phone just now, he will send sheep into the tiger's mouth every minute. The ultimate goal of Linda and their country is the product formula. Ye Wutian is very clear about this.

When she returned to the conference room, Linda had finished the phone call, "Mr. Ye, Miss Cheng, what do you two think of my proposal? Are you satisfied?"

"Miss Linda, it's time for dinner, why don't we talk while eating, what do you think?" Ye Wutian answered the question.

"Okay, I've wanted to try Chinese food for a long time, and I've eaten it in China, but many people say it's not authentic enough. I can't wait to know how authentic Chinese food tastes." Linda showed a look of eagerness , which makes her look even more distinctive.

After inviting Linda and the others to a relatively famous restaurant nearby, Ye Wutian ordered several special dishes. At the same time, in order to take care of Linda and the others, he specially asked Linda and the others to order a few dishes, but Linda and the others also ordered several dishes. In the end, they still didn't have a point, and they just said the guest as the host.

"Miss Cheng, I envy you again. Mr. Ye is so attentive and knows how to take care of people. I am so envious that you have found such a good man." Linda said.

Ye Wutian is dark and sweaty, foreign girls are direct, and their behaviors are different. It really is different national conditions.

"I believe Miss Linda will be able to find it too." Cheng Kexin smiled, and at the same time said in his heart, this villain is just pretending, is he usually so careful? take care of her? I don't know who is taking care of whom.

"Come, toast to our acquaintance." Ye Wutian raised his glass.

After taking a sip of wine, Linda put down the glass: "You two, you didn't answer my question."

"Hehe, Miss Linda, is this how you usually work? Regardless of time or occasion? It's mealtime now."

Linda looked depressed, but Ye Wutian himself said that he was eating and chatting, why did he change his mind so quickly now?

"Miss Linda, how is the dish? Can the taste satisfy you?" Cheng Kexin started the topic and cooperated quite tacitly with Ye Wutian. The two never talked about work.

"It's delicious." Linda replied, and her brain was spinning extremely fast. She didn't come to eat, drink, and have fun this time, but came with a mission.

"That's good, Miss Linda can say anything if you need anything. It's a guest from afar, and we have to say hello."

"Mr. Ye, what other conditions can you put forward? Please believe in our sincerity and our strength. I believe that we will cooperate happily." Linda doesn't care whether it is time to eat or not, in order to avoid long dreams at night, This matter can only be resolved quickly. The above gave her a death order. No matter how much it costs, Ye Wutian must be persuaded. It happened that what happened some time ago made many people realize that this is an opportunity.

"Miss Linda, I can only say that your sincerity is not enough. You are trying to convince me with just a few conditions. I don't know what to say about this." After a pause, Ye Wutian said again: " Not to mention, the tax exemption for ten years seems to support our company, but don't forget, once my company moves to your country, how much profit will it bring to your country? I am afraid that tourism alone will give your country a lot of money. huge profits.”

"This can be discussed, Mr. Ye, everything is negotiable."

Sure enough, there is still a hole card. Seeing Linda say this, Ye Wutian knows that the opponent must have a bigger hole card.

"Eat the food, Miss Linda, try the authentic Chinese food. You are the guests today, so please open your stomach and eat." Ye Wutian stopped talking about work.

Ye Wutian's behavior made Miss Linda's teeth ticklish. She could feel Ye Wutian's movement, at least she didn't resist her proposal and invitation, but she didn't express her position. to more benefits.

At a young age, he is like an old fox. This kind of person is often the most difficult to deal with. It makes you see a glimmer of hope and at the same time makes you feel hopeless.

"Sir, someone outside is looking for you." The waiter whispered in Ye Wutian's ear.

Ye Wutian did not expect that someone would find this place.

After signaling the waiter to leave, Ye Wutian also got up and walked out of the private room. Since outsiders knew he was here, but didn't come in, they definitely didn't want to show up.

Ye Wutian racked his brains and never thought that the person who came would be Xiaoling.

"Miss Xiaoling, long time no see." A person like Xiaoling would never play with him for no reason.

I wanted to take the opportunity to tease Xiaoling, but she didn't dump him at all, she just said, "Come with me."

Looking at Xiaoling's **** background, Ye Wutian was amused, hesitating for Xiaohui to follow.

Xiaoling took Ye Wutian directly to the rooftop of the restaurant, stopped and turned to ask Ye Wutian, "Do you know the few people who are eating with you?"

Ye Wutian shook his head directly: "I don't understand, is this necessary?"

Xiaoling sneered, "They are from the CIA. According to intelligence, they came for your company's formula."

"The CIA?" Ye Wutian was shocked, he really didn't expect the other party to be from the CIA. In an instant, Ye Wutian broke out in a cold sweat. He knew that Linda was related to the official over there, but he didn't expect the other party to be the CIA directly. people.

"What? Are you afraid?" Seeing Ye Wutian's Xiaoling's tone contained a hint of pride.

Ye Wutian thought about it and asked: "What am I afraid of? Just because they are from the CIA? What can they get from me?"

Xiaoling didn't expect that Ye Wutian's face turning would be the same as turning over a book.

"I just want to remind you, don't play games, you won't have a chance to regret it." Xiaoling gritted his teeth.

"Thank you for the reminder." Ye Wutian didn't care: "I know what I'm doing, and I know what I'm playing. What if they are the CIA? As long as the conditions are met, why not cooperate with them?"

Xiaoling asked coldly, "Are you looking for death?"

"That's not necessarily the case. Before the last moment of the game, we don't know who wins or loses." Ye Wutian naturally knew what Linda and the others came for. In the end, it was just for the recipe.

Is the recipe really that easy to get? Ye Wutian sneered, it doesn't matter who wins or loses, CIA? Just wait and see. (m)

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