Mad Doctor

Chapter 928: Level is getting higher and higher

Seeing that Ye Wutian was closed and did not answer, the person sent by the State Security Bureau was also an old acquaintance of Ye Wutian, Liu Qiusong was not in a hurry, he directly brought the audio equipment, recorded the two questions into the equipment, and then Unscrew the device and kept asking Ye Wutian like this.

Not to mention, Ye Wutian was so annoyed by this way of asking, and it was the same sentence that came and went, and no one else could bear it.

Ye Wutian has listened to it many times, anyway, he has already heard the scalp numb, and has endured to the edge of losing control. Liu Qiusong, the old bastard, has always had no good feelings for Ye Wutian. Now that he has the opportunity, how could he miss it?

Just when Ye Wutian was about to smash the audio equipment, the door was opened, and the person who came was Zhu Jian.

No matter who it is, as long as he can stop that damned arrangement, Ye Wutian is very satisfied.

"Brother, I didn't expect you to be the first to come," Ye Wutian said with a smile.

There was a trace of worry on Zhu Jian's face, "Young Master Ye, are you alright?"

Ye Wutian, who shrugged, shook his head: "It's okay, it's a small matter."

Zhu Jian's lips moved slightly, as if hesitating for something, Ye Wutian took the initiative to ask: "Come with a mission?"

"Does Yang Langzi's matter have anything to do with you?" Zhu Jian finally asked.

Ye Wutian smiled: "I have answered this question many times, and I am numb, but I can answer you one more time. If you want to prove that I am the murderer, you have to show evidence."

Zhu Jian's expression was obviously relieved, "That's good, that's good."

Ye Wutian didn't need to ask, he knew that it was Master Zhu who asked Zhu Jian to come, and I am afraid that only Master Zhu would care about him so much. For this, Ye Wutian was grateful.

"The situation is not favorable for you, you have to be mentally prepared."

"The Qing is personally." Ye Wutian said: "I have already prepared, don't worry, I am innocent, of course, except for beating people."

Zhu Jian and Ye Wutian talked a few questions and left in a hurry. Now is not the time to chat.

Ye Wutian glanced around the room, he didn't know what would happen next.

Not long after Zhu Jiang left, the door of the room was opened again, this time, Ye Wutian did not turn around.

Liu Qiusong sat opposite Ye Wutian, Zheng Zhongren sat next to Liu Qiusong, both of them had a straight face. Compared with Liu Qiusong, Zheng Zhongren was more worried.

"What? Don't you want to tell me?" Liu Qiusong asked after sitting down.

Ye Wutian asked: "What do you want me to say? Listen to me and tell you, I killed Yang Langzi? I said buddy, are you all right? Will you admit what you didn't do?"

Liu Qiusong seemed to have known that Ye Wutian would answer like this, so it's not surprising, "It's boring to waste it, the truth will come to light one day, do you think so?"

Ye Wutian said right: "That's right, you talk nonsense for a long time, and this sentence is the most correct, the truth will always be revealed one day, but I want to ask, if you really wait until that day, you will find out that it is not me. , what will happen? Will you apologize to me?"

"Whether it's you, we will find out, all you have to do now is to cooperate with us."

"I'm not cooperative yet? I'll answer what you ask. Of course, the premise is what we've done. I won't answer what we haven't done."

Liu Qiusong sneered: "Very good, then you can spend it all the time, Ye Wutian, I hope you won't let me down."

"Liu Qiusong, have you always been unhappy with me? Do you want me to go to jail? Look at you, as if I killed your whole family in my last life."

"Be serious, Ye Wutian, this is Guoan, not your home." Liu Qiusong slapped the table hard. Furious look.

Ye Wutian glanced at Liu Qiusong: "I'm very serious, if it's my house, I've already slept, and I'm still sitting here talking nonsense with you?"

"Believe it or not, I can condemn you just because you are like this?"

Ye Wutian who was sitting on the chair suddenly shrank, "Wow, I'm so scared."

Zheng Zhongren's old face was flushed, and he seemed to want to laugh, but he didn't dare to laugh. His blushing was because he was holding back hard, not angry, but happy. He wanted to laugh because he wanted to laugh. Has a talent for comedy.

Liu Qiusong was extremely angry. When he wanted to pat the table again, the door was pushed open again. Liu Qiusong wanted to scold someone, who was so ignorant, but when he saw who was coming, he swallowed the words. , Joke, does he dare to scold his immediate boss? Although there is only one level of difference, the director is the absolute authority in the bureau.

"Director." Liu Qiusong shouted.

Ye Wutian turned back and saw that he was an old acquaintance again, he couldn't help laughing: "Old man Zhuo, we meet again."

Zheng Zhongren smiled bitterly to himself, and there was only Ye Wutian who dared to call Director Zhuo an old man.

Director Zhuo sat opposite Ye Wutian: "You kid doesn't make you worry at all, you are paid wherever you go."

"How do I feel that you have something in your old saying? First of all, I want to tell you that I am a good citizen, whether you believe it or not, I am a good citizen."

"I believe you are a good citizen." Director Zhuo said.

This time, Uncle Ye is not only unbelievable, but also a little awkward. He can't figure out the other party's intention. He admits that he is a good person? Depend on! Zhuo old man is not a good kind.

"What? Not suitable?" Zhuo old man asked.

Ye Wutian said honestly: "It's very uncomfortable."

"So, I'm also very uncomfortable with you always boasting that you're a good person, and you don't just blow yourself up."

Ye Wutian, who smiled bitterly, asked: "You are here to teach me a lesson today?"

"Tell you two news."

Ye Wutian thought: "I guess one good news and one bad news?"

Old Man Zhuo's eyes burst into a burst of light, "Smart."

"You don't need to praise me, that's how it's done on TV."

The old man Zhuo chuckled: "Let's talk about the bad news first. I'm afraid you have to bear a large part of the responsibility for this case."

"Why? Why?" Ye Wutian was extremely upset.

"Because Yang Langzi died in the hospital, boy, don't forget who injured him, why would he go to the hospital?"

"This is a crime you want to add, and it's useless if I say more."

The old man Zhuo spit out a sentence that almost didn't make Ye Wutian angry: "There is no way, you can only admit that you are unlucky."

Ye Wutian almost didn't swear, "Old Zhuo, don't forget your identity, you are not rascals."

"A lot of things are beyond my control."

Ye Wutian felt powerless, "Well, what's the good news?" For the sake of everyone, Ye Wutian was too lazy to say anything.

"The good news is that from the current evidence, there is no evidence that you are related to this case."

"It has nothing to do with me in the first place." Ye Wutian is happy, this is good news at last: "Wait, since it has nothing to do with me, it seems that the bad news just now shouldn't be imposed on me?"

"Just not yet."

Ye Wutian is not stupid, he understands the old man Zhuo's words: "That means I can't leave here yet?"

"I guess so."

"Fuck!" This time, Uncle Ye finally couldn't help being rude, "Why don't you think about it, what good will it be for me to kill Yang Langzi? If I want to kill him, there are at least a hundred ways to do it, why would I want to kill him? choose this way?"

"It's also something that a lot of people don't understand."

Ye Wutian did not explain, but continued: "When Yang Langzi died, I lost a lot. You must know that I am the major shareholder of Yang's group now, and the company's stock price has fallen, which is not good for me."

"It's also a weird place to think about."

It's this sentence again, Ye Wutian hates it very much, considering whether to rush up to play with this old man, it's too **** irritating.

If he didn't talk for a while, Ye Wutian didn't speak at all, just closed his eyes and rested his mind. If he goes on, it is very likely that old man Zhuo will say another sentence, which is also confusing.

Uncle Ye is already extremely disgusted with that kind of repeated words today, and he doesn't want to hear it anymore.

The old man Zhuo was funny, this kid was playing with a small temper, turned his head to Zheng Zhongren and said, "You guys go out for a while."

Liu Qiusong was stunned, not expecting the director to let him out.

The director issued an order, even if he was reluctant, he could only stand up and leave obediently.

There were only two people in the room soon, and Ye Wutian closed his eyes and knew that Old Man Zhuo must have something to say to him.

"No one else, open your eyes, don't act like that."

Ye Wutian was embarrassed to close his eyes again and said with a smile: "What do you always want to tell me?"

"What happened to Kojima?"

Ye Wutian was startled: "How do you know about this?"

"It's no secret."

Ye Wutian didn't know what to say anymore. The news of these people was too well-informed, but Ye Wutian immediately thought that Xiaoling and Song Yuhe were also people of Guoan, they all knew, and old man Zhuo had no reason to not know.

Intuition tells Ye Wutian, perhaps this is the main purpose of old man Zhuo!

"Tell me your inner thoughts." Zhuo old man asked.

"I don't have any ideas or ideas. If you have to tell me a reason, I can only tell you that I have too much money. I just need to find a way to spend some money, just like other people buy planes and yachts."

The old man Zhuo said, "Boy, you are not authentic enough. I came all the way here because I didn't want to hear what you said."

"Okay, then what do you want to hear?" Ye Wutian knew that the other party had more clues than that. As for how much he had, Ye Wutian couldn't tell. The first thing he had to do was to touch his bottom. UU Reading

"Whatever you tell me, I'll listen to it." Old Man Zhuo was so mature that he never took the initiative to speak.

"Actually, there's nothing to say." Ye Wutian said, "It's nothing more than that."

"It's still not honest." The old man Zhuo smiled and said, "Is it really like this?"

"Otherwise, what else can you do?" Ye Wutian asked back, and after figuring out the intention of the old man Zhuo, Ye Wutian didn't want to express his inner thoughts.

The old man Zhuo pointed up with his finger: "I know it all."

Ye Wutian is not surprised, old man Zhuo knows, what is wrong with the above? But so what? This is his own business and has nothing to do with anyone else.

"I just bought a small island. Is it such an exaggeration? I said, are you all in a hurry? I'm just doing some unreliable things."

The old man Zhuo laughed and scolded: "Is that a trivial matter for you? Don't think I don't know what your kid is thinking, there are no real secrets in the world." (m)

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