Mad Doctor

Chapter 914: refuse treatment

After receiving this news, Ye Wutian was not too surprised, no matter what, it is also a matter of others, isn't it?

Ye Wutian accepted the apology represented by Wang Lin. In order to quell Ye Wutian's anger, the solution was not only to apologize, but also to directly fire the health director for a crime of abuse of power. Being warned and punished, for Wang Lin, this is Mo Jia's sin, and he is more wronged than anyone else.

He knew that he was wronged, but he had to endure it. The first level of the official university crushed people to death. He had no strength to resist the struggle above. The only thing he could do was to endure it silently, unless he didn't want to be the secretary.

Ye Wutian had no choice, and he expressed helplessness about the matter that involved Wang Lin.

Ning Siqi's girl said she wanted to find him as a flower protector, but she didn't come for some reason. She had an appointment today, but now she missed the appointment and didn't even make a phone call.

impolite woman!

Ning Siqi didn't wait, but Yu Taitao came, and Ye Wutian took the pulse for Yu Taitao.

Yu Taitao, who was sitting there, was very nervous. Ye Wutian was his all hope. If Ye Wutian couldn't do anything, he really didn't know what to do.

"How?" After seeing Ye Wutian stop, Yu Taitao couldn't wait to speak, hoping to hear the answer he wanted to hear from Ye Wutian's mouth.

Ye Wutian smiled: "Don't be nervous, relax, all you have to do now is to relax, the more nervous you are, the worse it is for you."

Yu Taitao was very depressed. Isn't this nonsense? If he could relax, he would have relaxed a long time ago. Who knows that relaxation is good for his body? To be able to relax, he has not yet reached this point.

No matter how much dissatisfaction, Yu Taitao didn't dare to say a word, didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction, and even forced a smile on his face.

However, Yu Taitao also heard it. Ye Wutian can say this, which shows that he is still confident. This makes Yu Taitao's eyes light up. Isn't that what he wants to hear?

"How much confidence is there?" Yu Taitao trembled when he asked, hoping that Ye Wutian could tell him that he was 90% sure, preferably 100%.

"If you believe me, don't ask these." Ye Wutian replied.

Yu Taitao was dumbfounded, Ye Wutian's answer made him somewhat uncomfortable, and he couldn't even ask? This kind of doctor is enough.

"General Yu, you shouldn't worry about this now. To be honest, I have helped people treat your illness, and the effect is certain." Ye Wutian said.

"What happened to that person? Has he recovered completely?" The excitement in Yu Taitao's heart! Ye Wutian had actually treated such a patient.

"I don't know if he has fully recovered." Ye Wutian's expression was a little lost. He really didn't know what the other party was like. He had already crossed into this world. He really didn't know what that person was like at the beginning.

Yu Taitao was disappointed for a while, and he was full of expectations and fell to the bottom in an instant.

"However, in the next five years, he went to check, and the results were the same as normal people. As for what is happening now, I really don't know."

Yu Taitao, whose mood fell to the bottom, became excited again when he heard this. The test results for five years were the same. What does that mean?

"Then... what are we going to do now?" Yu Taitao was full of confidence. With Ye Wutian's words, he had a little more confidence in life.

"I'll give you a prescription first, and do it as I ask. Remember, it must be done strictly according to the requirements, and there can be no discount."

Yu Taitao nodded wildly, what are you kidding? Discount? Does he dare? He wouldn't dare to lend him another guts.

Ye Wutian prescribed two recipes to Yu Taitao, "One for decoction and one for taking a bath. There are time and requirements on it, you can just do it according to the requirements."

Yu Taitao, who took over the recipe, said in a continuous voice, "Yes, yes, I will definitely do it."

"Also, during this time, you have to properly exercise your body. The stronger you are, the better it will be for you. In addition, you should know what blood type you are, right? You have to prepare enough fresh blood."

"A lot?"

Ye Wutian said: "A lot, you must have more than three times the blood in your body now."

Yu Taitao took a deep breath. He was not a doctor, but he probably knew how much blood he had in his body. Thinking that Ye Wutian needed so much fresh blood, Yu Taitao also thought of something, "You want to exchange blood for me?"

"This is just one step." Ye Wutian did not deny it. "General Yu, we had some festivals before, but you don't have to worry. Since I promised you, I will definitely do my best to help you. What you have to do now is to cooperate."

How dare Yu Taitao not listen? Naturally, he nodded again and again, and after a while, he said, "Mr. Ye, it will be the child's wedding in a few days, will you go?"

Ye Wutian was stunned for a moment, and was caught off guard by Yu Taitao's question. This question was asked too suddenly. Yu Taitao should know what happened between him and Xu Ying.

"Is it not suitable for me to attend?" Ye Wutian thought about it and said.

Yu Taitao said: "It's not suitable or not, everyone has a past, as long as Mr. Ye has nothing to do with Xiaoying now."

"Oh, it's all over."

"So I hope you can attend the wedding, Mr. Ye, and sincerely invite you to attend." Yu Taitao has long regarded Ye Wutian as a life-saving straw, and naturally he wanted to serve Ye Wutian comfortably.

"Let's talk about it." Ye Wutian responded casually, but he really didn't want to attend Xu Ying's wedding, what was that called? How do you hear how weird it is, to attend your ex's wedding? Depend on!

There are so many people in the world, and of course there are many people who would be willing to attend the wedding of their ex, but Ye Wutian is not one of those people, he doesn't want to.

Yu Taitao didn't say anything when he saw this.

After Tai Tao sent him away, Ye Wutian, who had not had time to drink tea, was called by Wu Qunsheng over the phone, and Wu Qunsheng asked him to come over on the phone.

When asked about the reason, Fang Zhilinda and the others' conditions have not improved, and the hospital has already used all the methods that should be used. Even the number one professor Wu Qunsheng has already taken action, but there is no effect. In desperation, he called Ye Wu. sky.

Arriving at the hospital, Ye Wutian met Linda under the leadership of Wu Qunsheng, but in just one day, Linda and the others had changed, and it was quite scary. Now, what does this look like from the CIA? Also too weak.

Anyone who went to the toilet dozens of times a day couldn't stand it. At this time, Linda was tortured to the point of feeling tired even panting. When Ye Wutian came in, she just forced her eyes open to say hello to Ye Wutian: "Mr. Ye, come here. already."

"Miss Linda, rest well and don't talk."

Linda nodded lightly, then slowly closed her eyes and stopped talking, she was too tired and too weak.

He reached out and put his hand on Linda's wrist, and the latter opened his eyes immediately.

"Don't be nervous, I have no malice." Ye Wutian said.

Linda seemed to be hesitating, but after a while, she still said, "Mr. Ye, thank you for your kindness. I believe in Western medicine more."

As soon as this remark came out, all the people present were stunned, including Ye Wutian, who withdrew his hand angrily. It felt so uncomfortable, like a hot face sticking to someone's cold ass.

He had always been asked for help by others, and being rejected like this was the first time, it was really uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry, Miss Linda, I respect your decision." Ye Wutian smiled as he retracted his hand, and he didn't see any unhappiness from his face.

"Miss Linda, Xiao Ye is a top doctor. You should know him better." Wu Qunsheng began to fight for Ye Wutian and was extremely dissatisfied with Linda. Let Ye Wu be invincible.

Ye Wutian smiled and pulled Wu Qunsheng: "It's okay, Mr. Wu, everyone has their own decision, let's not embarrass others."

Wu Qunsheng was still very angry, but he was helpless, Ye Wutian was right, what else could he do if he didn't like it?

"Mr. Ye, I'm sorry, I have no intention of targeting you." Linda said to Ye Wutian, although she apologized, she could not see her sincerity on her face, and the apology on her proud face was only Just superficial work.

Of course Ye Wutian saw it, and he was too lazy to care about the other party, and even if he was selfish, he could not wait for such a result. The identities of Linda and these people were not simple, and Ye Wutian did not want to have too much association with them.

"It doesn't matter, this is your freedom." Ye Wutian smiled, "Mr. Wu, it seems that I still have to trouble you."

Wu Qun was so angry that this woman didn't know what to do, but she rejected Ye Wutian. Does she still want to continue like this? If they can't find a way to stop their diarrhea, how long can they support it?

"Mr. Ye, have you considered my suggestion? Please believe us, we are absolutely sincere." said Linda on the hospital bed.

That sweat in Ye Wutian's heart! When is this all? Still in the mood to talk about work? As expected of a workaholic and a strong woman, she still remembers her work at this time, I really don't know how people can say her good.

"Miss Linda, UU reading is not suitable for talking about work now. The body is the capital of the revolution. We should wait until your body recovers." Ye Wutian refused to answer.

Linda looked disappointed, but Ye Wutian didn't care whether the other party was disappointed or not, and he left here soon after he didn't stay for a long time.

The next day, at the strong request of Linda and the others, the hospital agreed to let them out. It is said that when Linda and the others left, they sent a special plane to pick them up directly from country M, and of course they sent a doctor along with them.

Taking Linda back with such a big move made many people realize that things might not be easy.

As for Linda's identity, Ye Wutian didn't want to know, and it was meaningless, so what if he knew?

Driving out of the company's gate, ready to go to Ouyang's house, he guessed that Xu Ying might have left.

When the car drove to the company gate, Ye Wutian braked suddenly, stared blankly at the person blocking his car through the front windshield, and saw the other side for a moment, Ye Wutian fell into struggle and pain. (m)

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