Mad Doctor

Chapter 927: 1st generation hero

No one put down their weapons, and no one paid any attention to Xu Yuanhua's words. They all stood there like dead soldiers waiting for the general's order.

"Brothers, for the honor of our gang, for the gang leader, rush for me." The big man gave an order, and then he rushed forward first.

"Bang!" Xu Yuanhua immediately shot at the opponent's thigh, the bullet hit the target, and the big man fell to the ground instantly.

All the police officers at the scene rushed forward with riot gear.

Xu Yuanhua was murderous, "Arrest them all."

The screams, the sound of the collision of the weapons, the gunshots, etc., sounded one after another.

The scene was chaotic, people were injured and fell, and the two sides fought inextricably for a while.

At this time, a few tear gas canisters fell into the gangsters, weakening the gangsters' combat effectiveness. On the police side, a large number of policemen wearing gas masks appeared, and they rushed towards the gangsters bravely, holding a shield in one hand. Holding a baton in one hand.

After throwing a few tear gas canisters, the battle situation changed. Although the gangsters took advantage of the numbers, under the effect of the tear gas canisters, the gangsters could not get any benefits.

Not far away, Xu Yuanhua looked at the fighting scene in front of him with a cold face. No one could understand his mood at this time. He wanted to throw all these hateful gangsters into the prison and let them live in that kind of place where the sun would never see the light of day. Spend a lifetime in jail and make them pay for what they are today.

Soon after, a large number of police officers from several nearby substations also arrived and joined the battle as soon as possible. With the participation of those police officers, the situation that was unfavorable to the police was immediately reversed.

The fight lasted for nearly an hour, and nearly a thousand thugs were all brought under control.

The news that thousands of gangsters broke into the police headquarters quickly spread, and a large number of reporters came to interview first-hand news.

The senior officials of the Dongcheng government also quickly learned about the matter. Wang Lin rushed over with a few people in a hurry. With such a big incident, he, the first brother of Dongcheng, had no reason not to be nervous.

Xu Yuanhua reported the situation to several leaders at the time, and also explained his own handling methods.

"Well done, that's what we want to do." Wang Lin slapped the table, "It's too lawless. Now is a society ruled by law, no one can challenge the law."

Xu Yuanhua breathed a sigh of relief, and to be recognized by the upper echelons, at least he doesn't have to put so much pressure on the director.

"Ye Wutian is still in the bureau?" Wang Lin suddenly asked.

Xu Yuanhua replied: "Yes, still in the bureau."

Wang Lin originally said that he wanted to see Ye Wutian, but after thinking about it, he decided not to see it.

"Secretary Wang, something happened." Wang Lin's secretary whispered in Ye Wutian's ear while covering the phone.

Wang Lin, who frowned, jumped up on the spot after hearing the secretary's words, "What? Are you sure?"

The secretary nodded: "OK."

"Damn it!" After receiving confirmation, Wang Lin forgot his own image, broke out a foul language, paused, Wang Lin said, "Take me to see Ye Wutian."

Xu Yuanhua and others still don't know what happened, but it's not a good thing to think about it. It's not easy to force Secretary Wang to be so violent.

Wang Lin, who was walking, told the story over and over again. The next second, everyone was stunned and completely petrified. At this moment, they finally understood the feeling of Wang Lin's swearing.

Big trouble again!

Under the leadership of Xu Yuanhua, Wang Lin and several others saw Ye Wutian, and when the door of the detention room was opened, Ye Wutian was stunned, "Secretary Wang, what a coincidence? With such a big battle, you are all here to fight. Do I plead guilty?"

The corners of Wang Lin's mouth twitched slightly, "Xiao Tian, ​​Yang Langzi is dead."

"Dead? What do you mean? Secretary Wang, don't scare me, I'm afraid." Ye Wutian put away his smile.

Wang Lin said, "It can be confirmed."

"How did you die?"

"Falled in the hospital, the nineteenth floor."

Ye Wutian asked again: "How did he fall? How did he fall so well? Is it because he was hit?"

"It's unclear for the time being, Xiaotian, we are not outsiders. To tell you the truth, you may be in trouble in the future."

"Wait." Ye Wutian stretched out his hand to interrupt: "What does it have to do with me? Secretary Wang, it has nothing to do with me, right?"

Wang Lin also didn't want such a thing to happen. "Does it matter? Now that I said it, it doesn't matter. Everything depends on the evidence."

"Fuck!" Ye Wutian kicked the wall heavily. "A generation of heroes died like this? What the **** is a hero? I haven't played enough, how could he just die like this?"

People are sweating! Why does this kid sound so awkward? Don't want people to die, is that because he Ye Wutian hasn't played enough? Could it be that he always played Yang Langzi like a monkey?

There are no words to describe Ye Wutian.

Yang Langzi's death will definitely cause a great disturbance in Xuanyuan. Those present are not ordinary people. Someone with a special status like Yang Langzi died and died very strangely. The above will definitely investigate.

Wang Lin didn't stay for long, just chatted with Ye Wutian for a few words and left in a hurry. The reason why he temporarily changed his mind to see Ye Wutian was because Wang Lin also had his own thoughts.

In the eyes of many people, Ye Wutian is a tumbler. Every time he causes trouble, he thinks that Ye Wutian will fall, but he will stand up miraculously and appear in everyone's sight as if nothing happened.

It is precisely because of this that Wang Lin thought about seeing Ye Wutian temporarily and reminding Ye Wutian that it is not bad to be a good person. Who would dare to guarantee that Ye Wutian would have an accident this time?

According to the investigation, Yang Langzi fell from the 19th floor of the hospital. As for how he fell, it is still a mystery. No one saw it at the time of the incident. There was no trace of fighting at the scene. what a suspicious person.

It stands to reason that the biggest suspect in Yang Langzi's death is Ye Wutian, but when Yang Langzi died, Ye Wutian was still detained in the police station. Go kill Yang Langzi, and then go back to the police station to stay.

Do you really think that the police station was opened by his Ye Wutian family?

Ye Wutian has alibi. Many people can prove that he is at the police station, including Wang Lin, secretary of the Dongcheng City Party Committee.

Ye Wutian did not admit that he had anything to do with Yang Langzi's death. He only admitted that he had beaten Yang Langzi. This was what he could admit, and the only thing he could admit.

Yang Langzi's death does not represent him personally, but also represents many interest groups. His death has dealt a great blow to those interest groups.

The police, national security, and even some more mysterious agencies have begun to investigate, hoping to find out the cause of Yang Langzi's death.

In fact, although Ye Wutian has evidence of his alibi, there are still many people who doubt Ye Wutian and suspect that Yang Langzi's death has something to do with him Ye Wutian.

Yang Langzi made the three shareholders surnamed Chen heave a sigh of relief. In their hearts, they wished Yang Langzi died. If he died, they would no longer be afraid that Yang Langzi would chase and kill them. In other words, they could live freely.

The cause of Yang Langzi's death was reported everywhere in the media, and almost every newspaper headline was reporting the incident. In addition to a large number of text descriptions, there was also a picture of Yang Langzi falling from the building at that time.

Falling from the nineteenth floor, Yang Langzi fell into a ball of meat sauce, very miserable, and a generation of heroes fell like this.

When Situ Chu received the news of Yang Langzi's death, he was killing chickens on a certain tender model. At that time, Situ Chu's gadget instantly turned into a caterpillar, which made the tender model under him quite dissatisfied. At this critical moment, the chain fell off. How can the tender model sister be satisfied?

Situ Chugen ignored Nen Mo's dissatisfaction. After hanging up the phone, he thought he was dreaming for a long time, but he knew that it was not a dream, but a reality. Yang Langzi was dead!

After fighting with Yang Langzi for so many years, Situ Chu was at a disadvantage. Over the years, he was suppressed by Yang Langzi very uselessly, that is, after Ye Wutian appeared, this situation gradually changed.

Now that Yang Langzi is dead, for some unknown reason, Situ Chu is suddenly uncomfortable, as if he has suddenly lost his purpose in life, his biggest competitor is dead, what should he do next?

Climbing up from the tender model, Chi Guoguo poured a glass of wine, raised his head and drank the wine, and then laughed a few times. Once Yang Langzi died, who else could compete with the Tyrant Tiger Gang? Who will be his opponent?

"Come here." Situ Chu, who was in a good mood, sat on the sofa, leaning his legs on the coffee table, and let Nenmo serve him.

Nenmo came over obediently, walked to Situ Chu and squatted down, and began to swallow, while Situ Chu was comfortably lighting a cigar, sitting on the sofa and enjoying the beauty's service.

It's just that the tender model served for a long time, but Situ Chu's stuff never meant to 'raise his head', and he was completely unaware and indulged in joy.

To Situ Chu, it didn't matter who killed Yang Langzi, what was important was that Yang Langzi died, which was very important.

Situ Chu estimated that the murderer of was most likely Ye Wutian's asshole. Other than him, others were not so bold.

Ye Wutian, who was in the detention room, had no idea what was going on outside. After spending a day in the detention room, he was taken away by the Guoan people. When such a big incident happened, the Dongcheng police had no right to handle the case. Because of Yang Langzi's special status, Guoan directly intervened.

Many people have found that as long as there is Ye Wutian, it will never stop. It can be said that Ye Wutian has caused many people above to have a headache. .

The importance of the case, the State Security Bureau temporarily transferred two people from the capital to deal with it, and the Dongcheng side Guoan could only fight and assist the two above "great gods".

Sitting in the special room of Guoan, Ye Wutian was asked by the other party in the most direct and poisonous way. The same question was asked no less than a hundred times by the other party, and it was the same question every time.

The words were as light as water three times, and after answering them twice, Ye Wutian didn't want to answer any more, and simply kept his mouth shut.

Guoan's question is, "How did you kill Yang Langzi? Where is your accomplice?" (m)

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