Mad Doctor

Chapter 925: another gift

The other three were confused, are you still in a hurry? Are there more important things to deal with?

"Director Ye, what else do you want us to deal with?"

"It can't be dealt with, I just need you to accompany me for a trip."


"Yang's Group."

The three shareholders surnamed Chen were stunned, and the smile they managed to squeeze out also froze on their faces, and at the same time, they subconsciously stepped aside a few steps, trying to keep a certain distance from Ye Wutian.

Let them go to the Young Group? That place is their sad place, and they don't want to go back, especially if they go back and face someone.

For Yang Langzi, they were fearful from the bottom of their hearts.

"Hehe, don't worry, it's not as exaggerated as you think. Besides, we are already friends. I can assure you that as long as I am here, no one will dare to do anything to you."

Although there is Ye Wutian's comfort, but the three shareholders surnamed Chen don't take it seriously, they still don't want to go to see Yang Langzi with Ye Wutian, and they don't want to go to the Yang Group.

"What? You can't satisfy me with such a small wish?" Ye Wutian asked when he saw the hesitation of the other three.

The other party smiled bitterly: "Ye Dong, can we not go?"

Sure enough, these three guys really didn't want to go.

"Three, what are you afraid of? Yang Langzi makes you so afraid? I don't know if you have thought about it, what will you do in the future? Live under my protection for the rest of your life? Don't dare to show your face for the rest of your life? Or go abroad? You should know, Yang Who is the prodigal son, he wants to kill you, you are the same wherever you go, and he has a way to find you."

The other party was silent, they had thought about this, but now they still couldn't muster the courage to face Yang Langzi.

"The only way is for you to face it with courage. This is the only thing you should do."

"Ye Dong, we understand what you mean, but we still don't want to go. You are helping us because of the shares in our hands. There is no need for us to go to the Yang Group."

Depend on! Fucking shameless, "You won't be afraid if you don't go. If you don't go, I can only keep you here."

All three shareholders surnamed Chen shivered involuntarily, and were all frightened by Ye Wutian's words, let them stay here? The result is very serious, they don't dare to stay here, especially the bald head was beaten like this just now, if Ye Wutian leaves, the bald-headed subordinates who have already been eyeing them will definitely rush forward at the first time.

Don't look at the bald-headed subordinates who are now as docile as little sheep. After Ye Wutian leaves, those people will become wolves. Now they are docile, and that's all because of Ye Wutian.

The three of them all know that they have no right to choose. Those with bald heads are not good people, and Ye Wutian is also not a good bird. They are very clear about this.

In desperation, the three could only follow Ye Wutian to the Yang Group. At this moment, they only hope that Ye Wutian can protect them and not let him become Yang Langzi's ghost.

Yang's group, the murderous-looking Yang Langzi was sitting in the chairman's office. He wanted to beat people in a very bad mood. For the past few days, the group's stock price has been falling again and again, and now it has fallen to the lowest level in history.

Yang Langzi has heard that many shareholders have opinions on his chairman, all of which are just anger and dare not speak. Therefore, what Yang Langzi has to do now is how to restore his image and improve the company's performance to tell those who are dissatisfied with him. Shareholder, he Yang Langzi is not a vase, but a person with real materials, it is definitely a wise choice to cooperate with him!

Just want to stretch the group's share price, easier said than done?

Originally, Yang Langzi naively thought that as long as Yang Langzi cooperated with the military, there would be no disadvantage, and the group would immediately rise. Unfortunately, that was not the case. Now the company is cooperating with the military, but the effect does not seem to be as effective as imagined. effect.

There is one more urgent matter in front of me. Before I can restore my image, I must get rid of those three shareholders. If I don’t get rid of them, there will definitely be other shareholders who will follow suit.

Yang Langzi hates that kind of person the most. For him, it is betrayal. He is obviously a shareholder of the Yang Group, but he wants to collude with outsiders. This is something Yang Langzi cannot bear.

We must use this to tell other shareholders that if he dares to be unfavorable to Yang Langzi, he will never give up. Those three shareholders are the best example.

The cooperation between the Yang Group and the military has a role, but it is not very useful. Yang Langzi is also very confused about this, does not understand what is going on, and does not understand why it is so.

"Chairman, Ye Wutian is here and said he wants to see you." The secretary knocked on the door and said.

Yang Langzi raised his head and stared at the secretary, "Ye Wutian? Did he say anything?"

"I didn't say it." The secretary shook his head: "But Director Chen and the three came with him."

The secretary's words made Yang Langzi bounce like an electric shock. He was surprised. He couldn't figure out what was going on. How could Director Chen and the others be with Ye Wutian? Not long ago, he received a report that the three directors Chen had been under control. What is going on now?

Holding down his curiosity and surprise, Yang Langzi walked around the desk with a cane in his hand, and walked out of the office on a crutch.

"Yang Langzi, you look good." Ye Wutian said with a smile.

Yang Langzi almost didn't vomit blood, is his qi and blood good? During this period of time, he couldn't eat or sleep well, so how could he say that he looked good?

Ye Wutian is a top doctor, he dares to say this on purpose, he must be sarcastic.

"Director Chen, long time no see." Yang Langzi aimed his gaze at the three directors Chen beside Ye Wutian, and the latter all bowed their heads, not daring to look at Yang Langzi.

Yang Langzi's behavior made Ye Wutian feel that he was being ignored, and he was extremely unhappy: "Yang Langzi, do you want to scare them?"

After taking back his cold gaze, Yang Langzi discovered that Ye Wutian was still pushing a wheelchair in his hand.

"Don't look at it, this is a gift for you." Ye Wutian pushed his wheelchair forward.

Yang Langzi asked in a deep voice, "What do you mean?"

"Haha, what do you mean? It's a gift for you, why? You don't like it? I tell you this is a good thing, and I bought it for you at a high price." Ye Wutian smiled.

"You keep it for yourself." Yang Langzi was mad, Ye Wutian's smile made him out of control, and he couldn't help but want to go forward and beat Ye Wutian.

"Hey, I can use this thing." Ye Wutian's smile makes Yang Langzi uncomfortable. According to past experience, Ye Wutian at this time belongs to the kind of ill-intentioned.

"What do you mean?" Yang Langzi asked: "Ye Wutian, even if you are a shareholder of the company, don't be too arrogant. This is the company, not a place where you can be wild."

Ye Wutian laughed loudly, and his laughter immediately attracted the attention of many people.

"Do you know who they are?" After laughing, Ye Wutian pointed to the three shareholders surnamed Chen and asked Yang Langzi. "I told you a long time ago that they are my people, and whoever dares to touch them will not get along with me, or they will deliberately embarrass me."

"Yang Langzi, it seems that none of you take my words to heart." Ye Wutian shook his head with a look of pity.

"And then? What do you want to say?"

Ye Wutian did not answer immediately, but took out a baseball bat from behind like a conjuration.

The people around were stunned when they saw this, what did Ye Wutian want to do? Do you still want to hit people? Isn't that a little crazy?

"Because I'm going to break your dog's leg." Ye Wutian, who was holding a baseball bat, suddenly changed his face, and rushed towards Yang Langzi with the bat.

Yang Langzi was startled, and hurriedly retreated back, and at the same time picked up his crutches to fight back.

In terms of skill, Yang Langzi is not weak, and he simply fights. Even if he loses to Ye Wutian, he can at least support him for a while. Unfortunately, he encounters someone like Ye Wutian who plays cards out of common sense.

Before Ye Wutian arrived, the medicinal powder was scattered first. Faced with a sneak attack, Yang Langzi could not avoid it even if he wanted to. In terms of sneak attack, he recognized Ye Wutian as second, but no one dared to recognize first.

Under the astonishment of everyone, Yang Langzi was brought down by Ye Wutian if he failed to make a move. This is his strength.

When Yang Langzi, who was so soft on the ground, saw Ye Wutian come forward with malicious intentions, he was startled, and a sense of fear spread throughout his body.

"Aren't you afraid of the consequences?" Yang Langzi, who couldn't resist, forced himself to calm down.

"Consequences?" Ye Wutian laughed again: "You **** tell me about the consequences? Should I be afraid? Why? Just because you are Yang Langzi? Just because you have the support of the Ma family? I rely on, today I'm going to tell you, I'm not afraid of anyone."

Yang Langzi was silent, only to find out today that Ye Wutian was a lunatic, and he did things regardless of the consequences.

Ye Wutian has been waiting for this day for a long time, and today he just wants to use this to tell some people that no one should let him Ye Wutian be afraid, no one can do it.

He raised the bat and slammed it down on Ye Wutian's knee, the action was fast, ruthless, and heavy, which was rare.

Yang Langzi gasped and resisted the pain. Chairman Tangtang, he had to endure it.

Everyone didn't expect Ye Wutian to really dare to attack, and he still He really didn't know who was attacking? The person he beat was Yang Langzi, the chairman of the dignified Yang Group, the leader of the Tenglong Gang, Ye Wutian said he would beat him?

With such a stick, Yang Langzi's leg can be said to be useless.

The three shareholders surnamed Chen were both surprised and overjoyed, but they seemed overly overjoyed. Ye Wutian beat Yang Langzi, so were they accomplices? Is this a serious problem? Accomplices can even break the law, and most importantly, they don't want to break the law.

The joy is that Ye Wutian is strong, even Yang Langzi dares to fight.

They really don't know whether Ye Wutian is a lunatic or a fool. Although there is only one word difference, the meaning is very different and very different.

Yang Langzi, who has no power to fight back, can only let Ye Wutian fight, a dignified generation of heroes, but now he can only lie on the ground like a dead dog.

Outside, Yang Langzi's bodyguard rushed in immediately, but before he arrived, he was stopped by Xue Ying and started a fierce battle.

Ye Wutian threw away the bat, and personally bent over to pick up Yang Langzi and put him in a wheelchair. During this period, Yang Langzi also did not resist, nor could he resist. (m)

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