Mad Doctor

Chapter 919: The policewoman is also crazy

A second passed.

Two seconds passed.

Ten seconds passed.

The scene people wanted to see did not appear. Everyone thought that Chang Xiaomei would slap Ye Wutian directly, but unfortunately, the scene they wanted to see did not appear.

After more than 20 seconds after the two stopped kissing, Ye Wutian licked his tongue as if he had not finished, and looked at each other signally: "How? Do you dare to do what I dare to do?"

When the man was asked, his old face turned blue for a while, and finally turned black. He asked him to kiss Chang Xiaomei, he thought too, but he really didn't dare.

"Don't you dare? Get out if you don't dare." Ye Wutian sneered: "Don't hinder us here."

Facing Ye Wutian's sarcasm, the other party was annoyed and curious about Chang Xiaomei, why didn't she beat him? Kiss her like that and she won't hit anyone? Want to snuggle up like a bird in someone's arms?

Are you really redundant? Isn't it easy for her to be with this man? Are the two just fighting?

"Go away! What are you still doing? Wait for me to eat your supper?" Ye Wutian shouted again.

"Xiao Mei, you have nothing to say?" The other party didn't give up, hoping that Chang Xiaomei could say a few words, it's better to give this arrogant guy a few slaps.

It's a pity that, looking through the autumn water, he still didn't get the scene he wanted in the end.

"Isn't this obvious? To relieve your boredom, you don't understand this? You are a layman at first sight." With such a good opportunity to sarcasm, how could Ye Wutian let it go? In the words of our uncle Ye, who told you to hit the police officer Chang Da? If I don't find you, who will I find?

"Xiao Mei, do you have to do this to me?" The other party was extremely angry, feeling that he was being played with, and was very upset, especially in front of so many people, it made him feel ashamed.

Chang Xiaomei still didn't speak.

"Did you see it? Dude, it's boring to talk too much. If you are sensible, hurry up and leave. You are not my opponent." Ye Wutian was still afraid that the world would not be chaotic, "Why don't you kiss it too?"

People are in an uproar again, where is the integrity? Glasses and mobile phone fell to the ground, encouraging others to kiss his girlfriend?

The other party wanted to clench his teeth, and he seemed to be struggling in his heart. After a while, he said, "Xiao Mei, I have offended you."


He slapped him **** the face, but before he could kiss Chang Xiaomei, she slapped him so hard that he was dizzy, and all he could see were stars.

Originally, he was still thinking that Chang Xiaomei's mouth had just been kissed, so he would just kiss Chang Xiaomei's forehead, but he would have been slapped without kissing.

Kiss her, she doesn't hit, didn't kiss her, she hits.

Covering his face with his hands, he looked at Chang Xiaomei suspiciously, as if waiting for her explanation.

"What do you think of me?" Chang Xiaomei growled, "I'm not a toy."

"Xiao Mei, I..."

"Go away!" Chang Xiaomei roared in response to the other party, "You are not a good thing, go to my mother."

Being yelled at like this, how can the other party swallow this breath? With a pale face, he turned and left angrily.

The frustrated Chang Xiaomei suddenly shot at Ye Wutian after her male partner left, but she was caught by Ye Wutian before her hand arrived.

"So ruthless? Even me?" Ye Wutian laughed, fortunately he took precautions earlier, otherwise he would definitely be slapped by Chang Xiaomei.

It is also very painful to slap a ruthless woman in the face, Ye Wutian doesn't want to try that taste, and even thinking about it with his toes will definitely not feel good.

"Let go." Chang Xiaomei couldn't move. She didn't move just now. It wasn't because she didn't want to move, but because she couldn't move. She couldn't exert any strength all over her body.

"I let go, will you hit me?" Ye Wutian asked with a smile, "I warn you, if you dare to hit me again, don't blame me for kissing you again."

Chang Xiaomei regretted that she didn't carry a gun. If she did, she would definitely shoot Ye Wutian, this **** bastard, without hesitation. It's so hateful and deceiving. What does he think of her? Why treat her like this?

"let me go."

Ye Wutian let go of Chang Xiaomei and watched her carefully, for fear that she would suddenly act again.

"Would you like to go out first?" Che Huishan asked. There were more and more people watching, and she couldn't bear to be treated like a monster.

"Let's go, let's go out." Ye Wutian agreed that the man had already left, so he no longer needed to stay here.

Chang Xiaomei directly raised her leg and kicked Ye Wutian again, which was considered to be fast and accurate. This female tyrannosaurus began to play sneak attack.

Ye Wutian broke out in a cold sweat and almost got hit. Fortunately, his reaction was not weak, otherwise it would really be a tragedy. If he really wanted to be kicked by her, what would the consequences be? Then ten centimeters, Xiao Wutian will be kicked.

Ye Wutian, who avoided it, asked in a deep voice, "Do you still want me to kiss you?"

Chang Xiaomei didn't dare to provoke Ye Wutian or kick any more, she just pointed at Ye Wutian and said: "Ye, please remember it for me, I will settle the account with you today." After speaking, Chang Xiaomei turned around and ran away.

Ye Wutian, who didn't care, said to Che Huishan, "Sister Shan, let's go too."

Che Huishan didn't say a word, and walked out of the theater with Ye Wutian blushing. She found that there was always someone pointing behind her, but unfortunately the distance was too far, so she couldn't hear what they said.

"Sister Shan, I'm sorry, I made you laugh." After the impulse, there is often more regret. When the two are alone, Ye Wutian begins to feel guilty and apologetic, and begins to be at a loss, not knowing what to say.

Che Huishan smiled generously: "Go find her, if you are angry like that, you won't be worried that she won't think about it?"

I don't worry if I can't think about it, but Ye Wutian is worried that Chang Xiaomei will do stupid things, such as drinking, and then find a man in anger.

If that's the case, Ye Wutian will be mad, no matter what, he doesn't want to see that kind of thing happen.

"Come on, I'll just go back by myself," said Che Huishan.

Ye Wutian was a little moved, but he couldn't lose face. He left, what about Che Huishan? Leaving her here alone, Ye Wutian couldn't do it and couldn't be ruthless.

Che Huishan waved her hand again: "Go, she must have been uncomfortable with what you did to others just now. She comforted and comforted them. Girls all need to be coaxed. If there is a misunderstanding, just explain it clearly."

Ye Wutian smiled bitterly, there was nothing like that between him and Chang Xiaomei, but he didn't know how to explain it.

"I'll go back first." Che Huishan turned around and left. The moment she turned around, she felt a little panicked, uncomfortable, uncomfortable, and even wanted to cry.

Ye Wutian watched Che Huishan leave, and after Che Huishan left, he also turned around and hurriedly walked in the direction where Chang Xiaomei disappeared.

In the Times Bar, Chang Xiaomei was sitting there drinking alone, and her boldness also attracted the attention of many people, especially some men who were going to go to the bar to hunt for beauty.

Chang Xiaomei in casual clothes has another kind of beauty, with a plump and **** body, quite hot, coupled with exquisite facial features, how many men don't like it?

A woman sitting alone here drinking heavily, she must have been hit by something. At this time, she stepped forward to comfort her, and it was easy to get her approval.

Chang Xiaomei was so obsessed with getting drunk that she didn't know that there were several men staring at her around her, treating her as prey.

"Two more bottles." On the table, the two bottles of wine had bottomed out, and Chang Xiaomei yelled at the waiter.

"Miss, I invite you." A man nearby finally found an opportunity and hurried forward with a smile that he thought was the most handsome.


It was not Chang Xiaomei who drank that man coldly, but Ye Wutian who had just entered the bar.

The man turned around in a very unhappy manner. In this kind of place, the goal is to be first come, first served, unless others fail.

As soon as he turned around, he saw the fierceness of the man in front of him, causing the anger in his heart to fall instantly. He didn't dare to shout at the other party, but left angrily.

The blurred Chang Xiaomei raised her head and saw that Ye Wutian had come, and immediately became angry, "What else are you doing here?"

Ye Wutian couldn't help but said, bent over and carried Chang Xiaomei on his shoulders before leaving.

This move will completely shock the people present, rely on! There are speculations, who is this guy? So powerful, to directly carry others on his shoulders without saying a word, it's too **** powerful.

It wasn't until Ye Wutian carried it on his shoulders that Chang Xiaomei came back to her senses, clenched her fists and slapped Ye Wutian desperately, "Put me down."

How can Ye Wutian pay attention to Chang Xiaomei? Carry her directly out of the bar and throw it into the car.

After throwing Chang Xiaomei into the car, Ye Wutian also quickly got into the car and drove away. This fellow drove the car directly to the riverside, ready to have a good talk with Chang Xiaomei.

After parking the car, Ye Wutian didn't even have time to pull the handbrake, and Chang Xiaomei who was sitting in the back suddenly rushed over and kissed Ye Wutian.

Ye Wutian was stunned by the kiss, is this girl all right? Excited?

Chang Xiaomei not only kissed, she also touched, and her hands kept stroking all over Ye Wutian, touching all the places that should be touched and the places that shouldn't be touched, until Ye Wutian was confused.

I really want to ask Chang Xiaomei a few words, but he can't speak at all now, Chang Xiaomei doesn't give him a chance to speak at all, and her **** little mouth keeps sticking to it.

In a trance, Chang Xiaomei had already made the next move, and when she pulled her right hand, the seat moved back, and at the same time the backrest fell to make more space for the two of them.

Uncle Ye can't laugh or cry, is he being forced by someone now?

No one would answer his question, at least Chang Xiaomei didn't have time to answer. After adjusting the seat, he moved the target to Ye Wutian's legs.

"You don't regret it?" In his busy schedule, Ye Wutian finally spared a little time to ask Chang Xiaomei.

What answered him was Chang Xiaomei's hot kiss. He didn't speak to Ye Wutian at all, but spoke directly with a hot kiss. Below, Xiao Wutian has been 'invited' out. It seems that any woman is self-taught in this regard. .

Ye Wutian can be said to be in pain and happiness, Chang Xiaomei's movements are a little rough, not gentle at all, which makes him very painful, but he is reluctant to let Chang Xiaomei stop.

Wearing a skirt, Chang Xiaomei started on her own. After preparing all the preludes, she stretched out her hand to support something, and then sat down heavily.

Ye Wutian was frightened by Chang Xiaomei's madness, did she want human life? So rude, if Xiao Wutian can't hit the target, what are the consequences? Ye Wutian didn't dare to think about it, it was most likely a 'click'. (m)

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