Mad Doctor

Chapter 920: who loses who wins

In the next instant, two screams rang out, and the sound rang through half the sky. Even though the Hummer itself had a good sound insulation effect, they still scare many people outside the car and scare away a few couples nearby.

The two screams were painful. Chang Xiaomei was in pain, and Ye Ye, who was below, was in pain. The pain was so painful that he almost didn't cry. Damn! Can I sit down like this? I don't know if it was discontinued.

Even if it doesn't break, it's probably broken. It hurts, it hurts.

Compared to Ye Wutian, Chang Xiaomei was also in severe pain, and the pain was so painful that she was sweating on her forehead. It was the first time for her, how could she know it would be so painful?

Under the pain, Chang Xiaomei lay on Ye Wutian's body and didn't dare to move, she felt like the bottom was about to tear at the slightest movement.

The two looked at each other, Ye Wutian asked with a wry smile, "Do you regret it?"

Chang Xiaomei's expression was complicated, struggling and confused, perhaps even she herself didn't know whether it was right or wrong.

Right or wrong, there is no turning back now.

The two didn't speak, and didn't dare to move. The moment they moved, they hurt. The atmosphere was very embarrassing. It is too late, it is impossible to regret it, and there is no way to regret it.

After a few minutes, the two of them were not in so much pain, Chang Xiaomei lowered her head, not daring to meet Ye Wutian's scorching gaze.

"Officer Chang, you treat me like this now, I tell you, you are responsible for me." Ye Wutian said aggrieved.

Chang Xiaomei was angry and annoyed when she heard it, was she responsible for him? Can he be any more rude?

Ye Wutian laughed again and said: "Of course, I am a very generous person, and I can take responsibility for you." When he spoke, Ye Wutian had already started to take the initiative to attack, and climbed on the two seats with both hands to let the men in the world all over the world. Mountains of yearning and obsession, deforming them in his hands.

Chang Xiaomei didn't push someone's two hateful hands away, it was already like this, no matter how pretentious she was, she would seem a little unethical and pretentious.

At first, she could hold back her humming, but later, Officer Chang Da found that it was getting more and more itchy and more comfortable. She wanted to hum, to shout, and most importantly, she wanted someone to move.

Of course, she was too embarrassed to take the initiative to speak. Just now, she used the gall of wine, but now that she has sobered up, her courage has begun to shrink.

"Do you want me to move?" Ye Wutian asked, this fellow was clearly uneasy and kind, and deliberately wanted to make fun of Chang Xiaomei.

Police Officer Chang Da was so ridiculed that he lowered his head, and his teeth itch with hatred.

"That, daughter-in-law, can you be lighter next time? It really hurts just now."

Chang Xiaomei began to consider whether to open her mouth and bite this **** to death. It's too outrageous, how can you be so shameless?

Someone didn't seem to notice the anger of the police officer Chang Da, and then said: "Hey, now you have really become my daughter-in-law, are you happy?"

Chang Xiaomei was so embarrassed that she couldn't refute Ye Wutian's question, the impulse just now, the regret now, everything is too late!

"You're making a statement, do you want me to move? Or should I just sit like this?" Ye Wutian asked again, which pot can't be opened and lifted.

"Love doesn't move." Chang Xiaomei finally couldn't help shouting at Ye Wutian, and then she felt unhappy, so she opened her mouth and bit towards Ye Wutian's shoulder.

So, the poor uncle Ye screamed again, this time with blood and tears as well.

Chang Xiaomei's bite almost killed Ye Wutian, this violent girl was really biting her to death, she was just willing to see how she wanted to bite off a piece of meat from Ye Wutian.

After biting someone, Chang Xiaomei felt a fishy smell in her mouth, and when she touched it, it was full of blood.

Instead of regretting it, Officer Chang Da felt a sense of revenge. Now it can be considered an even balance, and it can be considered a cleanup.

"You really dare to bite." Ye Wutian saw that his shoulder was bitten, and couldn't help but get angry, he lifted Chang Xiaomei's waist with both hands, and then pulled it down again.

Being attacked suddenly, Chang Xiaomei opened her small mouth into an O character. In addition to the pain, she also felt her little soul fly away. The electric shock-like comfort made her unable to describe in words. And it is also the comfort and pleasure that she has never tried before.

"You dare to murder your husband? See if I won't take care of you." Ye Wutian gritted his teeth and said fiercely.

"Who is afraid of who? Come when you come." Chang Xiaomei's temper was aroused, and she meant to fight Ye Wutian to the end.

Ye Wutian was stunned for a moment, but he quickly came back to his senses and kissed Chang Xiaomei's small mouth, but the latter did not refuse, nor did he push Ye Wutian away, he also used a tooth-for-a-tat approach to Ye Wutian. kiss.

The fierce battle officially began. The two of them tore and slaughtered on the riverside. The two started a tug of war. After your battle, I came on stage.

Gasping for breath, hissing continued to sound, both of them entered a state of ecstasy, completely forgetting where they were, and there was only one thought in their minds, conquering each other!

I don't know how long it took, both of them were very tired. In addition, the space in the car was limited, and all kinds of distractions made it impossible for them to let go, especially Ye Wutian, who couldn't use all his strengths.

Even so, Chang Xiaomei suffered a lot, but she still gritted her teeth and endured it. In any case, she didn't take the initiative to admit defeat or beg for mercy.

The two, who were already sweating profusely, paused, looked at each other, and refused to admit defeat.

Ye Wutian naively admired Chang Xiaomei's fighting ability, so fierce, ordinary people are really not her opponents.

"You're not a man," said Chang Xiaomei, who was so tired that she even felt tired of breathing.

Ye Wutian was also tired, but still grinned: "You are not a woman."

"Are you satisfied now?" Chang Xiaomei asked coldly.

Ye Wutian nodded: "Satisfied, quite satisfied, daughter-in-law, from now on, you are my person, remember that you can't mess with flowers in the future, or be careful with my family."

Chang Xiaomei was furious when she heard it, "Who is your daughter-in-law? Don't be ashamed."

Ye Wutian laughed: "Why? Still not convinced? Your man, my bravery just now has not conquered you yet?"

"Conquer?" Chang Xiaomei disdainfully lowered her head and glanced somewhere: "Just your little earthworm who wants to conquer others?"

Ye Wutian was stimulated, greatly stimulated, little earthworm? How dare this woman say that he is a little earthworm? Although Uncle Ye didn't dare to consider himself the strongest in the world to his little brother, he definitely couldn't be a little earthworm.

Scholars can be killed but not humiliated! A dignified man, he will never be allowed to look down on him like this.

"Little earthworm? Very good." Ye Wutian gritted his teeth and said, "Then I will show you the power of my little earthworm, so please don't beg for mercy."

Chang Xiaomei didn't answer, Ye Wutian thought she was frightened when he saw this, and couldn't help but feel a little proud, thinking that you finally know how powerful this uncle is now, and see if you dare to be as arrogant as just now.

"Don't you think the car is moving?" Chang Xiaomei asked.

Ye Wutian was startled and turned his head subconsciously to look out of the car window. This sight scared him a lot. Sure enough, the scenery outside the car window was moving.

This discovery made him not in the mood to laugh anymore. The car clearly stopped, how could it still move?

It was too late to think, Ye Wutian's first reaction was to reach out and pull the handbrake, but it was too late to say that, even though Ye Wutian pulled the handbrake very fast, it was still half a beat.


The loud noise sounded, and the two people sitting in the car were shaken to the point of being unable to sit still. At this time, the embarrassed two people had already lost the idea of ​​who would conquer the other. will fall into the water.

Seeing that the front of the car was already in the air, the two quickly rushed to the back seat, hoping to stabilize the car, but unfortunately, their efforts were in vain, unable to stabilize the car, and in the end they could only watch the car fall into the water, And the two of them became a pair of mandarin ducks falling into the water.

"Quickly open the door." Chang Xiaomei said. She was so depressed that she didn't know what was going on. It was so good, how could the car fall into the river?

Needless to say Chang Xiaomei, Ye Wutian has already pressed down the window glass, which is bulletproof glass. After the car is completely submerged, it may be difficult to open the window.

In his busy schedule, Ye Wutian did not forget to pull up his pants and fasten the belt at the fastest speed in his life.

It took a lot of effort for the two to climb out of the car window, and the two who emerged from the water looked at each other, and neither of them knew what to say.

The scene of the car falling into the river still attracted the attention of many people. Some well-meaning people chose to call the police immediately. At the same time, some people nearby organized themselves to participate in the help, hoping to save people from the car.

The ** came very quickly, Ye Wutian and the two had just climbed ashore, and the ** came. When they learned that one of the people who fell into the water was actually Chang Xiao Mei, several ** who came were full of curiosity. How can people fall into the water for no reason? What is the relationship between her and this man?

There are many guesses, but there is no substantive answer. No matter how curious they are, they don’t dare to ask. They don’t want to be Ye Wutian is also very depressed. He was in a good mood at first, but now he can’t. I can't be happy, the car is still in the water, even if it is fished up, I'm afraid it will take a lot of money to repair it.

More importantly, the conquest game between him and Chang Xiaomei is not over yet. Compared to now, who wins and who loses? With Chang Xiaomei's character, of course she would not admit defeat. As for him, it is also impossible to admit defeat. In his Ye Wutian's heart, there is no such word as admit defeat.

"You go first, I'll handle it." Ye Wutian said to Chang Xiaomei.

Chang Xiaomei didn't care about Ye Ye at all. After explaining a few words to her colleagues, she left alone. In this regard, Ye Ye looked helpless, fuck! This woman turned her face like she was turning a book. The two of them had just done that kind of super-friendship thing, and now they have a straight face?

Could it be that she did this because there was no winner in the game? puzzled.

Several of Chang Xiaomei's colleagues secretly watched Chang Xiaomei's departure. They found that the way Captain Chang was walking didn't seem right, why did he stumble? Also, Captain Chang smelled of alcohol, what happened between the two just now? fight? Or did something more exciting than a fight happen? (m)

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