Mad Doctor

Chapter 929: don't want to cause trouble

Ye Wutian laughed: "I said, you always have this free time, help me think of a way, how can I get out? Yang Langzi's death has nothing to do with me."

"You also don't have enough evidence to prove that you are not the murderer."

Ye Wutian came to the fire and said loudly: "Why do I have no evidence? There were so many people who could testify for me at that time, why did I have no evidence?"

"Those can only prove your alibi."

"Isn't it enough? I wasn't there when Yang Langzi died. Isn't that enough?"

"Strictly speaking, not enough."

Uncle Ye, who was so angry that he was blowing his beard and staring, gave Old Man Zhuo a middle finger.

"Boy, I'm here to help you, please believe me."

Ye Wutian said without giving face: "I don't even know who to believe in myself. I'm obviously innocent, but now I'm being held here by you, who am I offending?"

In front of the old man Zhuo, Ye Wutian remembered what Song Yuhe had said to him, and remembered that Xiaoling was going to perform a particularly dangerous mission, Ye Wutian wanted to ask the old man Zhuo personally, and wanted to ask him if there was no one in Guoan. He had to send such a delicate woman to perform a special task, but he swallowed the words again. It was not suitable. If he asked now, it would affect Song Yuhe.

"Dissatisfied with some people?" Old Man Zhuo suddenly said.

Ye Wutian was stunned, it seems that old man Zhuo has a lot of things in his hands.

"Boy, think twice!" Zhuo old man sighed.

"You think I think? None of you are good people."

The old man Zhuo laughed: "Why am I not a good person?"

"Are you a good person? You asked for tens of billions at the beginning, and you can still be considered a good person like this?" Ye Wutian felt a pain in the flesh when he thought of being eaten by this old man, but he couldn't do anything about that money. Give or not.

"The kindness is not rewarded. If I knew you were like this, I should have taken all your money away." Old Man Zhuo said, "However, I have to thank you. Having your money greatly reduces our burden. "

Ye Wutian was too lazy to take care of it, and sat there quietly, analyzing the fact that he wanted to buy a small island. Seeing what Old Man Zhuo meant, they also figured out his real purpose for buying a small island. This was not what he wanted to see, but it was also It's not all good, old man Zhuo said just now, everyone knows it, and they're all nervous!

Many of the above people know that he was actually forced, forced by some people.

"Your idea, do you think it will work?"

"It's up to people, isn't it?" Ye Wutian replied.

The old man Zhuo was asked, and he didn't know how to answer for a while. Thinking about it, it seemed that it was really like that. If it was replaced by someone else, it might not be possible to complete it, but for Ye Wutian, it is difficult to say. Every country is staring at him.

"Think about it." The old man Zhuo walked to Ye Wutian and patted him on the shoulder: "You don't have to worry about the safety of your confidantes."

"Do I want to thank you?" Ye Wutian raised his head and asked.

The old man Zhuo laughed and scolded: "Are you willing?"

Ye Wutian sighed: "You are really a smart old man, it's really tiring to talk to you."

The old man Zhuo laughed: "Is this a compliment or a disservice to me?"

"What's the matter with Liu Qiusong? That kind of person can hold an important position? Old man Zhuo, I'm beginning to doubt your vision."

Here again, old man Zhuo can't laugh or cry. This kid has always been dissatisfied with Liu Qiusong. Last time, he said that he would use money to make him transfer Liu Qiusong from his post.

"You still worry about your own affairs." Old Man Zhuo patted Ye Wutian on the shoulder again, "The one from the Ma family may be there in the afternoon."

Ye Wutian raised his brows and looked at Old Man Zhuo suspiciously.

Looking expectantly, he waited for Old Man Zhuo's answer, but Old Man Zhuo didn't mean to speak at all, but left directly.

"When can I leave? You can't keep me locked up like this all the time, right?" Ye Wutian really didn't want to stay here, what does the above mean, he didn't even want to guess, tired, living in such a society is **** exhausting, Obviously there is evidence of alibi, but still can't get out, Ye Wutian really doesn't know what to say.

The old man Zhuo also did not answer Ye Wutian's question, and soon disappeared from Ye Wutian's sight.

The depressed Ye Wutian kicked the table hard again, with a bang.

There was one thing that Old Man Zhuo was right. The Ma family did not come in the afternoon, but came at noon and appeared in front of Ye Wutian.

Ye Wutian didn't say anything, just looked at each other quietly.

Old Man Ma was much weaker, and he used crutches and walked in with the help of the guards. What's more interesting was that besides the guards, there was a health doctor beside him.

Ye Wutian was somewhat surprised by the arrival of Old Man Ma, but he was not surprised, so he was protecting Yang Langzi. Now that Yang Langzi is dead, Old Man Ma was afraid that he just wanted to ask about the case.

Ye Wutian no longer wanted to investigate the relationship between Old Man Ma and Yang Langzi. Those things had nothing to do with him. Now, the only thing he wanted was to leave here.

After sitting down, the old man was panting heavily, and the health care doctor next to him hurriedly handed over the medicine, "Sir, take a few breaths."

Old Man Ma waved away the medicine handed over, "I can't die."

The old man Ma in front of him reminded Ye Wutian of Zhang Jing. The old man did not have asthma before, and judging from the expression on the old man's face, this old man was very wrong.

The more you think about it, the more likely it is that the prince did it!

If it is really the prince, then the strength of the prince is powerful enough that even a character like Old Man Ma can plot against it.

The old man Ma did not have any medication, which made the health care doctor who followed him extremely anxious, "Chief, you must take medication."

"If you talk again, I will kill you." Old Man Ma roared like thunder, so loud that the health care doctor dared not speak any more.

The old man Ma gasped even more exaggeratedly after getting angry, his whole old face was flushed, the situation was very scary, and he might be out of breath at any time.

Ye Wutian just sat there with cold eyes, in addition to disappointment, there was an indescribable mood towards Old Man Ma.

"Chief." The guard couldn't stand it any longer and whispered.

The old man Ma, who didn't care, continued to sit, just as he was about to speak, but his brain seemed to be unconscious in an instant.

Seeing this, Ye Wutian couldn't help but secretly said helplessly, and he was afraid that he could no longer sit back and ignore it.

Thinking of this, Ye Wutian suddenly made a move, and his movements were as fast as lightning and attacked the old man's chest.

Ye Wutian's movements were fast, and the guards around Ma Laotou were not afraid to react. When Ye Wutian's fist reached Ma Laotou's chest, the guard's fist also reached Ye Wutian's chest.

At the same time, in addition to attacking Ye Wutian, Old Man Ma's guards also did the same thing, directly using his body to block Ye Wutian's fist, but unfortunately time is limited.


Ye Wutian secretly said that the other party is a master, and no one else can do it. There is no doubt that the other party is not only skilled, but also has rich fighting experience, and can respond in such a short period of time. This kind of person is definitely a master.

Seeing the fists coming, Ye Wutian was helpless, gritted his teeth and continued, the fists turned into palms before and after the chest of the old man, and directly hit the old man's chest with inch strength.

As a result, Ye Wutian was also punched by the guards.

After receiving a punch from the guard, Ye Wutian felt that he was about to be torn apart, his throat was sweet, and he spewed a **** arrow on the spot.

One move was successful, and the guards were ready to attack Ye Wutian again.

Ye Wutian avoided the guard's move, and at the same time used Xuanyuan's true energy, ready to bring the guard down.

"Stop." Old Man Ma ordered.

The guard stopped, but his eyes were still fixed on Ye Wutian like a wolf, ready to attack at any time.

Ye Wutian finally gasped at times, stretched out his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, the punch just now made him seriously injured, Ye Wutian, who did not dare to be careless, immediately sat down and began to heal the wound with Xuanyuan Qi.

"He's helping me." Old Man Ma said again.

The guard was surprised when he heard this, thinking he had heard it wrong.

"Comfortable! It's really comfortable." Old Man Ma raised his head and exhaled, "This is the life I want." Old Man Ma only now felt that his body was completely his own.

Only then did the guard realize that he had made the wrong call. Ye Wutian just wanted to help the chief treat his asthma, but he injured him. Thinking of this, the guard looked guilty!

After nearly half an hour of pranayama, the internal injury has only recovered for the most part. At this time, if his medicines are still on his body, he can recover immediately.

After opening his eyes, Ye Wutian lowered his head and glanced at the clothes on his body. The clothes were covered in blood, and he looked so embarrassed!

"I'm sorry." Old Man Ma's guard said.

Ye Wutian waved his hand, "The responsibility lies."

"Boy, after being slapped by you, I feel very comfortable." The old man Ma said that he knew his own body. If nothing else, this kid's medical skills are indeed unparalleled in the world.

"I just don't want to cause trouble." Ye Wutian said inexplicably.

"You hate me?" Old Man Ma asked.

Ye Wutian replied: "It's not about hate, everyone has their own ideas."

"Mr. Ye, what is the cause of the chief's asthma? We have tried many but it doesn't work." Old Man Ma's health doctor asked, hoping Ye Wutian could give some advice.

Ye Wutian looked at the other party: "That's your responsibility, I can't say it conveniently, not to mention that I'm in a special situation right now, sorry!"

The other party wanted to ask again, maybe only Ye Wutian could do anything about the chief's condition. All the famous doctors in the capital had seen it, but none of them worked. As the chief's health care doctor, he was anxious.

"Master, are you here for Yang Langzi? If that's the case, I can answer you now. I want to prove that I am the murderer behind the scenes, and show me the evidence."

Old Man Ma seemed to be in pain, "I hope it's not you."

"I've finished what I have to say. Please leave if you have nothing to do. I don't think there is anything to talk about between us."

Old Man Ma was startled, Ye Wutian was driving him away? Think how special his own identity is? Others are eager to chat with him a few words, and there is no one like Ye Wutian who is so eager to drive him away.

"The cause of death will soon be known, if it is you, the doctor will tell me." (m)

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