Mad Doctor

Chapter 917: meet an acquaintance

How could Che Huishan, whose pretty face was flushed, ever thought that Ye Wutian would hold her hand? The first time I wanted to get rid of it, but no matter what, I couldn't get Ye Wutian to get rid of it.

The most depressing thing is that this kid still seems to be aware of it later, as if he didn't know that Che Huishan was shaking his hand hard, which is depressing.

Ye Wutian didn't look back, it didn't mean he wasn't nervous, on the contrary, he was nervous, worried about what Che Huishan would think of him, worried that she would be angry.

"Let go of me." Cha Huishan, who was struggling to drive, finally spoke up. Being held by her hand like this, she couldn't calm down and pretend she couldn't see it.

"Sister Shan, what did you say?" Ye Wutian turned around and asked, pretending to be confused, "Is there something uncomfortable?"

Che Huishan's teeth tickled with hatred, knowing that this kid did it on purpose. "Let go of my hand."

Uncle Ye then lowered his head to look at his hand, and suddenly realized: "Oh, you mean this? Sister Shan, have you seen it? Look at the people around you, what's the difference?"

Under the guidance of Ye Wutian, Che Huishan subconsciously looked at the people around her, but no matter how she looked, she couldn't see any difference between them.

"It's all couples who watch the movie, holding hands one by one. If we look different, how will others see us?"

Only then did Che Huishan understand what Ye Wutian's words meant. There were many people holding hands around, but some did not.

This kid made it clear that he wanted to take advantage of her, but he had to give such a magnificent reason.

"Xiaotian, if you don't let go of my hand, Sister Shan will be really angry." Che Huishan said deliberately with a sullen face.

Ye Wutian turned around and pointed at himself with the other free hand: "Sister Shan, look at me, look at me seriously, do you think I look like a bad person? You ask your heart, I'm like the kind of person who likes to take advantage of others. people?"

At this time, Ye Wutian's expression was serious and serious when he was talking, and Che Huishan was really frightened by this kid for a while.

"I'm not that kind of person, Sister Shan, whether you believe it or not, I'm not. I'm holding your hand just because I don't want to be different. As the saying goes, you have to follow the local customs. Since we are here, we naturally cannot Do it too differently, otherwise how will others see it?"

Cha Huishan asked herself, who stipulates that you have to hold hands when watching a movie? When is this ruled? Who else rules?

"Sister Shan, don't worry, I'm not the kind of person who likes to take advantage." Ye Wutian vowed: "I just hold your hand and promise not to do anything."

Che Huishan wanted to tell Ye Wutian that even if he held her hand like this, it would have made her unsuitable. In her opinion, this was taking advantage of her.

For some reason, Che Huishan finally stopped breaking free and let the little girl hold her hand.

Ye Wutian was ecstatic, and at the end he would add a sentence: "No one knows us, and we are not afraid of being seen by them."

After entering, he found the corresponding seat and sat down, Ye Wutian looked around inadvertently, there was nothing in the front, back, left and right, and he was quite proud, he was thinking, maybe this is God's will, and even the sky wants to help him.

The movie starts soon. It is an action blockbuster. The love of the protagonist in it is also vigorous. He and the heroine are in love with each other. Unfortunately, the parents of both parties disagree. There were many times of opening and closing, and the two of them changed several times, but in the end they found that they still had each other in their hearts.

Che Huishan was very absorbed in watching it, but Ye Wutian's mind was not on the movie at all, and he only thought about what to do next? It is said that the cinema is a hotbed of emotions. What Ye Wutian thought was that after watching a movie, he didn't take the initiative to do anything. Others didn't despise him, even he himself despised himself.

As soon as his eyes rolled, Ye Wutian thought of what he should do, so he deliberately yawned, stretched his waist, and whispered in Che Huishan's ear: "Sister Shan, borrow a shoulder to lean on."

People are invincible!

Ye Wutian always remembers this saying, no matter if he is chasing girls or taking advantage, how can he do without being cheeky?

Che Huishan wanted to resist, but over there, Ye Wuwu had already leaned his head up.

This situation made Che Huishan very regretful. She should not have agreed to accompany Ye Wutian to watch a movie just now. What kind of movie did Xiao ** watch? Just looking for opportunities to take advantage of her.

She still hasn't decided whether to push Ye Wutian's head away, but Ye Wutian over there takes the next step again, wrapping her arms around her arms, and by the way, she has to ask: "Sister Shan, you have no problem with me like this. Don't worry? I'm not taking advantage of you, it's because I'm too busy with work and tired during this time."

Che Huishan doesn't know why, although she doesn't like Ye Wutian like this, but she doesn't seem to be too disgusted with Ye Wutian treating her like this, at least she can hold back. If another man dares to treat her like this, it is very likely that she A slap in the past long ago.

Ye Wutian was very nervous, worried about causing the unhappiness of Sister Yu.

"Little **, you like to take advantage of others like this?" Che Huishan didn't believe that Ye Wutian was really tired, and everything was just an excuse.

Ye Wutian blushed, but luckily the dim light in the movie didn't make him embarrassed.

"Sister Shan, it turns out that I am such a person in your heart." Ye Wutian who spoke did not move, his head still rested on Che Hui Shanxiang's shoulder, so comfortable that they did not want to move their heads away.

"Only once." Che Huishan answered the question.

Ye Wutian laughed secretly, there will be a second time after the first time, and he didn't dare to be too hasty, for fear that it would arouse the resentment of Sister Yu.

"Sister Shan, haven't you forgotten him yet?" Ye Wutian asked, smelling the fragrance from Che Huishan's body, Uncle Ye was intoxicated.

Che Huishan's delicate body trembled slightly, and was caught off guard by Ye Wutian's question.

"It's all over. Others say that if you want to forget someone, the best way is to find another person to start over. Sister Shan, you should consider it."

Che Huishan didn't speak, which surprised Ye Wutian, who was resting on her Xiang shoulder, and quickly raised his head to look at Che Huishan.

Che Huishan, who was already in tears, was sitting there movingly. Her appearance made Ye Wutian panic for a while, and she secretly scolded herself that she shouldn't have asked that question.

Che Huishan did not expect that she would be so fragile, and was caught in tears by a question from Ye Wutian, making the tears flow down even if she wanted to control them.

The distressed Ye Wutian summoned up the courage to reach out to touch Che Huishan's delicate little face and wipe the tears from her face. What's more interesting is that Che Huishan didn't resist, didn't turn her head to the side, and It is to let Ye Wutian wipe her tears for her.

"Sister Shan, it's all over, don't worry, with me, I won't make you sad."

Che Huishan has been pretending, forcing herself to forget him, but no matter how hard she forces herself, it is useless, she just can't forget it.

She always thought that she was strong, but today she found out that she was not as strong as she imagined. In front of this little ****, she didn't want to endure it, she just wanted to cry.

Ye Wutian gently hugged Che Huishan and let her rest her head on his shoulders, but Che Huishan did not object to this, like a bird.

The jade man in his arms twitched lightly, and Ye Wutian sat there in a daze. With every twitch of Sister Yu, Uncle Ye could clearly feel that the two **** of soft flesh were facing him. It was a wonderful feeling. Comfortable.

Happy times are always easy to pass, and Che Huishan has stopped crying. Ye Wutian, who blushed, sat up in her arms, brushed her hair, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry."

Ye Wutian, who shrugged, looked indifferent, "Sister Shan, you know, I won't mind you doing anything to me at all."

Che Huishan laughed and scolded: "It's all you little bastard, why do you bring this up for no reason?"

"It's for the sake of Sister Shan. I'm worried that you've been living in the past. Now, I guess I'm right. You still live in the past, and you still can't forget someone."

Che Huishan sighed: "You think you can forget it if you want to? It's not that simple, it's not that you can forget it if you want to."

"You can't forget and you have to forget. In any case, you must forget him. This is a suggestion and an order." Ye Wutian said extremely domineeringly.

Che Huishan angered: "Little **, who do you think you are? How dare you order me?"

Ye Wutian said righteously: "It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that I am your friend, Sister Shan." At the end, Ye Wutian added a sentence in his heart, I am still your little ** of Sister Shan.

With the scene just now, the two talked about more topics. I don't know when, Ye Wutian not only grabbed Che Huishan's little hand, but even clasped Che Huishan's fingers tightly. Not found.

In front of this little **, she seems to have no defenses!

Chatting and chatting, the movie is over. Fortunately, the seats around the two are empty. Otherwise, the two of them chatting like this will definitely arouse extreme dissatisfaction from others. Is the cinema a place for chatting? You chat by yourself, but also interfere with others, what is the public morality?

When the light came on, Che Huishan stood up, and only then did she realize that her little hand was clasping Ye Wutian's fingers tightly, and Ling Dao's face, which had finally recovered, turned red again.

Just wanting to let Ye Wutian let go, he saw that he was staring at the left direction without blinking.

Looking along Ye Wutian's eyes, Che Huishan didn't notice any difference, "Is there an acquaintance?"

Ye Wutian nodded: "There are acquaintances."


Ye Wutian nodded again.

"Like her?" Che Huishan continued to ask.

This time Ye Wutian didn't answer immediately, in fact she didn't know how to answer.

"What are you still doing? Hurry up and go." Che Huishan urged: "If you don't go to someone else's house, you will be leaving."

Ye Wutian didn't know which of his tendons was wrong, so he pulled Che Huishan and walked towards the left side.

Cha Huishan didn't want to follow her, and her going to such a thing would only make the scene more embarrassing.

No matter how she struggled, Ye Wutian would not let go. "let me go."

For some reason, Ye Wutian's emotional agitation made Che Huishan feel bad and inexplicably angry.

How could Ye Wutian listen to Che Huishan? Once this guy gets serious, the nine cows won't be able to pull him back, and no one will listen to him.

"Stop." Ye Wutian roared loudly towards the front.

Although it was the end of the movie, Ye Wutian's thunderous roar still made many people look at him, including the acquaintance he said. (m)

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