Mad Doctor

Chapter 918: fight between men

Uncle Ye's sentence of standing completely shocked many people, and people looked at him with doubts and curiosity.

Uncle Ye, who ignored everyone's suspicious eyes, took Che Huishan's little hand and walked straight to the other side, "What a coincidence? Come to see a movie?"

Che Huishan was angry and anxious, Ye Wutian's roar just now made her the protagonist of everyone, and she really didn't want to be involved in these messes.

When the people around saw this, they all realized that there would be a good show to watch next, so many people stayed and wanted to wait and watch the good show.

Ye Wutian ignored everyone's strange eyes, and with a bit of anger, he was holding Che Huishan's little hand at this time, but he forgot that all his attention was on the person in front of him.

"Answer me, do you want to watch a movie?" Ye Wutian asked again.

People are sweating! Is not this nonsensical? Of course I came here to watch a movie, otherwise what else could I do? Of course, in addition to watching movies, you can do a lot of things here, such as tune-up or something, this place is good.

People around are curious about the relationship between the two, lovers? It doesn't seem like they are watching the movie alone, they are accompanied by someone.

Do they play each other? Oh my God! It's crazy.

Many people began to think crookedly, and with their rich imaginations, they couldn't help but think about them randomly.

"What's the matter with you?" Chang Xiaomei didn't know why she was guilty. What was she guilty of? This stinky hooligan is not her, what is she guilty of?

Besides, didn't he go to the movies with other women? He can, why can't she?

Ye Wutian grinned: "Do you remember what I said to you? You forgot what I said to you so quickly?"

Chang Xiaomei felt inexplicably tense, Ye Wutian's expression made her afraid, she knew very well who he was, a guy who was not afraid of anything.

The depressed Chang Xiaomei never imagined that she could meet this guy while watching a movie. What is this called? What made her even more depressed was that this was the first time she watched a movie with a boy, and it was just this one time that Ye Wutian met her.

"I warn you not to mess around." The frightened Chang Xiaomei whispered, worried that Ye Wutian would make a big mess and make everyone unable to step down.

Ye Wutian smiled even more!

"Let's go out and talk about it." Che Huishan couldn't stand the eyes and wanted to leave here. She didn't like being treated like a monster.

"Who is he?" Ye Wutian asked lazily.

Chang Xiao's anger didn't come to her, Ye Wutian's method of questioning made her unacceptable. Does it have anything to do with him? Who do you really think of yourself as her? joke.

"It's none of your business, who are you?"

Seeing that Chang Xiaomei didn't answer, Ye Wutian said to the man beside Chang Xiaomei, "Dude, who are you?"

The other party is afraid that Ye Wutian can't stand such a question, and there is contempt and contempt in his words, "It doesn't matter who I am."

"Hehe, you are really interesting." Ye Wutian not only was not angry, but laughed, but his smile was a little gloomy and treacherous no matter what.

"Thank you, you have no right to ask me about my affairs, and you don't need to take care of it. If you want to take care of others, please take care of yourself first."

Ye Wutian nodded: "Well, it makes sense, I said buddy, give you a suggestion, leave her, and, when you see her in the future, please detour, she does not belong to you."

The other party was irritated and stared at by so many people. He had no way to retreat. All he could do was to bite the bullet. Of course, a man couldn't retreat at every turn.

The smell of gunpowder at the scene was getting stronger and stronger, and the onlookers were getting more and more excited. Many people were watching the show and were eager to fight quickly.

This kind of incident has seriously affected the daily operation of the movie theater. Generally, after the movie is over, the scene is cleared, and then the sweeping aunt comes in to clean the venue. Now, the movie has ended, but these people refuse to leave. They are all full of curiosity. Watching a play makes the sweeping aunt unable to work.

The manager of the theater also received the report early and hurried in, hoping to solve it as soon as possible. The next movie will start in a few minutes. If these people don't go out, the movie can't start.

"Everyone, if there is anything you can talk about slowly, you can't get angry, please go out and talk again? Don't interfere with our work." The theater manager said.

Chang Xiaomei had wanted to leave for a long time, and with a cold face, she gestured to the companion beside her with her eyes and asked him to leave with him.

The man nodded slightly, ready to follow Chang Xiaomei's words and leave with her, but before he had time to turn around, he saw Ye Wutian drinking coldly.

"What? Want to go?"

This sentence made Chang Xiaomei, who had been suppressing her anger, unable to bear it any longer, "Who are you? Why do you care about my affairs? What right do you have to care about me? What happened to watching movies with others? What about you? Could it be you? Are you going to tell this is your sister?"

"Miss, please don't get me wrong, I have nothing to do with Xiaotian, it's just a friendship." Che Huishan explained.

"Everyone, it's good to discuss and discuss, please go out and talk about it?" said the theater manager.

"Shut up for me." Ye Wutian roared at the other party, frightening the theater manager.

"Chang Xiaomei, let me tell you, don't do your tricks, you forced me, don't blame me for being rude." Ye Wutian also came to fire, he was already depressed, how could he bear Chang Xiaomei yelling at him like this ?

He did not deny that it was selfish to do so, but what about selfishness? Selfishness is selfishness, and if you want to be selfish, you must have the strength of selfishness.

"If you want to make trouble, please go out and make trouble, don't affect our work." The theater manager also began to pitch an octave. Who did he provoke? I just want to calm down the current situation as soon as possible, what's wrong?

Ye Wutian sneered: "What if I don't leave? You **** bit me?"

"You..." The theater manager was so angry that he wanted to refute but really didn't know what to do.

"Don't be ashamed of your mother's face and stay there." Ye Wutian said again.

"Xiao Mei, how do you know such a person?" The man beside Chang Xiaomei said, anyone could hear his disdain and contempt, and despised Ye Wutian.

"Ignore him, let's go." Chang Xiaomei replied.

How could Ye Wutian let them go? A stride rushed to the front of the two and blocked them, "Dude, don't act like a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, let you leave, that's for your own good."

The other party sneered, "Speaking of dead pigs not afraid of boiling water, I think this sentence applies to you? Didn't you hear what Xiao Mei said? She said let you go."

Ye Wutian reluctantly said: "You self-righteous guy, okay, since you insist on doing this, I will fulfill you." After a pause, Ye Wutian said again: "Do you like her?"

The other party didn't answer, couldn't figure out Ye Wutian's intention, and thought about Ye Wutian's intention. At the same time, he was also afraid that if he answered Ye Wutian, it would also cause Chang Xiaomei's displeasure.

"That's why you like her?" Ye Wutian asked and answered, "Very good, buddy, let's make a bet, a bet between men, dare you?"

"Why bet with you? Is it necessary?"

"You don't even dare to make a small bet, what qualifications do you have to like her? You don't have the guts, so you're too embarrassed to come out to pick up girls?" Ye Wutian despised again and again, "I don't want to know who you are, if you don't even have this point You don't have the guts, you can go where trouble comes, and don't be embarrassed anymore."

"What do you want to bet on?" The clay figurine would be furious when he heard Ye Wutian's words, not to mention that he wasn't a clay figurine?

Chang Xiaomei didn't want the two to gamble, she glared at Ye Wutian and said, "Don't go too far."

The theater manager next to him was about to go crazy. According to the schedule, the next movie should start, but it still can't start. If it goes on like this, the manager on duty will be punished by the above.

"Several, if you don't leave, I'll call the police." The theater manager took out his mobile phone, hoping to use this trick to scare a few guys away.

Ye Wutian stretched out his hand and pointed at Chang Xiaomei: "She is a **."

There was a roar from the surrounding people, the play became more and more interesting, and one of the people involved was a **? Interesting, more and more interesting.

"Xiaotian, I'm going to be really angry if you do this again." Che Huishan couldn't bear it, if it wasn't for Ye Wutian's holding her hand, she would have turned around and left.

After struggling a few times, he still couldn't get his hands out.

"Sister Shan, you don't have to be afraid, just stand there." Ye Wutian comforted.

Che Huishan is crazy, what's the matter standing here? Does she need to stand here?

The shy and shy Che Huishan wanted to find someone to get in, but she was not the only one who had the same idea as her, and the police officer Chang Da couldn't get off the stage. He wanted to dig a hole and bury herself. Ye Wutian? How did you know he was so relentless?

"It's very simple, you want to die, I will fulfill you, don't you like her? She is so beautiful, you like her, I can understand, but don't forget one thing, just because you like her doesn't mean she likes you "Ye Wutian said.

"What about you? You mean Xiao Mei likes you?" The other party didn't believe it. He knew very well what Chang Xiaomei's attitude towards this man, so he didn't believe it.

"I don't need to answer you about this, you just need to answer me, what I dare to Do you dare to do it?" Ye Wutian was trying to find a way to force the other party to nowhere, this fellow Pretty insidious.

"As long as it has something to do with Xiao Mei, if you dare, I will." The other party really had no way out and did not dare to fight, and the result would definitely be despised by Chang Xiaomei. Don't look at Chang Xiaomei saying nothing, there is no woman who doesn't want to. Your other half can stand upright.

Ye Wutian smiled very ****, and under the watchful eyes of everyone, he suddenly let go of Che Huishan, hugged Chang Xiaomei, and kissed Chang Xiaomei's **** little mouth.


There was an uproar at the scene, and the sound of surprise continued to sound, and even the theater manager looked a little silly.

Let go of your girlfriend and kiss another woman, what's the relationship? Also, why is this relationship so messed up? What is the relationship between the two parties? Love triangle? Four-cornered love?

Che Huishan, who was let go, looked a little absent-minded, and more of a wry smile. It would be difficult for her not to be the focus if the trouble continued.

The man who came with Chang Xiaomei was so stunned that he couldn't come back to his senses, standing there quietly watching Ye Wutian and Chang Xiaomei kissing. (m)

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