Moreover, although he is a strong player with high-level strength of the highest realm, if he is allowed to resist this level of attack at this time, even if he has such strength, he will not dare to try it easily.

So at this time, Chi Yanhou was also very optimistic about Wolfe and Tony. After all, their strength is far from their own, and although the magic weapon in Wolfe’s hands is very delicate, and Wolf also sees it, it seems that there is a very delicate defense in that magic weapon. Phalanx. But even if this is the case, he doesn't think that this circle can help Wolfe to resist the bombardment of this kind of sky thunder. Because Chi Yanhou has seen it, this magic weapon is very similar to the one used by Li Yi in the Battle of Qingcheng, and it is also a very sophisticated treasure. But in any case, the level of this [Biquge] magical instrument is not as good as the one held by Li Yi at that time.

At this time, although Chi Yanhou was very concerned about the magic weapon in Wolfe's hands, even if they saw Wolfe, they would not be able to resist the third lightning attack in the past even if they held this magic weapon. Then if they take away their magic weapon at this time, then Wolfe must be mortal. Moreover, even if Wolff and Tony were able to survive the thunder bombardment, but the nun among them was definitely not alive. To this point, the cultivators present did not doubt it at all.

But Chi Yanhou knew that the relationship between this female nun and Li Yi must be extraordinary. So at this time, if you really took away the magic instrument in Wolfe's hands, whether it is Wolfe or Li Yi, you will definitely be grudged against yourself in the future. But for people like them, Chi Yanhou is really inconvenient to directly deal with it. After all, they belong to a group of outside cultivators. If they really do too much, they will certainly be unable to explain to these outside cultivators in the future. So if you want to pay this price, then Chi Yanhou is simply unbearable.

So even though they knew that even Wolfe could use this magic weapon this time to successfully resist the thunder of the past, but even after the success, this magic weapon is definitely impossible to repair. Therefore, at this time, Chi Yanhou has also dispelled his suspicion of this magic weapon.

And Chi Yanhou now seems that even if Wolf has such a magic weapon in their hands, it may not be able to resist the bombardment of Chengdu's past Tianlei. After all, Chi Yanhou saw it before the second blow. Although Wolfe used their magic weapon to display the magic circle, they were already damaged by the second sky thunder. Therefore, at this time, Chi Yanhou also had great confidence in their ability to successfully resist the impact of the third thunder in the past.

But Chi Yanhou did not have confidence in Wolfe, but it did not mean that Wolfe and Tony had given up their resistance this time. After all, this situation is now related to the safety of their lives. If they give up resistance because of damage to the magic circle at this time, it is impossible for someone to save them. Even if Li Yi is here, it is definitely helpless, not to mention that Li Yi's current strength can't even be compared with Wolfe, so they can't be expected at all.

So at this time, Wolf and Tony also knew that now they can only rely on themselves.

The third Sky Thunder vented from the sky. At this time, this Sky Thunder seemed to be faintly transformed into a Thunder Dragon. Even the practitioners of Chicheng who watched from a distance felt vaguely at this time that there was a little sound of dragon chanting in the sky.

Faced with such a degree of thunder, Wolff continued to pinch his tricks when presiding over the magic circle, and it seemed to continue to bless the magic circle. In the end, when the Sky Thunder, which had almost become Thunder Dragon, finally landed on the huge magic circle hosted by Wolf, Wolf and Tony and Alice were in the magic circle. It was shocked in the first time. Especially Alice, at this time her strength is the weakest, so it will be the most unbearable. After the third Sky Thunder bombarded the Wolfen-hosted formation, although the Sky Thunder force did not immerse into the formation, it hurt Wolf and Tony and Alice. But because of the violent impact, the three of them finally got some injuries.

But at this time, Wolfe and Tony did not appear to be in a panic. After all, this kind of injury is really nothing for Wolf and Tony. Although Alice has already suffered serious injuries due to the power of shock, at this time, Alice actually only needs to be able to guarantee her own life safety, and it is not necessary for Alice to distract from the matter of defending against Tianlei.

The power of the third Sky Thunder is really amazing. When he just bombarded the magic circle hosted by Wolf, Wolf felt it. At this time, the power of the power of the third Sky Thunder has reached Several times before the second sky thunder. Although Wolfe was surprised at this, he was fully prepared. However, this time the Thunder Tribulation is very familiar to Wolfe, because the situation in this situation is actually very similar to the experience of the Thunder. Although this level of attack by the power of the Thunder cannot really be compared with the power of the Thunder, but in fact, this model is very similar to the situation of the Thunder. When confronting the enemy among the wild tribes, the magical power of Tianlei exhibited by Li Yi is actually very similar to the situation of thunder. Of course, that's actually the magical power Li Yi realized when he experienced the Three Disasters of Heaven and Dao.

But at that time, Wolfe and Li Yi were both really tough characters. In the face of the impact of that level of thunder, there wouldn’t be any dangerous situation. Even Li Yi could go when he should be robbed. Realizing the fluctuation of the power of Thunder in Thunder Tribulation, and thus realizing the thunder and magical power, from this point alone, it can be seen how strong Wolff and Li Yi were.

But now at this time, Wolf also knows that it is not the time to remember how powerful that year was. The power of the third Sky Thunder is not only very violent, but it is still persistent.

So at this time, when Wolff successfully lived in the terrible power that the third sky thunder had just hit, it was just beginning. Because the power of the continuous sky and thunder is still constantly impacting the Wolfen-presided over. Seeing this, Tony was also squeezing the trick. He did this to give Wolff the greatest help.

Although Tony is not as proficient as Wolfe, and this method was also set up by Wolfe at its peak. So even a person like Tony who is very close to Wolfe doesn't know the essence of this circle. After all, Tony and Wolf are old comrades who have teamed up for many years. At this time, although Tony could not directly help Wolfe to preside over the formation, but with the kind of tacit understanding between them, Tony still knew what he should do.

At this time, Tony's only thing to do is to use his powerful spiritual power to constantly make up for the defects in the circle. Wherever there is a defect, when Wolfe presides over the circle and can't take time to take care of it, Tony will let his spiritual power make up. As long as this can be done, Wolfe will naturally fully utilize Tony's spiritual power, and then transform Tony's spiritual power into the power to supplement the defense of the circle.

The cooperation between the two of them can be described as seamless. In this way, in fact, it is equivalent to the two formation masters constantly presiding over this formation. Of course, this kind of thing is only possible when Wolff exists. After all, at this time, if he was replaced by another person and asked him to preside over the phalanx set up by Wolff, maybe he could barely preside over it, but if he really had to face this critical situation It is very difficult for him to manipulate this magic circle freely. What's more, at this time, there is still another strong man who does not understand the formation of the law is constantly exerting spiritual power, and then the strong man who presides over the large array also has to fully use the spiritual power of the other strong man. And transformed into the power to supplement the defense of the circle.

The cooperation between Wolfe and Tony is naturally impossible to escape the eyes of the strong men in the main city of Akagi. Seeing that the two of them were able to preside over this magic circle that could be broken at any time in this way, the strong guys who were able to understand all this were amazed. Especially those strong people who have studied the formation together, when they saw this scene, they admired Wolf to the extent of the five-body cast. Because although they can’t see what kind of circle the Wolfe is now hosting, they know what it is. The two strong men who have just advanced to the highest realm can resist the highest realm. When the high-level powerhouses made a full blow, despite the constant crisis, they were able to respond in an orderly manner. From this point, it can be seen that this is not the true strength of the two of them, but this The phalanx played a vital role in this period. If it weren't for the fact that this formation is really very subtle, even if Wolfe and Tony's strength is astonishing, it is impossible to do so at this time. Weapons can also be seen by those who have studied the formation method. At this time, although Wolff and Tony joined forces, they can still see that between them, Wolff is the real one. The main force. If it weren't for him to preside over the magic circle methodically at this time, and to constantly transform the spiritual power exerted by Tony, then the two of them must be dead now.

And the female practitioner of the first-level strength in the Guiyuan Realm, if it were not for the existence of such a master of formation, must have turned into ashes. Because of the power of this thunder, even those who watched from the side were very shocked.

Therefore, at this time, many of the main city's formation strong players can't help but sigh: "What kind of character is Wolfe in the end?"

But for the sentiments of the main city powerhouses present, Wolfe did not care at this time. Because all of Wolf’s current thoughts are on presiding over the magic circle and constantly transforming Tony’s spiritual power. Don't look at outsiders now, it seems that Wolff does all this as if he is hand in hand, it seems to be very arbitrary, but at this time, only Wolff himself knows how dangerous his situation is.

If there is an accident now, and there is an accident, then Wolfe, Tony and Alice are sure to face great danger. Because now the two of them put almost all their strengths on this Falun. So if this magic circle really doesn't exist, then the two of them will not have much energy to resist the attack of Sky Thunder. The victory or defeat is here. So at this time, Wolfe must do all he can to deal with this extreme metamorphosis in front of him, so Wolfe naturally has no energy and time to enjoy the power of the supreme realm of power. Praise yourself.

Of course, even if Wolff has the time, he doesn't care what these people say about himself. After all, Wolf is the kind of person who cultivates himself, including Li Yi and Tony, and they never care about what others say about themselves.

As Wolff and Tony continued to cooperate and began to preside over the formation, Alice finally adjusted her injury. After recovering, Alice is now doing everything right. Because the previous situation is actually a very embarrassing situation. After all, the power of Sky Thunder wasn’t actually hitting them, but it was just the power of concussion, and Alice was seriously injured, and then Alice had to recover for so long to recover her injury. . Faced with this situation, Alice was naturally very unwilling. Because from the situation I faced this time, Alice knew that her strength was still too weak after all.

Actually, they and Li Yi are basically the same now. Both of them are the first-level strength of Guiyuan Realm, but at this time, Li Yi has been able to stand alone in the fairy world, so he is facing How could Alice not feel so much about all this.

So now when she recovers and sees that Wolfe and Tony are already busy to the extent to preside over this formation, Alice is also ready to be outdone, and wants to reach out at this time to do her best Power.

Alice knows that although her strength is still very insufficient, Alice will not admit defeat at all. Because among them, there are no guys who will admit defeat. So after seeing this and making up her mind, Alice didn't hesitate at all, and even plucked the tactics, it seemed to help Wolfe to maintain the operation of the magic circle.

Seeing this, in fact, Wolfe and Tony naturally did not want Alice to do so. Because in their view, Alice's identity is very special now, but after all, her strength is still insufficient. So even if you want to help them now, you might not be able to help. So at this time, after seeing Alice's shot, Wolfe and Tony originally wanted to block it.

But thinking about their current situation, they actually have no time to say a word, so seeing this situation, Wolfe and Tony can only block Alice with their eyes, hoping that Alice will not be impulsive at this time. Of course, at this time, even if Alice can't help, she certainly won't do anything. But Wolfe and Tony still don't want Alice to shoot.

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