Mad Doctor

Chapter 926: things are getting bigger

After putting Yang Langzi on the wheelchair, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Ye Wutian picked up the bat on the ground again, clasped his hands tightly and quickly attacked Yang Langzi's knees.

Worse yet!

Under the pain, Yang Langzi couldn't sit still, and everyone fell on a wheelchair.

With the blow just now, Yang Langzi's knee may still be recovered after surgery, and now Ye Wutian has added another blow to make Yang Langzi's kneecap even more shattered. Even the most famous and top doctors in the world can't. Guaranteed to restore Yang Langzi's knee, no one is sure.

Yang Langzi, who was about to faint from the pain, bit his lip tightly. Under the gravity, he bit his lip, "Ye Wutian, I remember you."

"Remember me?" Ye Wutian sneered: "I'm afraid you won't remember me, do you want to call the Ma family? I'll call you?"

I have never seen such an arrogant person before. Yang Langzi was really stopped by the question for a while, and he didn't know how to answer.

Doing this today, Ye Wutian didn't think about the consequences, and he didn't bother to think about it. As the so-called plan is not as fast as change, what about thinking? No effect at all.

Yang Langzi has a horse family, and he also has a lion head.

"You are not a good subordinate, you are not qualified, did you not see your chairman being beaten? What are you doing there? Hurry up and call the police, do you all want to watch your chairman be beaten to death by me? "Ye Wutian turned his head and said to those who were watching the excitement around him.

When Ye Wutian said this, all the people around were embarrassed, and many bowed their heads.

There were a lot of people at the scene. Except for the two big men who rushed in to protect Yang Langzi, no one came forward to help Yang Langzi, not even to say a word for him.

Yang Langzi's bodyguard has been brought down, no one has rushed in outside, the scene is quiet and the atmosphere is very strange.

"Look, look at how failed you are as a human being, no one is willing to help you, Yang Langzi, why is this happening? Have you ever reflected on it?" Ye Wutian sarcastically said.

Yang Langzi fell to the ground, unable to tell whether his painful expression was caused by pain or because he was satirized by Ye Wutian, his facial features were twisted together.

To be able to beat Yang Langzi like this today, even Ye Wutian himself is unbelievable. At least there will be a few powerful characters around Yang Langzi, but now there are none at all.

"Ye...Ye Dong, I, let's go." The three men surnamed Chen came back to their senses after a while. They felt remorse in their hearts. If they knew this, they wouldn't come with Ye Wutian if they were killed just now.

They came with Ye Wutian, and now that Ye Wutian beats people, they are also accomplices.

"Are you afraid?" Ye Wutian asked as if nothing was wrong.

The other party thought, isn't this nonsense? Of course afraid? Anyone who encounters this will be afraid, and only a monster like him, Ye Wutian, is not afraid.

"Don't be afraid, it has nothing to do with you, you are just outsiders." Ye Wutian said.

Having said that, Ye Wutian had already comforted them, but they were still afraid and couldn't control their trembling.

"Yang Langzi, I hit you, what do you think? Do you want to take revenge on me?" asked Ye Wutian who squatted down, but I don't think you have time to take revenge on me. "

"What do you want to say?" Yang Langzi, who was almost gritted his teeth, asked, with anger and hatred in his eyes.

Ye Wutian smiled but didn't answer, just at this moment, the phone rang, but it was not Ye Wutian's phone, the sound came from Yang Langzi's pocket.

"The phone rang, why didn't you answer it?" Ye Wutian pretended to be kind to remind.

How could Yang Langzi be in the mood to answer the phone? His mind was full of thoughts on **** Ye Wutian, how to take revenge for his broken leg, and he didn't think about anything else.

"It's good to do it yourself." Ye Wutian patted Yang Langzi's angry old face and stood up and left the Yang Group with a few people.


As soon as they walked out of the company, several people heard a roar from above, and the roar came from Yang Langzi.

After leaving the Yang Group, Ye Wutian brought the three shareholders back to the company and asked them to buy all the shares in their hands. After the matter was dealt with, it was more than an hour later.

The matter of Ye Wutian's beating Yang Langzi finally spread, and it caused a great disturbance in Xuanyuan for a while, and the two sides had already had a grudge.

Although the strength of the Tenglong Gang is not as good as before, no one dares to underestimate it. Could it be that Ye Wutian is not afraid at all? Not afraid of Yang Langzi's revenge?

Ye Wutian didn't think so much, just after finishing the formalities, the ** came to the door and brought him back to the police station for investigation.

Ye Wutian confessed to the beating, and also said that he was willing to apologize to Yang Langzi for this matter. In addition, he provided all the medicine.

Ye Wutian's attitude changed 180 degrees directly, which made the police confused, and always felt that something was wrong. Ye Wutian in front of him was not real.

"Juju Xu, this is my true opinion, what is your expression? You don't believe what I said?" Ye Wutian asked Xu Yuanhua.

With a wry smile, Xu Yuanhua said, "To be honest, I don't really believe it."

Ye Wutian didn't care about Xu Yuanhua's opinion, but asked Chang Xiaomei next to him, "Daughter-in-law, do you believe it?"

Chang Xiaomei blushed when Ye Wutian called her daughter-in-law, especially Ye Wutian still called her that in front of outsiders.

"Hey, your blushing look is so pretty." Ye Wutian licked his lips, with a sullen expression.

"Seriously, who is your daughter-in-law? Do you want to die?" Chang Xiaomei growled in a low voice.

Ye Wutian didn't care: "Do you want me to die? You know, I care a lot about what you think of me, daughter-in-law, do you really want me to die?"

Chang Xiaomei was so angry that she wondered if she wanted to shoot this bastard.

"Okay, okay, don't flirt here." Xu Yuanhua couldn't stand it any longer. At this time, how could he be in the mood to watch two young people flirting? Annoying.

Chang Xiaomei was even more angry, how could she flirt with this stinky hooligan? What does Xu Bureau mean? laugh at her?

"Xu Bureau, I have already said what I need to say. Please send someone to tell Yang Langzi, and say that I am willing to apologize and compensate, and hope to get his forgiveness."

"You really think so?"

"Of course, I never tell lies, and there is no need to lie to you."

"Report!" Someone knocked on the door outside, and the police officer who came in said nervously: "Director, there are a large number of people guarding outside, saying we want us to hand over people to them."

Xu Yuanhua raised his brows, someone besieged the police station? Wasn't that hitting his brother in the face? "Let them leave quickly or they will all be caught."

The police officer looked embarrassed, "I'm afraid it won't work, there are at least a thousand people."

Xu Yuanhua was taken aback by the police officer's answer. With so many people, all those who could not make trouble rushed in. It wasn't a joke.

"Juju Xu, you must protect me." Ye Wutian said.

Looking at Ye Wutian, Xu Yuanhua vaguely grasped some clues, this kid, I am afraid that he wants to use the ** as his protective shield, right? What is the voluntary admission, what is the apology, everything is bullshit, this kid is afraid that he knew that Yang Langzi would be killed and the net would be broken, and he would take revenge on him.

Xu Yuanhua was so angry that he naturally didn't want to pay attention to these things, but now it seems that he doesn't want to pay attention to it, Yang Langzi's people have already come.

"Hand over the people, I'll give you three brothers, and if you don't hand them over, we'll rush in." Outside, a big man shouted loudly.

As soon as the big man's voice fell, the younger brothers behind him also roared, and thousands of people shouted together. The scene was absolutely shocking, and the sound was deafening.

"What do you want to do? What do you want to do around here? Do you want to force a break into the police station? Leave them all for me." Xu Yuanhua came out from the inside, and there were a large number of ** with guns in their hands.

This is the ** headquarters, and many ** work here every day, so there is no need to transfer outside. There are many police officers here.

"No matter who you are, you are limited to leave within 20 seconds, or else you will all go to jail for me." Xu Yuanhua took the lead.

Not to mention, his words, coupled with the fact that a large number of gangsters were standing behind him, many of them still had guns in their hands, really gave those guys a slap in the face.

"Director Xu, our requirements are not high, hand over Ye Wutian, and we will leave immediately."

Xu Yuanhua answered the question: "What's your name?"

The other party sneered: "It doesn't matter what my name is."

"The police won't hand over people, you'd better leave immediately." Of course Xu Yuanhua couldn't agree. If he agreed to hand over Ye Wutian, what would the outsiders think? Do you think his brother is incompetent? Xu Yuanhua wouldn't do that kind of slap in the face.

"One more minute, Director Xu."

Xu Yuanhua was so angry that he was angered by Ye Wutian just now, and now he is being angered by a little bastard. How could Xu Yuanhua hold back? That is, when he shouted loudly: "Everyone listen, whoever wants to take a step forward and arrest people."

The atmosphere is getting more and more The smell of gunpowder is very strong, and it is on the verge of triggering. ** represents a law enforcement agency and belongs to an iron fist. How can people be so provocative?

"Brothers, bright guy." The big guy on the other side shouted, and then, including him, thousands of thugs showed their weapons, including iron rods and big knives.

Seeing the gangsters take out their weapons, Xu Yuanhua couldn't help feeling nervous. Could it be that these gangsters really wanted to fight hard? Thinking of this, he immediately turned his head and whispered to the assistant next to him: "Have you transferred someone?"

The assistant nodded quickly: "It's transferred, people from several nearby bureaus are rushing in."

Although there are many police officers in the headquarters, compared with these gangsters, there is still a certain gap. In other words, the number of policemen still suffers.

In any case, Xu Yuanhua didn't want to see someone forcibly break into the police headquarters. Even if everyone was arrested in the end, the police's face and prestige would also be damaged.

Xu Yuanhua took the gun from one of his subordinates, raised the gun and fired several shots at the sky as a warning.

"All lay down arms for me." (m)

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