Mad Doctor

Chapter 922: Do you believe in Chinese medicine

Situ Wei's departure made Ye Wutian nervous. He was both looking forward to and worried about the next scene. He wanted to have a good chat with Xu Shishi for a long time.

"Shi Shi." Ye Wutian spoke first.

But Xu Shishi didn't buy Ye Wutian's account, and asked coldly, "I ask you, why didn't you go to my sister's wedding?"

Ye Wutian smiled bitterly, touched his nose and asked, "Do you think it's suitable for me to go?"

"What's wrong? What are you afraid of?" Xu Shishi asked, "Because of me?"

Ye Wutian didn't answer this question, but because of Xu Shishi, he wanted to see Xu Shishi, but he didn't dare to see her, which was extremely contradictory.

"What do I have to do with you? Who am I? Ye Wutian, I have nothing to do with you. I never had it before, I won't have it now, and I won't have it in the future." At the end, Xu Shishi was somewhat Excited, emotions started to get out of control.

"So there's no need for you not to go to my sister's wedding because of me. Anyway, you and her once had such a relationship. If you forget you, you can forget it?"

"Shishi, do you really think so?" Ye Wutian asked.

Xu Shishi didn't go overboard: "What do you want me to think? What can I think? I won't have anything to do with you, if there is, it can only be a relationship."

Ye Wutian asked excitedly, "What's the matter?"


Ye Wutian is dumb, brother-in-law? This girl still wants him to be her brother-in-law? is it possible? Xu Yingdu is already getting married.

"What age is it now? What are you expecting? Just because I have had such a little thing with you, you will treat me as your woman? Please, is it possible? Don't show your infatuation in front of me, you think Something happened between us, and I have to like you?"

Ye Wutian still couldn't answer. He hurt the girl in front of him. Unlike other people, Ye Wutian only yyyyed Xu Shishi a few times, and never thought of taking her.

Intuition tells Ye Wutian that Xu Shishi has not been doing well this time, and it doesn't matter on the surface? Can it really matter?

"Anyway, I hope you can participate. If you participate, we may still be friends."

That sweat in Uncle Ye's heart! This girl directly threatened him, and to achieve her goal, she was unscrupulous.

Xu Shishi didn't force Ye Wutian to ask Ye Wutian any more, turned around and left after looking at Ye Wutian.

"Shishi, let's eat together." Ye Wutian shouted.

Xu Shishi stopped and didn't look back: "There's no need for that."

Uncle Ye, who was very depressed, sat down on the chair where Ouyang Xingyue was just now.

Traveling to this world, I thought I could live a good life, make countless money and make all the beauties in the world. Now, how difficult is it to achieve these two wishes? The former is better, especially the latter, just a few women can't settle it, and you still want to soak up all the beauties in the world?

He took out the ringing phone and saw that it was a foreign number, and Ye Wutian was very unfamiliar with this number.

He didn't want to answer the unfamiliar number, and he hung up the phone even if he didn't want to, but before he could put it away, the phone rang again, this time, it was the same number just now.

Who is it?

"Which one?" The phone rang again, and it was most likely not the wrong call.

"Mr. Ye, it's me, Linda." Linda on the other end of the phone spoke stiff Chinese.

"Hehe, Miss Linda, hello, why did you suddenly remember to call me?" Ye Wutian did not expect that Linda would call him.

"Mr. Ye, I want to ask you a favor." Linda said after a few polite words.

"Oh, I don't know if I can help Miss Linda? I will definitely help if you can."

"I want to ask Mr. Ye to come and help me check my illness." Since returning to China, he has tried many medical treatments, large and small, but it is useless.

Ye Wutian was silent and said after a while, "Miss Linda, do you believe in Chinese medicine?"

Before the change, Linda would never believe it, but now, she has nowhere to go, and she has no right to choose at all.

"I believe." Linda on the phone said without hesitation.

Ye Wutian laughed: "This is a good thing! Chinese medicine is a treasure left by our ancestors thousands of years ago, of course we have to believe it."

"Mr. Ye is right. I apologize to you for what happened last time. Please forgive me."

"No need, I won't take that kind of trivial matter in my heart." Ye Wutian waved his hand and said very generously.

Linda was overjoyed: "Mr. Ye, are you willing to help me?"

"It's not a big deal. It's a small matter. Miss Linda, you can trust Chinese medicine. It's the best comfort for me."

Linda said, "then I'll have someone arrange a plane for you, and ask Mr. Ye to come over."

"Wait!" Ye Wutian interrupted: "Miss Linda, I may not have time these days."

These words poured down Linda's head like a basin of cold water, making Linda feel completely cold.

Only then did Linda realize that she underestimated Ye Wutian and had the world in mind? It doesn't seem suitable in front of this man, as expected by those outside, Ye Wutian is very stingy and holds a grudge.

"Mr. Ye, please help me." Linda said: "I know, I should go to find you in person, but I really can't go there right now, I hope Mr. Ye can understand."

"I really don't have time. There is too much work to do during this time. You ask me to run to your side. It will take a lot of my time. Otherwise, Miss Linda, you should find a doctor first, I will After a while, I'll come over and see for you, what do you say?" Ye Wutian said his suggestion.

Linda has the urge to scold foul language, can the illness be delayed? Let her find someone to see, if she can be optimistic, she doesn't have to make this phone call.

"Miss Linda, I'll have a meeting later, or let's talk about it?"

Linda on the other side of the phone hesitated for a while and said, "Mr. Ye, let's make an exchange."

"Oh, exchange? What exchange?" Ye Wutian was interested, what conditions would this foreign girl give him?

"I know Mr. Ye, you are looking for a small island."

Ye Wutian's eyes brightened, and he understood what Linda meant: "You mean you have a small island?"

"I don't have Kojima, but I have the resources for this."

There is no doubt that Ye Wutian is tempted, and he is tempted by Linda's proposal. Of course, Ye Wutian did not agree at once. At least there are a few points that are worth his suspicion. First, Linda is such a big country. Is it really impossible to find a good doctor? This is very suspicious. Second, Linda can guarantee that she has such resources in her hands, which is enough to show that her identity is extremely difficult. Who is she? To be able to send experts and doctors directly to the United States to pick them up is not easy.

"Mr. Ye, what's the matter?" Linda was anxious, afraid that Ye Wutian would not agree to ask her again.

"How did Miss Linda know that I was looking for a small island?" Ye Wutian was moved by Linda's suggestion, but he was also vigilant. This matter is still a secret, and it was spread outside so quickly? Although Linda's identity is not simple, it is still an exaggeration.

"We have our own news. Please don't doubt my sincerity, Mr. Ye. As long as Mr. Ye can come and help me, I can assure you that I will convince the other party to give you the best price."

Another **!

Ye Wutian had to admit that Linda was very good at negotiating and catching people, and knew when to say what to say.

"Where is the location of the island?" Ye Wutian said this sentence to admit the fact to Linda, he was looking for the island.

"Near your country, in the southeastern sea area, it is very suitable for your requirements, the place is absolutely good."

"Let me think about it." Intuition tells Ye Wutian that it is definitely not simple, and it is most likely a trap. As for Linda and the others, Ye Wutian still doesn't know.

After finishing the call with Linda for a while, Ye Wutian was still analyzing it. He couldn't think about it, and he was moved. If what Linda said was true, it would be a pie in the sky, but if it was a trap , this trip in the past may be fierce, paralyzed, and headache!

"Master, your sister-in-law is gone?" While thinking, Situ Wei came out of the house and looked around.

Ye Wutian glared at Situ Wei and ignored her.

"It's said that my sister-in-law is half of my brother-in-law's butt. Did you put on that little padded jacket?" Situ Wei asked again, "You can tell me if there are few passengers."

Ye Wutian was shocked by the thunder, and he gritted his teeth and asked, "Will you introduce your sister to me? Will you also let her be my little padded jacket?"

Situ Wei giggled, and her smile trembled, "I know you're not at ease, why? Do you want our brother-in-law to serve you together?"

Ye Wutian certainly thought, but unfortunately, he can only think about it in his heart at most, how dare he say it? It may be destroyed in minutes.

"Is there nothing to help?" Ye Wutian did not dare to raise such an excited question.

"The second young lady said we can go."

Ye Wutian said: "Then let's go."

After leaving Ouyang's The two went back to the company directly. On the way, Situ Wei asked again, "answer me quickly, do you want my brother-in-law to serve you together?"

Ye Wutian suddenly became angry when he heard it, are you going to make trouble with this goblin? I will accompany you to make trouble. Thinking of this, I said, "Yes, I want your sisters to serve me together, sleep in the same bed with me, and have **** together. Are you satisfied with this?"

Situ Wei didn't get very angry, but said with a grudge in her eyes, "I know you are that kind of person. You don't have a thief's heart to die. You have to weigh the pot when you eat it."

Ye Wutian was speechless, thinking that this is not what you forced me to do? Why is it now my fault?

"Someone is looking for you." Situ Wei pointed out the car window and said to Ye Wutian.

Looking in the direction, sure enough, I saw two women standing there, two beautiful women, one mature and plump and the other youthful.

"Two beauties, are you looking for me?" Ye Wutian walked towards the two women after getting off the car.

The mature and plump woman smiled: "Good brother, I haven't seen you for a while, you are getting more and more handsome." (m)

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