Mad Doctor

Chapter 915: give me 1 floor

Fairy Feng stood in front of Ye Wutian, her white clothes fluttering, and she was still as beautiful and pure as Fairy Nine Heavens, making people dare not look directly at her.

In the past, Ye Wutian once thought that Feng Xianzi was the angel sent by God to save him, especially after having such a teacher-sect relationship, he even believed that Feng Xianzi was his closest fairy sister and would be unconditional. Believe him, no matter what he does, he will stand by his side without hesitation, what a pity! He was wrong, until now, he still remembers what Fairy Feng said to him back then.

Ye Wutian thinks that he is not a vengeful person, but the words of Fairy Feng still made him uncomfortable, made him crazy, made him helpless, and made him wake up. Fairy Feng was her Fairy Feng, not What kind of immortal sister is he, and she will not stand on his side to support him in everything, and everyone has a bottom line.

Opening the car door, Ye Wutian walked up, "Fairy."

Fairy Feng was stunned for a moment, she was not used to the name Ye Wutian, she used to call her fairy elder sister, but now she said a fairy, for some reason, she was inexplicably flustered.

Fairy Feng, whose cherry lips were lightly parted, said, "Find a place."

Ye Wutian did not refuse, even though he wanted to, he still did not refuse in the end.

Ye Wutian, who was carrying Fairy Feng, found a quiet cafe. The two found a seat by the window and sat down. Ye Wutian ordered two cups of the best Blue Mountain.

After putting down a piece of candy, Ye Wutian picked up the spoon and gently mixed the coffee in the cup, but didn't take the initiative to provoke the topic, and he didn't seem to be ready to talk about it.

Fairy Feng's coffee didn't contain any sugar, so she just drank bitter coffee when she picked it up. I really couldn't tell that her taste was so special.

"Nothing to say?" Fairy Feng asked.

Ye Wutian didn't know how to speak for a while, he really didn't know what to say. In the past, when he saw Fairy Feng, he could not help but tease her, but now he can't tease her if he wants to.

"Angry?" Fairy Feng asked again.

"No, I'm not a stingy person." Ye Wutian retorted.

"Isn't it?" Fairy Feng tilted her head slightly to the right: "If not, why ignore me?"

Ye Wutian answered the question: "Have you investigated that matter?"

Of course, Fairy Feng knew what Ye Wutian was talking about. Seeing that he was burdened with old affairs, she knew that he was still angry. What she said at the beginning was a bit heavy.

"You still said you're not angry?" Fairy Feng said, "Aren't you still angry?"

Ye Wutian had the urge to surrender, what happened? Even Fairy Feng started to know how to joke?

"You are a man." Fairy Feng said again.

Ye Wutian is speechless, what happened to the man? Can't a man be angry? Can't you be stingy? Should men in the world know they have grievances and endure them silently? What is this called?

"I'm a stingy man." Ye Wutian said, he knew that Fairy Feng subconsciously reminded him that he was a man, don't be too stingy.

Fairy Feng is funny, it seems that this guy is not too angry, "Are you stingy?"

Ye Wutian was stunned for a second, thinking that if he didn't call it stingy, what would it be called? Is it possible that it is also called magnanimity? Depend on!

"What do you think?" Ye Wutian asked back.

"Inviting you to dinner?" Fairy Feng asked again.

The helpless Ye Wutian has nothing to do with Fairy Feng, he is enough for someone who plays cards unreasonably. I didn't expect her to play cards more unreasonably, so you can't do anything if you want to get angry.

Of course, who makes people beautiful? His biggest weakness is that he has no resistance to beautiful women.

"Fairy, have you checked it out? That matter." Ye Wutian asked again.

"Sister Fairy, haven't you always shouted like that?"

Ye Wutian: "..."

"Gentleman, don't embarrass your men."

"Okay, you answer my question first, did you figure that out?"

Fairy Feng asked back, "Is this important? It's not important at all."

"Then what is important?" Ye Wutian asked.

"When will you invite me to dinner? That's what matters."

Ye Wutian was crazy again, and wanted to go to the vegetable market to buy tofu and hit his head. Today's Fairy Feng made him feel very unfamiliar. Is this still her?

"Why don't you just decide? You invite me to dinner?" Feng Xianzi asked in a hot pursuit, not giving Ye Wutian a chance to refute, "Don't forget that you are a man."

Ye Wutian, who couldn't laugh or cry, really didn't know what to say. Fairy Feng was able to come today, and she would still say such a thing. She must have figured out the real reason.

A beautiful woman takes the initiative to please like this, what else can you do as a man? Still want to keep making noise? If the trouble continues, it will be as Fairy Feng said, he is a man and must have a manly demeanor.

"Whether you believe it or not, I'm not angry." Ye Wutian said.

Fairy Feng shook her head in disgrace: "I don't believe it."

At this moment, what Ye Wutian wanted most was to press this hateful woman to the ground, and then use a man's way to clean up her and conquer him.

"You're not angry, why don't you call me fairy sister? If you don't, it means you're angry."

Ye Wutian raised his hands: "Okay, I surrender." Ye Wutian was made to lose his temper by Fairy Feng. Before today, I never dreamed that Fairy Feng would have such a side. It seems inappropriate to describe it.

"That's what you said, don't be angry anymore." Fairy Feng said.

Ye Wutian said helplessly: "Actually, I have never been angry, it's just that you misunderstood."

"It's all over." Fairy Feng waved her hand: "Don't mention the past."

Of course Ye Wutian knew not to mention it, and he never mentioned it.

"Give me a floor." Fairy Feng said suddenly.


The cup fell, Ye Wutian opened his mouth wide open in surprise, looked at Fairy Feng stupidly, his head couldn't turn around, give her a floor? How strange to hear this.

I don't know why, in this quiet cafe, people's hearing seems to have increased exponentially. Several nearby male customers who had been secretly paying attention to Feng Xianzi were also shocked at this time, compared to Ye Wu. God, those male customers were equally shocked. The difference was that they had bolder guesses than Ye Wutian. They guessed who this bubbling beauty and excellent temperament was, and openly took the initiative to speak to a woman. A man wants a house, is this woman a married mistress? Thinking of this, those men instantly became unbalanced, thinking that they were no worse than Ye Wutian.

Such a beautiful woman, let alone one floor, even if they are two floors, they are willing to give it, but at this time the man next to the beautiful woman, let alone two floors, did not even buy one floor for others.

Cut a thousand knives!

Fairy Feng didn't realize that there was nothing wrong with her words, she was surprised what happened to Ye Wutian, she couldn't even hold the cup firmly, and what did his expression mean? What do you want to express?

"What's the problem?" asked the unknown Fairy Feng.

Ye Wutian swallowed his saliva, wondering if she was really ignorant or fake? "Fairy, do you want me to make a mistake?"

"Sister Fairy." Fairy Feng corrected her words.

Uncle Ye rolled his eyes, but the other party felt good about himself and was called addicted?

At this time, Fairy Feng might want to understand what Ye Wutian meant, her face flushed and she glared at Ye Wutian: "Can you be more serious?"

Ye Wutian thought, can this blame me? Not because of your own words to be misunderstood?

"Take a floor for me in your company." Fairy Feng said.

Fairy Feng's words made Ye Wutian excited, Fairy Feng was going to the Hongyan Group headquarters to work, wouldn't she be able to see her often in the future? Come to think of it, what could be more exciting than this?

"Don't think too much, I did this because of the ancestral teachings of the ancestors. The descendants of my Miaomiao Sect must assist the sect of the ancestors of Xuanyuan."

Ye Wutian asked, "What about Miaomiaomen?"

"You don't need to worry about this, Miaomiao will not fall, not in the past, not now, nor in the future." Fairy Feng's words revealed strong confidence.

"I believe this, even if someone wants to deal with you, I will not agree."

"Then it's settled, free up a floor for me as soon as possible, you decide which floor to give, but there is one thing I hope you understand, don't compare me with them, I am me, they are They, that will never change."

"I said, brothers, what are you looking at? Do you also want to come over and send a floor to my fairy sister? If you want to send it, hurry up, whoever comes, will not refuse." Ye Wutian has long noticed that the few next to him are dishonest The guy, always secretly looking here, what the heck.

Those few people immediately lowered their heads, either pretending to eat seriously, or turning their heads to look out the window, no one dared to look at Fairy Feng again.

Fairy Feng smirked, this guy's way of sarcasm is really not a cover, such a red fruit directly makes you dare not even dare to refute.

Ye Wutian looked a little crazy, Fairy Feng didn't eat fireworks, and her beauty completely conquered him.

Someone once said that every beautiful woman is the best gift sent by God to a man. This is true. A woman is a confidant. It's just that in the future, which man will have the blessing to sleep with Fairy Feng in his arms?

Thinking of this, our uncle Ye felt sour in his heart, wishing he could become that man, and even more ruthless, he also thought that in the future, if any man dared to approach Feng Fairy, he would kill him directly.

"Has the prince bothered you?" Ye Wutian asked.

Fairy Feng seemed to be hesitating for something, and after a while, she asked, "Do you know the prince?"

Ye Wutian shook his head, "I can't talk about understanding, I have only seen it once."

"Let's not talk about Let's talk about something else. There are so many things going on in the company, have you ever thought about the future of the company?" Feng Xianzi pulled away from the topic.

Ye Wutian was actually more interested in getting to know the prince a little more, and his intuition told him that the prince would become his biggest enemy in the future.

"I want to leave the country." Ye Wutian said, since he had cleared up his suspicions with Fairy Feng, there was nothing to hide.

"Moving abroad?" Fairy Feng asked with raised eyebrows.

Ye Wutian talked about the plan, and then looked at Fairy Feng, wanting to see how she would answer.

I thought Fairy Feng would despise him and oppose him, but the result was different, Fairy Feng actually gave a thumbs up, "This is considered a plan, it should have been done a long time ago."

Ye Wutian is stupid! Fairy Feng's madness is also quite scary.

Then, Fairy Feng's next words shocked Ye Wutian, and she saw Fairy Feng say: "There is something I can really help you with, so that your great reason can be implemented." (m)

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