Mad Doctor

Chapter 924: give you courage

There is no doubt that the visitor is Ye Wutian. As for Xueying, she is of course hidden in the dark, so Ye Wutian is the only one that everyone in the living room sees.

Running alone to save people, everyone in the living room was conquered by Ye Wutian's courage and courage.

When the three shareholders saw Ye Wutian appear, they all had the urge to cry, and wanted to cry loudly. They had always hated Ye Wutian very much, and they hated his danger of taking advantage of others. Now, they found that Ye Wutian was so So cute, so handsome, so good.

Ye Wutian's appearance at least means that they still have a chance to survive, which is better than anything else, but what makes them puzzled is, why do they have to run over alone? Why is this?

Wouldn't it be better to bring a few more people here? There is an advantage to having more people, at least it can also strengthen the courage. Now that Ye Wutian comes in alone, can he succeed? Can you save them? All this is just unknown, there are so many bald people, but Ye Wutian only comes by himself.

While the three shareholders were happy, they couldn't help but scold Ye Wutian for being arrogant. It's a good thing to have confidence, but it's not a good thing to have too much confidence. He doesn't understand such a simple truth?

However, the three shareholders understand that no matter what, they have no right to choose, and now they only hope that Ye Wutian can bring them a miracle and really rescue them.

Ye Wutian can manage Tianxin Hongyan Group to such a large extent, it shouldn't be too stupid to think about it, otherwise what does he rely on to run it?

"Everyone, didn't you hear me?" Ye Wutian who walked into the living room asked the bald people: "They are my people, let them go immediately."

The next moment, brush brush, several black muzzles pointed at Ye Wutian.

"Gun? I said, can you please stop pointing guns at me? Guns will go off, and I don't like being pointed at guns like this. Please, please take the guns away. I have no objection, you can just like it."

The three shareholders who were beaten on the ground were all speechless, and lost another point in their confidence in Ye Wutian. Just using their mouths can make people put down their guns? When people are stupid?

"You really have a kind!" The bald head took a step forward, staring at Ye Wutian with a fierce look in his eyes.

Ye Wutian didn't flinch and asked, "Are you from Yang Langzi?"

The bald head sneered: "Is it necessary to tell you? Ye Wutian, if there is a way to heaven, you won't go. If you have to come here, then don't blame me for being rude."

"Yo! It's not easy! You still know who I am, it's interesting, it's really interesting, I said bald, since you know who I am, aren't you afraid of me?" Ye Wutian was a little surprised that the other party knew him.

"It doesn't matter who you are." The bald head sneered, the corners of his mouth raised, revealing a bloodthirsty and cruel smile.

Ye Wutian came to be interested: "Oh? Then what do you say is important?"

"Kill you." The bald head did not hide it. Perhaps in his eyes, Ye Wutian was already a dead person, a cold corpse, so what's the harm in being known by him?

"Is this your plan?" Ye Wutian was not nervous when he heard that the other party was going to kill him, at least he could laugh out loud.

"Brothers, prepare to do it." The bald head shouted.

Ye Wutian still stood there smiling, not nervous at all, he was not nervous, on the contrary, he made the three shareholders on the ground so nervous that he squeezed the sweat for Ye Wutian, worried that Ye Wutian would die like this with a bald head Waiting for someone's gun.

The bald head looked around suspiciously, "Where did they all die? Come out to me."

The order was given again. However, this time, no one was bothering him. According to the original plan, someone should rush in at this time, but he waited left and right, and no one came in outside.

Ye Wutian still stood still, his smile grew thicker and thicker, and asked towards the bald head, "Brother bald head, why don't you shout again?"

The bald head began to realize that something was wrong, and he really shouted again, this time louder.

The result was positive, no one came in outside.

Seeing the old **** Ye Wutian standing there comfortably, no matter how stupid the bald head is, he knows what's going on. The only explanation is that those brothers outside him must be solved by Ye Wutian.

"It's you?" Bald asked.

Ye Wutian had a puzzled expression, "Are you referring to those people outside? I saw them playing catching cats just now, so I also played with them. Later, we didn't play with me and went to sleep by ourselves."

The three shareholders on the ground almost didn't laugh, they endured quite hard, and they began to have confidence in Ye Wutian again, but they didn't dare to be too presumptuous at this time. He still has a gun in his hand, no joke.

"Shoot, shoot me." The angry bald head shouted, no one was more anxious than him, so many brothers outside were settled by Ye Wutian, how strong is Ye Wutian?

Thinking about it, the bald head couldn't help shivering.

The bald head's order was issued, but no gunshots were heard. Instead, a crackling sound was heard falling to the ground.

After the sound, the screams sounded, but the screams were not issued by Ye Wutian's mouth, but from the mouths of those bald-headed companions.

On the ground, seven or eight palms were lying on the ground, making people horrified.

Knife up!

Knife fall!

Xue Ying appeared to Ye Wutian's side like a killing god, and it was impossible to imagine that what happened just now came from her hands.

The bald head was stunned by this scene, and his feet seemed to be filled with lead, unable to move even a small step.

In one move, I thought that the stable situation was lost. At this moment, the bald head was more regretful. I knew that Ye Wutian was so difficult to deal with, and he didn't dare to provoke Ye Wutian if he killed him.

The three shareholders who had been trampled on the ground also took the opportunity to get up from the ground at this time, and they ran to Ye Wutian to hide, fearing that they would be killed by their bald heads.

"Mr. Ye, please help us." said the shareholder surnamed Chen.

Ye Wutian didn't like these guys, if it wasn't for the shares in their hands, he would be too lazy to care about their lives.

"Remember what you said, don't let me down again, remember, the consequences of letting me down are quite serious, I hope you understand."

"Of course, of course, we know that we will sell it immediately, and we will sell it to you immediately." How could a shareholder surnamed Chen dare to negotiate terms with Ye Wutian? If Ye Wutian left with a flick of his hand, would the bald head let the three of them go?

Money is important, but life is more important. After these days, they have never forgotten, Yang Langzi will not let them go, in other words, if they want to survive, Ye Wutian is their only chance and hope.

Ye Wutian is very satisfied with the answers of the three shareholders, and he is not afraid that the three shareholders will regret it again.

When the bald head saw hopeless to clean up Ye Wutian, he had the idea of ​​wanting to run away. As soon as he turned around, he heard Ye Wutian say: "Brother Bald, do you want to leave?"

Shaking his bald head a few times, he turned to look at Ye Wutian, his face full of smiles: "Hey, misunderstanding, everything is a misunderstanding, Mr. Ye, no, Brother Ye, Master Ye, I was wrong, I'm sorry for you."

Ye Wutian was speechless, and he doubted whether this bald man belonged to the Tenglong Gang. He was so arrogant and arrogant. Are Yang Langzi's subordinates just such useless waste?

"Didn't you want to kill me just now? Are you leaving now?"

The bald head forced out a few stiff expressions: "Misunderstanding, everything is just a misunderstanding, Brother Ye, it's my fault, I shouldn't do that, please Brother Ye give me a chance, I promise, I will detour when I see Brother Ye in the future. ."

Ye Wutian was defeated by this guy's shamelessness. He always thought that he was shameless enough. Who knows that there are thousands of shameless people in the world. Isn't there another one in front of him?

Too lazy to talk nonsense with the bald head, Ye Wutian asked the three shareholders surnamed Chen, "Do you want to vent your anger? Have you ever thought of revenge for being beaten so much?"

Nonsense, of course I want to, I want to dream.

The three shareholders all want to take revenge, but what are they taking to take revenge now? On the fight? The three together cannot be a bald opponent.

"Go up and beat our bald brother if you want, as long as he doesn't die." Ye Wutian said maliciously.

The three shareholders surnamed Chen glanced at each other. No doubt, Ye Wutian's proposal made them tempted. It can be seen that the bald head is so burly and they dare not.

"What are you still doing? Damn it, is it a man? You don't dare to beat one of three? You don't want to take revenge after being beaten like this?" Ye Wutian roared: "Anyway, they were all beaten. In this way, even if you can't beat him, you will only hurt a little at most."

The three shareholders were trained to blush, but fortunately they had injuries on their faces, which concealed their blushes.

The bald head stared at the three of them with fierce light, which meant that he was saying, if you have any kind, come up and take a look, and I will kill you directly.

"Xueying, if he dares to fight back, you can chop off his hands." Ye Wutian said lightly.

The bald head was instantly misfired, as honest as a little sheep, and when the three shareholders surnamed Chen heard the words, they immediately rushed towards the bald head and began to retaliate against the bald head, carrying out cruel and inhumane revenge actions.

Three to fight one, in itself there is no fairness at all, but it is necessary to do not fight back, and not fight back.

After a few punches, the three shareholders surnamed Chen became more and more courageous and exerted more and more force. Thinking of doubling the anger just now and returning it to the bald head.

The bald head was very strong, but he couldn't stand the punches and kicks of the three of them. In less than three minutes, he was thrown to the ground by the three of them. Then the three aggrieved shareholders did not intend to stop. Call it fast!

Ye Wutian stood beside him, this fellow completely regarded himself as an audience, as if the matter in front of him had nothing to do with him.

Seeing that the boss was beaten, the little minions who had their hands chopped off just now kept silent.

Interestingly, no one dared to speak out, no one dared to leave, and everyone was too honest.

The three shareholders beat the bald head for half an hour before they stopped. If they hadn't been able to fight any more, they would definitely not stop. On the ground, the bald-headed brother had already been beaten until his nose was blue and his face was bruised, and he was foaming at the mouth.

"Are you satisfied?" Ye Wutian asked with a smile.

The three of them nodded wildly, expressing their complete satisfaction. The bald head was beaten so badly that their backlog of anger was almost vented.

Ye Wutian said: "You are satisfied, can you satisfy me now?"

"Yes." The man surnamed Chen nodded: "We can sign at any time."

Ye Wutian is very satisfied with the three people's answers, they can say this, it is not in vain that he came to save them this time.

"There is no rush to transfer the shares, we have more important things to do." Ye Wutian smiled. (m)

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