Mad Doctor

Chapter 921: push each other

The matter of Ye Wutian and Chang Xiaomei falling into the river together was spread by some good bastard, and in the end, it was completely changed, saying that the two committed suicide by eloping in the river.

Hearing the gossip of those people outside, Ye Wutian had the urge to hit the wall, paralyzed, run away? Does the word apply to him? Are those people pig brains? He already has so many confidantes around him, does he still need to elope?

"Master, you tell me, are you running away?" Situ Wei asked softly. She kept asking this question all afternoon, but Ye Wutian didn't answer her.

Ye Wutian glared at Situ Wei fiercely: "How do you want me to answer?"

"When will the Fourth Young Master come back? I've been a child for a while, you can't keep me as a child, it's not fair to me." Situ Wei answered the question.

The speechless Uncle Ye really wanted to break Situ Wei's little head and take a look at it to see how long her head was. Why was it so incredible? I want my man to find other women, and the reason for this is that I don't want to be small.

Depend on! A woman's heart is a needle at the bottom of the sea, there is some truth to this.

"Master, just tell me, do you have any ghosts with that police officer?"

"I said no, would you believe it?" Ye Wutian asked back.

Situ Wei hesitated for a while, then shook her head, indicating that she would not believe it.

Knowing that Situ Wei was running against him, Ye Ye was still very angry. This woman is really hateful.

"If that's the case, why should I explain it? You won't believe it if you say it."

"Then tell me, how did the two of you fall into the water? Don't tell me it's because your driving skills are not good. As far as I know, your car has been parked there for a long time, and some passers-by also said that there was an explosion in the car. Screams, is this real?"

"What do you say?"

"I think it's true. There is no wind and no waves. Some people see Captain Chang walking weird. Lord, don't tell me it's you two fighting."

Ye Wutian rolled his eyes, unable to ask: "Are you still a woman?"

Situ Wei giggled and put her hands on her chest, "You should know very well whether I am a woman or not."

Ye Wutian, who had nothing to do, surrendered completely and was about to leave the topic, but Situ Wei didn't intend to let him go, "The last question, I'm afraid you can't explain clearly, what is the blood in the car? What happened? What was left when you were injured?"

Ye Wutian was asked, he really couldn't answer this question, and he didn't know how to answer it. He was very clear about what happened to the blood, but could he say it?

"Goblin, why don't you become a private detective? It's a waste of your talent to be in the company." Ye Wutian gritted his teeth with hatred, rushed to Situ Wei, stretched out his hand and slapped her **** fans a few times. The buttocks twitched wildly.

"Remember, I'm not as bad as you think, I'm a good person, a big good person." Ye Wutian quibble, even he himself made a statement, and there was a sense of powerlessness and a guilty conscience when he spoke.

Situ Wei, who was beaten, looked aggrieved, "You think it's only me who thinks this way? The young lady also thinks the same way."

Ye Wutian is madly sweating, it seems that his character is worthless in the eyes of these people, no matter what he does, they no longer believe him.

"Master, only you think your acting skills are good. In our opinion, your acting skills are really not that good. There is still a long way to go before the golden man. Usually we just disdain to talk about you."

Ye Wutian is dumb, is his acting really that bad? Not so much, right? At least he himself felt good, not so bad.

"Where are you going?" Situ Wei didn't expect Ye Wutian to leave without saying a word.

"Ouyang's house."

Situ Wei said, "I'll go with you."

Situ Wei, who had caught up with him, swaggered out of the company with Ye Wutian's arm around her, ignoring the strange eyes of those in the company, she was used to it and didn't care.

The struggle between the main room and the side room will never happen here in Ye Wutian, in Tianxin Hongyan Group. Most people envy Ye Wutian for having Qingcheng Pills and other formulas, and they envy Ye Wutian more. God's way to pick up girls.

A man can soak several women at the same time, which is not a big skill. What convinces people is that the few confidantes that Ye Wutian soaked in are not only beautiful, but also have extraordinary origins, whether it is Ouyang Xingyue, Or Situ Wei, which one is easier? None of them are simple, such an excellent woman would rather be Ye Wutian's side room.

When I went to Ouyang's house, I happened to see Ouyang Xingyue sitting on a chair under a wooden shed at the door of the house. I don't know what she was thinking, and she was very absorbed.

Seeing Ye Wutian coming, Ouyang Xingyue pulled her thoughts back.

"Second Young Mistress, you need to rest a little bit. It's easy to get old if you're not in good spirits. You mustn't let me compare." Situ Wei let go of Ye Wutian's arm and walked to Ouyang Xingyue to sit down.

Ouyang Xingyue said lightly, "Do you just want to come over and tell me this?"

"He said he wanted to come and see you, I'll accompany him to come and see."

"Thank you!" Ouyang Xingyue said, "I'm fine, thank you for your concern."

"Xingyue, is there anything else you need to help?" Ye Wutian saw Ouyang Xingyue in a bad state and was very worried about her. Anyone who had so many things happened in a short period of time would be in a bad mood. Ye Wutian can't help it. understand.

"No." Ouyang Xingyue answered very directly, even if she needed help, she would not ask Ye Wutian.

"Why hasn't she left yet?" Situ Wei looked forward and asked Ouyang Xingyue.

"Don't ask me." Ouyang Xingyue said.

Turning around and looking back with curiosity, Ye Wutian saw Xu Ying.

"Master, she's not waiting for you, is she?" Xu Ying asked.

"Don't ask me." Ye Wutian imitated Ouyang Xingyue's tone and replied, it was because Xu Ying was there that he deliberately left Ouyang's house, hoping to avoid Xu Ying, who knew she would still be there this.

Xu Ying has also seen Ye Wutian and several people, walking towards them with small steps.

"It's all there." Xu Ying, who came to the front, said first, "Miss Situ, long time no see."

Situ Wei nodded slightly, "Miss Xu, I thought you left Dongcheng long ago, but I didn't expect you to be here."

Xu Ying said, "What? Don't want to see me?"

"It's true that I don't want to see you." Situ Wei was honest and didn't hide anything.

"Oh, I offended you, Miss Situ, before?"

"I can't talk about offending, I'm just a little worried."

"What are you worried about?" Xu Ying was curious.

Not only Xu Ying was curious, but Ye Wutian was also curious, and even Ouyang Xingyue, who was still intoxicated with grief, could not help but **** up his ears.

"I'm afraid you'll steal a man from me." Situ Wei said bluntly.

Ye Wutian almost didn't fall to the ground by Lei, this goblin dared to say anything. Steal a man?

Xu Ying glanced at Ye Wutian and said with a smile, "I'm going to get married in a few days, Miss Situ, you can rest assured."

"I wish you happiness." Situ Wei smiled.

"Thank you!" Xu Ying said thank you lightly, then turned to ask Ye Wutian, "Will you go?"

How could Ye Wutian think that the fire of war would burn on him? He didn't want to attend Xu Ying's wedding to avoid embarrassment.

"Let's talk about it." Ye Wutian replied: "I will definitely go when I have time."

Xu Ying didn't want to let Ye Wutian go: "If you can say that, it means you must be free, Mr. Ye, are you really that busy? You are so busy that you don't even have time to attend a friend's wedding? Or are you afraid of me? hit you?"

Ye Wutian was sweating, Xu Ying's words were too direct, especially in front of Situ Wei and the others, he didn't know how to answer.

"I said, I will definitely go when I have time." Ye Wutian confirmed again and told Xu Ying again that he could not guarantee that he would definitely go.

A trace of loss flashed in Xu Ying's eyes, and she stopped asking questions. Once a man became cruel, it would be quite scary.

"He is free." Situ Wei said beside him, "Miss Xu, he is free in those days, don't worry, we will persuade him to go."

Situ Wei is simply afraid that the world will not be in chaos, can you say this? Also, why should she decide for him?

Xu Ying looked at Ye Wutian, as if to say, your girlfriend said that you are free, how dare you say that you are not free?

Ye Wutian couldn't figure out what Situ Wei wanted to do. He knew he didn't want to go, but he still wanted to let him go. What was this demon Jingyi thinking?

Even if there are doubts, Ye Wutian knows that now is not the time.

"Are you free?" Xu Ying asked.

Ye Wutian was helpless: "Do you have to let me go? Wouldn't you be embarrassed if I appeared on that occasion?"

"What's embarrassing? What's so embarrassing? Are you still alive? Or are you always obsessed with me?"

"What do you think?" Ye Wutian asked back.

Xu Ying sighed: "I know it's impossible, so what are you afraid of? What are you worried about? As a friend, even if you go to a wedding as an ordinary friend, it should be fine, right? After I get married, maybe we can even Ordinary friends can't do it again. Can you satisfy me with such a small request? For the sake of our acquaintance, it's not too much, right?"

Ye Wutian didn't understand why Xu Ying was pressing step by step, why was he always forcing him to attend her wedding, what good would that do to her?

"If you don't say a word, I'll take it as your promise." After leaving this sentence, Xu Ying turned and left, not giving Ye Wutian a chance to refuse at all.

" It's not that you are obsessed with others, but they are obsessed with you." Situ Wei said, "Second young lady, do you think we should take precautions?"

Ouyang Xingyue naturally wouldn't answer Situ Wei's question, she stood up from the chair and walked into the room, leaving only a back for Ye Wutian and the two.

"Pretend to be cool! In fact, I'm more nervous than anyone else. What's the point of pretending to be cool? Can't you just admit it? Do you need to dress up?" Situ Wei said dissatisfiedly.

"Don't think about those things, think about work when you have time." Ye Wutian had nothing to do with Situ Wei.

"Master, are you blaming me?" Situ Wei asked, tilting her head.

"Ye Wutian, I want to talk to you." Behind him, Xu Shishi's voice sounded, and Ye Wutian's scalp was numb when he heard it, and what should come will still come.

"Little Pepper is here, let's talk." Situ Wei gave Ye Wutian an ambiguous look and left, making room for Ye Wutian.

In the words of the Situ Fairy, if you haven't found the fourth young lady, what should I do with my third young lady? (m)

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