Faced with this situation, Chi Yanhou and Qingshi naturally knew that the current trend of the war was based on their attitudes.

However, in the face of today's situation, both Chi Yanhou and Qingshi know that in fact this war is over. Although they have not yet achieved what kind of results as the powerful players, they have to say that Li Yi’s performance in this war is enough to make this should be the main city of dragons and tigers. The battle became suspicious.

Because in fact everyone on the scene knows that the battle of the main city like them, in fact, the highest strength in the war is their strongest in the realm of the realm, and in the battle, the direction of the entire war is basically It is decided according to the situation of the strongest in the realm of supreme realm.

As if it were the last battle in which Chicheng attacked Qingcheng, if this time was not the accidental death of a strong man of the highest realm strength in Chicheng, then the practitioners in Chicheng would not be defeated so much. That battle will not end early because of the fleeing of the practitioners of Chicheng.

Basically, in the fairy realm, the battle situation between the main cities is actually determined according to the battle situation of these powerful powers of the highest realm, rarely appear, or basically never appear, Like today, when the powerful of the supreme realm has not yet produced any results, this war can basically be declared over.

In the war between the main cities in the fairy world, the reason why there are so many rules is actually to explain from the side that the battle between the main cities is not the strongest of the highest realm. The ability of time, but the essence of the main city. So what is the essence, naturally is the strength of the practitioners in the main city except the supreme realm. Beyond the supreme realm, it is naturally a battle between the powerful and powerful in the Guiyuan realm.

So in fact, in this kind of war, the fight is the skill among the powerful who return to the realm strength. However, it is because there are many strong powers of Guiyuan Realm in each main city. Even when Chicheng is the weakest, the strong powers of Guiyuan Realm have never been less. And in the battle of the main city, among the practitioners of the fairy world, they like to attack jointly or defend. So in fact, among the battles between the main city levels, there are very few battles that can end in such a short time.

In fact, in the very normal battle of the main city, each battle often lasts for several days, and the reason why the war will end is also because the powerful players who have participated in the war have been separated Win or lose. So in fact, the situation where the war ended quickly like the last two, is actually rare in the fairy world.

But anyway, in fact, this time the battle of the main city can already be declared over. In the past, although every time I watched those powerful players with supreme realm fight, and then waited for the outcome of their battle, the two sides would stop. Even if the main city defeats one side, it is generally rare to actively pursue the cultivator of the main city defeated. Unless like the last battle between Chicheng and Qingcheng. That is when only one of the strong powers of Chicheng's supreme realm has been killed, the cultivators of Qingcheng will chase the defeated army of cultivators of Chicheng like that.

But this time, although there is no result between the powerful players of Qingcheng and Chicheng's supreme realm, the current situation is already obvious. Among the true backbone of the battlefield, the powerful players in Guiyuan Realm, the practitioners in Qingcheng have almost been wiped out by Li Yi's attack. In this case, even if the strong man of Qingcheng's supreme realm persists, it doesn't make much sense. You know, even if Qingshi is angry again [Biquge www.biquger.me], if you want to get a victory or defeat with Chi Yanhou, then with their strength, it is impossible to have a result in a short time. . However, although it would be fine if Qingshi competed with Chi Yanhou in this way, after all, the remaining practitioners in Chicheng could not be so idle looking at the supreme realm in the sky. The strong fight. Therefore, for this reason, it is basically possible to declare the end of the war.

For this situation, in fact, the powerhouse of Qingcheng's supreme realm headed by Bluestone is naturally very clear. In this battle of the main city, although they were particularly reluctant to face it, they had to face it. That is, because they had already decided that they must kill the expressive performance of outside cultivators. In this battle of the main city, Qingcheng was completely defeated.

The powerhouses of Guiyuan Realm's strength have been killed in a wide range of battles. In fact, Qingcheng has no need to fight anymore. In this kind of battle for the inner city, even if they are struggling again, it is meaningless.

So after seeing that there is no need to fight anymore, looking at Chi Yanhou's gaze in front of him, after Qing Shi sighed, he said bitterly to Chi Yanhou: "Let's go, this battle, our Qingcheng defeated Now."

Hearing Qing Shi's defeat, Chi Yanhou's proud look grew stronger. At this time, Chi Yanhou's eyes were full of appreciation when he looked at Li Yi in the distance. At this moment, Chi Yan Hou Cai really felt that the decision he made before was really right. At that time, Li Yi should not be allowed to recuperate in Chicheng, let’s not mention that Li Yi did not have too much injury at that time. It can be proved that Li Yi’s role in this battle now proved that Chi was How correct Yan Yan's decision was.

Although Xian Qilin did not pay attention to Chi Yanhou's performance in this battle, he knew that Li Yi could have such an expression, which is actually not a small relationship with Xian Qilin.

But no matter what I say now, Chicheng's victory in this battle is a foregone conclusion, and even Bluestone has personally admitted this. When he heard Qingshi's words, Rao Shichi Yanhou, a strong man who had already practiced to such a degree, almost didn't control his emotions at that moment, and revealed his joy to his face.

You know, in Qingshi's words, Chi Yanhou hasn't heard it for too long. How long it is, I can't remember even Chi Yanhou himself.

Although it cannot be determined for this reason, after this battle, Chicheng has completely reversed the situation with Qingcheng, and the repressed situation of nearly 10,000 years has been completely reversed. But at least one thing that can be confirmed in this battle is that from now on, as long as there can be a battle between the main city where Li Yi and Xian Qilin participate, then in the battle of the strong forces of the Qiyuan realm strength in Chicheng, Chicheng’s Cultivators may have a great advantage.

For this situation, in fact, even the strong men of Qingcheng have no doubt about it. Because the kind of magical performance Li Yi showed before really shocked these Qingcheng powerhouses. If it was not their strongest realm who saw this scene with their own eyes, and it was completely certain that Li Yi must not have suppressed Xiuwei and then participated in the battle of the main city, then in fact they were none of them. Powerful people in the upper realm will not believe that it is just a cultivator of the primary strength of Guiyuan Realm, who can kill all the powerful powers of Guiyuan Realm in a short time and kill them. During the process, he also showed the power of the law of space and the law of time.

In fact, after seeing Li Yi able to make such a performance, the practitioners present also thought of a thing, just because they were unable to tell the situation because of the current situation. After all, whether it is like this or not, Li Yi is now the strength of the first stage of the Guiyuan realm. This situation is not something they can deny. So no matter what is said, the first thing is to let the practitioners of Chicheng leave Qingcheng with the joy of victory.

In this regard, Chi Yanhou is also very clear. He can also guess. The reason why Li Yi has such amazing performance today is definitely because Li Yi has a big secret in him. But as for the secret, Chi Yanhou did not want Qingshi to know. And since he saw that he had won and confessed his defeat from Qingshi's mouth, Chi Yanhou was naturally unwilling to be aggressive. After all, in the eyes of these strong men, in fact, this level of war is not a particularly important thing. In fact, in the eyes of these strong men who have reached this level of strength, although the battle of the main city is very dangerous, but it is It really can only be regarded as a game, or a regular battle. Whether it is suppressed or suppressed, it is actually just a prop between these peerless powerhouses.

This time Chi Yanhou got spiritual satisfaction here in Qingcheng because of Li Yi's bizarre performance. Then Chi Yanhou was naturally ready to take their Chicheng practitioners back to the city with joy. After all, he is an old monster who has been practicing for hundreds of thousands of years. In the face of this kind of thing, although he let him breathe out the bad breath for tens of thousands of years, at this time, Chi Yanhou knew that he should not behave. Not at all.

So after Qingshi conceded defeat, Chi Yanhou also smiled, and after all, he still said to Qingshi a little bit intentionally: "It's easy to say, Bluestone old monster, if you still don't agree, you can continue to attack our Chicheng. No matter who is leading the team Come, my Chicheng monk will accept the move."

After all, Chi Yanhou left Qingcheng with a strong man of the supreme realm of Chicheng in the two cities, who also had a very proud expression on his face.

And when he left, Chi Yanhou was also very happy to leave with many of the soldiers who participated in the war.

Li Yi was also one of them. After feeling the powerful strength of that year, Li Yi was also very happy at this time. At this time, Li Yi didn't even think about how much his position in Chicheng would improve after this battle, and he didn't even bother to think about how many Chicheng strongmen he would get after this battle. Reward.

What Li Yi cares most about now is the feeling he got in this battle. After this battle, although Li Yi only once again felt the power of the law of space and the law of time in that short period of time, and after that this power completely disappeared, and there is no trace of what Li Yi can now master. . But it was because he once again grasped that level of power, so at this time, Li Yi's understanding of space and time also reached a very high level. This level is much higher than other cultivators who are now in the strength of the Guiyuan realm. And after this battle, a trace of the original power that was originally melted in the magic weapon was completely inspired, although it was also completely squandered by Li Yi, which was used to exert that type of supernatural power. But because of this sense of total control of the source of power, Li Yi now has a very high communication ability for the source of power in the body.

In the previous days, although Li Yi successfully recovered the original power in the Luo Temple, and Li Yi had the original power before. However, with Li Yi's current strength, he is actually only able to refine the power of the origin, but he cannot fully integrate the power of the origin into his own body and consciousness. The failure to integrate proves that Li Yi can't really use the power of the source. Although Li Yi was also able to use some of the original power forcibly, and Xian Qilin can actually do this. But in fact, whether it is Li Yi or Xian Qilin, at this stage of strength, it is impossible to truly exert the power of the original power.

Even when Xian Qilin used to kill the powerful player of Qingcheng’s supreme realm, he used the power of the original power in the final blow, but the use of that level is completely a waste of the original power. The power of the power, because the Xian Qilin at that time did not integrate the power of the original source. Although the Xian Qilin has stepped into the supreme realm with one foot, it can only refine the power of the original source. Fusion. Therefore, at that time, Xian Qilin just pushed the source force out of his body very bluntly, and then bombarded the strong man with the highest realm strength.

Although the facts afterwards proved that Xian Qilin's blow really succeeded in killing a strong man with supreme realm strength. But if it wasn't for Xian Qilin, it had always been hidden around the strong man of superior realm strength, and in the end it was an unexpected blow, before successfully killing the strong man of super realm strength. And even then, Xian Qilin used Thunder Fire first to disturb the mind of the strongest realm before successfully killing the opponent with a trace of original power.

However, if Xianqilin is not just a part of the original power in the refining body, but completely integrates the original power, then if the Xianqilin has the original power, it wants to kill a powerful power of supreme realm. In addition, the opponent is still seriously injured, and has not yet cultivated the original power. Under such circumstances, Xian Qilin wants to kill the opponent without any difficulty.

But in fact, when Xian Qilin killed the opponent, he planned for a long time and occupied a large advantage before he managed to kill it. This shows that absorbing the power of the source and refining the power of the source, The power to integrate the source is basically three different levels, and different levels have completely different effects.

So in this battle, Li Yi was able to integrate the power of the source and then use it to exert such a great magical power. For Li Yi, it can be said to be a great opportunity, although Li Yi is able to It is very confident to restore strength, but at this time, Li Yi is also very happy to have such a chance.

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