Although it is not difficult for them, who are the supreme realm of power, to kill all the powerful powers of the Guiyuan realm present, and in fact, strong people like Qingshi and Chiyanhou, It is not necessarily difficult to achieve such a shocking level as Li Yi at this time.

But what they most cared about now is not whether Li Yi can now wipe out all the practitioners in Qingcheng, but the method Li Yi showed when he did all this.

The power of the law of space, the power of the law of time, the full use of the power of heaven and earth, and the rich source of power. At this time, the performances on Li Yi have completely shocked the powerful people who are currently present. . Because the strength that Li Yi has shown now, even if they are already very powerful, they are very difficult to do by asking themselves.

So at this time, although the powerful players of the Qingcheng's supreme realm were listening to the screams of the Qingcheng cultivators controlled by the huge palms exhibited by Li Yi, they were at this time. But they have forgotten to stop. Because at this moment, they all think that they seem to have no ability to stop all this.

What's more, after seeing this scene, these powerful players of Qingcheng's supreme realm also knew that even if they wanted to take action to stop everything Li Yi did, it would be impossible. Because at this time, after seeing Li Yi show his power, the strong men of Chicheng's supreme realm, headed by Chi Yanhou, are all staring at Qingcheng's supreme realm of power. Because they know that although Li Yi can now perform very strong, and there are many puzzles on their body that they cannot solve. But if at this time these powerful players of Qingcheng's supreme realm are going to do it, then Li Yi is estimated to be impossible to bear.

So at this time, these Akagi practitioners are all strong people who are watching these Qingcheng's supreme realm strength. Because now the practitioners of Chicheng know that Li Yi can truly succeed only if he successfully restrains the strong men of Qingcheng. As long as Li Yi can succeed, today's battle is tantamount to a complete victory in Chicheng. And if Li Yi is really able to successfully perform that magical skill completely, then he can really bury all the cultivators except the three supreme realm strengths who played in Qingcheng above Qingcheng. Such a big victory has never appeared in the fairy world.

So at this moment, even Chi Yanhou couldn't help but have some shortness of breath, although he also knew that even if Li Yi did this, it wouldn't be possible to really kill Qingcheng. But at least it is also a heavy blow to Qingcheng, and more importantly, Chicheng will completely reverse the suppressed situation of nearly 10,000 years due to this battle.

Because of these circumstances, when Chi Yanhou stared at Qingshi at this time, he was constantly paying attention to Li Yi, and he kept saying in his heart: "His grandma's, you must succeed."

When the practitioners present turned their attention to Li Yi, Li Yi was still indifferent to everything. Although it is now in front of Li Yi, it is the magical art that Li Yi personally exhibited that covers almost all the practitioners of Qingcheng below the highest realm strength in this battle. But Li Yi as the protagonist now seems to be indifferent to this matter.

On the contrary, Li Yi now has no glory in Li Yi’s eyes. Obviously now Li Yi should be looking down on these Qingcheng practitioners under his control, but the result is that Li Yi is now As if he were a confused cultivator, he was equally confused to see what was happening in front of him. And whether Li Yi really sees this in his eyes, this matter has already made the fairy cultivators present very curious. ;

However, although Li Yi now behaves like a lost soul, the huge palm that Li Yi’s magical power turned into is unambiguous at all. As time goes by, the huge Li Yi shows The palm, at this time, is finally closed completely. And as the palms slowly closed, the practitioners of Qingcheng among the huge palms now also found a thing that made them more afraid.

Because just before, they can at least use their own fairy art to launch an attack on the huge palm of Li Yi’s magical power. Although the effect is very small, even they actually know that there is no effect at all, but the most At least at this time, their continuous attacks can still give them some hope. But now when they see that they can't even cast a little fairy spell, these Qingcheng practitioners are really desperate.

At this time, they didn't even think about the reason, Li Yi was able to do this. You know, even if they were very strictly controlled by Li Yi before, but in their view, maybe this is just Li Yi's magical magic. But now Li Yi's huge palms can make these people unable to perform even the technique of immortal spirits. For these things, the Qingcheng cultivators who have been besieged and desperate in Qingcheng have no intention to explore the reason. Too. However, the powerful Qingcheng powerhouses on the scene, and even the powerful powerhouses in Chicheng, couldn't help but feel shocked by Li Yi's move.

If the strength that Li Yi exhibited before included the power of the law of space and the power of the law of time, it was enough to shock them, but at this time, when they see the green in the huge palm After the city cultivators can't even perform the magic technique, they are really incomprehensible.

You know, in their cognition, there is no such supernatural power, even the most superior fairy art is impossible to achieve this. It is because these powerful people of the highest realm know too many things, so they will be so surprised when they see things that are not clear. Even this time, Li Yi's strength has not only been described in shock, but has reached the point where they are shocked.

Although as a cultivator of supreme realm strength, their bodies are very powerful even if they don’t use the technique of fairy spirits, and as a strong man who has worked hard to this step, their combat skills are certainly not less. of. However, if they were unable to use the technique of fairy spirits once they were restricted, then even if their physical strength was too strong, then at that time they would definitely be reduced to that kind of mercy.

That is because of this, so although they have not personally experienced the situation of the practitioners who were besieged by the palms of their hands, they have all come to the same situation in mind. That is, if one day they are really like today, If people are controlled in a space where they can't perform fairy art, then how should they respond.

The answer to this matter cannot be imagined by these powerful players of supreme realm. It's just that in their minds, after thinking for a while and still unable to come up with an answer, naturally they can only comfort themselves, that is, this kind of situation cannot happen to them as cultivators at all.

And just after Li Yi did this, the eyes of the strong men of Qingcheng's supreme realm when they looked at Li Yi were already the kind of eyes that completely regarded Li Yi as a dead man.

But for the present situation, Li Yi is still indifferent to this, even if the powerful people of Qingcheng's supreme realm exert their powerful coercion on Li Yi, Li Yi did not have such pressure. And there is no response.

At this time, Li Yi seemed to be a wooden man, so he stood straight in the air and let him stare at him like the Qingcheng's supremely powerful man. Li Yi did not react.

The reason why Li Yi is like this is actually not Li Yi's original intention. In fact, Li Yi has now entered the state of etherealness. The reason for this is that after Li Yi exhibited that magic trick, because of the temporary fusion of the trace of the original power in the magic weapon, Li At that moment, Yi felt a powerful feeling that was very familiar, but very strange. For this feeling, Li Yi really enjoys it. And after successfully displaying that magic trick, Li Yi also felt the power of the law of space and the power of the law in a very short time. The power of the law, which is a very ethereal power, is very similar to the power of the field, but compared to the power of the field, the power of the law is much more powerful.

The power of the realm is only in that realm, and the caster can feel the law between heaven and earth in that realm, but it can only be because in that realm is somewhat sensitive to the law in the realm, That's why the caster is more pure in that field.

The power of this law is very familiar to Li Yi. Of course, this familiarity belongs to Li Yi at the time. Now Li Yi has not experienced such a powerful feeling for a long time. It is because of this that after Li Yi felt the power of the law again, Li Yi was naturally ecstatic.

It is precisely the so-called things must be reversed. At this time, it is because Li Yi is very happy now, so it will appear so silent and quiet. However, although Li Yi looks very calm on the surface, Li Yi's mind is not so calm on the surface.

Li Yi is actually fully immersed in the magical power he has performed. In fact, when Li Yi exhibited this magical power, he already felt the power of the law and the power of the source. Fusion brings incomparably powerful power in a short period of time.

The reason why Li Yi now tortures these Qingcheng practitioners is that it is because Li Yi wants to experience this powerful force full of body feeling.

But although Li Yi is now perceiving a deeper power, he is completely tortured by those practitioners in Qingcheng who are controlled by that huge palm. Because if it is carried out in accordance with the normal trend, then Li Yi's magical technique must have ended. But Li Yi knew that his chance was definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so Li Yi held this opportunity so persistently, insisting on not letting this magical technique end, and then being as much as possible in this magical technique. Feel the kind of power that even Li Yi is very emotional.

But after insisting for a long time, Li Yi finally couldn't hold on. And in Li Yi's view, this level has now reached its limit. So at the moment when it was about to collapse, Li Yi's eyes finally showed the same sharp eyes as before. Then I saw Li Yi said a word "broken" again in the mouth, and the huge palm that had been maintained before finally appeared the most thrilling scene.

Immediately after Li Yi’s eyes restored his previous demeanor, the huge palm that had been maintained was finally completely closed together, and then the Qingcheng cultivators among the huge palms contained in it were also It was completely crushed by the huge palm.

Because before that, the palm of Li Yi's magical power was also completely so that those practitioners in Qingcheng had no ability to resist.

And in the end, after Li Yi's broken word spoke out, the huge palm was also broken in response. But when the huge palm was broken, in the air where the palm burst, and after the huge palm disappeared, the Qingcheng cultivator, who was previously contained in the huge palm, also disappeared.

Seeing such a situation, although the cultivators of the fairy world present had some guesses before, but after seeing that the situation did indeed develop to this step, those cultivators of the fairy world could not adapt after all. come.

Until this moment, the practitioners of Chicheng finally reacted. What happened in the past for a while. If it weren't for the cultivators who had seen the previous Qingcheng, they would all disappear. And because of their disappearance, the coercion of the heavens and the earth that had originally existed also disappeared because of their disappearance, and then the practitioners of Chicheng woke up like a dream.

At this moment, they finally awakened. This was supposed to be the battle of the main city in their hard work, but because of Li Yi's series of earth-shattering actions, this should have been an earth-shattering battle. Become what it is today.

Seeing such a situation, even the powerful players of the highest realm who are watching in the distance can't help but shudder. You should know that it is very difficult for them to achieve such a degree as Li Yi, and even if it can be done, it cannot be done in such a short time.

And what shocked them most was still the power of the law Li Yi showed before. After all, for the strong like them, the power of the law is the only power that can make them look squarely, or even value it.

But now it is useless no matter what is said, because in any case, Li Yi has already beheaded almost all those practitioners in Qingcheng. At this time, the Chicheng cultivators present were naturally afraid to go far away to fight against the strong men of the Qingcheng's supreme realm. So at this time, in fact, how exactly this war should end depends entirely on the meaning of those powerful people who have no real power.

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