Mad Doctor

Chapter 931: make a move

With the signing of the name, Ye Houteng's heart seemed to be stabbed by something. From today, the Ye Group has nothing to do with him, and even this family will be scattered.

After deducting the 3 billion returned to the Yang family, the remaining 2 billion, if you save some, the Ye family will still be able to live well in the second half of their life, but the Ye family is scattered, Ye Guang's death, and Ye Jingzhe's rebellion, Let this home fall apart.

Apart from the acquisition of the company, what Ye Houteng couldn't accept the most was that the Ye family had no queen, Ye Guang was dead, and Ye Jingzhe was not the blood and blood of the Ye family. In this way, there was only Ye Wutian, the one he never cared about in the past. The illegitimate child became the only relative of the Ye family.

I have to say, God is very good at teasing people.

Putting away the contract, Situ Wei raised her head and said, "I'll give you a week, and we'll clear the field in a week."

Ye Hengcai is no longer as arrogant as he used to be, and the pain of losing his son made him lose the meaning of life, "Where did you take Jingzhe?"

Situ Wei looked at Ye Jingzhe and said, "You still recognize him as your son at this time? Your own son was killed by him. He has a great responsibility for this family, so be clear."

Ye Hengcai felt heartache for a while. He hated himself and God for being unfair to him. What did he do wrong?

Situ Wei still didn't say a word. Ye Hengcai broke up other people's families in the past, but now he was retributed and let others break up his family. This is raising tigers.

After watching Situ Wei and the others leave, Ye Dongxuan couldn't hold back and stared at the cheque in the old man's hand, "Dad, what should I do now?"

Ye Houteng sighed, what should I do? He is also confused, what should he do? What's the next way to go?

"After removing the 3 billion returned to the Yang family, we still have 2 billion left. What should we do with the money?" Ye Dongxuan said again, and this time the purpose was more obvious. At present, few people could hold back.

"Dong Xuan, you are already married," Li Enzhu reminded kindly.

Ye Dongxuan's face changed, "Sister-in-law, what you said is wrong, I will always surname Ye when I remarry."

"This family still needs money." Li Enzhu said again.

Ye Dongxuan wanted to yell at you, is it you, Li Enzhu, who needs money? Ye Dongxuan has never hated Li Enzhu as much as she does now. At this time, do you want to drive her Ye Dongxuan out? There are no doors.

"Dong Xuan, don't make up your mind about this money, the Ye family needs to rise." Ye Hou raised his tune.

Ye Dongmeng was stunned, and looked at the old man in disbelief, is it too cruel? Don't give her at all? Even if she gets married, her surname is Ye, and she is also his daughter, right?

"Dad, don't I have any credit? Can't you see how it was for this family in the past?"

"Enough." Ye Houteng, who was upset, roared angrily. "It's settled like that."

Ye Dongxuan's face changed several times, and it was hard enough to reject her outside the gate of interests.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Li Enzhu showing a hint of pride, Ye Dongxuan felt ruthless when she saw this, "Dad, I don't need this money, but I have a request to be fair to the second brother."

Ye Houteng frowned: "What do you mean?"

"Last time the second brother took out more than one billion yuan. I think this time I have to return the money to him. Of course, the two million yuan from the eldest brother will also be returned to him, and the rest will be another plan."

As soon as these words came out, Ye Hengcai couldn't take care of the sadness. Two billion, and more than one billion were divided, how much is left? No, absolutely cannot, never allow such a thing to happen.

"Dong Xuan, don't you understand what Dad means? Our family can't fail, and no one can move this money. This is the original capital for the rise of our family." Ye Hengcai said.

Ye Dongxuan sneered in her heart. It is a good move to retreat to advance. As expected of a husband and wife, everyone understands what the elder brother means by this move. If the family property is divided, the old man will not share the two billion equally, and the second brother's more than one billion will definitely (Baidu search "Six Nights. Romance + Book Title" read the latest chapter and return it to the second brother first. It is precisely because of this that her so-called eldest brother resorted to this trick. Once the family re-establishes a company, he can get a big pen shares, not two hundred million.

Good abacus!

"Brother, should I say something, and I don't mean it against you. I don't agree with what you said. First of all, Xiaoguang has already left. What's the point of having more money? You have it in your hands. The money is enough for you to spend, but the second brother is different, he is younger than you, and, most importantly, the future of our Ye family is still in his hands, don’t forget, Wutian is now the only incense of our Ye family.”

Ye Houteng fell into deep thought, analyzing the words of his daughter Ye Dongxuan.

"I... I can still raise it." Ye Hengcai replied.

"Raise? What do you want to support? Can my sister-in-law still support it? Of course you have no problem, just go out and find a woman to help you raise it, but is my sister-in-law willing? Take a step back and say, even if my sister-in-law is willing, the child you raised will still be raised. Isn't it the same as Wutian? Is it a private child?"

Ye Hengcai was choked and speechless, unable to say a word for a long time.

"What are your plans?" Ye Houteng asked.

"Dad, whether we admit it or not, the future of the Ye family can only be placed on Wutian, so the second brother's money must be returned to him first, not only that, but also to find a way to let Wutian know."

"What if he knew? Would he be grateful?"

"They are father and son after all, and this is a fact that no one can change." Ye Dongxuan explained, "Besides, Concubine Qiao can play a role in it. We can all see that Wutian really loves Concubine Qiao."

"Daydreaming, he doesn't think we are relatives at all." Ye Hengcai disdain and contempt.

Ye Houteng looked at his daughter and waited for her answer.

"Big brother, Wutian doesn't treat you as a relative, and I don't treat me as a relative, but it doesn't necessarily mean that the second brother is not a relative. Wutian has beaten you and me. Has he beaten the second brother? No."

"What does that prove? It proves nothing."

"Prove it, prove that he treats us differently from his second brother."

Ye Houteng seemed to see hope, and a glimmer of hope rekindled in his cloudy eyes.

"Deduct the 100 million yuan given to the second brother, and then return the 200 million yuan to the eldest brother. The rest is enough for us to start a company." Ye Dongxuan thought to herself, if you don't make me feel better, I will make you feel better?

Everyone looked at Ye Houteng, the final decision still needed the old man to make the final decision, and others made the decision. However, just when everyone was expecting an answer, the old man turned and left, and he did not forget to take the check before leaving.

Ye Hengcai's heart sank, the old man's reaction was obviously tempted by Dong Xuan's proposal, which was not good.

Looking at the contract on the table, Ye Wutian's heart was heavy, and he didn't have the joy he imagined, just muttered in his heart: "Brother, the promise to you at the beginning has been fulfilled for you, you can rest in peace, it belongs to your future. , I will definitely live for you, and live wonderfully, let the world tremble for you, let the world remember your name, and in the future, your name will definitely be remembered for thousands of years."

"You're not as happy as you thought?" Ouyang Xingyue suddenly said.

Ye Wutian nodded unabashedly, "Nothing to be happy about."

"What are you going to do next? Taking over such a mess, what are you going to do?"

"Do nothing, shut down the company, and sell everything that can be sold."

Ouyang Xingyue rolled her eyes madly when she heard it: "You spend billions just to find yourself happy?"

Of course Ye Wutian couldn't tell her that this was to help someone fulfill a wish, otherwise he really had a lot of money? "You may think so."

Ouyang Xingyue didn't know what to say anymore. This man is not very grown up. I am afraid that only he can do such absurd things. No one does business like him.

"Can you consider selling the company to the Ouyang family?"

Ye Wutian was stunned, "Aren't you saying it's useless? Will the Ouyang family want it?"

"The Ye Group is not useless. The network and channels are still there. This is a fortune that has been quickly updated in the field of Baidu search book title + novel."

"Okay, you can deal with it." Ye Wutian did not hesitate, and agreed on the spot, Ye's group would only become a robe in his hands, and it would be fine to throw it out, anyway, he wouldn't be able to use the contacts and channels of the Ye's group. , Baidu search book title + novel. The fastest update in the field Tianxin Hongyan Group has its own channel.

In the afternoon, Ye Wutian received a phone call, a phone call that shocked him, that the marriage between the Yu family and the Xu family would be held as scheduled.

This news is absolutely a bolt from the blue, making Wutian classmates stunned on the spot, what do they want to do?

Many people know about Xu Ying's relationship with him. Under such circumstances, the Yu family has to marry the Xu family. With such a big green hat, can the Yu family swallow it?

"Stunned, right? The concubine was also shocked when she received the wind." Situ Wei snuggled in Ye Wutian's arms, twisting her water snake waist from time to time.

Ye Wutian slapped Situ Fairy's pink buttocks fiercely, "Why do I feel that you are gloating about misfortune?"

"Yeah." When Ye Wutian took a shot, the Situ Fairy groaned, making Wutian's classmate almost unable to hold back, "Master, when will you eat your concubine?"

Ye Wutian swallowed a mouthful of saliva, the dead goblin is really fascinating.

"What did you find?" Ye Wutian freed up a hand and turned to Situ Fairy's plump breasts. He got into the clothes and squeezed lightly.

The Situ Fairy twisted in a larger arc, and the whole person was more charming and moving, "Master, how do you make the concubine respond by molesting the concubine like this?"

Ye Wutian withdrew his hand angrily, "Yu Qicheng willingly wears a green hat?"

"Of course he's not but he has no choice."

Ye Wutian agrees, and believes that Yu Qicheng has absolutely no choice.

Interestingly, how did the Xu family agree?

Intuition tells Ye Wutian that the Yu family has finally made a move, and may want to tell others through things that the Yu family is not afraid of anyone, especially Ye Wutian.

"Anyone with a discerning eye can see the purpose of Yu's family, sir, will you go grab a relative?"

Ye Wutian rolled his eyes madly, grabbing a kiss? To rob a relative at home? Depend on! This is too absurd, but it seems quite stimulating.

"Father, don't you really think about it?"

"What are you thinking?" Ye Wutian, who couldn't laugh or cry, slapped the goblin's pink hip again.

The Situ Fairy was stunned. Panting again and again, classmate Wutian was distracted, and immediately pressed the goblin on the desk, ready to carry a gun and go into battle. If she was paralyzed, it was time to eat her.

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