Mad Doctor

Chapter 930: I will also pat the table

"What do you mean? You want an autopsy?" Ye Wutian asked.

Old Man Ma didn't say anything, but his expression already explained everything, and he was indeed taking Yang Langzi's body for autopsy.

"Hehe, interesting, really interesting." Ye Wutian sneered, as if mocking himself, more like mocking the world.

"I won't wrong a good person." Old Man Ma said.

Ye Wutian said: "This is not important, I just want to know when I can leave here."

"You can go now."

"Really?" Ye Wutian obviously didn't believe it, and asked with endless doubts.

Old Man Ma slapped the table angrily: "When did I lie to you? That's why you can't trust me?"

The opponent's slap on the table also made Ye Wutian's anger burst out instantly, and he also slapped the table with a heavy palm, with a loud bang: "How can I trust you?"

At this time, Ye Wutian didn't even think about who was sitting in front of him, no matter who he was, he just wanted to vent, his dissatisfaction with old man Ma was not overnight.

Old man Ma was stunned by the yelling, Ye Wutian yelled at him? After all these years, who dared to yell at him like that? Thinking about it, it seems that no one dares to yell at him like this, let alone just a young man.

The guard stared at Ye Wutian nervously. Although he accidentally injured Ye Wutian just now, the situation in front of him made him not dare to relax. .

"You are the first person who dares to pat me on the table." Old Man Ma said calmly.

Ye Wutian was disdainful, and didn't think there was anything wrong with him, didn't he just pat the table? He is very proficient in this matter, "You are also the first old man who asked me to pat the table."

"It's not my honor to say that?" Old Man Ma asked.

Ye Wutian said seriously: "In a sense, it is like this."

The guards and the health doctor were confused, where did this come from? It sounds so weird and messed up! This one is very interesting.

"If there's nothing else, I'll go first." Ye Wutian stood up and prepared to leave.

"Wait." Old Man Ma also stood up: "Before you leave, tell me what happened to Kojima?"


Ye Wutian was about to go crazy, and old man Ma came from the capital for this reason? Ye Wutian doesn't know that it is necessary to work so hard for something big enough?

"I really don't have anything to say about this, and I don't need to explain anything. From the beginning to the end, I thought that it was just my private matter, and I didn't need to explain too much to you." Ye Wutian didn't intend to explain anything, he said too much. More meaningless.

If old man Ma can come to the door, it means that everyone knows everything, so why should he say too much?

"This is what you want to say?" Old Man Ma frowned and was extremely dissatisfied with Ye Wutian's answer.

"First of all, I am personally grateful for your concern, but it is always my personal matter, how to do it, I have my own freedom, and no one has the right to interfere with my freedom."

"You also want to move the company to the island?"

Ye Wutian asked back: "Is this the main purpose of your visit today, old man?"

"one of them."

"Sorry! I can't answer your question, I refuse to answer it."

The old man's body was trembling, and it could be seen that he should be very angry, maybe he would even have the heart to shoot Ye Wutian.

Ye Wutian didn't answer, and Old Man Ma couldn't do anything to him for a while. This kid has always belonged to the type of people who play cards out of common sense, typically eating soft and not hard.

"I hope you can think about it clearly. Once you go wrong, you can't go back."

Ye Wutian nodded and said: "I know, I know what I'm doing, old man, didn't you say it just now? If after the results of Yang Langzi come out, it proves that I am the murderer behind the scenes, then I will be a dead end. To be honest, I don’t think too much about anything I do now, I can do what I want, and I can’t even grasp what will happen tomorrow, so what do I think so much about? I might be thrown into jail tomorrow.”

Old man Ma's face was purple, how could he not hear that this kid was mocking him?

"The country needs your contribution to become prosperous and strong, and not to be bullied by outsiders."

Ye Wutian waved his hand to interrupt the old man Ma's words: "Stop doing that, I can't even protect myself, what qualifications do I have to talk about those big things?"

Old man Ma could hear that Ye Wutian was very angry with the Ma family, but he didn't say much about it.

"My leaving doesn't mean I'm not patriotic. It's two different things, two questions." Ye Wutian said: "Master, don't worry about it."

"I will never agree." The old man said this sentence very seriously, which also showed his determination.

The unhurried Ye Wutian said: "If you like it, I can send the company to the country in the future. I wonder if this will show my patriotism?"

Old Man Ma was overjoyed at first, and when he calmed down, he thought, what's the use of only getting one building? How could Ye Wutian leave the technology behind?

"Are you going to cooperate with foreign countries?"

"I didn't think about it, who can give me what I need, and who can I cooperate with? It's the wolf in the front and the tiger in the back. I have no way out at all, so for me, it's the same with whomever I cooperate with, it doesn't make any difference. ."

Irony again!

Ye Wutian's words are mocking some people again.

The technology is in Ye Wutian's hands. If he wants to leave, no one can take him. As he said, if he is in a hurry, what if he gives the company to you? What's the use of a shell company?

"Sorry! Excuse me." Ye Wutian left, walking quickly, very determined, and old man Ma really had nothing to say.

Ye Wutian's sudden departure made Ma Lao's hair stunned. He hadn't finished asking his questions, so the kid just left without giving any face?

Old Man Ma also needs to ask Ye Wutian about the supply and price of the military, but Ye Wutian would not give him a chance at all.

Leaving Guoan, Ye Wutian was looking for someone to pick him up, but as soon as he found out the phone, he saw the old lady who was pushing Ma Feng in a wheelchair. Ye Wutian didn't know what to say.

"Little genius doctor." The old lady had a faint smile on her face.

"Grandma, you are here too." After putting away the phone, Ye Wutian walked over to the old woman.

I don't know if it was an illusion or what, Ye Wutian felt that Ma Feng was much restrained, not as arrogant as before, and his eyes were no longer so repulsive.


"I trust you," said the old lady.

"Thank you!" The old woman's words made Ye Wutian feel as heavy as ten thousand pounds, "Thank you, grandma, don't just trust anyone, maybe I'm just a bad person, not as good as I seem."

The old woman smiled and didn't continue to discuss the topic just now, "Little genius doctor, I don't know if I should ask a question, but I really can't help it."

"Want to ask about the old man?"

The old woman nodded, "I hope the little genius doctor can give some advice. The dead old man's asthma is getting worse and worse. We have already thought of many ways, and we have seen many doctors, but the effect is not very good."

Ma Feng, who was pushing the wheelchair, also looked at Ye Wutian expectantly.

"I took a look just now. I'm afraid I can't do anything about the old man."

The old woman and Ma Feng couldn't calm down at the same time, and even Ye Wutian couldn't do anything? In their eyes, Ye Wutian's medical skills can be conspicuous in the world, even he can't do anything, who can do it?

"I'm sorry, grandma, I still have something to do, I'm sorry." After saying that, Ye Wutian didn't care what the other party's reaction was, he bypassed the two and left.

Not long after Ye Wutian left, Old Man Ma also came out and looked around, "Gone?"

"Old man, are we going too far?" the old woman asked, she began to wonder, she began to doubt.

Old Man Ma's expression changed, and he was unable to speak for a long time as he moved his lips.

"Grandpa, Ye Wutian just watched it for you?" Ma Feng asked. Compared with Ye Wutian, he was more concerned about his grandfather's health.

Old Man Ma nodded slightly: "It's much more comfortable to be slapped by him."

"He said he couldn't do anything about it." The old woman was full of worries, her wife's health was getting worse day by day, and although people were always dying, and they had been together for decades, how could she just let it go? Most of the feelings of life, ordinary people do not understand at all.

"He has a way." Old Man Ma said, "I just hate me."

Ma Feng was both surprised and delighted, "Don't forget that he is a doctor."

"Forget it, I'll talk about this later, let's go." Old Man Ma was not in a good mood.

As if thinking of something, Ma Feng hurriedly said, "Grandpa, Yang Langzi has reported it."

"What's the situation?" Even Old Man Ma himself thought that he was very nervous. He had lived his whole life and was rarely like this now. It seemed that he still cared too much.

"The doctor tested the toxin from Yang Langzi, but he couldn't test for any poison for the time being," Ma Feng replied.

"Poison? What kind of poison?"

"It can't be found for the time being. According to the doctor's speculation, it is very likely to paralyze the main nerves of people, which is somewhat similar to drugs and can cause hallucinations."

Old man Ma was silent, Yang Langzi should have been poisoned, he was so good, it was impossible for him to jump off the 19th floor by himself.

The evidence can be poisoned, so how can we find the poisoner?

With a candidate already in mind, a person appeared in Ma Lao's mind. Even if it was found out that Yang Langzi was poisoned, it would be very difficult to find out who was poisoned.

Ye Wutian returned directly to the company after leaving When he appeared, everyone in the company had only one expression, stunned, including Cheng Kexin and the others.

"Master, are you okay?" Si Paiwei asked.

Ye Wutian was madly sweating, "What's the matter? You want me to be okay?"

"No." Situ Wei, who has always been sharp-edged, didn't know what to say at this meeting. Apart from being curious, she even thought that Ye Wutian would definitely be implicated this time. before.

In this regard, Situ Wei really didn't know what to say, only the word "weird" was more suitable to describe.

"Mr. Cheng, someone from Guoan rushed in outside and said they wanted to search the company." Cheng Kexin's secretary trotted in in panic.

"Director Zheng, what do you mean?" Ye Wutian looked at the person who came. He just came back from Guoan on the front foot, and Zheng Zhongren came over on the back foot.

Zheng Zhongren said: "Brother, we are also doing business." After the meeting, he continued: "The results of Yang Langzi's autopsy have come out, and it has been confirmed that he was affected by poison." (m)

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