Mad Doctor

Chapter 913: acclimatized

Ye Wutian did not expect that Linda would actually be a member of the CIA!

The other party also came here with no good intentions. For the sake of the formula, it is estimated that the other party can do anything.

Want to get the recipe for it? Is he Ye Wutian so easily deceived?

"Miss Xiaoling, thank you for your information, and invite you to dinner another day."

Xiaoling said angrily: "No need, I'm just here by order, don't get me wrong."

Ye Wutian was funny, he didn't say anything, what did Xiaoling explain? "Hehe, no matter what, I still want to thank you."

"I'm leaving." Xiaoling left immediately, the task was completed, and it would be meaningless for her to stay here.

"Wait, Miss Xiaoling, you just left? Give me a chance to repay you." Ye Wutian shouted at Xiaoling's back.

How could Xiaoling care about Ye Wutian's retention? Leaving without looking back, not paying attention to Ye Wutian at all.

Looking at the leaving Xiaoling, Ye Wutian sighed, his charm is still a little bit worse, how can we make the beauties look like a **** when they see him? Well, that's really a problem.

Back in the private room, Ye Wutian didn't show any unhappiness, even as if it had never happened to meet Xiaoling just now, there was still a smile on his face.

"Miss Linda, I'm sorry to keep you waiting." Ye Wutian who sat down smiled.

"It doesn't matter, I can understand." Linda reached out and pushed the black glasses on the bridge of her nose.

"Hehe, Miss Linda, please eat the food." Ye Wutian was very enthusiastic: "How does it taste? What else do you want to eat? I will let the waiter bring it up. In any case, I hope Miss Linda will not be polite."

Cheng Kexin, who was sitting next to Ye Wutian, stretched out his hand under the table and held Ye Wutian's left hand: "Who was it just now?"

Feeling Cheng Kexin's concern, Ye Wutian warmed his heart, "We'll talk about it later."

Cheng Kexin knew that it was not suitable to speak at the moment, so he didn't ask any more questions, just held Ye Wutian's hand lightly.

"Enough is enough, it's already very rich, and now we can't finish it, we can't waste it." Linda said.

Ye Wutian nodded: "Well, it makes sense, Miss Linda is worthy of being a literate person, and she is much stronger than us."

The phone rang to interrupt everyone's conversation, Ye Wutian picked up the phone on the desk, glanced at the number displayed on the phone, and then looked at Cheng Kexin with a guilty conscience.

It's not impossible to answer other women's phone calls in front of a real girlfriend. The problem is that the woman has an unusual relationship with him.

Knowing that Cheng Kexin has already acquiesced in the things between him and Situ Wei, but he is still not used to it, Ye Wutian always feels uncomfortable.

Cheng Kexin pretended not to see it and turned his head to the side.

Ye Wutian answered the phone and asked in a low voice, "What's the matter?"

Situ Wei on the other side of the phone asked very resentfully: "Can't I call you if I have nothing to do? Don't forget that I am also your woman. Even if you go out with the young lady, I should have the right to call you, right? ?"

Ye Wutian couldn't help laughing and crying: "You don't know that I didn't mean that."

"Then what do you mean? Lord, you can't be biased."

"Let's get down to business." Ye Wutian, who had a headache, said helplessly, and let Situ Wei go on, not knowing what she would say.

"People from the Health Bureau are here, and Secretary Wang Lin is also in my office."

"Is something wrong with them?" Ye Wutian couldn't guess the intention of Wang Lin and the others.

"Apologize!" Situ Wei smiled, "They are here to apologize."

After being reminded by Situ Wei, Ye Wutian instantly understood that it seemed that Mr. Zhu had the effect, and at the same time, some people also started to get nervous, which is a good thing.

"Hehe, then you represent me to entertain them well, just say I'm not free now." Ye Wutian was in a good mood, he knew what the official apology meant.

In a way, Ye Wutian is actually very grateful to Linda and the others, it is precisely because of their appearance that things have turned around, and at the same time they have made the people above nervous.

From the time of the soul crossing to the present, Ye Wutian feels to outsiders that he is the master who plays cards out of common sense, and it is often this kind of talent that is the most difficult to deal with. No one can guarantee what he will do next. Perhaps it is precisely because In this way, some people above will feel scared, and will send someone over to apologize! Because no one knows what Ye Wutian will do, maybe one day he will agree to Linda's invitation.

Regardless, this is a good thing, and Ye Wutian is happy to see it.

"They are waiting for you, I said, don't play too much, just be appropriate." Situ Wei said on the phone, she knew that Ye Wutian would never agree to Linda's invitation.

"I really can't go away now. If you tell them, just say I really don't have time."

"Do you really want to play big again?" Situ Wei laughed: "Don't let it go."

Ye Wutian, who shrugged, smiled at the phone: "It's okay, it's boring anyway, just play at that time."

Situ Wei doesn't insist anymore. She knows this little man too well. Don't look at his smiling face all day long. When it comes to tactics, he doesn't seem to have any plans, but what has he suffered for so long? Who else can get cheap from him? No, this seemingly ordinary guy is actually smarter than anyone else, so Situ Wei never worried that he would suffer, and blindly trusted him.

After finishing the call with Situ Wei, Ye Wutian didn't talk about business affairs until the end of the meal. Whenever Linda took the initiative to bring it up, this fellow started to talk about it.

Linda lost her temper and was about to leave. The anxious Linda couldn't take care of it anymore, and said loudly, "Mr. Ye, tell us your conditions, please believe our sincerity."

Ye Wutian put down the napkin and asked with a smile: "Miss Linda, is the CIA easy to mess with? If it is not easy to mess with, you can come to my company. Talents like Miss Linda are very much needed in our company. Also ask Miss Linda to think about it."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was stunned, even Cheng Kexin was surprised, looking at Ye Wutian with surprise, but more at Linda.

Linda tried her best to hide her surprise, how did Ye Wutian know that she was from the CIA? After meeting Ye Wutian, she thought she did a good job. The most important thing was that she could only be regarded as a newcomer in the CIA, and she had never shown her face in front of everyone. It's hard for her to let go, where did she go wrong?

"Mr. Ye, I don't understand what you're talking about." Linda, who tried her best to hide her emotions, said, still hoping to be deceived.

Ye Wutian said: "Miss Linda, you are only a member of the CIA, not an actor, it is not your fault that you are not good at acting."

At this moment, Linda was sure that Ye Wutian had recognized her identity, so she asked: "Yes, I am from the CIA, but please Mr. Ye Wu believe that I have no malicious intentions, I really hope that I am here on this trip. I can reach a cooperative relationship with Mr. Ye."

"Your CIA is also really interesting. Sending a woman like you here, Miss Linda, are you trying to use a beauty trick on me?" Ye Wutian asked, overjoyed, only to realize that he shouldn't have said this after he said it, Cheng Kexin You're still around, how can you talk nonsense?

Linda smiled and asked, "Mr. Ye, will you accept the beauty trick?"

Ye Wutian didn't know how to answer this question, and he didn't dare to answer it. Answering some words that went against his original intention, he didn't seem to want to.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Linda." Ye Wutian stood up and stretched out his hand.

Linda confusedly stretched out her hand and shook hands with Ye Wutian, guessing what Ye Wutian meant by this, stretched out her hand for no reason, did it mean that he wanted to end the conversation with her?

"Thank you for your kindness, Miss Linda, let's go here today." Ye Wutian said: "I don't see any sincerity."

Linda asked, "How can you make Mr. Ye feel sincere?"

Ye Wutian smiled and didn't answer. He walked out of the hotel with Cheng Kexin in his arms. He didn't answer Linda's question until he left. Xiaoling was right. There is no need to mess with it, well water doesn't mess with river water, not to mention Ye Wutian has to admit that people in the CIA are not easy to mess with.

Until Ye Wutian walked out of the hotel with Ye Wutian's arms around his waist, Cheng Kexin didn't know what medicine was sold in Ye Wutian's gourd.

"Baby, do you have anything to ask?" Ye Wutian spoke first.

Cheng Kexin couldn't help it for a long time. Seeing Ye Wutian taking the initiative to chat, he asked, "You knew early on that they were from the CIA?"

Ye Wutian shook his head: "No, I only knew it when I was eating."

Cheng Kexin suddenly remembered that Ye Wutian had been told by the waiter that someone was looking for him outside, "Who was the person looking for you outside just now?"

"Guoan." Ye Wutian replied, "It was they who told me Linda's identity."

"From the very beginning, you made up your mind not to move the company abroad, so why do you want to accompany Linda and the others to dinner?" Cheng Kexin asked, "You honestly answer, do you think people are beautiful?"

Ye Wutian is squeezed Cheng Kexin's pretty pink face: "Look what you said, am I that kind of person?"

"Then who are you?" Cheng Kexin held on to it.

"The company called just now, and Wang Lin brought someone to apologize for the last time our company was closed for no reason."

Cheng Kexin seized the inspiration in an instant and completely understood Ye Wutian's intention. It turned out that after she figured out the crux of the problem, she was a little bit dumbfounded. This villain always makes people speechless when he does things. Make some people nervous, then come up with an apology.

This kind of thinking, ordinary people or ordinary companies dare not do it anyway, it is easy to make jokes, and it is easier said than done to want some people above to apologize?

However, although Cheng Kexin was speechless, he also felt an inexplicable sense of security. Following him, at least not afraid of being bullied, this is very important.

In the evening, Ye Wutian received news that Linda and several people were all admitted to Dongcheng People's Hospital because of physical discomfort. After examination, the doctor concluded that Linda and several people were all dressed in soil and water, which caused gastrointestinal discomfort. (m)

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