Mad Doctor

Chapter 923: they are my people

"Sister Yuhe, you are becoming more and more **** and more beautiful. My saliva is drooling three thousand feet." Ye Wutian flattered wildly.

Song Yuhe smiled charmingly, "Is your little mouth covered with honey? You speak so sweetly."

"Just tell the truth." Ye Wutian said.

Xiaoling next to her had a disgusted expression on her face, and it could be seen that she was extremely unhappy.

"Hey, Miss Xiaoling, what's your expression like? Am I right? Isn't Sister Yuhe pretty in your heart?"

"I don't need you to tell if Sister Yuhe is beautiful or not." Xiaoling said coldly.

"Really? I praise Sister Yuhe for being beautiful. What does it have to do with you? Are you dissatisfied with me like this? Are you jealous?"

The little spirit statue was stepped on its tail, and the whole person jumped up, beating like thunder: "Who is jealous? Who is jealous? Who do you think you are?"

Ye Wutian looked at Xiaoling, and shook his head with a tut: "Look at your excitement, is it worth it? As for it? When you are jealous, you are jealous, you need to be embarrassed? Miss Xiaoling, if you are with someone else If a man kisses me together, I will definitely be jealous."

Xiaoling couldn't even say a word, no matter how shameless, she is far from this guy's opponent.

"Okay, alright, we bicker when we meet. I really doubt if you were enemies in your previous life." Song Yuhe joked with a smile, "Let's get down to business, good brother, do you want to buy a small island?"

Ye Wutian was stunned and looked at Song Yuhe in amazement. This was the second time someone told him about the island today. How did these people know.

"Don't look at me with that expression, foreigners all know it, what's wrong with my sister?"

Ye Wutian, who was smiling bitterly, didn't know what to say. It seems that who is more powerful among these people no longer needs to be evaluated.

"It's no secret." Song Yuhe said.

Ye Wutian was thinking that since Song Yuhe and the others knew about it, there was no need to say anything about it at the top.

Such a result is really not what Ye Wutian hoped to see. Before the eight characters were written, the city was already in trouble, and Ye Wutian really didn't know what to say.

"Then what do you mean by coming today?" Ye Wutian believed that the purpose of their visit was not just to tell him that they already knew that he wanted to buy the island.

"You can't believe that woman named Linda?"

In the next moment, Ye Wutian's face sank to the extreme, and he stared at Song Yuhe and the two: "Are you monitoring me?"

"Don't get excited, we have our channels, we don't need to monitor you."

"Even if I monitor you, it's for your own good." Xiaoling added a sentence beside him.

Ye Wutian was very angry: "No need, I tell you, don't eavesdrop on my phone, I will be very unhappy, and the consequences will be serious, I hope you know."

"Hehe, let's get down to business. We're not here today to see you play arrogant, but to tell you that you can't believe what that woman said. It's a trap, a big trap."

"You mean she deliberately tried to lie to me?"

Song Yuhe nodded: "That's right, according to our intelligence, that's how it is."

Ye Wutian was silent. In fact, from the very beginning, he was also doubting Linda's motives. It was obvious that if Linda really wanted to cure her illness, she could just use a chartered plane to come here. You can do this, but now you can't come back in this way? This is clearly not right.

"Who is Linda?" Ye Wutian has been curious about Linda's true identity.

Song Yuhe said: "The identity of the CIA is most likely just a pretense, but we still need to investigate her true identity."

Ye Wutian was disappointed for a while. Even Song Yuhe and the others didn't know Linda's identity. They were hiding too deeply. Who was Linda?

"I'll go to the car." Xiaoling got into the car directly.

Song Yuhe didn't stop her, but asked Ye Wutian in a low voice, "Are you mad at her?"

Ye Wutian is dark sweat! Where is this going? "Sister Yuhe, you look down on me too much and have nothing to do with me."

"Don't care so much about Xiaoling, it's not easy for her."

Ye Wutian became more and more puzzled, what did he care about with her? Why do these words feel wrong, and what does Song Yuhe mean?

"Wait, Sister Yuhe, what are you trying to say? Why am I hearing something wrong?"

The charming Song Yuhe looked at Ye Wutian angrily: "Don't do that."

"Sister Yuhe, don't you think I have anything to do with her?" Ye Wutian asked with a smile: "Look at her, every time I see me, I can't wait to tear me apart, such an arrogant woman will Do you like me? In people's hearts, I'm just a hooligan, an uncompromising hooligan."

Song Yuhe smiled but didn't answer, no longer discussing the issue, "Xiaoling will go on a particularly dangerous mission next week."

Ye Wutian was startled: "Then what?"

Song Yuhe's delicate and pretty face showed concern, "Nine deaths."

This time, Ye Wutian was a little nervous, Song Yuhe frightened him, nine deaths? Sounds a little scary.

"I said, you don't have anyone else to send? Do you have to send her alone?"

"We can't change the above order, the only thing we can do is obey." Song Yuhe said.

"What's the mission?" Ye Wutian couldn't help but ask, so concerned about Xiaoling's question, obviously Song Yuhe's sentence just now played a great role.

Song Yuhe's face showed embarrassment, "I can't say this. I can tell you what I said just now. I have already made an exception. If the above finds out, I will be punished."

Ye Wutian wants to go crazy, what do you mean by Song Yuhe halfway through his words? At least make it clear.

"Good brother, that's it, my sister just wanted to tell you that you can't believe what that woman said." After that, Song Yuhe took the initiative to give Ye Wutian a hug.

While feeling the nephrite jade, Ye Wutian can also feel that there seems to be something in his pocket.

Holding Ye Wutian, Song Yuhe whispered in Ye Wutian's ear: "Linda is your masterpiece, right? You little bastard, you really dare to attack and make people uncomfortable? You don't even think about who they are. What kind of physique, and how can someone like them who has undergone special training not acclimatized? You can't find a better reason. "

Ye Wutian was shocked and broke out in a cold sweat. It seemed that it was necessary for him to get to know Song Yuhe and these people again. His ability was so strong that his scalp was tingling.

After letting go of her hand, Song Yuhe's face was slightly red, she was very charming and very beautiful.

"If you can, help Xiaoling, I'm serious." Song Yuhe left, and before Ye Wutian came back to her senses, she turned around and walked away.

The roar of the sports car sounded and disappeared from Ye Wutian's sight like a smoke.

He reached into his pocket and took out the contents. It was a piece of paper with only one address, one foreign address, and nothing else.

Ye Wutian put the paper back in his pocket. After returning to the office, Ye Wutian kept thinking about Song Yuhe's words just now. This address is most likely Xiaoling's mobile address.

What mission is Xiaoling performing so dangerous? It can make Song Yuhe so nervous.

Ye Wutian believed Song Yuhe's words and believed that she didn't panic. Ye Wutian still had this confidence.

"The three shareholders of Yang's Group have agreed to sell their shares to us." Cheng Kexin knocked on the door and came in, "Do you still want it?"

"Yes, why not?" Ye Wutian replied, "At last they figured it out."

"They didn't figure it out, but **." Cheng Kexin said: "The three of them are in trouble, and they called me for help just now."

Ye Wutian was curious: "How did it hit you?"

"Is your phone out of power?" Cheng Kexin asked.

Ye Wutian took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and sure enough, the mobile phone was turned off, but it was wrong! The mobile phone is clearly charged. Before getting up this morning, Ye Wutian confirmed that the mobile phone was powered.

Press the power button on the phone, the phone still has power, but it somehow shuts down.

"If someone wants to hunt them down and buy back those shares from them, their safety must be guaranteed," Cheng Kexin said.

Ye Wutian snorted coldly: "What did you do earlier? Now that you are being chased and killed, do you realize that you think of me?"

Cheng Kexin laughed: "I can't blame them. Anyone would be afraid to do that. No one can accept such a low price."

"Hey, it's a bit low, but I'm definitely not taking advantage of others' dangers. Buying and selling this thing is voluntary. There is no way to force them. They have every reason not to sell it to me." Uncle Ye didn't think he was wrong. On the contrary, he thought he is right.

Cheng Kexin stopped talking, although he couldn't deny that the villain's words made sense, but thinking about it carefully, he felt that his words were a bit far-fetched.

"Where are they?" asked Ye Wutian, who stood up. For the shares in the hands of those three guys, he could only go out in person.

"What are you going to do with Yang Langzi?" The fool can also guess that it must be Yang Langzi who sent people to hunt down the three shareholders. Ye Wutian is going to save those three people now, which means that he has to fight against Yang Langzi. .

Ye Wutian, who grinned, said: "I'm afraid that he won't be angry, what he wants is that he is angry, the more angry the better."

After getting the address from Cheng Kexin, Ye Wutian took Xueying out of the company to deal with those scumbags, two people were enough.

In one of the villas in a suburban community, there were a lot of people standing in the living room, and three guys on the ground were beaten with bruises and bruised faces. The three faces were like three pig heads, and they looked very embarrassed.

The three who were beaten were the three shareholders of the Yang At this moment, they were more regretful. If they knew this, they should have sold their shares to Ye Wutian earlier. , at least that way, he can still get the protection of Ye Wutian.

The three of them all know that today they are very likely to die, whether they sell their shares to the Yang Group or not, they are all dead ends.

After calling Cheng Kexin just now, these people broke into the door, controlled them immediately, and then exploded without saying a word.

"What's the matter? Do you want me to invite you to a late-night snack?" A bald man kicked one of the shareholders under his feet fiercely in the abdomen, causing the other party to scream again and again.

The three shareholders all know that if they want to survive today, their only hope is Ye Wutian, but, will he come? They weren't sure.


The door of the villa was kicked open, and the sudden loud noise shocked the people in the living room.

"Excuse me, everyone, they are my people, please let them go." (m)

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